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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by teacherz

  1. I am at my third fill this week = filled August 19th. i am down 33 lbs, so should feel good at thtat, but when I read about other July bandsters thst have lost 40+ lbs, I only feel ddiscouraged. I know we are all diffferent, but it's really hard to come off the "high" of losing when you're on the pre-op and post-op diet of liquid only, then actually eat real food an don't shed the pounds. I'm still eating about 800-1000 calories a day - but those caloroes are made of "real" food more often than not. That's me = I can't imagine living on yoguurt & Soup alone. Plus, I have a family of 3 boys and a husband, and am tryin g to cook dinner for them as much as I can. Long story short - I have been stuck in the same 10 pounds for about 3 weeks, NOT happy. Just got a new fill and feel VERY tight - have had a few PB/puking episdodes - but think I may be in the right place. zzI think I just need to accept that I can't eat with my family... at least for now. Weight is going down rapidly, and it's worth it - again, for now. It's like a kick in the ass I needed. That being said, I know there will be a time I can at least cook a healthy, yummy dinner for all of us with cheese, Pasta, veggies, & Protein that will make everyone happy. Hasen't happened yet, but it's coming...

    33 lbs. down

    57 lbs. to go

    God bless all my fellow bandsters! I LOVE hearing from you!! xo.

  2. Sooo... Here;s my story in a nutshell: was banded on August 19th. Went through a 12-day pre-op liquid diet and lost about 12 lbs. Then, betweeen my actual surgery and the 2 week post-op visit, I lost about another 10 lbs. My doctor had me on a 5 week post-op diet -- but let me fudge a little, Which meant: 1 week Clear liquids, 1 week "full" liquids - but then it went to 5 days instead of 7 - next phase was pureed foods, next stage was "soft" foods, next stage was food. I went for my follow-up visit about 12 days post-op (on full liquid at that point), and had lost a total of 22 lbs. Both my doctor & the PA made it very clear that the upcoming weeks would be the hardest; I would most likely not lose - probably would gain.

    OK. Phase 2: I was on vacation for the last week, I haven't really felt restriction from the start. So, I tested a new food each day "flatbread", Deli turkey or ham, moist chicken breast, lettuce... Guess what? It all went down fine! Granted, I ate a lot less than I usually have in the past, but nothing riculous. Also ate a Healthy Choice Pasta dish and Perogies... no problem... Then I got home. 8 days of "eating" outside the home. Had cocktails (usually some vodka & Water w? Crystal Lite). Thought I would have gained... but I DIDN'T!! I kept my calories - even with a cocktail - under 800, and my fat under 30 grams. So, I fgeel good about it...

    So my point is... I'm going with the "eat what you want as long as it is low-calorie and not crazy fat." A nd I mean ANYTHING!

    But.... getting my first fill/adjustment tomorrow and scared. I want it, but am nervous... Should I want great "restriction" or should I really eat "anything"? I think so... but not sure... Thoughts? Advice?



  3. I am in the same position. I am on "soft foods" and I've lost maybe 2-3 lbs in the last 2 weeks. According to everything I've read here, and what the doctor told me, this happens to everyone. I know I should be happy I'm losing anything, but I also totally get your frustration. It was just so exciting the first few weeks - losing 5+ pounds a week! I was on a total high, and now I feel let down... Logically I know everything is working as it should, but emotionally I'm still kind of down... Just have to keep our chins up and make it through these weeks as our bodies get used to "food" again!

    Good luck!!

  4. Hi Kell,

    Some points of your story are very similar to mine (including the child with autism!), so please feel that you're not alone. I'm not an expert, and I have been on this almost the same time as you, but my rationale is the following: During pre op and the first days of post op, we were loosing weight because we were on a restriction diet. Thank goodness for those 22 pounds you lost (me too!!). However, our bodies are now healing from the shock of surgery. The lap band is not "functioning" yet, in other words, it's just there, but with no fill, there is no real function. Sooooo.... once we have our fill, we will start seeing the band at work!!! I wil have mine on the 25th and I'm looking forward to it!!! Let's keep our spirits up, and you will see, and I will see that this IS going to WORK!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!!! I keep telling myself.... I'm in this for the long run~~ so we don't need to push it... it WILL happen for us!!! It will!!!!!!!


