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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bandedkarebear

  1. Lol just saw this...awesome!!!! Amen sister!! Curves on curves is not the business! Even when I was thinner before i never lost my big ol booty and I liked that and so does my husband! So roc those curves proudly I'm sure a lot of women would love to have what you have working for you! Can't wait to get to where we wanna be....healthier,happier sexier! :)cheers!!!

    Just another thing to add... I don't mind not being the thinnest friend of my group... I like my booty, and my boobs (all though they are the first part of me where I noticed weight loss!) and my curves! I just don't want my curves to have curves lol

  2. I was banded on July 1st I lost 20 pounds by my 10th day post op then I stopped, even gained 2 pounds, those 2 lbs came and went for about the next 4 days then 2 days ago I started losing again, I'm now down 2 more lbs....thank god the scale started moving down again! So that's 22 pounds in 20 days post op. How about you? How is everything going? What is easy and hard for you right now? Are you hungry? Anything difficult for you with the new way we have to live? Best wishes and all the luck in the world to you!

    the texting move works like a charm lol when were you banded? are you just maintaing now or still losing?

  3. O my goodness I do the texting thing too! Lol it may have been just me but even when I lost a lot of weight the first time, I still did that. I think as you lose weight you gain confidence and you don't even think about the title that others give to you. Either way your going to feel great about yourself but awkward moment happen to everyone you just may not care as much about them in the future.....the futures bright love,enjoy! Best of luck to you!:) keep in touch

  4. Ya I think a mini plateau may be the culprit, even before the band whenever I dieted and lost weight I'd lose the first 20 pounds rather quick and then my body would hit the brakes, I guess I just thought It would have been different now that I'm banded but now I know....I guess it's always going to be a learning process. I thank you for your comment and support as well, much appreciated!

    There's 2 schools of thought here...one says, just wait a week or two, and the numbers will start coming down again (you are on a mini-plateau). The second one says your body thinks it's starving with so few calories and isn't letting go of the weight for that reason. In which case, you should temporarily UP your calories (say to 1000+ a day) for a few days to see if that fixes it.

    I can't tell you which one of these is right, but those are your options.


  5. Thank you, your right I appreciate your comment and support!

    My doctor said not to worry about losing weight until after my first fill. I too am having a hard time getting in all the Protein we are suppose to have daily. Keeping hydrated, but not getting my nutrients. Our body needs the protein to heal itself.

    Keep you head up and don't worry too much about the scale until after your first fill. You made the right choice to be healthy. We didn't get to this point overnight and we won't meet our goal overnight either.

    Here for you!


  6. Frustration! Ahhh. I'm 17 days post op, within 10 days after surgery I dropped 20 lbs,I also went in for my first checkup, while there I talked to my dr about not being able to drink 3 Meal Replacements a day, she told me I needed to have at least 60 grams of Protein and 600-800 calories a day so she wanted me to incorporate mushy foods already. Now I feel like I'm eating even tho I'm not really hungry just to meet the numbers, not serving sizes but the times I eat a day. Since then I haven't lost any more weight but I have actually gained 2 pounds which on some days I lose and then some days it comes back like a teeter totter, right now I'm 243 lowest was 242 goes up to 245. I'm trying to remain positive and motivated because I really want this and to do it right and to top it off we did full pay, but it gets me down sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing wrong and this is still so new I'm not sure if this is normal or somethings got to change. The band is really helping me with not being hungry and the way I think about and eat food now is wayyyyyy different, 600-800 calories is what I used to eat in a snack and that's what I'm having all day now, I'm walking and feeling more active but still not losing weight....ughhhhh what gives? Anyone???!?!!?

  7. Frustration! Ahhh. I'm 17 days post op, within 10 days after surgery I dropped 20 lbs,I also went in for my first checkup, while there I talked to my dr about not being able to drink 3 Meal Replacements a day, she told me I needed to have at least 60 grams of Protein and 600-800 calories a day so she wanted me to incorporate mushy foods already. Now I feel like I'm eating even tho I'm not really hungry just to meet the numbers, not serving sizes but the times I eat a day. Since then I haven't lost any more weight but I have actually gained 2 pounds which on some days I lose and then some days it comes back like a teeter totter, right now I'm 243 lowest was 242 goes up to 245. I'm trying to remain positive and motivated because I really want this and to do it right and to top it off we did full pay, but it gets me down sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing wrong and this is still so new I'm not sure if this is normal or somethings got to change. The band is really helping me with not being hungry and the way I think about and eat food now is wayyyyyy different, 600-800 calories is what I used to eat in a snack and that's what I'm having all day now, I'm walking and feeling more active but still not losing weight....ughhhhh what gives?

  8. Wow I wasn't able to sign on forever! Even when the admin. Changed the pw themselves it took days after to be able to connect....I've been so anxious to get back on. Hello everyone! I hope everyone post op is doing well and everyone waiting for their date is keeping positive and excited! Ooo it's midnight so today is officially my 12th day post op and I'm doing very well, I guess if anything I'd say it's hardest for me to try to get in my 60 grams of Protein and the 600-800 calories,but I'm trying! I am down 20 pounds and healing. I got the ok from my dr to start transitioning to the mushy soft foods because with the liquids it was very difficult for me to get 3 Meal Replacement shakes in and I need the cal/protein so she said in ok to incorporate some other foods. I'm still sticking to mostly liquids still tho just adding thicker Soups and really soft foods I want to keep to that for the full 2 weeks. I also am very excited I started a vlog on youtube! I would love for anyone interested to check it out, and if you have one let me know and I will defiantly check yours out as well, I think it's awesome to go thru our journeys together and keep everyone updated it also helps Me stay accountable to me and to all of you. My name on there is mrsdizzied83. I did this because before I made my final decision to get my band I watched other peoples journeys on YouTube and that motivated me and inspired me and I would love to do that for others and pay it forward, it also allows me to meet and learn from others in our same situations, so I love it. I can't wait to get to know all of you better and share our stories together , our joys of becoming healthier happier together, and even our frustrations when things are hard. So take care everyone I wish you the best! Until next time...night night. :)

  9. I'm 4 days into my new lap banned life and pain isn't bad at all I haven't taken any pain meds today and it's totally tolerable. I'm still sore and getting up from sitting back still takes some time but other than that it's alright. Haven't taken gas x today either but it's still early here in Cali so we will see but I got the chewable pills and they have really been helping. Hope you feel a lil more at ease,if you have any questions I'll try my best to answer em for you! Good luck n congrats!

