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Posts posted by RidinMyHDDream

  1. Well Happy Saturday everyone! It's suppsosed to be in the mid 70's here in San Antonio and I'll be on the bike in about 30 minutes...well...just to ride to the dealership for a LOH bake sale..lol But I'm riding! :tt1:

    Steve glad to hear you're doing well.

    Harley girl! Welcome! I'm jealous of you working at a dealership. I think that would be a blast, not to mention the discount...lol

    To all our frozen friends, be patient because your spring will be there before you know it and then I expect to hear a lot about butts on bikes! :thumbup:

    Peace to all and ride safe!


  2. Good luck Karen! It'll go great for you tomorrow. And trust me, you won't need a year to say all those things. You'll be saying them within a month!

    Steve, I hope you're doing well! It's a little rough at first but it passess quickly.

    Hey Randy! Good to see your name! Ride was great. Doing another one this Sunday. Supposed to be 68 and partly cloudy. Should be a great day. I rode today to work. It was a bit cool this morning but not bad at all.

    Ride safe everyone!


  3. Okay Jax, color me jealous about the hot tub...lol

    Yes, we're a ride to eat chapter. Aren't they all? I just pick the best thing or I split it with one of the other ladies on the ride so it works out okay.

    I'm really excited about going to the 105th! It should be a great ride up there. The planned route has parties in every city on the way up. I hope I have some 'party' left in me when I get there..lol

    Peace to all and ride safe! Or stay warm...lol


  4. Well, I don't want to brag, but I guess I will...lol Going to ride the bike to work tomorrow so I can do a pre-ride. I'm a Road Captain for my HOG chapter and leading on Sunday the 10th. Don't know what the weather will be like then but this weekend the high's supposed to be around 75. Yeah, that was the bragging part. :frown:

    Good luck Steve with your surgery! I know you'll do well.

    Jax, how cool doing the MDA ride! You'll be fine I'm sure. I guess I'll have to save Daytona for next year's big adventure. Just making plans now to go to the 105th. Have the hotel room in Wisconsin so that's a good start! Ordering my 105th ticket tonight. I'm looking forward to the ride home!!


  5. Steve, I know what you mean about the page rearrangement...lol You never know how it's going to look when you pop in. Sturgis 9 times! Wow! Hopefully I'll get up that high. I would like to try it the week before too because the crowds were nuts.

    Hi Penny! I don't think I'm heading that way this year. I have a bunch to do down in this area and I may get to go to the 105th anniversary of HD in August so that will be my big ride for the year. Is there a link for the rally though? I'd like to add it to my list of things to do.

    We had a cold but good ride on Sunday and then I dropped my bike off for her 15k checkup...at 16k...lol a little late. Then the cold and rain came in yesterday so I guess I'm not missing any opportunities to ride.

    Peace to all and ride safe!


  6. Welcome Karen!

    You're Doctor will definately know best but I'm thinking a month after you should be fine to ride. I was grounded when I had my band put on so I didn't get to ride until several months after my band was in. I did however ride from San Antonio to Sturgis...LOL I can never say that too much. :) Bikeweek in Daytona is another one on my list but not this year. Too much else going on.

    And Randy, I don't know what you're doing up there in the north but here in the south (okay everyone else....we're both in texas...lol) I'm riding every chance I get. Planning on riding Sat and Sun weather permitting. There's also the Harley Davidson Dealer convention in town next week. Our dealership is hosting a party for all the other dealer's on Tuesday night. It should be a blast and I only get to go because I volunteered to help.

    Peace to all and ride safe!


  7. Woohoo!! Another beautiful day down here in SA and out for a ride. I went on mostly all new roads today and it was great! Randy, I'm hoping to do ROT the way it's meant to be done this year by staying onsite. And....it's my bday weekend so.....hmm...the word "beads" pops into my mind. LOL Don't they have a prize for the person with the most?

    I'm with you Sherry. I'm not buying any of my leather until I'm at goal weight. So hopefully by the next winter I'll be there. So far layering and long johns have been saving my life but February's coming and sometime's it can be quite nasty around here.

    Daddy...you go boy! That's amazing! And never you fear...winter too shall pass and you'll be a hot stud out there riding!!

    Happy trails to all!!


  8. Randy and Joy!! Love the picture! You look great! Well to quote Paula Cole "where have all my bikers gone?" ...okay, she didn't really say that but it's true. I don't know about the rest of ya'll but I've been riding alot. Freezing...but riding still. But then along comes a day like today in Texas and it's 70 something in the shade and we had a beautiful ride through the Hill Country. I hope this finds everyone well and riding! Let's crank up this post again, shall we?



