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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 728newlife

  1. Hey there people!! I was banded in July 2011 and have felt great since!! I haven't lost much weight since Thanksgiving because I have only had one fill and it lasted about 6 weeks before I went back to normal. Had to cancel the last two appts. due to my work schedule. ANYWAY...my problem is port sensitivity. I have had a habit for years of resting things on my belly which is now where my port is. ( under my left breast/rib cage) It feels different from when I originally had it done so I was scared that it has flipped or I had a hernia. I think I ruled out the hernia because I don't have any bulging or soft spots around it. It's almost like I pulled the muscle that it's attached to and it feels like a bruise all the time. Is this normal or should I be worried that something is wrong?? I will be asking my DR once I get back in the office but just thought I'd try all of you first. Please let me know...Thanks!!!

  2. I am 5 months banded and didn't drink for the first 3 months. What I have realized is that I can have a couple drinks (cranberry and vodka with twice as much cranberry) and I feel buzzed until I use the restroom. As soon as I pee, I sober up!! haha...with that said, I can get drunk about three times a night. Pace yourself...On NYE I drank one beverage and did a shot of 100 proof (didn't know it was) at about 1030 and by 1115 I didn't know where I was. It took hours for it to get out of my system. Just take it slow and DO NOT DRIVE!!

  3. I did liquids for a week and a half and had such heartburn from it that I couldn't take it anymore. I decided to do mashed potatoes and noodle Soup four days before my two week check up which was when I was supposed to start mushy foods. I felt so much better after I put some consistancy in my belly! Do small bites and if it settles well do some more..but don't over do it, throwing up is NOT FUN! good luck!!

  4. The hiccups are usually from excess air in your belly..do NOT use straw, smoke or drink carbonated beverages and you'll be fine! I don't ever get the hiccups and I rarely burp. BUT I do rumble..all the time. I can be hungry or full it doesn't matter. I think it's because the food actually can move since I am not so full all the time. I have been banded for 3 and a half months and I dont' regret a second of it!! Good luck all ;)

  5. You are not alone!! I have been a night eater for as long as I can remember. That was one of the main reasons as to why I couldn't lose weight in the first place. Once I had surgery about 3 1/2 months ago all of my cravings stopped because my body completely changed how it craved food. Well once I started eating "real foods" again, it was game over lol. I work second shift so Breakfast isn't until 11am lunch around 3pm and dinner, anywhere from 9-1am!!! I did this for quite awhile and realized I wasn't losing weight. After two weeks I decided it was time to switch it up. I started eating a Protein Bar for breakfast after the gym at 9am then I would snack all day long! Veggies, peanuts, a salad, etc. Then I would eat a decent dinner around 7:30 at work then when I get home from work at 11pm I will munch on chips and salsa. I started losing again thankfully. Just remember to eat small meals all day long to keep your metabolism up and you shouldn't crave as much at night! Good luck ;)

  6. Okay folks, I have almost lost 50 lbs and I feel AWESOME!! I can honestly say that I am very happy with how my body looks right now. I still want to lose another 50 but my confidence is going up everyday. I was not very faithful to working out for the first three months after surgery, which in turn caused me to have sagging skin ;( I haven't had any kids but I look like I have now because of my lower belly being so flabby!!! I work out 3-5 days a week now and I don't know enough exercises to get this to tighten up. My doctor told me that I was young enough and didn't have enough excess skin to worry about plastic surgery but now I am starting to wonder! My breasts are sagging as well which causes you to see the stretch marks, please help!! I want to do whatever I can to tighten up my mid section!! Thanks for the help!!

  7. Mine was more on the mental side. I have fought depression since I was about 16 but I was heavier before than. I can not remember weighing less than 220 lbs all the way back to high school. Once I started college it was all about drinking 5 nights a week and eating taco bell or waffle house at 3am every one of those nights. I gained 60 lbs in college. I have tons of amazing memories, but the weight was always a nightmare. After college I moved to NC felt like I was slowly dying at 275lbs so I kicked it into gear and lost 60 lbs. Once I felt the missing of family it brought on guilt of leaving parents and 12 yr old brother...over a year I gained all 60+ back and was at 279 at surgery. I have always been an emotional eater. Didn't matter if it was boredom, loneliness, eating because I knew no one was there to see how much I ate. Guilt, depression, and not loving myself is why I am/was fat. Thank God for counselingbiggrin.gif

  8. I haven't been banded nearly as long as any of you folks, but I think I can give a little advice on the mentality of the surgery. I knew that 90% of my eating was in my head. My doctor would not do the surgery until I was in counseling first because I was an emotional eater and had issues with coping (boyfriend passing) along with abandonment. I was in it for 3 months before surgery and I truly believe that my success thus far is because of that! I needed to find myself again and realize that I was worth living a better life. I needed to get past all the bullsh*t in my life and focus on myself instead of everyone else around me. It took lots of tears and I was scared to death!! With that said, I really believe that therapy is a necessity with any bariatric surgery. I would tell every single person that decides to do this to talk to someone before the surgery happens to make sure they are strong enough to deal with the changes and figure out why they got to 200 or 300 lbs in the first place.

