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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by star13

  1. So after beginning this process more than 3 years ago (long story - had to switch when insurance changed Center of Excellence requirement) I have a surgery date of 8/12 (less than a WEEK away!).

    And all of a sudden I am wavering - getting scared...that it won't work, that there will be complications, that the pain will be too much. Has anyone had a similar experience?

    It probably doesn't help that my mother keeps telling me I shouldn't get it done. :redface:

  2. Hi all - I posted this here because I'd love to hear from the banded as well as pre-banded...

    My surgery is scheduled for 8/12. My doctor only uses the Realize band, which I have no problem with. I was talking with him a little about why he uses Realize, blah, blah, blah...anyways I asked how many band surgeries he's done. He said he has done "around 50" although he's done 100+ gastric bypass surgeries.

    I guess my question is...would the low number of surgeries put you off? I am on the fence - on one hand I am sure he had to go through a huge training since the hospital I am getting banded at is a qualified "Center of Excellence". But on the other hand I know that experience is so important when it comes to the little things like exact band placement, etc.

    What are your thoughts? There is another doctor in the practice that has done 500+ and only does Lap-Band. If I were to switch to her though, it would delay my surgery even further. Oi. This is such a maddening process.

  3. I've been on meds for about 3 years and they have always have a hard time controlling it. I am just amazed that it jumped that much in only a month.

    It's frustrating, and I reallllly hope it doesn't delay things. I've come this far and would be so incredibly disappointed if this tiny issue delayed things any further, kwim?

  4. Oi vey. So after months of jumping (or rather, waddling) through hoops of one kind or another I *finally* have a surgery date of 8/12/10. Woot!

    However the doctor asked for one last round of bloodwork just to check that my anemia was controlled enough that he felt like he could proceed with the surgery. Lo and behold - Iron levels are good but my stupid thyroid which had an overall TSH of 1.7 in June is now 11.2!!! :sad:

    They switched me to name brand Synthroid and told me to start taking it in the morning rather than at night. My next bloodwork is 8/9/10. THREE days before my surgery is scheduled. And if my TSH is not below 7 they won't proceed with the surgery.

    Noooo pressure.

    I am thisclose to freaking out, man!

  5. Hi all - well as the pre-op process sloooowly moves forward I am beginning to think of some of the logistics (time off work, specifically). I know that the recovery is typically a week or so before you can return to non-strenuous jobs.

    Does anyone know how long you are on heavy duty painkillers? I worry about going back to work with them in my system!

  6. Not hiding from the camera

    Not hiding in general - looking forward to seeing old friends who haven't seen me in years, rather than dreading it

    Being able to keep up with my son - going places with him that don't require me to sit on my butt

    Being healthy, having energy

    Not having to spend a fortune on clothes and being able to buy clothes in a "regular" store

    Not being a slave to food and my own impulses

  7. So I was on the phone with my best friend the other day (who is incredibly super skinny, even after two kids), and my daughter (4 1/2) walks in and says, "Mom, why aren't you skinny..." me:"Shhhhh", Daughter: "Why aren't you skinny?, huh mom? Why are you not skinny?" I wanted to DIE of embarrassement and shame! I Know she doesn't mean any harm by saying that, she is just curious, but I was so hurt and so sad, and I just KNOW my super skinny georgeous friend heard it all!

    I can totally relate to both of your points. My best friend is 6 months pregnant and was bemoaning how "fat" she is at 135 pounds. Meanwhile my 2 year old is pounding my belly going "fat belly for mama".


    Yeah, this damn band can't come soon enough! Hang in there...and just think, your daughter wouldn't trade her chubby mama for the world!!!

  8. Wow - that is terrific that you are all getting it done so soon! I am envious. I actually read about that bill (which is terrific) but my insurance does cover lap-band surgery, but only at facilities that have earned the Centers of Excellence status.

    So I *think* they would be able to get out of paying for me to have it done in Keene because of that, by saying I could go elsewhere in the state to have it done. :wub:

    I know that there are other places that are in S. NH which are Centers of Excellence, I just can't take the time off work to go to all of the classes and then the surgery. I work FT and have a baby at home so I am thinking I will just wait until CMC gets certified. According to Pam Morrison they are hoping to be certified within a year from now. I hope I am still kicking in a year! :thumbup:

    I wish you, your wife and daughter the best of luck! :girl_hug:

  9. Dirigo - when are you and your family getting the procedure? I actually was approved through Cheshire Medical and was supposed to be one of the first to get it done until my insurance refused coverage because CMC is not a Center of Excellence yet! I was SOOOO :girl_hug:!!!

    So now I am keeping my fingers tightly crossed that they get certified SOON so my insurance will cover it! I would love to hear how it goes for you and your family. Dr. Dupuis seemed nice and like he is a very capable surgeon.

  10. I have a baby boy, he was almost 12 months old when I had my surgery. I did this largely for him and my other children (2 dds), but it did scare me as well.

    That is a huge (no pun intended) factor in my decision to go forward too. It is hard for me to carry him for any distance and I am constantly tired and out of breath. If I stay this big I will not be able to keep up with him. He deserves a healthy mother.

    I also shudder to think of him getting picked on by other kids for having a fat mom.

    Thank you all for your words of reassurance. I guess I have been a little overwhelmed by how fast this is all going. I had heard it was such a lengthy process and my experience has been the opposite thus far!

  11. I just found out last week that my insurance approved the surgery and it looks like I will only need to cover the $500 deductible. I am feeling a surge of conflicting emotions.

    I am excited, terrified, and almost grieving, if that makes any sense. I am so used to using food as a crutch that I am apprehensive of doing it differently.

    The really, REALLY scaredy-cat part of me is terrified that I won't make it, or something awful like that. I have a 6-month old son and the thought of leaving him...it's unbearable.

    Are these (somewhat) normal feelings? :)

  12. Hi all -

    I am not banded, have an appointment tomorrow with my PCP to discuss Lap-Band. I am in NH and I know of NO bariatric surgeons in the state.

    I am nervous, terrified, hopeful, scared and worried all at the same time.

    My insurance (I believe) covers the procedure if "medically necessary," which it is, my BMI is over 40. Basically I am scared of the pain of the procedure, and of complications.

    But probably not scared enough to give it a try...why not? I've tried everything else for G*d's sake!!!

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