  9. November challenge

    Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go

    LilMissBand-Aid..............276.8......0........ ..276.8......269..........7.8

    LosingJusme..................264.........0........ ..264........252..........12

    Rainer..........................270.........2..... ......268........258...........10


    Insubordination....don't let it get you down. I've had months of no action because I thought I didn't need a fill and I stopped exercising and..and..and... Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on going. Mine is finally on the move again. I'm nearing my half way spot and I never thought that was possible. Plus went shopping and bought pants 3 sizes smaller. Talk about a boost! This is all about patience. It didn't go on overnight so it shouldn't come off that fast either.

  10. Trust me on this, I will be getting a new 3/4 helmet with a face shield. I cracked mine on the Sturgis trip and just haven't prioritized the purchase. I'll be doing that sometime this weekend...lol Not only will it save me from bee's in the eyes but I need something to keep my head warm as it starts to cool down.

    Today's a play day though. Only working half a day and then me and the rider's from work are all taking off for the hill country. lunch and fun! Should be a great day!


  11. Add me to the jealous count. We keep teasing about having a banded biker meet up at the tail. We may just have to plan it! ;)

    I was leading my HOG Chapter this past Sunday and we were heading home. It was my evaluation ride so I could be a Road Captain for the chapter. Well just to add more excitement to the ride I had a collision with a bee at 60 mph and he stung me on my eyelid. ouch. I ripped off my sunglasses (yep, he found one little crack and dropped in) and wiped him away. Reminded myself I was on my motorcycle and should open at least one of my eyes. Never lost composure and kept riding. We were close to the next turn to head home. Pulled everyone over there. John, my head RC and evaluator, asked if I got a bug splat. I told him "no, bee sting in the eye". We broke out the first aid kits and got the tweezers to get the stinger out. After that I suggested that someone else lead...lol Well in spite of not finishing as lead, and looking like Rocky the next day with my eye swollen shut, I passed! I'm a certified Road Captain for my chapter. :whoo: The adventures of Wonder Woman continue...lol

    :peace: to all and happy riding!!

  12. Gotta love October in Texas. It's actually starting to cool off some which is making for some gorgeous riding weather. Hoping to do a pre-ride on the 'three's' this weekend before my chapter ride on the 21st. I sure hope the weather holds out. It will make for a lovely day.

    I hope everyone is out and riding and doing well


  13. Where are my girls at? I know I've been struggling for a long, long time but finally the fill has done me some good. That and the exercise that I've been doing again. I guess I may have to up my 'To Go' since I'm half way there in just a week...lol Not going to push it though. The goal is to be down 15 more my Thanksgiving. That will put me at my half way point and lower than my extended family has seen me for a very very long time.

    Keep it up ladies! (and gents) You're all kicking a## and not taking any prisoners.


    Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go

    Rainer.........................283.........-3...... ...280......265..........15

    Insubordination.............296.5......-8.5...... 288.......288..........0

    RidinMyHDDream (Carol)..264.........-5.........259.........259..........5

    LilMissBand-Aid..............287.........0.........287...... 277..........10

  14. October Challenge

    Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go


    Insubordination.............296.5......0........ 296.5......288........8.5

    RidinMyHDDream (Carol)..264.........0........264.........254........10

    Well I've been struggling but now I'm back on the exercise routine again so hopefully that will help the scale drop. Good luck to everyone this month!

  15. Hey Valerie!

    Ask your Doctor for certain. The thing that I remember about that early out is the total lack of energy. If you're doc's like mine you'll be on liquids and not getting a whole lot of calories. If you're the passenger it's a little safer but if you're in charge I wouldn't recommend riding that early. You'll be a little spacey...lol

    Good luck on your banding! It definately is the best thing ever!


  16. Welcome Deb!

    I love twisties! Lots of fun. And I would definately like to ride Tail of the Dragon. Maybe that'll be a next year trip? Thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

    And no Randy....there will be no wearing of the outfit, well, not until I lose the rest of this weight...lmao. Then maybe...lol I could wear it to ROT next year. :omg:

    We've had some gorgeous weather here. It's cool in the mornings and not to hot in the afternoon. Gotta love Texas for the reason you can ride just about year round. I'll be riding on Sunday. Getting my ride ready for the chapter as part of my Road Captain requirements.

    Everyone have a great rest of the week!


