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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by JackieOMonroe

  1. Aaaaand I just learned that banana is a slider for me.

  2. I take so many vitamins and whatnot in the morning, I have to wait before I can fit breakfast in my sleeve. LOL

  3. Can someone tell me how to sleeve my brain to match my stomach? I can't get away from junk! My broccoli just doesn't sound as good as my chips.

  4. Bread has become so much less important to me since getting sleeved.

  5. Today's lunch: Homemade caprese salad. Tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella balls. Drizzled with a little olive oil and balsamic, topped with salt and pepper.

  6. If I can lose 3 more lbs by Dec 14th, I will have met my doctor's goal for weight loss in exactly 6 months. That blows my mind. I'll hit my personal goal at 9 more lbs.

  7. BMI 24.8!! I'm officially no longer overweight!! I know the BMI system is highly flawed, but it still feels good.

  8. I love the look of this purdy new forum!

  9. Yesterday I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine and hip. I'm 31 years old. Take care of your bones, ladies.

  10. I took 2 weeks off my eating plan and ate as much as I could and forced a weight loss stall. It really helped me to get some energy back. Now I'm back to protein first, but I'm not as rigid. Weight loss is on track again. It'll be a low loss month for me, but that was the point.

  11. Yay! The power is back on in my neighborhood after a MASSIVE blackout in Southern California.

  12. Looks like I've been ticker hacked or something. My pin isn't working today. :(

  13. I really think cooking might be my crossover addiction since the surgery. I can't eat, so I feed everyone else. Made pot roast today for the first time for my husband and a bunch of his guy friends. Served it over smashed red potatoes with garlic. The guys finished the entire pot roast (juices, veggies, everything) AND 5 lbs of mashed potatoes in half an hour. They wouldn't shut up about how much they loved it. LOL I might have to start eating meat again. I didn't even get to taste it!

  14. Even though I'm not at goal, I'm done trying to lose weight for a little while. I've been feeling really crappy again and I'm just going to focus on eating, eating, eating. Good stuff of course. Still not buying junk. It's just that I'm not eating enough.

  15. As of today, exactly 50 lbs gone and 65% of my excess weight gone for good! I've hit the doctor's mark for success!

  16. 49.8 lbs lost as of today (let's just call it 50 lol). I'd planned to start exercising on 9/1, but I'm not feeling super motivated. Let's hope that changes by tomorrow!

  17. The difference in the amount you can eat from one food to another is weird! Also, I've been feeling uncharacteristically hungry today. I find my stomach so fascinating since surgery.

  18. 178.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dance*

  19. 180.0 today. My scale is taunting me. :/ Come on 170's!

  20. I've been stuck for 2 weeks. I think I'm consuming too few calories and too many carbs. Not to mention that I'm laaaaaaaaaazy. I'm so close to the 170's that my scale hops back and forth between in at my current weight, but it always stops on the wrong side. I know what I need to do. Boo to that. lol

  21. Dr. Who is back tomorrow!!! Marathon and specials today! :)

  22. I need to lose 2 more lbs to reach my monthly mini-goal of 2 lbs. Fingers crossed for me, people! I've only got a week left!

  23. Got a call from the doctor today. Apparently the weakness that I've been feeling is due to a potassium deficiency. That's really great news because it's an easy fix! Hooray!

  24. I'm giving myself until the end of this month, and then I'm going to start incorporating exercise into my days. I get the results of my blood work back tomorrow and finding vitamins that don't make me sick have really been helping me to feel normal this week. I think I finally have the energy to get on the elliptical!

  25. salty, carby food has been ruling my life for the past couple of days and I have the water retention to prove it. Back on track today.

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