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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. Indymom


    I've told most anyone who has either complimented me on my weight loss or if I've had to go out to eat with them (lots of work associates, clients, etc.). I'm a pretty open person in general so it hasn't bothered me; I had some friends at work who were concerned about me before surgery but they are thrilled for me now. I even encouraged a girl at work to get sleeved and she says it's the best thing she ever did! There are a few others who are considering it too.
  2. Indymom

    The Kind Of Eggs You Eat

    I've not had any issues with eggs but noticed when doing my food tracking that the calories/fat grams were adding up quickly when I was having a regular egg every day. I now typically use the southwestern egg beaters and make a breakfast scramble with mushroom, tomato, and either canadian bacon or turkey sausage (and shredded 2% cheese). It's a really filling breakfast for fairly low calories/fat grams and great on the protein!
  3. Indymom

    Honeymoon Period...

    The most rapid weight loss is in the first 2-3 months (very limited diet and capacity). However, I feel like I am continuing to lose at a very steady rate even at almost 7 months out. At this point I'm not worried about getting to goal - I will be there hopefully by mid-summer. I'm more nervous about maintenance and a few years out . . . I'm sure that it's easy to lose focus and the pounds creep back on.
  4. Have you considered counseling/therapy? Most of us are here because we've tried the "sensible diet and exercise" route, probably multiple times, without success. I know that I had a bit of regret early on because I felt like I failed myself, not being able to accomplish weight loss without resorting to surgical means. However, now that I'm nearly 7 months out and eating foods that I enjoy again (in much smaller quantities, of course) I am beyond thrilled with my decision. I wasn't an emotional or stress eater - just had issues with volume and portion control. My sleeve has given me the control I needed to get myself healthy and happy(ier). Judging from the posts I've seen from you, you've exhibited most of your regret over not being able to eat the foods you want to. Honestly, you really need to consider talking to someone to help you through this. Otherwise you are going to potentially damage your new sleeve by making inappropriate food choices.
  5. Indymom

    Calcium Citrate

    I just take the regular cal citrate tablets from Costco - my surgeon said it was fine this far out. Early on I took the petites as well - had to take a lot a day but it was much better than chewables or liquids . . . yuck!
  6. Indymom


    I went to a mexican restaurant so I had fajitas (only half a tortilla, just ate the meat & veggies plan after that). Breakfast was SW egg beaters with mushroom, tomato and 2% cheese, and some strawberries. Dinner was chicken breast with about 1 oz of angel hair pasta & marinara sauce. I'll probably have some buffalo chicken dip for a snack later.
  7. Indymom


    I believe I was cleared for salads at either 2 or 3 months out. If I do a salad I do a very small amount of field greens or baby spinach, and usually a small amount of diced veggies. If I do a salad for an entree I try to load up on the protein (such as grilled chicken, 2% shredded cheese, diced hard-boiled egg, bacon bits, etc.).
  8. Indymom

    Is My Body Just Done?

    Maybe bump the calories just a bit and cut your carbs back (depending on what you are doing for carbs right now)? Also, if you are exercising, maybe consider changing up what you are doing to jumpstart your metabolism.
  9. Indymom

    I Think I'm Eating Too Much

    At one month out I was allowed to eat 2 oz at a time - typically 1 oz protein and 1 oz either veg or starch. I couldn't imagine eating a cup of food at that point post-surgery . . . but it depends on what you're eating. I'm sure I could have eaten a cup of soup or other "slider" foods, for example. But certainly not a cup of any dense proteins.
  10. Indymom


    I was swallowing pills after week one - I take a Multivitamin that is a softgel (Nature Made brand) and I used to take the Citracal petites (I had to take a lot per day, but I couldn't stand any of the liquid or chewables). I take a regular Calcium tablet now (2 tabs 2xday) and the softgel multivites (1 softgel 2xday). As for the Protein, just keep trying different options. I had the best luck with the unflavored protein mixed with decaf coffee, a little 1% milk and splenda.
  11. Indymom

    Carbs, Calories & Fat, Oh My!