  10. Good Morning Everyone!

    With less than 24 hours to, I feel surprisingly ready. Not looking forward to waking up in pain, but that's nothing compared to the emotional pain I've suffered for the past 29 years! I lost 5lbs this week!!! I was able to button a pair of pants yesterday that I haven't been able to wear comfortably since I bought them. That felt amazing! It was the perfect reminder of why I have chosen to do this. Avoiding the sweets and all the other delicious cook-out foods this weekend wasn't easy, but my perseverence paid off!

    Its been so nice to hear from everyone that has just been banded. You all have inspired me so much! I plan on updating you guys as soon as possible tomorrow. :)

    Good luck :)

    So my plan for today is to STAY BUSY! I'm on a clear liquid diet and I'm soo hungry lol. My 13 year old has been out of the country since last monday, so planning her homecoming will keep me busy! I hope the anticipation doesn't get the better of me :P

    How are all of the other "5th bandits" doing today?

  11. Hey July banders,

    I have been following this blog for a while, getting great tips during my pre-op phase. I'm a bit shy to post, but I am so anxious about my surgery TOMORROW I figured I had nothing to lose!! July 5th. It all happened so fast. I had been going through the pre-referral process for months and I thought it was in my distant future. Then, I got my insurance approval, my dr called, and the surgery was scheduled 2.5 weeks out which meant pre- op in a few days. Now I'm on my last day, clear liquids only and am not looking forward to it. As much as I despise my Protein Shakes, they take the hunger pains. I weighed 261 2 weeks ago and when I weighed myself this morning, I am 245. Not bad!!! I'll be in surgery tomorrow at 9:45. I am so scared! I don't do well with pain. My hubby will be there waitingfor me! Good luck to all other future banders, ESP July 5th twins!

    Congrats and good luck! I'm excited for you! Let us know how your doing no need to be shy :) I felt the same way n now before I knew it I'm 4 days out.

  12. Thank you, so far so good! Pain is there but totally bearable, I'm now 4 days post op and feeling better everyday. For me I had no real pre op diet and now I'm on the 2 week clear liquid and 3 Meal Replacement drinks a day. I still don't have a clear understanding of what my body wants from the signs its giving me but I know it's going to take time., as of now I feel gassy haven't had a bm and having slight hunger pains and noises but not feeling hungry, strange I know. I'm excited to heal and get started in becoming comfortable in my own skin again. Overall especially so far I'd tell if your considering it I'd say go for it if your willing to put the time and effort into you :) I'm no expert by any means and will be learning everyday, probably right along with you guys so if you have any questions or want to talk about concerns i'm here! Happy 4th of July girls!

  13. About 2 hours ago I started with the growling stomach thing, too. Felt the same lump in my throat as you described. Walking didn't seem to help much. I stopped taking the Lortab liquid this afternoon and switched over to Tylenol liquid. I think I just need a really good poop to make things better. I'm drinking a good amount...hopefully I feel better in the morning!!

    Seriously me too! :) I hope you feel better and we get used to all these new lil things the band is bringing. Best of luck to u!

  14. To all my fellow July banders that have just been banded:

    Was the actual surgery and first few days post op everything that you thought it would be? Anything more? Less? As painful? Less painful? Any realizations you weren't expecting?

    Today is my 12th PreOp liquids only diet.... July 6th is the big day! After researching, learning, and thinking about gastric banding, here I am 3 days away from following through with it. Crazy!!!

    Just banded the 1st, good luck on the 6th! :) yeah!

  15. Right after I woke up in recovery from the lap band surgery I had 2 large for lack of better word "floaters" in my right eye. Which then turned into what seemed like black sand all in my vision. No pain just disturbance in my sight. I have no idea what it could be and neither did the hospital staff or surgeons. The blotches haven't gone away but have lightened some. I thought it may be an aura because I get Migraines but they gave me a shot for migraines and it did nothing, anyone have anything similar? Or have any thoughts?

  16. So only being 3 days into this, i'm not really sure how to read signs my body is giving me. My stomach makes loud growling noises and get that pain from before when my stomach growled when I was really hungry but I don't feel hunger. That's going to take getting used to. I also have pain from the tubes that went down my throat and lungs. I have gas pains and a constant lump feeling in my throat like when you have a giant desire to cry,don't know if that's from the surgery and tubes, or just a new feeling. Haven't had a bm yet but from what I have been reading it's probably from the liquid diet and liquid lortab pain meds. Been sleeping a lot and mostly on our couch recliner,I found laying in bed is fine but in the morning when I get out of bed the transition of position hurts a bit but I will try again tonight. I hope all of you fellow newly banded friends are doing well and I wish you all of the best,

  17. Hello everyone! I'm very new here and am so excited to be able to share and listen to everyones experiences, So this is my first post *pop*and I look forward to getting to chat and get to know all of you! I was banded on July 1st so everything is so new I'm excited to be starting my journey and new healthier life! Happy 4th of July weekend!

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