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Blog Entries posted by kristipalmer

  1. kristipalmer
    You know that feeling that feeling of sitting down with a bag of oreos and a
    big glass of milk or big fat peice of chocolate lava cake, you know the ones
    that have chocolatly goodness in the center that just oozes out as you put your
    fork into it!!! Ummmm, well I got that feeling today without even going near
    those tasty treats!!
    Hot, hot day out!! Just me and my babies, well not so much
    anymore 3 and 6, but anyway back to the point! The milk, a whale that shot out
    freezing cold hose water, filled with peices of grassand dirt in the bottom
    (actually now that I think about it the water was pretty gross). The cream
    filling was water balloons that we ever so gently CHUCKED at daddy, and that
    chocolatly goodness oh yeah, that oozy fudgy yummyness = my childrens laughter.
    After I finished "gently tossing" water balloons at dad I sat back, big
    old glass of ice cold crystal light and watched my babies running around in and
    out of the sprinkler. My daughter picking up worms in wonderment and my son, oh
    the delicate flower he is - say "ohh sooo cold". That full feeling that wonderful
    "I couldnt eat one more bit, but in a good way" that over came me. I am finding
    my chocolate heaven.
    Every once in a while I can feel that feeling overcome me.
    The one food used to fufill. What a process, but today I got a glimpse
    of life without cake in the center and it was tasty!!!
  2. kristipalmer
    Hey eveyrone! I am 7 months out of surgery and I am still "tailoring" my thinking process. To bite or not to bite, that is ALWAYS the question. I think before I got this last fill I was more thinking enabled if that makes any sense. I was full and my thinking felt full. It was easy to walk away from that peice of cake. But now that I spit up everything I pretty much put in my mouth I eat an oreo or 3, 3 sounds more right!! Those stay down, heaven forbid I try to eat a salad or steak. Before this last fill I was able to eat and enjoyed pretty much all food, with the exception of pork. Oh no, me and the piggys dont get along so much anymore.
    The one thing I dont like is my thinking is still in the past. Wondering what I will eat for the next meal, gatherings that revolve around food, all this. Its annoying really. I want my head to change and I keep having to remind myself. You would think after 7 months I would have thrown that monkey off my back.
    I am ready!! I am ready to change my thought process, to change my body, to be the person I used to be the person I so despreatly want to be! I am ready to stop taking bites out of everything and start taking a big bite out of life!!
  3. kristipalmer
    Man!! I need a personal hand slapper!! What is wrong with my head. My stomach says stop but those stinkin fingers go in for one last bite, then sure enough UP IT COMES!! How fun!! Lets start with breakfast...mmmm one more blueberry...CRAP!! Then lunch....come here little asperagas...DARNET!!...then snack..."you are so not hungery, you know this....POOP!!! Then dinner......ahhh just perfect, "oh wait, there is only a little peice of steak left....SH**...and bed...Lets do it agian tomorrow.!!
    So here it is...
    JOB POSTING....Hand Slapper....must slap hand everytime Kristi gets that "eat it" look!!
    Drat, maybe one day I will get this....hop on, life with band can be bumpy!!! Yet, I wouldnt change it!!

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