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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 2bfit

  1. Thank you all for the responses! I have been out of commission for the last few weeks because I had to have surgery for female issues. Now I am on hormones and Syntrhoid. Fabulous! :/

    I will say that I am feeling better. The thyroid medication has finally started to kick in and I am feeling more like myself. The plus, I did lose the 10lbs I gained before being diagnosed and I stopped losing my hair.< /p>

    I am starting to research the gluten connection. That's a great tip! I really do believe there is truth with regards to the inflammation it can cause. My biggest problem is I am going to have to reevaluate all of my food choices and implement something that works for me. I just don't know which direction to go. I finally had a routine that worked for me, now I have to start all over again!

    I am with you Bubles089 some doctors treated me like I was crazy too. I wonder how long I have had this and wasn't diagnosed properly. It's almost as if after I lost weight the doctors started listening to me more if that makes sense. When you are overweight all they see is someone who is out of control and therefore not worthy of being listened too. Little do they know the amount of will power and strength it takes to be heavy. You keep trying to find an answer on how to get healthy and get your life back. For me the final tool was the sleeve. Luckily I had found a doctor who supported me and helped me through the approval process. I would do it again in a heartbeat. It has changed my life is so many positive ways.

  2. TPO is the Thyroid peroxidase enzyme that assists the chemical reaction that adds iodine to a Protein called thyroglobulin, a critical step in generating thyroid hormones. It is the lab test that's determines Hashimotos. My TSH was 1.8 which is normal but my TPO was 97 and the range is 0-34. So now I'm on Synthroid.

  3. I take Biotin religiously and was attributing my Hair loss to the weight loss.

    I just found out I have Hashimotos (hypothyroid).

    Get your levels checked asap if you think this might apply to you. Even if your TSH is normal your TPO may not be. This might be an underlying cause. It took me three years to get an answer. All of my Vitamin levels and labs were normal except for my TPO.

    I also started using Keranique and Rogaine for women. Good luck!

  4. I understand exactly where you are coming from. Get your hormones balanced and checked asap. It takes some time to get them in your system but it makes a huge difference.

    I take Black Cohosh 3 times a day. It really helps with the hot flashes. I also use Kokoro Progesterone cream. Not all creams are the same. This one is a bioidentical cream that will not contribute to estrogen dominance. I had to learn early the right combo for me. I had a partial hysterectomy and they wanted to put me on the birth control pill after. I opted for the natural route. As for the insomnia a little melatonin before bed helps too. Get your thyroid checked. I was just diagnosed this week with Hashimotos (hypothyroidism). Even though my TSH levels were normal my TPO was way off! I have been on meds for a week and am slowly coming out of the brain fog.

    Just know that all of these changes are not in your head and you can correct them.

    Hang in there and get back to the basics. Eating right, lots of Water and exercising to alleviate stress. Plus it helps you sleep better! Good luck!

  5. Here's to recommitting! I am with you! I am 2 1/2 years post op and I gained back 10lbs. I never reached my goal of 140 but I was happy and comforable at about 150-153. About a month ago I went back to MFP and that's helping me keep things in check. I was definitely eating way more than I needed to be. I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism this week. So I am sure the combo of eating carbs, drinking alcohol and the thyroid issue did not help much. I have also been under a lot of stress. I am hoping that by trying to get back on the plan I can finally get to my goal weight. These extra 10lbs feels like I am carrying a brick around my neck. It is strange how much more you feel your body weight once you have lost so much.

    I know we can do this! We have to remember what we felt like before we started this journey and that should help give us a kick in the rear :) I don't ever want to be heavy again and catching old habits early is a good start.

  6. A year ago my surgeon found a lump on my thyroid, it was benign. Six months later it grew and others surfaced as well. Again, benign. About 3 months ago I gradually started to gain weight, my hair kept falling out, I was EXHAUSTED all the time despite working out and eating right and my skin was very dry. I was walking around in a fog. I finally took my booty to the endocrinologist like my surgeon recommended. The surgeon told me I probably had Hashis and that I would be put on meds and would start to lose again. Now there is also a chance I have PCOS (ovarian cysts) or endometriosis (which I do have a history of). I have been in excruciating pain. I feel like a lab rat! I am trying to control all of these things at once. It's frustrating. I had finally got my life and health back and WHAM!!!

    I am now taking Synthroid and I am absolutely ravenous despite my sleeve. I am terrifed that I am going to gain even more weight. As it is, I have 10 pounds to lose to get back to my fighting weight. However, this weight feels different. It's almost like an unnatural swelling if that makes any sense.

    Does anyone else out there suffer from this? If so any advice would be much appreciated!