  9. I understand how you are feeling!! I just got my first fill on Tuesday and I was scared as well. I lost about 3 lbs a week for the first two months then I started to plateau. I had two weeks where I stayed the same and that's when I knew I was ready. I went to the doc and explained how much I was eating and how guilty I felt for eating as much as I was. It wasn't bad food or even over-eating, just more than I was used to for post surgery meals, he said yup..you're ready! Two weeks later I had a fill. Since Tuesday, I have had some heartburn and had to start eating slower and chewing better, but I haven't vomited AT ALL since surgery. Once you start to realize what you need to do it's not hard to go back to those first two weeks post surgery. You'll be fine!! If you are still losing I would maybe wait..once you stop losing for two weeks or more I would say you're ready. The longer you go without losing the longer it takes to get it off!! Good luck!

  10. Hey JoJo,

    I had my first fill yesterday and it was much easier than I had expected!! When my band was put on it had 2.5 cc in it already(which I didn't know) and now I am at 4 cc all together. I definitely notice a difference. I am finally eating once cup at a time. I did that for about a month but gradually got to regular meals over the last three weeks. My doctor told me to do liquids for two days and mushy for two more days then back to my regular diet. I did liquids yesterday and soft foods today and prolly will tomorrow then will go back to my normal diet. I just ate slow and small bites to make sure it didn't make me sick. I have a problem with lots of liquids giving me bad heartburn so I don't tolerate it well..haha. Four weeks of liquids in the beginning traumatized me!! Good luck with your journey...it sounds as well as mine!

  11. Mine is under my rib cage on the left side but more to the middle of my belly. I was surprised at first because I was expecting it to be on the left side more than it is...but I haven't had any problems. I can feel it, you can't see it and the only issue I have had was at work because I am used to resting clipboards on my stomach and now that its much smaller I put it where the port is out of habit. It'll ache every once in awhile but it's self inflicted lol....I am glad mine is where it is.

  12. I am in North Carolina and I had mine in a surgery center. Got there at 6am, went into surgery at 7:45 and was out at 8:30. I sat in recovery for a little over an hour and was headed home by 10:00 They made sure I went pee and was able to walk/talk/drink before I left. I was loopy and achy the first two days but after that I felt better everyday. The center even called me to make sure I was happy with my services about 5 days post op. EVERY single person there introduced themselves to me, shook my hand and made me feel like I was their number one priority which is what I needed because it was my first time having surgery...ever. I wouldn't change my experience for the world!!!! Good luck!!!

  13. The only thing confusing me in this thread is that we are all here for the same reason and that is a decision to better our lives in ALL aspects!! We all have this in common so why let it also tear us apart?? If you don't understand the questions, then ask questions..no need to be so harsh in the process. I come here to give advice and get it in return. If I don't like the topic then I don't respond..maybe some of you should do the same.

  14. Newbie- I can tell you this, it wasn't for nothing!! You've lost a considerable amount of weight so far and the fills are here to help us out because we can't do it on our own. Utilize all of the aspects of this surgery to better yourself day by day. If you get down it'll be harder to stay on track. I have been like that for a couple weeks now because I don't want to go to the gym. I feel like I am holding myself back, but if I was able to do so before hand then I probably wouldn't have had the surgery in the first place!!! With that said, good luck and I will keep you updated!!

  15. Hey all, I am getting my first fill Tuesday morning!! I am about two and a half months post surgery and have been doing well up to three weeks ago. Started eating "regular" sized meals, not over eating or eating what I used to...but I have felt guilty after consuming more than 1000 calories a day and I am at 1300-1500 calories a day. I am ready for a fill to have the restriction I need and want but scared of the process..how does it feel and what should I do afterwards to make sure I don't get sick?? Thanks for the help!!

  16. The Biggest Loser DVD's are nothing to mess with!! I was banded July 28, 2011 and just started back with them! I did them years ago and they will kick your butt. I own the boot camp and weight loss yoga with Bob! He is just as mean lol...but you don't move as much because of the poses but your body shakes the WHOLE TIME!!! If I could recommend any of them it would be the yoga very good for strength training and all you need is your body!

