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Phoenix Rising

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    Well, todays exercise was bowling. Proper bowling not wii bowling. The whole family went and we had such a laugh. Ok, I am not a brilliant bowler, in fact because I have weak wrists I can hardly lift the bowling ball, but I do enjoy doing it. (We don't go that often - I think this is the third time in five years!!!) It is so expensive by the time you have two lanes with everybody doing it. My granddaughter loves it too. She still has to use the kiddy helper thing to get the bowling ball where it should be. (My technical knowledge is vast isn't it!!!!) Bless her heart she scored higher than me. Oh well, she enjoyed beating me. So now I am tired but happy, as not only did I bowl, I walked up three flights of stairs to get there and walked down afterwards too. No lifts for me anymore.
    I guess that is an NSV right there. I didn't have to use the lift! That is a first for me. I also had to dig out some smaller skirts as most of my usual outfits have a habit of sliding to the floor. Woohoo!
    Everything else is pretty much the same as I have not lost any more weight, but feel sure that I will start losing again soon. I just have to be patient. (not my strongest point).
    How is everyone else doing? I long to be able to report the pounds are melting off me, but like I say, the scale isn't moving. I do feel thinner though. I think I am finally starting to see a difference when I look in the mirror. Small changes, but they all do add up in the end don't they.
  2. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    Well, I am still on a stall, but I have decided that if that is what my body needs to do right now then I should help it all I can to feel comfortable enough to start losing again. So I am trying to chill out, and not worry about the scale. (I have put it away for awhile) I figure my body has always been pretty good to me, and when it feels happier it will let go of more weight. I guess it is a case of 'catch up' , and by that I mean my mindset as well as my body.
    So, to help my mind feel better, I took some more measurements. Whoohoo! Another three inches bite the dust!!!!! Wow in the last year and a bit I have lost over 27 inches all over my body. That is amazing. Ok, with those sorts of changes I can begin to understand why my body needs some adjustment time. Besides, this isn't a race, this is the rest of my life. So slow and steady does it.
    I have taken other peoples advice and found some flavoured waters that agree with me, so I have a change from squashes which is great as I was getting really bored with them. The other night my husband had steak with all the trimmings, and I had a small piece of his steak (2 x 1 inch) with a fried egg. I ate all the steak (which was so lovely and juicy) and the yolk of the egg and I was full up. Hooray. I love the fact that these small amounts of food are more than enough. I am also delighted that I am able to eat everything I try. My sleeve is so well behaved, and good to me. :wub:
    I am still keeping up with the daily walking and the step every other day and feel quite proud of myself that I am doing it. Usually, if I am not losing I get bored or fed up and quit for a while. My step work is improving and I am thinking of moving on to the harder stuff soon. (At the moment I just repeat the easy stuff about 10 times.) I may leave it a bit longer though as I know how long it took me to feel okish about the easy stuff. I still don't like my feet leaving the floor, but I guess it is getting easier.
    I have a dr's appointment for my first proper check up since my op next week, so will let you all know how that goes. Hopefully I will be able to report a bit more weightloss, but if not, nevermind.(perhaps I should change my name to tortoise!)
    Best wishes to everyone
  3. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    How is everybody doing out there? I have been eating slowly, drinking well and trying to keep up with the exercise programme. You will all be relieved to know that I am improving on the step aerobics, I can almost get through the first three minutes without a mistake now. I can't seem to get through the rest of the time without at least one or two 'heading the wrong way' moments, but hey, it is better than before.
    On the down side I have not lost anymore weight for some time, yes I know, I probably am losing inches, my body is playing catchup, etc.etc etc. I know all this, but it doesn't make me feel any better! So this is me having a hissy fit !!!!!*****!!!!!****!! I was stamping my feet too!