    It feels awesome! You'll be there soon too. I guess I should have also referenced my eating when I was only 4 weeks out, huh? I think at that time I was not focusing so much on calories/fat because I was eating so little - I believe at that time I was on 2 oz per meal, and typically tried to do 1 oz Protein and 1 oz veg or starch. So for example I would do a small serving of tuna salad, and a small serving of peeled cucumber (that was allowed on my meal plan after the first month). I also ate a lot of scrambled eggs, moist chicken breast, canned fruit (like peaches and pears), and deli meats. I definitely wasn't getting all my protein from food like I am now, so I would do 2 shakes a day.
  12. Indymom

    Damn Was I Really That Big?

    You look awesome! I don't think I realized just how big I really was until now - until I see pics from my daughter's birthday last summer (just a week before my surgery) and shudder. I also try to put my loss in a concrete perspective. For example, since I'm down 80 lbs I tried to pick up 2 of the 40-lb softener salt bags last weekend - one in each hand - and couldn't BELIEVE it. How in the heck did I carry all that excess weight on my body for so long without suffering more medical consequences?
  13. Indymom

    Dresses Size 10 And 12

    Sorry I can't help out, but have you tried Goodwill or another thrift store? You might also see if your town has a freecycle website - that might be another good place to check. Good luck!
  14. I just posted something similar on another thread. At almost 7 months out I try to keep my fat and carbs below 50, my calories between 800-1000, and my Protein between 65-75. Today: 892 cals/72 carbs/37 fat/70 protein Great day for me, and I had lots of things I enjoy (crackers, french salad dressing, small serving of baked potato w/ butter & light sour cream, cabot reduced-fat cheddar cheese, etc.). I don't worry too much about my carbs because they don't seem to be impacting my weight loss, but generally there's just not much room for carbs after my protein & veggies - so it naturally stays pretty low.
  15. Indymom

    Carbs, Calories & Fat, Oh My!

    I will share what I do, but I'm not a super low-carb person (and continue to lose regardless). I am almost 7 months out and target calories are between 800-1000/day. I typically eat at least 65-75 grams of Protein, and I try to keep both my fat and carbs below 50 grams. I don't sweat it if I exceed my carb target, but I really try to keep my fat below 50. Today, for example, I hit 892 calories - 72 carbs - 37 fat - 70 protein. I ate lots of yummy things including cheese, crackers, tomatoes, french dressing on my salad at dinner, and a small portion of baked potato with butter/light sour cream. I feel like I'm eating like a "normal" person with appropriate portion sizes, and I'm loving my weight loss. Others will argue to keep the carbs really low but until it starts affecting my weight loss I'm not going to worry about it.
  16. Indymom

    Couch To 5K -- Anyone Want To Join Me?

    I was up to week 6 or 7 last fall, and then got really sick for a couple months. Once I was recovered the weather was COLD - and I realized quickly I didn't like running on the treadmill or indoor track - so I stuck to fitness classes at the gym all winter. Now that the weather is improving I decided to restart C25K, so I went back to the beginning and did week 1/day 1 today. Wasn't too bad! I am going to look for a 5K to register for at the end of May, I think that should give me enough time to prepare. WOOT!
  17. Indymom