  7. I think the main reason for being told not to drink are the empty calories. However, there are other reasons. It can affect the delicate lining of your new stomach, you will feel the affects a lot faster and drinking can make you a snacker. God forbid you get a hangover and damage yor new tummy. :/

    I personally drink on occasion. I stick to vodka and I use it with Cyrstal Light. I personally like the Cherry Limeaid flavor. On occasion I will have wine and I absolutely stay away from beer.

  8. I am over two years post op and lately, I have been experiencing a lot of gas and Constipation. My diet has not changed. I have a history of endometriosis and recently found out that I may have hypothyroidism as well. All of the symptoms could be attributed to any one of these problems. But sometimes I wonder if I have a bowel obstruction? Is anyone else having issues with constipation and excessive gas?

  9. I am feeling you CGJ. I haven't been on this site in forever. I have gained 10lbs since the holidays which I attribute to stress and even more stress. I also had plastics in July. By far, the hardest thing I have had to recover from. After plastics I got down to 148 and right now I am at about 160. I felt so good and invincible before I had the plastics done. I have not been able to get my groove back. I had a thighplasty and a breast lift. The thighplasty was by far the worst surgery I have ever had. I feel like a Raggedy Ann doll with scars everywhere. My dreams of a bikini will never be a reality. A trade off for the scars. I am six months post op and I still have stitches coming to the surface. Mentally I am taking a huge beating. I really thought I had this all under control. I stopped exercising as much after the surgery because my legs hurt and I would swell a lot. I was only able to get up to about two days a week running. I used to be active 5 days a week prior to the surgery. After this last weekend when my work out clothes started to get tight, I started up myfitnesspal account again. I was shocked to see I hadn't been on there in two years!!! Where did the time go?!

    Somewhere in the past six months I lost that eye of the tiger and I am trying to get it back. The majority of my family and friends still do not know I had this surgery and it's been a couple of years. So only the people here can understand me.

    Thanks for letting me vent. Your stories are helping me up my game again. <3

  10. Glad to know it's not just me! I burp ALL the time! I feel like I have air trapped in my belly and it's uncomfortable. I have tried everything. I even take a GasX everyday. I'm glad I have been married forever, I could not imagine what kind of date I would be belching everywhere everytime I eat!

  11. I have an appointment to see my surgeon tomorrow for my one year follow up. At this appt I will be given a referral for plastics.

    I need a thigh, butt, arm and boob lift. I am wondering if anyone has had these things done and if your insurance covered any of it. I live in CA and they do have different rules about plastics here after massive weight loss it can be considered reconstructive surgery instead of plastic surgery.

    I was just curious if anybody might have some insight. I am a little scared of the scaring from the thigh and arm lift. Does anybody regret it?

  12. Escape_Pod thank you so much for responding! It is nice to know I am not alone in this. Only a fellow sleever can understand. Fortunately, I caught myself before I got to out of control. Those two extra pounds were my wake up call. If I am honest with myself, I know I did not follow my program, since Thanksgiving, all the way through the new year. My only saving grace was that I worked out like a fiend and that kept my weight gain at a minimum. I do think one of my biggest issues is the ability to eat more. I definitely need to up my solid Protein, more chicken etc. It's been hard since I allowed myself to start eating more carbs. I am doing my best now to limit them but then I find myself in a situation because I run. I was told I wasn't getting enough carbs so it's a balancing act. But hey I did go overboard. So now I begin the journey again. I am going to remotivate myself. I will do this. I will personally be happy to get down to 145 as opposed to the goal the doctor set for me. I think the other set back is the fact that my body image is shot. I can see the muscles I have built but they are blanketed by loose skin...:/ Seriously not a happy sight. I have lost my breasts and my butt sags like nobodys business. It's awful. However, I had a long talk with my best supporter, my dear hubby. Between his pep talk and your response, I am feeling so much better. Thank you so much and I am definitely going to check out that link :)

  13. Hi all!

    I haven't been on here in a while but here is the latest! On 12/28/12 I reached my one year mark. So far the lowest weight I have seen is 154. Right now I am 156, I gained 2lbs over the holidays. I have lost over 46 inches and I wear a small shirt and a size 6/8 pants. According to my family I am tiny and I shouldn't lose anymore. The problem is I don't "see" what they see. When I look at myself in the mirror I still see the heavy me. I would love to have that one moment of clarity where I could see what other people see. When I look at my body I see the same saggy legs. I have seen photos where I think I look pretty good but I still am dealing with the mind game of not having met my goal weight.