    Do I feel any better, no not really, but I figured I might get some help here on what to do to make the scale move again? How did you guys get things moving again? What magic formula did you use? I am drinking plenty, eating mainly protein only with the odd spoonful of veg, I even have started to eat fruit again (apples and oranges) well, parts thereof. What else should I be doing. I am walking everyday and doing step every other day. I am trying to remain positive, and that includes not getting on the scale everyday, but it is soooooooooooo hard. How long 'usually' does the first stall last? Some feedback would be much appreciated, please.
    I am also looking for something else to drink as I am getting fed up of sugar free squash. I don't drink coffee as I don't like it, and rarely have tea (black no sugar) so what else can I drink as I have started to dream about diet coke (that used to be my go to drink). I have semi skimmed milk, lemon, orange and blackcurrant squash but long for something else but don't know what!
    My meals have widened in variety, sometimes I have a weetabix in milk for breakfast, at other times I will have a dry fried egg and a grilled slice of bacon. I can usually eat most of the bacon and the yolk of the egg, but I don't always manage to finish the white. All good protein. I am also longing to eat something with a bit of a crunch to it. How long did people wait before they tried a cracker or something similar?
    I eat alot of fish and have had a very small portion of shepherds pie (homemade so low fat etc) how long before I can try a bit of steak (something else I have been dreaming of)? Sorry this entry is a bit of a downer, I promise to cheer up again soon
  4. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    I decided I could not stand another day on liquids only and just had to have something slightly thicker or chewier to eat. So I decided to have a boiled egg with a few shavings of cheese. I mashed it all down to pulp and added some salad cream to make it moist. OMG, it was just heavenly, delicious, the very best egg I have ever eaten. I ate it with a teaspoon, chewing extremely well and it went down like nectar. I ate the whole egg!!!! That did surprise me, as most people seem to only be able to eat about three teaspoons of anything. I waited half an hour before I had a drink again, and I had no problems whatsoever.
    I am delighted that I am making progress but seriously worried by how much I can eat! I even checked out my paperwork to see what size bougie(?) they gave me, it was a 32.
    Can anyone else out there do this, this early in the process? (I am thirteen days out from my op) Strictly speaking I should not have mushies until tomorrow, but hey, I have had nothing but liquids for the last month and was getting desperate. The other question I have is this, does your weightloss stop when you eat mushies? Or do you carry on losing as your meal/s are so small? Or is this what causes your first 'stall'? I know your body does stall, in fits and starts, so I won't get too worried if this happens; but I would like to know ahead of time so that I am mentally prepared for it.
    Thanking everyone in advance for any help they may give
  5. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    Well, you guessed it, I couldn't resist the lure of the scales and just had to weigh myself again today. Not counting my extra water weight that I lost, I am now down 4lbs WooHoo. I did promise myself that I wouldn't weigh myself all the time and I will try harder to keep to that. Once a week is more than enough and gives my body a chance to really lose some too.
    I am still very happy and high in spirits, we are having a very early and warm spring here and everything in the garden is lovely which is making me feel good too. I am now starting to see the difference in myself too. Not huge differences, just little things. Like, it is easier to climb my stairs now. I can bend easier to do up my shoes and I actually have a neck (who knew!).
    Now I must go and change my ticker, if I can, I have been having a problem with that. It may be the computer or more likely is that I am doing the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong place. Wish me luck.
  6. Phoenix Rising
    Hi Everyone,
    You will all be delighted to hear that my water weight has gone. My water tablets really kicked in this morning and I lost 7lbs in 2.5 hours. Woohoo! So I am back at my pre op weight. Now I hope to watch the scale drop again and again for 'real' weight loss.
    Had a lot more energy today, was able to go to a class, go shopping and for a good walk too. I collected a brooch I had had made from my Grandmother's and Mother's wedding rings today, it is so beautiful. I had a diamond inserted where the rings crossed as the diamond was my Mother's birthstone. I lost her just 22 months ago and miss her so very much. She would have been my biggest supporter and cheerleader too. Now I can wear her ring next to my heart every single day. It helps me feel that she is close by.