  17. What a great weekend for riding here in San Antonio. Rode Saturday to Gruene and then Sunday we went to Victoria. I didn't realize that was going to be such a long day but it was perfect. Sunday was 268 miles round trip. I also did my first trainee role as sweep on the ride. I definately like that position. Going to have to do Leads though to get my Road Captain patch.

    Hey Randy, I can't remember if I told you or not but my HOG chapter named me. I told them the story about the Sturgis and beyond trip and my name is now 'Wonder Woman'. :whoo: I was tickled to get an official name from the chapter. I got my name patch presented to me last week at the chapter meeting. It was a blast. Only thing holding me up from putting it on is having to take off the 'I rode mine to Sturgis' patch. It's up a little high so I'll have to relocate it.

    I hope everyone's getting out to ride!


  18. Okay so vacation is now over and time to get back on with the reality of life. Thankfully, I got a fill today. I also got back on the treadmill. Recommitting myself to my goals after being stuck forever. Actually I lost those darn 5 lbs again. I was up to 268 last week but didnt' weigh in because of it. I am stating for the record that I refuse to lose those 5 lbs again! :angry

    I'll leave my 'to go' the same but I think I need to be more realistic for me in October especially since I've been on the slow weight loss boat.

    September Challenge

    Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go

    losingjusme.(Christine).. 273..........-4...........269.........252........17

    faithmd...................... 302.........-4.6.........297.4.......290.......7.4

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)...262..........+1..........263. .......250........13


    Kimmie.........................314........-19. ........295..........290........5

    Tinkerbell77..................317........-4.8..... ..312.2.........299......12.2

    Rainer (Lorraine)............298.........-12...........286..........278.......8


    jbtullis ........................300..........-2..........298..........285........13

    Elisabethsew.................278...........6...... ....272..........269........3


  19. Well, I was off pouting because after my great road trip my bike ended up in the shop for three weeks. I was so sad. All warranty work which is cool and now she's back home and we're on the road again. The weather is definately starting to shift...hooray! Hopefully for us here in Texas it means less rain and cooler temps. I'm starting my road captain training officially this weekend for my HOG chapter. I'm the LOH officer so we want to have some lady road captains.

    I hope everyone's doing well and riding plenty!


  20. Okay, back down some. Had to postpone my fill to the 24th due to work priorities. I almost burst in to tears when I couldn't go. I then decided it's just another week and a half and I can use that time to rededicate myself before the fill. Hope everyone's doing okay.

    September Challenge

    Name...................... Starting......Loss.....Current......Goal......To Go

    losingjusme.(Christine).. 273..........-4...........269.........252........17

    faithmd...................... 302.........-1.7.........300.3.......290.......10.3

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)...262..........+1..........263. .......250........13


    Kimmie.........................314........-12. ........302..........290........12

    Tinkerbell77..................317...........0..... .....317..........299........18

    Rainer (Lorraine)............298.........-8...........290..........275.......15

    Chiefsfankatie...............305...........0...... .....305..........290.......15

    jbtullis ........................300..........-2..........298..........285........13

    Elisabethsew.................278..........0....... ....278..........269........9

  21. Can someone say "wrong direction"? Doing a lot of stress eating this last week. Have my fill next Wednesday and hoping for some assistance heading back the other way. :)

    September Challenge


    losingjusme.(Christine)..273...........1.... .........272........252........20


    ridinmyhddream (Carol)..262..............+4...........266. ......250........16

    insubordination.............300...........-2.2........ .297.8......292.......5.8

    Kimmie........................314.............-6. ........308........290........24


    Rainer (Lorraine)............298............4............294.......275........19


    jbtullis ........................300...........2............298..........285.........13

  22. Well, after a month full of travel and little else I ended up 2 lbs up from the last weigh in but I can live with that. Would love to hit the mid-century weight mark though this month. I haven't had a fill in probably 4 months so I'm getting one on the 12th. Hopefully it can help with this month's goal.

    SEPTEMBER Challenge

    Name..............................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo

    losingjusme..(Christine)..........273............. 0.............273.........252..........21

    faithmd.................................302....... ........0............302..........290.........12

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)........262................0...........262...........250........12

  23. Welcome Daddy! (now I'm going to have that Toby Keith song stuck in my head all day....lol) I know what you mean about feeling better on it every day. I use to get achey quicker but now I feel better. Coming back from my trip I rode a little over 700 miles in one day. I didn't ache at all...well...except for my butt...teehee. I think that's a given.

    Keep up the great work and you'll be on that dream bike in no time.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
