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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 2bfit

  1. Today is my official 4 week post op. I have had some up and downs but I am happy to report I am down 18.4lbs! It has been an amazing journey. I am having to learn about my body all over again. The only time I have regretted this surgery is dealing with the constipation and occasional nausea. But I think I am finally getting a handle on both. And trust me the "regret" was tiny compared to how happy I am that I have made this change for myself! There are times I have forgot that I actually had surgery. I don't know how to explain it. I thought I would "feel" different but I don't. Aside from the mental note that my stomach is much smaller than it used to be. The only time I remember about the surgery is when I sit down to eat. It's so hard to describe. I am happy that I am finally able to drink more liquid without such an effort. That's a definite plus! I am also having a hard time with artificial sweetners. They leave a really bad taste in my mouth. I used to have them in my drinks all the time. It's interesting how your taste buds change. All the things I think I would like leave me unsatisfied. I had to buy a pair of sweatpants (I am buying cheap until I lose more) and I am in a large 12/14! Before the surgery I was in a tight 16! My husband keeps complimenting how great I look. He says my face and eyes look so bright. He even called me his tiny dancer! I never thought I would hear "tiny" used to describe any part of me! Best part is, I am only a month out! I can't wait to see how he reacts when I get to my goal weight!
  2. Thank you so much! I can't wipe the smile from my face! :cornut:
  3. Well, I am happy to report that after a good nights sleep, I am feeling much better. I am not sure why I was having such a rough time but maybe I just needed to go back to full liquids for a day to let my body catch up? I do take Pepcid and I also have Zantac. Pepcid seems to work the best for me. I think I will just stay on a full liquid diet for another day just to be sure. The nausea is gone. So that's a definite plus!
  4. Hi all, I have been fighting some intense nausea for the past couple of days. What is that all about?! No vomiting but I am having a hard time eating. This just came out of the blue. Help!
  5. Thank you Cheri! I hope to be at your weight one day! I will see how I feel tomorrow when I wake up. Maybe I am just exhausted? I have not slept well for the past 2 nights. Crossing my fingers for a better day tomorrow! If not, I will be making a phone call!
  6. Thank you PreciousCargo & Afro_Cyster! I started taking the nausea meds. I started feeling really bad after I had what I would consider my first real BM (sorry TMI). It was absolutely awful. But I swear I have been struggling since. I have been trying to push fluids today and went back to a full liquid diet today. Hopefully, that will work. I don't think I am dehydrated because I have been drinking the recommended Fluid intake. I just feel like I am taking 2 steps back. My energy level is zilch!
  7. I understand exactly how you feel! I was sleeved on 12/28 and while I was sipping my broth for New Years Eve, my family was gorging on all of my comfort foods. I did surprisingly well because I did not even look twice at the food. Just last night we went bowling and the family had pizza. I ate shredded meat and string cheese. While the pizza looked really good, I knew that it was not for me. I find as long as I am eating with my family and enjoying their company I am able to ignore what we are eating and just focus on them. It is getting a little easier but I know I will always have to watch myself. On the plus side a couple of things I thought I would like to eat on my soft foods diet do not hold the same appeal after the first bite anymore. My body is craving "good" food all on it's own now! Stay strong and just know you are not missing out on much!
  8. Hi there! Well, not much action on the scale for me either. I am still the same weight. I was constipated for a while until I figured out that milk goes right through me now I did go out and purchase some chewable Fiber tablets. It seems to help and yes I would agree that no BM means no weight loss I walk a lot and just started weight training (light) today. I did read on here that if you are exercising your loss may be slow because the muscle is replacing the fat. But I will take the chance because I would like to try and avoid the saggy skin as much as possible. So I look at it as a blessing in a way. A slower weight loss = less saggy skin. These are the things I tell myself to stay motivated Hang in there LoserMama we are in this together!
  9. Hi all! Just wanted to check in. Yesterday was my 2 week post op date. I am down 14.6lbs! Yay me! However, I have hit the dreaded stall. I have not dropped a pound in about 5 or 6 days. I did take my measurements and am happy to report that I am losing inches though! Lost about 2.5 inches on my waist alone. So I am taking my little successes as they come. Biggest problem I seem to be having is the bowel movements. Very uncomfortable. Nothing is working. I have been using a stool softener and milk of magnesia to get things moving...still nothing. I went to buy Metamucil today so we shall see. I also do get pretty wiped out by the end of the day too. Other than that I am doing my best to try and get all of my fluids down as well as the Protein. It is a strange thing to have to remind myself to eat. I no longer know what it feels like to be hungry or stuffed like a turkey. It's pretty amazing. I am also back to walking 3 miles, 5 x's a week. I have to admit it definitely helps to fill the time that I used to dedicate to food!
