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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by evilstepdad

  1. Hello friends! My surgery date was 6/9 and so I am 10days post-op and still on this "Phase II" diet of only clear broth, Protein shakes and Crystal Light. I am just about sick of those things, and look forward to getting my meat on!

    As I read the different forums, I realize that there are so many different versions of diets 2wks Post-Op.

    I see my surgeon's office next week, and believe after that visit , I will start Phase III (solely pureed Proteins like seafood, 3oz egg but NO pasta/rice/grains etc) .

    It is becoming so difficult, as I am honestly hungry at this stage, and have to prepare scrumptious meals for my kids , so this liquid-only diet is stressful.

    Do any of you have stories to share of what's in store for me, and WHEN exactly? LOL!

    Baked Salmon (yumm) ?

    Red Beans (yummm)?



    Do not have any thing to tell you like you want but maybe this might make you feel better, I was two weeks before surgery all liquid diet and I am on four weeks liquid diet after.

    Good Luck and hang in I read all the time on how it gets better

  2. As much as people give numbers, I can tell you I eat very normal portions for a 5'2", 125lb woman at 2 years out.

    Last night, I went out with my girlfriends for Italian food. Of course, there was bread with oil service, 2 slices of bread dipped in herby oil about 30 minutes before our meal arrived(super thin, crunchy type bread), bread is a total slider for me. I proceeded to sip my Water until my meal was served. I ate the bread super slow, the oil lubed it up, and through 30-40 minutes of conversation, I knew I had room for food. So, what did I order?? You're thinking Protein meal right? WRONG, I order a veal/spinach/ricotta canneloni, it was 2 little tube canneloni stuffed with mainly ricotta, veal pieces and a hint of spinach, pretty much just enough to give some color, not a lot of spinach flavor. I ate the first one, and we proceeded to sit there for another hour,and I had actually asked that the 2nd one be boxed up to bring home. Well, as we sat, talked, laughed, b.s.'d for another hour, I nibbled on the second canneloni. Sooooooooooooooooo for me, that's totally normal. Yes, I realize everything I ate was pretty much mush/puree consistency. The canneloni shell was super thin, like I could see the veal through it. Oh and it was smothered in vodka sauce, and freshly grated parmesan cheese slivers.

    As for dense Protein, I can eat half of an 8oz ribeye cooked medium with about 1/4 cup of either mashed potatoes, or 1/2 cup of green veggies, and be perfectly content. I can eat 1 soft taco from Taco Bell, or if I tear away all the additional tortilla, I can eat 3/4 of a bean burrito. I can eat 1 cup of chili with Beans.

    With the sleeve, there is minimal stretching. Honestly, there is NOT enough tissue left behind to stretch if the surgery is performed correctly. I'm eating the same amounts I was eating around 8-9 months out with some variations on certain foods that have become sliders for me. Bread used to bother me, now certain bready items are slider foods. Biscuits still give me hell, but I don't miss them. As for cheating the sleeve, yep, I do it, and have done it to maintain my weight. I could not eat enough calories in 4 meals per day, and by following the rule of not making my meal last any more than 20-30 minutes. I stretch out my meals further to get in a couple of more ounces. Also, I take breaks when I eat to allow time for some digestion to take place.

    I am never questioned about my portions, and I realized it's because I'm not eating any differently than my naturally skinny girlfriends. I never realized how little they ate before because I could enough for 3 of us. I can honestly tell you that I'm normal by all definitions that the world has defined. I can eat 2 slices of pizza if I extend the meal, usually 1 thin slice is good though, but if I wait 15 minutes, I can have another. So, it really depends on how your body

    works. There's other people that are further out than I am, and they can't tolerate bread, but they can eat more meat than I can, or they can eat 3-4 eggs where I can only eat 1 scrambled egg and it sits like a brick in my stomach. I also can not eat an entire chicken breast, but can eat nearly 6oz of flank or skirt steak because of the consistency/fat content on steak vs. chicken breast. It's weird how different foods work for me. But, I can tell you that if I follow the rules, and don't slack off, I still have amazing restriction. So, there are some variables that surgeons and nutritionists never are privy to. I'm open with my surgeon about things I eat, and how I get in my calories/protein. So, he knows that everyone's mileage is different.

    I'm not trying to convince you, but what you feel is normal, might change, and your experience could be different.


    Thanks for the replie, sounds like you are doing great. One thing I noticed in your post is that it seems that you tolerate beef a little better than chicken. Last night was talking to my brother n law (has a lapband for two years now) and he was telling me that he does beef better than chicken, go's down better etc..

    LOL on the convince, I didn't think you were while reading, just letting me know of how it was for you and I appreciate it. Part of my post was just letting something out that bothered me and part of it was for people who have not had this yet to make sure they ask their doc and make sure they know all the details before going in as I don't think I quite knew that part. It is what it is now so no turning back lol.

    Again, thank both of you for your post.


  3. Hello everyone,

    Had my surgery on 6/06/2011 so not that far out. I did some research before the surgery and asked my dr. some questions but there is one thing I found out...on here actually lol...that I Wish I would have known before the surgery as I might not have had it or the doc and I would have had a talk about what would happen.

    What I wanted out of this was to be normal, lose the weight and also have this to some extent to help me after I lost the weight.