    Official: FitBit Thread

    I just linked my Fitbit to the MFP website and started using MFP to log my food. They recommend logging your food on the MFP site, using the Fitbit site to track your activity, and then the two will sync. If you find that your step counts are way off with the fitbit, there is a way to change your stride length. I never figured it out and I know mine is a little more generous than it should be with my steps, but it's still helpful to know what days I've done better than others. I am considering giving my husband my fitbit and buying the fitbit ultra for the stairs counts too . . . not sure if I want to do that or not.
  18. Thanks for sharing that here! I think it's very helpful for those who are pre-op (or newly post-op) to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I remember being in tears my first month, wondering what I had done to myself and getting SO sick of cottage cheese, Protein shakes and applesauce. I went on vacation a couple weeks ago and last week, I was so busy catching up from work and getting my house organized again that I cooked very little. We fell into the old trap of eating out (pizza, mexican, etc.). I made decent choices but didn't do as well as I could have, and I literally felt icky during the weekend because I had not been eating as clean as I normally do. After going to the grocery on Saturday and restocking the house of our "staples," I've been back on track for the last 2 days (plus worked out) and it's amazing the difference it makes!! Those of you who are "craving" certain things - don't worry, you'll have a chance to eat them again. But you may be pleasantly surprised that those things you are craving really don't taste that good to you once you've gotten into the habit of eating clean. I can't eat more than a couple potato chips before my stomach gets upset . . . anything fried makes me almost nauseous . . . I can take or leave sweets (usually a bite or two of anything will satisfy me). I do miss a big greasy cheeseburger from time to time . . . I miss those big pretzel buns and all the toppings - but I can make do with a lean burger with 2% cheese, no bun, and a few oven-baked fries. Almost the same as the "real thing"!!!
  19. I was 6 months post-op on February 10 and left for a cruise last Sunday. For the first time in I don't know how long I didn't mind having photos taken in my bathing suit! (I erased my daughter out which is why there's that weird white spot) I actually LOST 2 lbs during my cruise! All the up & down on those stairs made up for my not-so-terrific eating and drinking habits, apparently. I am including a "before" picture as well for comparison. Only thing I'm not loving is the leg-jiggle but at the end of the day, who cares!!
  20. Indymom

    Apple Pie In A Mug

    I think this early out, you're taking in so few calories that would be an OK thing to try (but double-check with your nutritionist if you're not sure about it).
  21. Indymom

    Exercise Questions

    Do you have access to a pool? Swimming laps is very good for exercise and easy on the joints. If you have a gym membership they may also have aqua-fit classes. Otherwise, I would say walking is your best bet - I did a ton of walking post-op before I was cleared for full exercise.
  22. Indymom

    Hot & Sour Soup

    LOVE hot & sour soup! I couldn't tolerate it early on (too spicy) but now my sleeve loves it. I usually get chicken/snow peas/mushrooms and hot & sour soup when I get Chinese - it lasts me at least 3-4 meals.
  23. Indymom

    Jimmy Johns Unwich

    I used to always get the vito (the italian sandwich) - loved it pre-op but now I find the italian meats a little too greasy. I'm bummed they aren't serving alfalfa sprouts right now because I would like that on a turkey unwich.
  24. Indymom

    Greek Yogurt Chocolate Cake!

    Reminds me of the weight watchers cake - box cake mix and a can of diet soda - always turned out pretty good and moist too. I also like making the angel food cake mix with a can of crushed pineapple - tastes like pineapple upside down cake. If cake is a trigger food for you, though, I'd still recommend making small portions (like mini-muffin or regular cupcake size) to avoid overindulging - you'll still be getting a fair amount of carbs from the cake mix even without adding the extra fat from the eggs/oil.
  25. Indymom

    Spaghetti And Meatballs Finally!

    When I make spaghetti & meatballs (either lean ground beef or turkey meatballs) for my family I try to eat 3 of the meatballs, a good serving of the sauce and just a tiny bite or two of the Pasta. The pasta fills me up too quickly, and it's really empty carbs without any other significant nutritional value. I'm not trying to be judgemental, but it's important to remember that just because you CAN eat something doesn't necessarily mean that you should. Stick to your dense Proteins, veggies, and watch the carbs as best you can. Some people have to stay extremely low-carb to continue losing, while I find I don't need to be quite as vigilant about avoiding the carbs - but even if you're not carb-intolerant, most carb-heavy foods will fill up your sleeve without giving you the Protein and other nutrients you need.

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