    Thank you, THANK YOU for a response. Sometimes I just feel like that's all I need = one person to identify more specifically than not with what I'm saying. I guess I hav a "buried" unrealistic notion that I canstart back at school looking SO fabulous - and all I'm doing is setting myself up for failure. It will definitely take more time than a couple of months. (Its just that those people haven't seen me in a few months. But what do I think this is? "The Biggest Loser" for Gripe's sake? Ridiculous... :) I seem to be a "bit" smaller, so I'm going to concentrate on getting a few outfits that have an other color than black,,, maybe wear some lipgloss... and I should be good :) LOL!!

    SO HAPPY TO KNOW WE'RE WORKING IT TOGETHER! keep in touch here or on the "general lap-band" thread!!

    xo. Kell


  5. So.... Haven't been back to this thread in a few days, but it's nice to read everyone's posts. Although I feel comforted by what I've read, I'm still SO anxious & frustrated right now - even if I know logically I shouldn't be... My story? I was banded on the 19th. I had my first post-op doctor visit last Thursday the 28th, and I was down 22 lbs since I had gone on my pre-op diet on July 14th. I was really excited! Now... between this site and what the PA said to me that day, I knew my loss numbers would not be the same in the following days. It just makes sense I wouldn't lose as much now that I had the clearance to eat something besides broth and sugar-free Jello & popscicles, right? Yet, I'm actually really down right now that I'm at a stand-still right now - maybe I've lost a lb or 2...

    Background: I've always had a hard time with my weight. I was sort of thin in high school, but as I look back that was probably because I had a boarderline eating disorder - as many girls did in my class. I have had hips & big breasts since at least 6th grade, I'm not that tall (5' 4"), and my mother didn't eat OR cook. So although I look at myself in HS photos and am OK with what I see, I know I NEVEr felt skinny like many of my friends, and know that I ate maybe a few bowls of Cereal a day to be that way... And that was when my metabolism was probably at its best!

    Fast-foward through a high stress career, three children (one who was diagnosed 3 years ago with autism), and an illness (not cancer) in April of 2010 that almost killed me, caused me to lose all of my hair, and effectively wrecked my metabolism, and here I am today. I've done the diets, the weight watchers points, the personal trainers since then,,, all to starve myself, kill myself, and lose 10 lbs in 2.5 months... This is when I finally decided on surgery. I KNEW (I KNOW) it is not the magic answer to my problem, and I;m happy I've already lost twice the amount than in my previous, serious attempt. BUT... I can't help but need a little moore "nudging: to know this surgery is worth it. I can't even start to think that I went to this drastic measure only to have to obsess unhealthily about food and carbs and fat and Water intake and measurements... and become one of those people who talk about food constantly = "Oh, do you know about such and such recipe/replacement/blah, blah, blah" = their only topic of conversation topic?? I want to live my life = social, cocktails, making a dinner for my three boys & husband that we can all eat,,, But I want to lose too!!!

    OK. I've ranted & raved enough. I'm just having a little melt-down, and am hoping there is someone else out there like me who is feeling the same. Again... I know it could be worse. But I'm eating 800 calories or less right now, but not seeing results. SO hoping my "fill" on the 22nd will help - but don 't want to get my hopes too up either...

    Here's to a great end of summer!! (As a teacher, I count out my time in this way. Hoping to feel on a better path come the start of a new school year :)

    Thanks for listening (reading) :) Would love any words of wisdom, encouragement, tips, or just a note telling me I'm not a total freak-show... LOL :)

    HUGS!! Kell

  6. Banded on the 19th and just had my first post-op doctor's appointment. I'm down 22 lbs! (10 from pre-op diet, 12 since surgery) Yay!! I don't feel like I look ANY different, but I'll take the declining numbers as motivation. My doctor has me on each stage of diet for a full week - so I'm still only on "full" liquids right now - but told me I could "cheat" and start mushies this weekend if I feel up to it. I definitely feel like I could eat anything right now, but so far have been too scared to even try - which I guess is a good thing. I did schedule my first fill for the 22nd, so I'm pretty excited for that. I was warned that I will probably not lose or even gain a few pounds once I start eating which I don't like... It only makes sense; you can't go from liquids only to sold food and not expect such an outcome - but I still don't like it! LOL...