    I am able to eat a lot more than I used to which scares me. I fell off the wagon especially because of the holidays.I know that the joy of the holidays didn't help when there was wine flowing everywhere ;) those calories add up! I think the thing that bothers me the most is I never reached the goal weight the doctor put forth of 140. However, even he told me he didn't expect me to get down that far but I sure wanted to. He is happy with my progress, so why can't I be too?! I have also been told I am probably closer to my goal weight than I may know. I am carrying around a lot of excess skin and apparently that is something I need to be aware of. Maybe I am just making excuses at this point I don't know. In some ways, I feel like I have failed. Rationally, I know that's not true.

    Don't get me wrong, I honestly have never been happier. I would do this again in a heartbeat. It's the best thing I ever did for myself. I "thought" my life would change and boy has it! But now I have more energy and now I have to figure out where to apply it. I am trying to figure out the new me so to speak. I work out 4 days a week and I drink plenty of Water.< /p>

    It's time to get back to the basics but right now I am trying not to be an emotional eater, night time is the worst! I am trying to recapture the feeling of restriction because it does fade.

    How do all of you veteran sleevers get over the rough spots? What keeps you going? How do you re motivate yourself? For the first time since the sugery I feel a bit lost. I can pinpoint that feeling to the fact that I am able to eat more. I really wanted to be able to feel that restriction forever.

    Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated!

  14. Being able to go for a run with my 14 year old son and seeing the looks of "How cool is that" from the people who drive by. The pride I hear in my boy's voices when they tell people how much weight I lost and how I am now a 'hot mama'! The appreciation in my husband eyes and the fact he can now carry me anywhere, anytime! Wearing clothes that fit, shopping the clearance rack because there are a lot of small size clothes there, being in control of my food choices, finding my voice to say no to people, having the seat at the movies swallow me whole...oh the list goes on and on! I HAVE MY LIFE BACK and I even have a life I never imagined. :wub:

  15. You cannot fail with the sleeve, if you use the tool as it is given to you. I never had the band but I did the sleeve in Dec. I initially went in for the lapband but changed my mind. If you are mentally ready for the changes, you will not fail. Start your exercise program now so it becomes habit. Take notice of when you eat emotionally and find new ways of doing things. If you start to make the changes now things will be easier for you when you get the sleeve. It is a mental game and the only person that can keep you from succeding would be you. I live with that thought every day and it helps me make the tough choices. Sometimes I slip but I get right back to it.

    I can promise you this, you will love the sleeve. Good luck!

  16. To Happy1957: We were sleeved on the same day! WHOOHOO!

    :) I too was suffering from MAJOR Hair loss. I used to take Biotin as well and also tried Nioxin Shampoo. But I was still losing hair in clumps.

    I recently started a regimen and the clumps have stopped coming out and it's only been a week. I started eating more Protein, closer to 100 per day. Also, I bought Keranique and Andrew Lessmans Healthy Hair Skin and Nails. This seems to be my winning combination. At the rate I was losing hair I was considering buying a wig. It was pretty frightening!

    I am happy to report that this seems to be working for me. Good luck!

  17. everything listed here is true. You don't drink before a meal so that you have room for your Protein and you don't drink after your meal so that your body has a chance to absorb the nutrients it needs.

    This has been a hard one for me. I usually only drink Water around meal time especially when eating out because it would be a waste of money to order anything else. I try to wait at least 15 mins.

  18. I had a reduction & lift in 2007. I went from a 44F to a 44D. Now that I have lost a lot of weight they are shriveled little tube socks and are deflated looking. They look ok but the volume is definitely gone, the lift is still ok, sort of. Makes me tremble to think what I would look like if I had never had that first lift and reduction. These girls would be knocking my knees!

    When the doc refers me for plastics, I am going to see if another lift will help me stay a full C cup. If not, I will most likely consider implants. A full C is all I am hoping for or want. Funny but I used to hate my breasts. NEVER would I have thought I could miss them. Right now I am in a 36C. But I could probably fill out a B better.

  19. I have a question for anybody who might know the answer regarding a breast lift and implants.

    It looks like my insurance company will cover my lift as part of my body contour because I have documented problems with rashes and blocked sweat glands under my breasts. But if I decide to get implants does anybody have any idea how much the implant portion will cost me if it is done at the same time as the lift? I have UHC west *** and they do cover reconstructive surgery. So I know my arms, tummy, butt and thighs will be addressed.

    Second to that which is better silicone or gel? And which method? Under the muscle etc. Any information would be appreciated. If you have had implants are you happy with them etc.

    I would like to get as much information as possible. My surgeon is going to refer me to plastics at my one year mark in Dec.

    Thanks in advance!

