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Everything posted by lamsunshine

  1. lamsunshine

    Surgery Monday! 9/13

    It is your time, and it is going to be fine. We are all here for you. I wish you a great surgery and speedy recovery. It really is not that bad, I promise you. I'm just a little over a week post-op, and am feeling wonderful. You will be n my thoughts and prayers, Monday. Let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it.
  2. lamsunshine

    Hello All

    Welcome to VSG, it is a great place with alot of supportive people, and alot of great information. I wish you luck in your journey. Keep us posted, we are all here for you. PS I'm not the best writer myself.
  3. So I just got off with the nutrionist, ans she advanced me to the next level which is full liquids. I was excited, and thought no more broth. Then my mom says I'm already doing bad, that I am thinking about and getting excited about the next level of food, and that I should use up all of the broth that I bought. I want to scream. I told her if she was on broth and jello for a week she would be excited to be able to have cream soups. I'm very upset, and am fixing to lose it. I don't think that just because I'm excited to actually eat anything besides broth and jello makes, me going back to my old ways. I don't think I'm mis using my sleeve already if I was I would of cheated, and I am just to scared to do that. I don't think thinking about food is bad, do you? I think it is a human thing to do. just because I had my surgery does not make all the other food in the world look bad to me. They even think I should sit there and eat dinner with them when they are all eating regular food, and I'm eating broth and jello they could not understand why I did not want to sit and watch them eat. COME ON PEEP's give me a break. Thanks for listening to me as always.
  4. lamsunshine

    Need to vent

    Oh, Green yogurt, in middle of tomato soup, what type of green yogurt, is is sugar free, I see another way to get protein down. I'm sipping on sugar free hot chocolate, and it taste amazing. My neighbor down the way made me homemade cream of brocolli soup, and it was another wonderful thing. I'm starting to realize, I can still have good tasting things, and not be bad, or feel guilty. Thanks for your support. I just don't want my mom or anyone to make me feel guilty because I enjoy a certain food, or look forward to eating scrambled eggs in a couple of weeks, etc. and sure a big fat juciey hamburger sounds great, but I know that is not possible right now, and would never do anything to hurt myself or my sleeve. I totally think she believes I will not be able to certain foods the rest of my life, and of course she knows it all so it is hard to tell her otherwise. DOn't get me wrong I love my mom, but as you can see she really gets on my last nerve. Thanks again everyone for making feel like I'm ok, and not being bad.
  5. lamsunshine

    Changing Tastes: What were the big surprises for you?

    I was the same way, that is all I used to drink was Crystal Lights lemonade before surgery,and a couple of days after surgery, I tried it and it tasted like gross Water to me. I then tried almost every flavor Crystal light, and can not seem to tolerate it, and even tried the Koolaid, only thing I can really get down is Decaf Ice-T with sweetner.
  6. lamsunshine

    14 days out and I feel...

    I said those exact words, when they woke me after surgery, and the entire night. "what did I do", LOL (it is funny now looking back on it, but not then I really thought I was going to die), but I'm feeling better each day, and actually going back to work part time on Monday. I'm glad you are feeling better.:thumbup:
  7. Hello from the losers bench. I have lost 10 lbs this week, and am super stoked about it. ONly real problem I'm having is when I drink, or even think about drinking (lol) I get a pain either in my chest. or a sharp pain down the middle of my back. The day of my surgery, and that night, I thought I was dieing. But things seem to get better once I left ICU. I hated that leak test, and got sick to my stomach from that crap they have you drink. Well I have not heard from you lately, and wanted to know how you were doing? How much have you lost so far? It is all so exciting isn't it? Take care and let me know how you are doing.

  8. Hey, I have not heard from you lately, and wanted to see how you were doing? Did you get your surgery date yet? I don't know if you read or not, but I ended up having my surgery on Se[tember 2, only one week after my originial surgery date. I'm doing well, and am going back to work on MOnday, Part time. Please let me know how you are doing.

  9. lamsunshine

    discomfort in chest while drinking....

