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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CharmaneFischer

  1. I also fell off and gained 20 pounds. I lost my mom in March and kind of ate everything in sight. Then I did some soul search it and decided I did not want to return to where I started so I am on My Fitness Pal again and logging in everything. If I'm held accountable I do much better. I was banded on 11-11-12 and feel great just need to get back on track.

  2. I had surgery on 11-10-2011 and went to my post op last Monday, the doctor said I could do light cardio which I did Sat and Sun. I used my Wii and did 20 minutes each day. On Monday I had a sharp pain next to my incision area and it would only do it once in a while. This morning I got up and it feels like my port has moved down a little and now I have a little pressure in my chest area. I think this is from the port but the sharp pain is now gone. Also this morning I was very light headed and dizzy, but feel fine after I ate my Breakfast. Has anyone had this with their port? thank you.

    Char crying.gif

  3. Well I wanted to start exercising again and my Doctor told me to start out slow. So I got the Wii Fit Plus out and did a few routines that I enjoy on there. I did 18 minutes and burned over 80 calories. I know it does not sound like much but it's a start. How is everyone's Saturday going?

    I did a little more xmas shopping done and only have 3 gift cards to get and some wrapping and I am done! Yay....

  4. I find that I am also starting to get hungry towards meal time and I have increase a little on how much I eat. When I saw the Doctor last Monday he said that would happen and that means I will probably need a fill the next time I go in which will be 12/16. You are just healing and it is normal. When is your first fill?

  5. Had a great dinner with family, since I am on mushies I took some white meat, l a little stuffing and some turkey gravy and blended it real well. I had some squash and rutabaga and some mashed potatoes. I didn't eat everything on my plate but was satisfied with what I did eat. I felt good to be able to get up away from the table with food still left on my plate and not be so stuffed that I couldn't move. Then about an hour ago we had pie, I took a small slice of chocolate pie and only ate the pudding. I am so proud of myself! How did everyone do today?

  6. I had my surgery yesterday (11-10-11) and feel pretty good today. I had to be at the hospital at 6 am and once I was taken in the back to get ready everything went fast. I would go back to Ellis Hospital for an surgeries they were fantastic and very outgoing. Once I got to the OR they got me ready for the surgery and the nurse and anesthesiologist were relaxing and funny. They strapped my arms and my legs to the table because the doctor puts me upright a little to do the surgery, that explains the foot board on the bottom of the table. LOL....I was put under around 8ish and was waking up in the recovery room around 9ish. So the whole surgery to about an hour and she had to fix a hietal hernia. I was in pain when I woke up but they gave me something for that and once I got more awake they sent me to the second recovery. My husband came in and they gave me Water to sip on after about an hour I got up to go pee and walk. They sent me home with a liquid pain med, a muscle relaxer and a Constipation med. Once home I could only have Water yesterday and today I can have other Clear liquids. I didn't sleep much yesterday but did sleep well last night without waking up. I have little gas pain but I would walk every hour and sip water.

  7. Hello all sorry I haven't been around lately but trying to get things done before I go in to surgery on Nov 10th. I did receive approval thru my insurance and that was the last hurdle so now I am all set to go. When I started this journey it seemed like alot of things to do to get to where I am at now. Looking back now the time has flew since I went to the first seminar on August 4th. Everything seems like a blur now and I know that sounds unrealistic. I have to be at the hospital by 6 am and surgery is 7:45 am, if all goes well I should be home by noon.

    Wishing everyone a great day.


  8. Had my preop testing and saw my surgeon for the last time yesterday before the surgery. It seems like everything has been a blur now that I am at this point. I have a surgery date of November 10th and still haven't heard from my insurance. It was submitted on October 24th so I am hoping to hear soon. I really want to have this done next week and am hoping that I don't have to change my date. On monday I start my clear liquid diet and take a laxative on monday and tuesday. Good luck to everyone with their surgeries.


  9. I am scheduled for November 10th. As of friday I had lost my 10% and also had everthing that I need to have it submitted to insurance. My case coordinator will submitt that tomorrow. I am in the process of shopping for my 3 day pre op diet and for what I will need after the surgery. I hope to stay connected on here with every one. Char

  10. Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a great week. I am glad Friday is finally here, it has been a long week. Next week is going to be even worst. Lots going on we have a group meeting on Monday, Tuesday I have the second appointment for the psych evaluation, thursday I go see my primary for a clearance letter and friday is my first weigh in. But on the bright side the week after I have nothing scheduled to do... Surger is only 4 weeks away now and I am getting excited about it. I am only a few pounds away from the 10% weight loss before surgery. I have made a list of what I can eat after surgery and will start stocking up on things. Well enought for now. Have a great Friday all. :rolleyes:

  11. Yesterday I had my 2nd psy eval went well she is going to say I'm good to go for surgery. The eval results should be to my surgeon within 7 days whoo hooo... I'm so excited but still a little scared..When I started my 6 months of supervised classes I never thought I would get to this point now it seems like everything is going so quickly...Anyone else feel the same?

    I feel the same way. I had all of my pre op testing done yesterday and I have one more appointment with the psych and have to see my primary doctore for clearance for surgery. I go see my surgeon on the 31st and have surgery on Nov 10th. The last week seems to have gone fast since before it sure seemed like it was going at a snails pace. I am nervous and excited at the same time.

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