    Thanks for everyone's posts. They have definitely helped me to stay sane = I know what I'm going through isn't totally crazy. I'm definitely having trouble getting all my Protein in, and the suggestions here have helped. (Ended up with a migrane on Tuesday = NOT fun!!) I did discover a local ice cream/yogurt shop that has saved me. They have a sugar-free vanilla yogurt that you can mix with fruit and a shot of protein powder = makes an awesome smoothie. I'm going to try and replicate it at home with my Magic Bullet. But it's nice to have the shop when I'm in a hurry...

    Hugs & good vibes going out to my fellow July bandits!!


  7. Hi Kell,

    How are you? I'm still really sore and weak. I wish I saw your post before surgery. I'm glad it is over and there is no turning back now. Each day I hope :unsure: to get alittle bit stronger and smaller, One day at a time.:rolleyes: Small world I'm in the ! Get back to me on how your feeling cuz I'm alittle freaked on how weak I still am.


    Almost one week out and I'm kind of a mixed bag... The gas pains and pains around my incisions has definitely gotten much better. I haven't taken my perscribed pain meds in 2 days. But... I still haven't been able to sleep through the night - and I'm one of those people who LOVE to sleep! I need a good 8 hours to feel rested. Then I got my period yesterday, so I've been miserable = nauseated, cramps, bloated... worse than normal. But today I woke up feeling pretty good... and that's when things went downhil...

    Now, I, too, have been feeling pretty weak. I chalked it up to not sleeping well AND the fact that I really haven't been able to stomach more than Zero Vitaminwater and sugar-free popscicles. (I am also drinking Isopure = clear, flavored Water with 20g of protein). Since I am finally allowed to move on to "full liquids" (yougurt, crfeamy Soups, skim milk, etc.), today I had the brilliant idea of making a smoothie with some yogurt, ice, & a scoop of Protein powder. I figured I'd finally get some calories in me and that would help with my energy level. Well, it tasted good... really good! And I haven't had any issues with swallowing; everything has gone down smoothly so far. I guess I wasn't paying attention to how fast I was sipping - or how much. Long story short: I had my first experience with the puking/PBs.:o NOT fun!! I have felt yucky every since... I definitely learned my


    Hoping tomorrow is a better day. Here's a question/concern I throw out to everyone: if we're not getting a lot of calories in right now, won't that actually hinder our weight loss? On one hand, I feel like the pounds should be flying off me at this point since I really haven't "eaten" in almost 2 weeks. But on the other, I've never had a good metabolism, and I worry that because I'm not "feeding" my body, it's just clinging to every calorie/pound... Does that make sense??


  8. Day 4 for me too - and feeling much better! The "pain" is really just soreness (except for the port site - that still hurts when the pain meds wear off). Still haven't slept for a long stretch yet, but am getting plenty of rest. The gas seems to have finally subsided - which ROCKS!! I am about to go on my first "field trip" = to Whole Foods to get some liquid stevia and check out their selection of Protein powders & shakes. Whoo Hoo! :P Hopefully that will go smoothly...

    So glad you seem to be feeling better too! My first post-op check-up is next Thursday the 28th. I'm excited to see what the scale says then. (I have my own scale - and it seems to be going down - but I don't totally tust it I guess... LOL) Keep up the good work!

  9. I am also 3 days post-op and not feeling so hot... I haven't felt nauseated at all until today. But I will say that each day seems to be a bit better than the day before in terms of pain and gas. Although swallowing isn't a problem, the thought of "eating" anything makes me gag a little. My doctor has a pretty strict post-op diet I need to follow: one week on Clear Liquids only, second week is full liquids (like Protein shakes & yogurt), third week is mushy/pureed foods, and fourth week is soft foods. Basically I've been drinking Isopure (clear flavored Water with protein), Vitaminwater Zero, and plain Water. I get up every two hours or so and walk laps around my house - it definitely helps with the gas (plus I'm taking Gas-X). But I, too, am sleeping a lot. This is good!! Your body needs time to heal & get used to all of the eating changes. Do not try to do too much, too fast - it will only come back to haunt you later.