    I'm a week out and have the same pain, but only when I take too big of sips of liquid. Yesterday, I started getting sharp back pain, that was worse then the chest pain though. I am having a hard time getting all of my liquids, and protein down also. I am with you I am only getting half. So you are not alone. I try hard, but I just can't do it.
  10. Congrats, on coming off your stall. I can not wait until I can start seeing my weight loss physically. Keep up the good work. It will all work out at the end. lol get it. lol
  11. lamsunshine

    Need to vent

    Thank you everyone. I'm sorry to vent, but it was either that or I may of said a few things I shouldn't. I actually came home today, so I would no have to hear from her for a few days. I love my mom and she has done alot for me for this surgery, and I could not of had it with out her. If only she would think of what she is saying before she says it. Any way thanks all for listening to me. Oh by the way that cream of chicken soup at lunch was wonderful, and was worth getting excited about. lol
  12. I had my sugery moved from December 2, to September 2. They called me on Tuesday and asked if I could be there the next day. No time to get nervous. Good luck
  13. I had my surgery last week, and am afraid I may have already stretched my pouch. I'm on clear liquids, I have 2 oz of broth and 2 oz of jello for each meal with a sugar free popsicle in between meals.( That is what they were giving me in the hospital. My problem is I have been working so hard at getting my liquids and protein down like this morning I mixed me a 6oz of protein drink and was able to drink it in 30 minutes, with no problem. So now I'm scared what if I already stretched out my pouch.
  14. lamsunshine

    had scary problem today

    That sounds great we can go for Soup or something by then. lol :thumbup:
  15. tiffykins, Thanks you have put my mind at ease. I was so worried. I'm going to work on drinking slower, but to get all the liquids and protein in is a little much. Once again thank you at putting my mind at ease.
  16. Good luck. I will be thinking about you and sending a prayer your way. Let us know how you are doing when you are up to it. See you on the losers bench.
  17. lamsunshine

    had scary problem today

    I'm glad everything was okay with you. I don't know what I would of did if that happened to me probably freak out. 16 lbs that is awesome, I won't be able to find out how much officially I have lost until I go back for my follow up with Dr. Canterbury. I'm jealous you get to start full liquids on Friday, I'm going to call and pray they let me start fulls on Friday also. Take care, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  18. Kim, Good luck, You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know you are okay as soon as you are up to it.
  19. lamsunshine

    It's official....I'm SLEEVED!

    I don't have it as bad as you, my pain level is at at 2 to 3, but when I drink it is like a 5 to 6. I actually got in my fluids yesterday, but having a hard time with the Protein. I am right with you I don't know if I can take anymore Jello, Chicken broth. Yesterday I bought some suger free popcicles, and thought I was in heaven, and the thought of another whole week of this makes me want to scream. On top of that every other commercial is for food, if I see another AppleB's commercial I'm going to go postal. lol I hope your pain gets better, and just know you are not alone.
  20. lamsunshine

    yes, I am still alive

    Thanks everyone, I'm just taking one day at a time.
  21. lamsunshine

    yes, I am still alive

    I'm doing so much better, thank it is comforting to know I was not alone. Now the struggle is to find a Protein I can get down. I'm ready for stage two liquids.
  22. lamsunshine

    yes, I am still alive

    Thank you, I will see you on the bench. Hope everything goes well with your surgery. Keep us posted.
  23. lamsunshine

    Gastric sleeve on thursday.

    Hope, Girl I was there right with you. We are like surgery sisters or something. lol I hope you are feeling better. My stomach is a little tender were my incision is were the drain was. Having a hard time getting all of my protein in. Yesterday I got all of my liquids down, but only half of the protein. I'm going to try to do both today. Wish me luck
  24. lamsunshine

    Xpress rsg cooker

    I too have watched that infomercial, and was thinking about buying and actually called and ordered but then got scared and cancelled. It almost sounds too good to be true. NLWC.Christa you need to use yours so you can let us know how it works. Thanks
  25. lamsunshine

    yes, I am still alive

    Deb, I'm feeling much better now. I was up and walking around the day after my surgery. Today I'm making a trip to Walmart, yipee. My incisions are gross. I have a weak stomach, good thing my mom does not and has experience with these things. How are you doing? What a stage are you on now? Clear liquids is killing me. lol How are you doing on your weight loss? I have missed all of you guys so much.

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