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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by georgiarose77

  1. So just an update I saw my surgeon again today and was really straight with him. He basically said that sometimes the surgery just doesn't work for some people. He removed most of the Fluid so that there is only 2ml in there to try and kick start my metabolism and get me into some healthy eating. He said the only weight loss surgery that he think would work for me is a gastric bypass, which I am very hesitant to have. Anyone have any thoughts?

  2. I am only overfilled for the moment - who knows what it will be next month. I can be anywhere from 5ml to 7ml fill. Elcee I do wonder about my hormones does that kind of stuff not show up on blood work. I don't really eat slider food - any foods I can get down I try to make sure it has nutritional value. For example I slow cook my mince with as many vegetables and lentils as I can. I don't drink any calories no soft drink or juice. I limit myself to 2 skim milk coffees per day. I have to drink lots of Water for the vommitting. I never really took measurements per se but I am still the same size in my clothes. In regards to working out I am definately more toned and less floppy - but I still look huge =( I just can't seem to shift the fat.

  3. Hi my name is Georgia and I am from Queensland, Australia.

    Come September 2012 will be my first year after the surgery, and to date I have lost less than 5kgs/10 pounds.

    I am 21 years old and 97kg/213 pounds and 165cm tall.

    To begin with I had the perfect surgery, no complications whatsoever and only 4 entry points to my abdomen. I was out of hospital within 24hrs.

    Btw I have a Swedish adjustable lap band with 7ml capacity.

    I went home healed perfectly and waited to see results.. and waited and waited.

    Originally I wasn't exercising, but for the last 6 months I have trained every weekday with a personal trainer for an hour of gruelling pain.

    I watch what I eat (even though I can barely eat anymore anyway.)

    I have seen four dieticians and a food psychologist.

    Been back to my surgeon 16 times for 10 adjustments - my band is currently over-filled to 8ml. Every time he assures me we just need to find my ‘sweet spot.’

    I have travelled interstate to receive a second opinion from another surgeon to no avail.

    No one seems to know how to help me and no matter what they do nothing changes.

    I have had every test know to man, barium swallow, full blood work, thyroid and x-rays - I am medically perfect!

    I even had the contraceptive bar removed from my arm and am on absolutely no medication except for pariet for reflux.

    I vomit every day pretty much every meal. I can't eat in public anymore unless I know where the toilet is and if I can get there unnoticed. It has become a real mental and debilitating issue for me.

    I can't eat Breakfast or even swallow Water quickly in the morning, lunch is usually salad or scrambled eggs and dinner is something light like Soup or mince.

    I haven't been able to eat bread, rice, Pasta, Cereal, pastry or oats since the surgery - so basically no carbs. And definitely nothing like steak. I am allergic to seafood. I have completely cut sugar from my diet.

    I don't have any children, I work full time, study law full time and sleep well.

    On paper I am the perfect lap-band complication free success story - but I haven't lost any weight.

    I have never been overweight before, up until I was 18 I weighed a healthy 62kg/136 pounds then within 18 months I gained 40kgs/88 pounds. I don’t know this happened, as I didn’t dramatically change my lifestyle at all.

    It is the most horrible thing after spending so much money, time and effort to see no results. I cannot explain how upsetting it feels every time I see my family looking at me expectantly – only to disappoint them and myself. I went clothes shopping for the first time in a long time and absolutely broke down in Target to find that I was exactly the same clothes size as before the surgery.

    Everyone else, who has had problems, seems to have a slippage or something else wrong or can’t take the fills. I don’t have any of these troubles. I have included an x-ray of my band and its position.

    Any one have any ideas? I am at my wits end I don't know what more I can do or what is wrong with me. I am young, fit, healthy and trying everything =(



  4. Hi I just joined today!

    I have been seriously considering surgery for about 3 months now and have my first appointment with my surgeon on Monday.

    I want to lose about 66 pounds - to be around what I used to be. I put the weight on in 2 years.

    I'm just really nervous and feeling a bit grossed out after watching a video of the surgery on youtube =( but I I really want this and I have tried everything else.

    I would just like some words of wisdom and advice, I am gng on my own for this my family are completely un-supportive =(

    I don't have a massive pain threshold - and I want to know honestly how long it hurts for.

    I also am a single- parent of twins who are at preschool - will I need help looking after them for the first week?

    Thanks so much to who ever can answer my questions I really appreciate it =)

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