    Everything is still going well, my incisions are healing nicely and I still have no problems with fluids and protein etc. I haven't felt hungry once yet. Does that continue? Please tell me it does. It is making everything bearable, because I can see food, watch others eat and not be bothered one little bit. Long may it continue. Thanks for the comments ladies, I knew I could rely on you to help me through the iv fluid drama. If I can help anyone else just let me know.
  7. Phoenix Rising
    Hi everyone,
    Another good nights sleep last night. I was even able to lie down in bed properly. The first night I slept almost sitting up in bed. The best bit was this morning, I was able to get up out of bed by myself and it didn't hurt at all. I was ultra cautious but it was not a problem. Great, that had been one of my worries.
    I also seem to be able to drink a lot easier than many on here. I am not sure why, I tend to sip slowly but am still able to get a lot down. I have had milk, orange squash, chicken soup and milk mixed with chocolate protein and have been able to tolerate everything. I am so thrilled that everything seems to be going so well, although a little voice at the back of my head keeps saying 'it's too easy, something must be wrong', 'perhaps they didn't really take out your stomach and it's still too big!'
    I suppose we all second guess every move we make in the very beginning of this journey. My medication is getting easier to swallow, and now my brain is working I don't have to totally rely on my long suffering husband. (although I do tend to - as he loves to take care of me)
    If anyone has any questions that I can answer then I most certainly will. If I can help others as so many have helped me I will feel that I have been able to give a little back.
    Still on a high, happy with my decision and happy with life. Love to all
  8. Phoenix Rising
    Being super cool and organised I thought I would get my case packed. Got it down the other day ready to do that. Washed a variety of old nighties and my dressing gown so they were ready. Decided that my slippers could really do with a freshening up.
    Big Mistake! I bunged them in the washing machine which promptly decided to eat them!!! Arrrrrrrrgh!
    Luckily for me my lovely husband went straight out and bought me a new pair to wear in hospital (ain't love grand). He really is a wonderful husband and he looks after me so well.
    I am still doing the milk diet, but it is getting really boring now. Oh well, only two more full days then I get my op. Hooray. It really can't come quick enough now. I have also been changing my 'tracker' as I have lost another pound, and realised that this year I have lost more weight than ever before in my life. WOW! I did a double take when I realised that I was nearly (well 5lbs off) under 300lbs. I have not been that low for twenty years. Ok, I know 300 is not low by any means, but when you have been as big as I have for as long as I have it is amazing. All this even before my op. I have been walking around with a stupid big grin on my face all day. It also means I have less to lose after my operation which just makes me soooooooo happy.
    Today I feel invincible. I am trying to memorise exactly how this feels so later on if things get hard and difficult I can boost my morale with the memory of this feeling.
    Yay me
  9. Phoenix Rising
    Well thank you one and all who added comments here. I had trouble working out how to read them and I am still not sure if I have worked it out. You will probably have guessed that I am barely computer literate, and struggle with how to get it to work for me.
    So.......I do know how to add an entry to my blog and figure I can answer you all that way until I learn or better still someone tells me what to do.
    To Afro_Cyster, Yes I am doing liquids only except for a sugar free jelly (which goes down like liquid so I don't think I can call it a 'meal.
    To amencorner, Not just milk, but an oxo drink, water and squash too along with the jelly mentioned above.
    To rebecka, Thanks for the lemon and hot water tip, that really helped.
    To kimmy*custis, There seem to be so many different pre op diets both here in England and in America. I figure if that is what my doctor wants that is what he gets, he certainly knows more than I do, as this is my first and only sleeve. Or will be on the 19/3.
    You will all be pleased to hear that today was not too bad. Still tough but not as bad as yesterday. I have kept myself busy and whenever I felt hungry I had yet another drink of water or orange squash. So apart from spending an incredible amount of time in the loo!!!! Things are going well. Thank you all for your kind wishes and helpful words.

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