    Good luck to you! I feel if we make it through this first week, things will definitely be easier from then on... :)


  10. I'm officially banded! :D Everything went amazingly well - I can't believe how smoothly it all went! At home now. Very sore and have some gas pain, but no nausea, Thank God... It sounds like if I can just make it through the next 2 days or so, the worst will be over. Looking forward to this brand new chapter in my lfe!

  11. Tomorrow is the big day for me too = we are band buddies! :D Feeling all of thre same things - super excited, full of anticipation, nervous about getting anethesia (have never had it before). Honestly, I just want to get to bed and fall asleep so I will 1. NOT be so hungry! (have been on a 2-week pre-op diet of Protein shakes, bars, broth, and sugar-free Jello/popscicles , with the past 2 days being clear liquid ONLY. In some ways it's been harder than I thought it would be...) and 2. just want tomorrow to get here already!! I don't deal so well with the "unknown," and this is one HUGE unknown, But I know I'm doing the right thing and have faith things will work out the way I want them to. Maybe not exactly how I want them to, but I'll get there. I'm sure it will be the same for you.

    Good Luck & see you on "the other side"!! Let us all know how things go!


  12. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to respond to my post!! I'm definitely feeling much less stressed about the amount I've lost so far. Hoping to drop another pound or two before Tuesday, but if I don't, so be it... Also, it's been so great to see everyone's posts post-op - even from the very day of surgery! It's absolutely helping me feel more comfortable about the whole procedure. The fact that there seems to be as many differences as similarities in people's experiences actually has helped a lot. And regardless of the differences, everyone is so positive & supportive... LOVE it! :) Not so happy to be spending my birthday (tomorrow the 18th) not being able to eat ANYTHING (LOL), but I know it will be totally worth it in the end!


  13. Hi July bandits!

    My surgery date is the 19th - 3 more days! - and although I am mainly excited, I'm starting to get a bit nervous as well. I haven't been afraid or nervous about the procedure until now, so I am SO happy I found this site! It has really helped in answering questions as they pop into my head (sometimes every 5 minutes... LOL) and alleviating some of my fears and concerns. But there is one concern I have hanging over my head = the pre-op diet and how much I'm losing...

    My doctor put me on a 2 week pre-op diet that consists mainly of "Optifast" Protein shakes & bars with broth and sugar-free Jello and/or popsicles. Here's my fear: I haven't been loosing enough! I keep reading about people who have lost 20+ lbs. during their pre-op diet and I've only lost about 10 lbs so far. Is this a sign of things to come?? I will admit I've cheated a couple of times - by having some lettuce w/ a couple slices of turkey and fat-free dressing. (I just felt I had to eat some "real food" or I was going to absolutely LOSE IT!) But I haven't eaten anything else and have always kept the calorie count for the day at 800 with about 10 g. of fat. Yet, I don't feel so great about the amount I've lost :( I'm so worried this is an indicator that I'm going to go through the surgery only to still not loose! Does/Has anyone else had this issue or concern??

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday!!


  14. I, too, am getting banded on the 19th! Yay for us! :) Anyway, I've been on an "Optifast" diet since the 6th = Protein shake, Protein Bar, broth, and/or sugar-free Jello. I've "cheated" twice - both times by having some lettuce w/ a couple slices of turkey and fat-free dressing. I just felt like I was absolutely going to LOSE IT if I didn't have some "real food." But I refuse to feel guilty. The main purpose of the diet is to shrik the liver. I was still consuming less than 800 calories (and about 10 grams of fat) for the day. Plus, I've seen so many people on this site who were put on a diet only 2 days pre-op or not at all, and they are fine! So don't beat yourself up - I'm sure everything will work out beautifully...

    Also, I, too, have done every diet from Jenny Craig to Atkins to Weight Watchers... and if I've learned anything, it's that we have to allow ourselves a "cheat" or we are doomed to fail. Now, I absolutely don't condone going against a doctor's instructions - especially right after the surgery when our bodies won't be able to handle anything but liquid. But in the long haul, if you're too rigid it will only make it that much easier to sabotage yourself... IMO...

    Good luck in the next few days... I'm right there with you = just counting down until Tuesday!

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