    What is normal, well we will take an upcoming holiday and use that to get to where I can let you know. My wife cooks the best bbq chicken and makes the best mac. salad there is. I usually would eat something along the lines of a chicken breast two legs and a thigh or two, about two cups of her mac salad and some beens. Also would be throwing down a few cold ones. Half hour later go back for more. THIS WAS NOT NORMAL.

    What I wanted was normal, chicken breast half cup or abouts mac salad and some beens and FULL I have had enough. That is normal.

    Well I find out on here after having my surgery I will never ever be normal, the doc said my stomach would stretch if I didn't take it easy He didn't say it would stop stretching at about 6 ounces. THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

    My wife had a gastric bypass surgery five years ago and she has stretched some and can eat half a hamburger and a couple of fries, probably 2/3 a chicken breast some mac salad and a few beens but it is somewhat NORMAL.

    I wish he would have been more upfront with me on the stretch part of this or how small your stomach will stay it would have been a lot better as I would have said I want this. I did tell him I wanted to lose the weight and be normal but the eating part is not normal.

    Now before anyone starts getting crazy about my post lol, I am greatful that I am taking off this weight and I know a lot of folks struggling with weight don't even have a chance at this type of option to lose it and I really feel for them so I don't take it for granted and I can see the weight coming off and that is great but I am really down in the dumps knowing now I will never be Normal.

    I see a lot of peoples goal weight and it is fairly low for me I want to be at 220 pounds. I will be a lot more active than I have been in 20 years and to maintane that weight I will have to be in the 2200 plus calorie range.

    I wish everyone luck and great success with their surgery and if already done I hope it is working well, I will enjoy the weight loss and the feeling of being able to do more things etc. but I don't think I will ever forgive myself for doing this without knowing I will never be normal.


  4. If it does it won't be much. As a matter of fact for myself if I had known how little the stomache was going to stay in size I probably would not have had this surgery.

    I wasn't told it wouldn't stretch hardly at all. they said it could stretch if you didn't eat right but they left out the part about starting with a 4 ounce sleeve and ending up at about 6 tops. They did tell me they were taking out the part of the stomach that sent signals that you are hungry.

    Well like I said if it stretches it won't be much from everything I have read, lots of good info on here and lots of folks who have been through this so a great place to find out stuff, wish I would have found the site a month ago lol.

    Good Luck

  5. Rick and Wheetsin make a good point I think My surgeon says that people who have been overweight for a while develop larger bones to support that weight. Therefore one's ideal weight might be 150 but for that person 180 for example will be the better weight.

    I am just in my second week and have a long way to go but I am figuring around 220 when it's all said and done. When I first thought about the surgery and then got into all the details they wanted a goal weight and I thought back to when I was in my best shape and that is when I played ball in college at around 220. Now the best weight in my real adult life was at at 233, I felt very good and that was about 25 years ago.

    I am 60 years old and 6ft. tall. I doubt I will ever look at the bmi or anything else for me its going to be how I feel and somewhere under 190 pounds is not going to get it and I already know it lol.

    Good luck to everyone,


  6. Sounds like you are off to a great start Leroy! I am having my band removed on friday and at same time being revised to the sleeve! Can't wait.


    I had to go to a group meeting before the surgery and there were just three of us in there, myself and two gals who were going to have their lapbands taken out for the sleeve.

    My wife talked to one about week before my surgery and she had already had hers and said she was doing great and had already lost a good amount of weight, I think she was about two weeks post op. She was very happy with the change.

  7. Hello,

    Well I have been reading for awhile and finally decided to say hello and give a little infor about my self.

    I had the Sleeve on 6/06/2011 at about 10:55 a.m at Dr. Trasigni's sp. in North Bend Oregon. Everything went well and this was done as a day surgery. I got out early in the afternoon and went to the motel. The next morning I had to go to the hospital for a swallow test and that went fine, stayed one more night went to the dr. office the next morning and weighed...was two pounds over what I weighed when I went in for the surgery lol...got two bags of fluids and then came back home.

    I live about an hour and a half away from there and that is why I had do stick around a couple of nights.

    My wife and I at one time were both very heavy she was right at 299 pounds and I weighed 399 at one time. My wife had had enough and five years ago she got the gastric bypass. She got the surgery in early March and by September had lost 70 pounds, when she decided to do that I told her I would lose weight her and I did, started working out and eating right the same day as her surgery and in September I had lost 70 pounds only difference she is at 160 -170 all the time now and I had put back on quite a bit of what I took off.

    Started having knee problems about 3 years ago and was told that it is bone on bone as I have arthritis and the doc said I needed a replacement but they wouldn't do it until I lost 100 pounds.

    Fast forward to about 3 months ago, went in and had the first high blood pressure I have ever had in my life doc says one time no problem, went back a few weeks later high again and he says one more time and I have high blood pressure, about 6 weeks ago I had high blood pressure and he says I am not going to say you are diabetic but you are borderline now.

    I always knew the right way to take off the weight but for whatever reason I could not do it and when that was piled on me I set up an appointment. Was going for the lapband when they mentioned about the sleeve and after talking it over I decided on the sleeve.

    I weighed 374 pounds when I set up the surgery and had a two week liquid diet before, during the two weeks I lost 23 pounds, took my first official weigh in after surgery this sunday and it had been six days and I had lost 9 pounds.

    The start to this is ok but we need to see where it will lead.

    Well long enogh for now, good luck to everyone and thanks for reading.


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