  17. I started my journey 10 months before surgery. I was ready for the physical changes, the attention, the shopping, even the surgery to a certain extent. BUT the emotions...holy cow!! Was not prepared for that. I was actually told to get into counseling before surgery because of my relationship with food. I was in it for three months before I had surgery. It was the best thing I have ever done in my life. I cried, laughed, screamed and any other emotion you could think of. I hated myself. Once I realized that I was strong enough to handle these changes and I would be a better person at the end, I was full force!! I haven't stopped counseling just to keep me in line but for the first time in years I feel like my future is worth living because I am worth it!!! Take the emotions as they come, sit with yourself and just breathe. Take it in and remember how you feel during all of this because it will change you forever. Good luck!!

  18. Best advice it to listen to your body!! I was on clear broths and Water for about a week after surgery...protein shakes didn't work AT ALL!! I decided that if my belly is growling than I am feeding it!! I started with some ramen noodles...only about two or three spoon fulls just to try and if that didnt' make me vomit then I would try one more the next night. I spaced it out..waited about 3 or 4 minutes in between just to make sure it went down well. On day 10 (four days early) I started mashed potatoes with a little milk in them and yogurt and stuffing! I was in heaven!!! That was all I needed and I almost felt like I started to heal faster. Heartburn was better as well because the liquids were making it worse. Drink water...it helps you heal. Other than that within the first two weeks just take small, small samples to make sure you can handle it. I recommend that you eat with a baby spoon it controls it perfectly!! Good luck in the future!!

  19. Well I have read many of the responses on here and I personally would be surprised if you haven't lost any weight after surgery. I was banded 7 weeks ago and since surgery I have lost 20 lbs. I lost 14 over the two week liquid diet before surgery, so 34 all together. Since surgery I have averaged about 2-3 lbs a week which is what my doctor told me to keep as a goal. I go for my first fill in two weeks which will take me from 1300 calories a day to about 1000 which is where I am now comfortable eating. I went to whole foods pretty easily and faster than recommended but I was so hungry on the liquids that I was nauseous. I listened to my body and it was been a perfect relationship...no vomiting at all and I eat when I am hungry, that's it. I would talk with the doc about not losing weight, mainly because you could be retaining Fluid or something. I was in pain and doubted the surgery for the first two weeks, into week three I was healed and felt awesome. After week 5 my incisions were healed and now I feel better than I have in 5 years. Be patient and ask questions....as much as you need to in order to feel comfortable with your body!!!! Good luck ;)

  20. Hey girl, here is a little insight as to how I felt the first two weeks after surgery:

    I came home from the hospital and day one wasn't so bad. My belly was swollen and didn't hurt at all. The gas pains were so bad that I would just lye there and cry while my mom rubbed my back. I walked, walked and walked. Day two through five was better. Heartburn was there constantly and swelling was still there but i slept well and some of the gas pains went away. I went back to work on day 6...from there until day 10 I was in hell. I hurt from head to toe, my chest felt like I was having a heart attack and my stomach growled all day everyday!!! I was scared I made the wrong decision as well and wanted the band OUT! I decided that if I was going to live with this I needed to make it work. Even though I hadn't been back to the doctor yet, I figured no one knows my body the way that I do, so I started eating mashed potoatos and Soup WITH noodles. I needed consistancy to fill me up and Protein shakes were not staying down infact they made the heartburn worse. That was when life started to get easier...I went to the doc at 2 weeks post op and he said it was okay to do that early because I did a small bite, waited 5 min and felt okay so I just eased my way into it. I am not 6 weeks post op and have lost a total of 31 lbs. I feel AMAZING!!! I do not regret a day of the pain, hunger, hearthburn or money spent!!! I feel like I have been reborn and this is who I am supposed to be! Good luck on your journey and I hope you feel the way I do once you get past the first two-three weeks!!

  21. Hey girl, here is some options to help with the gas pains!! I was banded on July 28th and for the first two weeks I really thought I made a mistake. I was scared I did the wrong thing!! I walked, and walked, and walked for four days. I also stretched ALOT!! About three or four times a day I would grab the counter and just lean back to stretch my back and shoulders. I would also sit on the floor and touch my toes (barely) just to disperse the gas through out my body. I stuck to liquids for about a week and a half then my tummy was growling so bad I felt nauseous so I started on some Soup with thin noodles and mashed potatoes with some milk added to them. Just to have some consistency in my stomach! You didn't make a mistake, I promise! You will not regret a day of this. After about a week the gas pains went away, after week two I knew what caused the heartburn and what didn't. The liquids actually made my heartburn alot worse! I am down 31 pounds and feel awesome! Good luck on your journey ;)

  22. To be honest, I would be worried if it was your band if it's in your breast. I have lost 27lbs and I can feel the port very much in my belly but I am assuming that my band is under my abdomen and deep enough for that to not ever happen! Atleast I hope it is. I would definitely get it checked out. May be a cyst??

    Good luck!

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