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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by justmermp

  1. justmermp

    Water Retention

    Before lap band I had high water retention and the doctor had me on 25 mg of Hydroclorothiazide. After my LB surgery I wasn't having the problem and quit taking them. Now I've been retaining so much I'm blowing up again. In fact went to see the LB doc on Wednesday and had gained 11 pounds since my prior appointment 3 weeks earlier (really?!!!!)...and now 2 days later I weigh myself and I'm down 12 pounds since Wednesday. Any suggestions??
  2. justmermp

    SF Fudgecicles okay during liquid diet?

    Thank you!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. justmermp

    SF Fudgecicles okay during liquid diet?

    If they aren't sugar free do they say sugar free on the box? Wondering what the box looks like ~ lol
  4. justmermp

    SF Fudgecicles okay during liquid diet?

    I have never seen sugar free Fudgecicles - I *MUST* have these!! Where did you find them??
  5. justmermp

    Vitamins & The Lap Band

    I've been taking the Bariatric Advantage VitaBand chewable vitamins, dry vitamin D and Sublingual B12. I am tiring of the 2 big multivitamin taste but I feel so much better when I take them. How is the sweetner in the isotonic stuff? I can't handle a Crystal light because they have too much sweetner so I worry about that. I like the idea but am curiouse about that.
  6. I had only planned on my husband, mother and in-laws knowing but come to find out, my husband told the neighbors and my mother in law has told her whole side of the family and everyone at the nail salon I go to. I was very disappointed to find this out but I guess I should have made it clear I didn't want everyone to know!! I just don't think it's anyone's business unless I choose it to be. Oh well!
  7. justmermp

    not feeling full

    Hi Jewels I was banded 7/26/2011 and I know right where you are at!! I was given a 'small fill' at the time of my surgery and that did really well for 3 weeks. By week 4 I told my doctor I wasn't feeling restriction so he gave me a .5 fill. Here I am two weeks later and 4 pounds more and I feel like I have NO restriction. I called my doctors office and the soonest they could see me was 2 weeks later (from when I called - appt. is next week). I eat healthy. Love salads and seafood and chicken so thats not a problem. I got the band so it would help me control the amount I ate. Right now everything is like a 'slider' food and it's frustrating!! I know, I know, 'practice self control'. Do call your doctor dear. Let them know you're not feeling restriction and you'd like to come in sooner for your next fill. Good luck
  8. justmermp

    Anyone from Texas?

    Hi there~ I'm in Fort Worth and was banded 7/26/2011. Hope your surgery went well. Fill free to write any time.
  9. justmermp

    Banded this morning Sept. 1

    Hi there! I'm not Cathy or Cindy but I did see your post about wanting the weight ticker. Here's the link http://www.tickerfactory.com/ezticker/ticker_designer.php?type=3
  10. justmermp

    Trying to get protein levels up-protein shakes?

    I did fine on the Protein drinks pre-surgery for 7 days but after my surgery I couldn't stand the smell from across the room. My taste buds had changed and I couldn't do them anymore. After a week of only being able to drink Water (and 1 bottle of water in that week) I went back to my doctor and he told me about liquid Protein shakes. Small 3 oz vials that pack 42 grams of protein. I will say even they were difficult for me to get down because since my surgery I can't really take sweet too much and these are sorta heavy in the aspartame sweetner but it was less liquid to drink for more grams of protein. http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=YQ-1021
  11. justmermp

    Who set your goal weigh?

    Okay. I'm confused on this 65%. Does this mean if I start out at 250 I can lose 162.50 pounds or I can only get down to 162.50 pounds?
  12. justmermp

    Eating Poll

    Although I've only been banded for not quite over 6 weeks I would have to say A and a bit of B. Breakfast is usually fruit (strawberries, watermelon or a banana) lunch is usually a Lein Cuisine or Grilled chicken salad and dinner It's usually baked or grilled Chicken or boiled shrimp or crab with salads. I love salads. This week is my first week eating beef tacos. Pre lap band I could easily put away 6 to 7 tacos and the other night when I had them I was able to eat 3. I was disappointed in myself that I ate that much!!! I'm still waiting on restriction!! I did buy a small (lol, normal) bag of coconut m&m's and had 2 a day. First time in my life I didn't dust m&m's in one sitting.
  13. justmermp


    Since I don't know what type of pasta you ate nor how much try going here and see if this helps you find the calories: http://caloriecount.about.com/tag/food/pasta Hope that helps!
  14. justmermp

    Who set your goal weigh?