  20. I was sleeved on 12/28/11 and am down 76lbs since surgery and down 107lbs from my heaviest point.

    I have just returned from my check up. Hard to believe I am only 4 months away from my one year anniversary. The doc is very pleased with my progress and so am I. At my one year mark he has agreed to give me a referral to see the plastic surgeon for body contouring. I have a lot of excess skin around my butt and thighs. So I am very excited about that. He is pretty sure the insurance will cover it so double bonus. My goal is to be 140 by 12/28/13 which is my one year mark.

    This journey has been so life changing. This summer I wore tank tops, summer dresses, went down a Water slide with my kids and even wore a bathing suit almost all summer! I even wore my first little black dress while in Vegas as you can see from my profile pic.

    My food cravings come and go but I find myself craving "refreshing" foods like fruit or fish. Strangest thing. Some of my old habits started to creep back in but I am aware of them so I try to control myself. If I eat sweets, I get a case of dumping syndrome. I start to sweat and feel nauseous so I just stay away from those foods now. I do not drink soda or beer. On occasion I have a piece of toast. I am able to eat a bit more than before. But according to my doctor I need to make sure my portions stay small, eat a little more often if need be as long as I am eating the right foods, but small portions. Otherwise, you can run the risk of stretching your sleeve. I did not come this far to have that kind of a problem. There was a point around 5 months post op when I was dealing with heartburn but I got that under control. I am dealing with Hair loss which is very sad. So even though I am getting my Protein in I am suffering through my loss of hair. :( I am trying a couple of products to see if I can grow it back. I will keep you posted on that. My stomach gurgles a lot. I am so used to it now though. When I am getting full I start to burp a little. I call that my full meter :lol: I still have a tendency to be an emotional eater so I try to stay aware of that. Guess that is just life at this point! :rolleyes:

    My activity level is through the roof! I have so much energy, I sleep better, I have more patience and am a lot calmer. This procedure not only saved my life, it gave me a life. :wub:

    Only a few people know that I have had the surgery and I personally like to keep it that way. I was given a tool but like any tool it will not work if I don't use it! So I don't want to hear people say I took the "easy way out". I may have to punch them. So I just don't say anything.

    I love this board and have missed seeing what the December sleevers are up to.

    Take care!

  21. WOW! I have not been on here in about 4 months. Life just got a hold of me, then summer hit with a vengence. Now the kiddos are finally back in school. :D

    I have just returned from my check up. Hard to believe I am only 4 months away from my one year anniversary. The doc is very pleased with my progress and so am I. At my one year mark he has agreed to give me a referral to see the plastic surgeon for body contouring. I have a lot of excess skin around my butt and thighs. So I am very excited about that. He is pretty sure the insurance will cover it so double bonus. My goal is to be 140 by 12/28/13 which is my one year mark.

    This journey has been so life changing. This summer I wore tank tops, summer dresses, went down a Water slide with my kids and even wore a bathing suit almost all summer! I even wore my first little black dress while in Vegas as you can see from my profile pic. I am at this moment down 107lbs from my heaviest point and down 76lbs since the surgery.

    My food cravings come and go but I find myself craving "refreshing" foods like fruit or fish. Strangest thing. If I eat sweets, I get a case of dumping syndrome. I start to sweat and feel nauseous so I just stay away from those foods now. I do not drink soda or beer. On occasion I have a piece of toast. I am able to eat a bit more than before. But according to my doctor I need to make sure my portions stay small, eat a little more often if need be as long as I am eating the right foods, but small portions. Otherewise, you can run the risk of stretching your sleeve. I did not come this far to have that kind of a problem. There was a point around 5 months post op when I was dealing with heartburn but I got that under control. I am dealing with Hair loss which is very sad. So even though I am getting my Protein in I am suffering through my loss of hair. :( I am trying a couple of products to see if I can grow it back. I will keep you posted on that. My stomach gurgles a lot. I am so used to it now though. When I am getting full I start to burp a little. I call that my full meter :lol: I still have a tendency to be an emotional eater so I try to stay aware of that. Guess that is just life at this point! :rolleyes:

    My activity level is through the roof! I have so much energy, I sleep better, I have more patience and am a lot calmer. This procedure not only saved my life, it gave me a life. :wub:

    Only a few people know that I have had the surgery and I personally like to keep it that way. I was given a tool but like any tool it will not work if I don't use it! So I don't want to hear people say I took the "easy way out". I may have to punch them. So I just don't say anything.

    Anyway, I hope all of you sleevers out there who are newbies are doing well, hang in there it gets better and all of the seasoned sleevers are keeping on. I love this board and have missed seeing what the December sleevers are up to.

    Take care!

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