  10. Hi all, I am 3 post op and was able to have a piece of toast based on the NUT menu I am following. I have had some concerning feedback about this. I reviewed my info again and at 4 weeks post op I am allowed bread as well. It just says to limit the amount. To be clear I have had half a piece of bread not a whole bread basket 3x's a day. It also takes me forever to eat and I have not had any bad reaction to it. Now I am confused! When were you allowed to eat bread? Should I just wait until much later? I am really concerned about this now. I do not want to do anything to ruin my sleeve. Help! :confused5:
  11. I had a problem a couple of nights with insomnia. But I found this natural supplement and I swear by it. The doctor said it was fine for me but of course check with your doctor. I like it because there are no side effects. It's called Lights Out made by ROEX. You can order it online. I take one every night and sleep like a baby. Good luck!
  12. Hi all! Ok so today I am 3 weeks post op. I am down 16lbs and about 8 inches. But have been for over a week. The scale has not budged any further. So I am sitting here thinking to myself, "Did I really have surgery for 16lbs!?" I know I need to be patient but argggh! I am walking 3 miles a day about 4 to 5 days a week. The doctor is releasing me to start running on Friday and I can go back to normal activity. The scars are starting to heal nicely. The doctor did not use staples or stitches but almost like a hot wax looking material for my incisions (much better in my opinion!) and he took the drain out before I left the hospital. Thank GOD! I have started taking Pepcid twice a day for the heartburn and have started on soft foods about one week early. But I seem to be handling that better. I am still trying to get all of my fluids in and it appears that I may now be lactose intolerant. I also find if I don't drink enough Fluid it burns when I go numero uno. Oh the joys of the sleeve. It is such a learning process. I had literally a half sandwich yesterday and it took me almost 2 hours to eat it! I feel more energetic and my clothes are hanging off of me. It's funny because I always had fat clothes in my closet so trying to find something that doesn't look like a tent is a challenge! I am guessing that I am in the dreaded stall phase. But I did not expect it to start so early in the process nor last so long. So that is it in a nutshell. Just trying to stay positive!
  13. Thank you for the feedback! I have decided to follow this boards advice! I will not be adding any more bread to my menu until much further out. Thank you for keeping me from making a big mistake! I think I am more comfortable with the decision not to eat bread yet!
  14. I usually eat Chobani with a bit of unsweetened applesauce. Tastes pretty good.
  15. Thank you all for the advice. I think I am going to avoid the bread and starches until after 3 months too. Just makes the most sense! I wish the NUTS would all follow the same plan to avoid the confusion! Again thank you everybody! I do not know what I would do without all of you!
  16. Hmmm...this bread thing seems to be causing a stir. When did most of you start adding bread into your diet? Maybe I will just forget about bread for a while. Any input would be appreciated. I thought I was doing good going by the list the NUT gave me :/
  17. Thank you for the support! I am happily looking forward to being down 44 lbs! A big happy dance will be going on in my house on that day! As for the half sandwich, I double checked and bread is allowed on my soft foods list. Thank goodness! I was about to panic. I think the fact that it takes so long to eat helps. Plus, because of working out I certainly do need the energy because that is the only carbs I get during the day. The rest of my day is a Protein fest.
  18. Thanks Vance! I am down 2 oz today lol! Yay me! You know that old fear is in the back of my mind...I had surgery and removed my stomach to lose 15lbs and that's it!? Well, rationally I know I have plenty of time ahead of me to lose this weight. But I wanted to be at my goal weight yesterday! Guess I better learn to be patient!
  19. About 2 years prior to surgery I started working out on a regular basis. Last year I also began the Couch 2 5K program. Absolutely amazing and I even ran 3 miles by the end of the program. I learned to love running. There is something about it that I just can't explain. Only problem was the whole time I was running I "thinned" out but only lost about 10lbs. My feet and heels were the first to be affected then eventually my knees so I stopped. I figured I had tried everything and I finally decided that I was darned if I do and darned if I don't. That's when I made the decision for surgery. I am about 1 1/2 weeks post op (down 14lbs since surgery) and have been walking since New Years Day. Today I did a very light run on the elliptical. I see my skin starting to get saggy so that is a major motivation for me. The doctor has released me in 2 weeks to start running again. I will use the same program again. I fought so hard to be on the losers bench that I will do everything in my power to make sure I stay there! I am really anxious to feel the difference losing some weight will have made on my running performance. I don't doubt that it will be way easier!
  20. Did your doctor check you for a leak before leaving the hospital? My doctor sent me to radiology where I had to drink fluid while the radiologist monitored the fluid. I was told everything looked perfect and I was able to watch the monitor as well. Is it possible to go through this with a radiologist and still develop a leak? Has that ever happened to anybody?
  21. it's sounds like you are dehydrated. Are you taking any vitamins? Try getting a B12 sub-lingual drop that melts on it's own. Might help. I also started taking an acid reducer and my stomach has calmed down a bit. Good luck!
  22. I am officially one week post op today and I am officially in ONEDERLAND! Goodbye 200's! I would do this again in a heartbeat! Doing a big ol' happy dance!
  23. Mine right now is "SLYBIL" you know think Cybil with all the multiple personalities. Being 1 week post op it has many different personalities!

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