    @ Helen098 - I just picked my own. I figure my body will tell me where it wants to be but I know where I'd like to be. @nu2ywg - is that 65% of the weight you started out at? If so, thats great!
  15. justmermp

    Help - Fill informaiton

    Thats the problem. Since I lost so much my fat band has shrunk and I began to get my hunger back again and I'm wanting to eat more. I thought lap band would help me with the amount I ate....and it has...i just feel it should be less. I'm not sure how much they gave me at the time of my surgery but last week he put in .5 so i suppose that is 1/2 cc? I will try to be patient instead of calling the doctor. I'm just afraid I'm going to gain weight and I don't want that to happen. Thank you!!
  16. I was banded 7/26/2011 and was told I got a small fill at that time. I received my first after surgery fill on 8/24. Here I am 1 week later and I don't notice a difference. I've read through the thread where it says it can take a few days to up to 4 weeks to 'feel the fill'. Really? I'm due to go back in 4 weeks for another fill. Should I call to see the doctor for more of a fill or ??? Thanks!
  17. Glad I could help share another posters post
  18. justmermp

    Help!!! Pain!!!!!!

    Keep us updated! Hope your doc calls soon!!
  19. Hi Pam, I've been reading anything I could get my hands on regarding lapband for over 2 years now. I found this website right before I was banded on 7/26/2011. After 33 pounds lost and 4 weeks of being banded I noticed I was feeling hungry for the first time and was even able to get more food down. This worried me and I found a post here that gave me another understanding of the band. I hope this helps you. http://www.lapbandta...ls-and-refills/
  20. justmermp

    Help!!! Pain!!!!!!

    I've had heartburn/reflux for years and to me it fills like someone has poured a bit of acid in the upper part of my belly. I was banded 7/26/2011 and had a severe hiatial hernia repaired. My doctor said to make sure I don't lie down for at least 4 hours after I eat. I stick to that but I do get random stomach aches. I've got them in the middle of the night and in the mornings when I wake up and they aren't heartburn or reflux.
  21. Hi J, I went through True Results 888-275-2405 or www.trueresults.com. They called me the instant I pressed enter to have a rep call me. I was able to complete my beginning paperwork, met with a patient representative and have some pre-testing with them in week 1. They gave me choices of doctors in my area and another area and I chose to meet with Dr. Snow. I had my insurance approval within a week of submitting and I have UHC also. Different companies have different policies so you'll have to see if your covers it. I had not paid all of my 'out of pocket' so insurance covered it 90% for me. I was able to do everything and have my surgery in a months time.
  22. justmermp

    Abnormal EKG

    Certainly. They went in through my groin up into my heart and then they release a dye which shows if there are any blockages.
  23. justmermp

    Dr. Robert Snow - Dr. Snow

    I agree! Love his attitude and easy bed-side manner. His staff is great as well. Jennifer rocks. She was there for me when I was at a low point with my energy levels.
  24. justmermp


    Awesome!! You did good and it looks great!
  25. justmermp

    Abnormal EKG

    I did. I was told by the anesthesiologist I had an abnormal EKG and that there was something going on with the left side of my heart. I had to see a cardiologist and obtain a clearance. The cardiologist did an EKG and then scheduled me for a stress test the next day. The day after that the results of the stress test and pictures were that he was 70% sure I had a blockage. The next day I was scheduled for an angiogram where I was 100% clear. No blockages!! Got my clearance and had my band surgery. Good luck to you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
