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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lamsunshine

  1. lamsunshine

    I smell funny.

    Picking up my tongue scrapper today. LIfe is Great!!!! lol I'm used to it though I have had this problem for years.
  2. lamsunshine

    Sleved Yesterday

    I'm glad you are doing so well. COngrats, on your surgery, and welcome to the losers bench.
  3. lamsunshine

    Got My Date!

    Congrats, on your date. What a nice Christmas gift for yourself, and a New You for the New Year. I'm so happy for you , it is a exciting time.
  4. lamsunshine

    I smell funny.

    lol Deb. I have always had this problem because my medication. I used to always have gum on hand, but now I carry my tooth brush, and tooth paste with me. THe other day at work I brushed my teeth like 4 times, and I was only there for half a day. I tell everyone if my breath stinks, it is not my fault, and I'm not skanky, it is the surgery. I have actually woke up in the middle of the night because of my stank breath. GROSS:scared0:
  5. lamsunshine

    Portable protein snacks

    Where do you get the protein shots, and what kind do you use?
  6. lamsunshine

    Did anyone get their hair back?

    I had problem with my hair not that I was losing it, but that it was not growing. I would need a hair cut like every two years (no kidding). I quit taking certain medication, and it all of a sudden started growing again.
  7. lamsunshine

    Scared to be skinny

    Welcome Lisabug. I think we all had those same feelings, when we started on our sleeve journey. Keep us posted on your journey. I just got my sleeve two weeks ago, and I can tell you personally I would do it all over again if I had to.
  8. Welcome to the losers bench. You are lucky to have your husband to go through this with. Congrats!!!
  9. I'm so glad you were able to get in and see your Doctor. I know it eased your mind. I was really worried about you. As far as not getting in protein maybe I should call my doctor, and he will advance me to the next level (mushies).
  10. lamsunshine

    I need a smoke!

    Hurry go get patches, you don't want to smoke and then that delay your surgery. Would that smoke really be worth it. I'm a ex smoker, and I could not imagine having to deal with quit smoking , and the pre-op and post-op diets all at the same time. You can do it, I have faith in you.
  11. I understand some of what you are going through. He probably wants to test you for sleep apnea. I would get in there asap, and get the test done, so if you have to be on a Cpap machine, you can get it and be on it quickly. I know when I was going through the process everytime I thought I had everything finished (Test), they came up with something else for me. Just keep you spirits up. Also stay on top of that doctor, and don't let him/her waste valuable time.
  12. I will be two weeks out on Thursday, I am not having all the problems you are having, but I can not get my protein down, I'm only getting about half , and working hard on my water, but not doing good at that either. I have nausea on and off, depending on what I'm eating. So you are not alone with all of those, but I am worried about you , and that you had problems from the get go. Call your Doctor, and just make sure everything is okay. Please let us know, when you find out something. You are in my thoughts, and prayers. I hope things get better for you soon.
  13. I really did not watch cooking tv shows, but I can tell you I'm sick of seeing food commercials. Last night my daughter and I counted and out of 6 commercials 4 had to deal with food. I used to watch Amazing Wedding cakes before I was sleeved and it made me start craving Wedding Cake. lol I even thought about crashing someones wedding just to get a piece of wedding cake. lol , But since I have been sleeved I have not watched that show. If I see another AppleB's commercial I think I'm going to scream, it is that one and the Kraft mac and cheese bake. When I was in the hosptial I'm telling you those two commercials were on during every commerical break it did not matter what channel I was watching. lol
  14. Just remember even though you did not get your sleeve when your band was removed, it is still in your future. Keep your spirits, up it will happen before you know it.
  15. lamsunshine

    A million last meals

    I gained about the same amount, from the time I started my journey until I was told I had to lose 16 lb to have my surgery. Trust me the last meals are not worth it. I ended up having to join Weight Watchers so I could lose the weight.
  16. lamsunshine

    I feel BLESSED!!!!

    You are doing, great. I'm so happy for you. Congrats on getting your life back. I hope I follow in your foot steps. It is hard to imagine losing that much in a months time. WOW, that is great.
  17. I just wanted to let everyone that I am up and kicking. I had my surgery last Thursday. I was just released from the hospital yesterday. They kept me longer then normal because I lived so far away, but I am finally home. I'm happy to say I have my Sleeve after working on it for almost a year. The first night in ICU, I thought I was going to die and was crying " what did I do, I really thought I made the wrong decision" , but then the next morning everything seem to get better except I had upset stomach, and when I had to drink that stuff for the leak test, well lets just say radiology did not like me when I left there. lol Now the only problem I'm having is coughing it hurts where the incisions are located. Oh and get this there was another lady who had the surgery right before me, she was the same age as me, and her initials were hm, mine are lm. They kept getting us confused the entire time she was there. That was scary. At one point they told me I had my gallbladder out, I was like "WHAT", no one told me that. Of course they had me confused with the other lady (Hope). Well I have rambled on enough. Have a nice day.
  18. lamsunshine

    It's Official!

    It feels great, and you look great. I get so excited when I see everyones before and after pictures, and think that is going to be me one day. You look awesome. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
  19. lamsunshine

    And the stupid comments begin...

    :lol0::thumbup::laugh0: lol, that is exactly what I tell people when they say you could die from that surgery. dugh, I could die of a heart attack at any moment because of my weight. Or no maybe no one should get in a car and drive you may have a accident and die. At least if I do die because of this surgery I will die HAPPY!!!!!
  20. Wow, you look amazing. Congrats, on your weight loss. I know it was hard work, but you did it and you look amazing. I enjoyed looking at your before and after pictures, it has made me really excited. I just got my sleeve a little over a week, and am just starting on the weight loss journey. THank you
  21. lamsunshine

    Dealing with family

    I'm glad you husband helped out with this situation. I know you feel so much better. Good job on the weight loss, keep up the good work. :001_tt2: to the husband.
  22. lamsunshine

    Where are my Flirty Thirties?

    I'm 38, and I have a daughter that is 15, and believe this her favorite band who she is in love with is Hanson. lol I think it is like so funny. I also understand about the certain styles coming back. I tell my daughter I should of saved all my clothes from high school, because they would of been in style today.
  23. I know for me personally it would make those yucky protein shakes go down alot smoother with a straw. I may try using one today, and see what happens.
  24. WOW, You look like a different person. Great job, you have inspired me, Thank you. We read how much everyone loses all the time, but to actually see it makes a big difference. Keep up the good work.
  25. lamsunshine


    I also had my drain taken out when I left the hospital, but of course I was in the hospital longer because I live 8 hours away from the hosptial. When the Doctor told me it was going to be uncomfortable when he took it out, I laughed when he actually took it out, because the nurse taking out my IV pulling the tape off my arm hurt worse then removing the drain. I have to give myself injections, or should I say someone else had to give me injections. I'm a big baby, and can not picture myself giving my a shot or poking myself with any type of needle for that matter. lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
