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Posts posted by gardendiva3

  1. Don't diet before hand too much or you may fall into those old practices of eating too much at the "end" of your diet. Most typically want you on liquid for a number of days or weeks before the surgery and that is tough enough. What you can do is praactice..chewing...a lot. I am 1 year post op - tomorrow and I still have to remind myself to slow down and chew more. Good luck on your surgery. Practice practice practice...small bites.. and chew at least twice if not three times longer than you are used to doing... :)

  2. Hey -

    I know what you mean. I was sleeved last Friday (Sep 2) and that feeling in my case was from the tube they put down your throat. I think the tube scraped a bit of skin enough to partially tear away thus every time I swallow I can feel that. It finally went away this evening after I drank a shake so must have dislodged it. That could be scraping that you are feeling. Good luck. Reb

  3. I'm sorry you are scared but remember - YOU did the research. Your family did not. You've obviously been on this website and you need to stay on it! VST members are the best people I have ever had the privilege of sharing with and learning from. When I have questions - people that don't know me from Hannible Lector huh.gifoffer help, encouragement and love.

    If you are fearful of "not waking up" call your physician and ask him/her point blank. How many people have you personally lost doing this procedure. If he say 22...get the heck out of dodge! But if he says less than .001 percent - then jump on that table and ask for the happy koolaid as fast as you can.

    Blessing young lady. I wasted 30 years being fat and my grandchildren say, "Nana - how come you don't sit on the grass with us?" Because I need a backhoe to help me get back up! (Well...maybe not that bad.) I'm 56 and will be sleeved in 6 days. Reb

  4. Thank you all for your input! I was actually told by my supervisor that since it is considered an elective surgery I am not eligible for the FMLA. But with vacation time that I have, and accumulated personal time, I am sure if I need it I can use it.

    Actually they can't say you are ineligible because it is elective surgery. FMLA is a federally mandated program and one of the stipulations is a "serious medical condition" which is later defined as being admitted to a hospital overnight OR having two or more visits with a physician and all surgeries would fall into this category. Having a baby is "elective" except for those of us who didn't plan it but were thrilled it happened. Whoever told you "not eligible" shame on them - they obviously are not an HR professional. Reb

  5. New Me - Good for you! It really helps when your employer is supportive. I realize they have no legal right to know -- but they will generally accommodate your needs better when you are forthright. In my case the City Manager came into my office and told me to take whatever time I needed - and he would have I.T. set me up with a laptop so I could work from home. What a relief! (I work much better in my PJs than in slacks and a jacket):P

  6. I was told by my dr to stop taking the acid reducer not sure why she said to do that because she said I had alot of bio in there when she did the scoop. So teas I've never had tea it never did sound good to me but im willing to try it what are some that are good for the stomach problems also would sprite be a bad idea this early? I'm not sure I can handle broth, sugar free anything or Soups anymore I've had to gag them down and now thinking about it totally makes me sick. Thanks for all the replies I've really needed this help.

    Sprite would come right back up. No carbonation from what I hear. You have to let sprite or 7-up go flat overnight. Try the popsicle ..which my sister did when she was undergoing chemo...everything made her get sick and thinking about it made it worse. Distract yourself by going for a short walk with a popsicle.. good luck - let us know how you are doing. (She also used a heating pad or hot Water bottle - just warm - not really hot hot)

  7. :lol: Yo! Stay away from the Mag Citrate...Yucky poo poo...(no pun intended). I had a lovely colonoscopy last year and the mag cit was REVOLTING! Not even 7-up - or gatorade could mask the awfulness...besides if you are going to fly anywhere...you don't want to take any nasty stuff the day before you get on a plane. "Cleanup on Isle four" Yowza.

  8. I'm getting packed for my Sep 2 date in TJ Mexico. Do you strip naked before surgery and they put you in a hospital gown or do you get to keep a sports bra on? People say they walk to the OR - no prob - but do they have you get up on the table and do they put you out right away or clean your abdomen after you out?

    Lastly - a lot of people talk about dry mouth...can you not even have ice chips? Do they say why? How long after surgery before you get something to sip or moisten the mouth?

    Thanks! Reb :P

  9. :rolleyes: Absolutely! I look forward with mustard and relish...to "lose" my driver's license. I don't know when I have ever looked so bad and the angle of the camera ...I look like jabba the hut!

    So about the forum question. I am sure if someone had been skinny and gained a lot of weight they would have had to ask the question too. It could have been done a lot better. I guess in today's world with identity theft so prevalent-- they had to check.

    I look forward to NOT having a "Jabba ID".

  10. I am getting sleeved by Dr. Almanza in TJ Mexico because:

    • Self-pay - I'm worth at least $4,500 :blink:
    • Taking my daughter (an RN) with me
    • Have researched over 100 hours online and
    • Mexico is safe, clean, and Dr. Almanza is great at this!
    • My insurance doesn't cover any
    • I am using pre-tax dollars thru my Flex Plan
    • I was 3 lbs under 300 when I said - what the heck are you doing to yourself.
    • 15 days to sleevedom! Sep 2 - Here I come!
    • PS... I'm really from Idaho but lived in Spokane for 20 years!

  11. Gem -

    I can totally relate..good bye Butterfinger, BabyRuth and Snickers!... so long Papa Murphys, pizza Hut and Dominoes....and toodle ooo to pastry, maple bars, and scones. Seriously I have found that getting my pantry ready for the "after" has helped and clearing out the Cereal and Pasta dishes satisfied my hunger and cravings.

    The new immediate challenge is they just built a Sonic and a Little Ceasars pizza two blocks from my house. So I will do my best to visit before we start that lovely lardless luscious liquid lifestyle on August 29th. :P .

    I'm right up there with you but we can do this liquid diet thing. I just plan on not making mine all low-calorie because I am smart enough to recognize I will faint dead away faster than you can say hypo-glycemic! So do your best and leave the rest up to God!

    See you soon sleeve-sis. Reb

  12. My oh my. Miss Carmen - good to hear you are doing ok. A new Sonic is going in 2 blocks from me...I hope it opens by Sep 1!!!! Thanks for that tip. I hate cottage cheese but I love eggs and scrambled w/cheese. Did you buy canned beef stew and blend? I took some chiken breasts, cooked on the stove for 40 minutes with a can of cream of celery Soup and then pureed it in my Ninja. I put it in tiny muffin/tart tins - froze it - bagged it --froze them and they are ready for consumption!! I bought EOS and Atkins shakes (they are ok over ice) or frozen - but what do you drink most of the time-Water? GemintheRough and I are both scheduled for Sep 2 and of course there was some pretty icky blogging today on the Forum about Dr. Almanza. Kind of scary. Never-the-less I am scheduled and come heck or high Protein - I'm going!

    Keep the posts up. I'm following every word! :o Reb

  13. I've been wearing Pappy for about 3 years now. Last month the VA fit me with a new ultra-light weight hose and soft mask (covers nose only - but is entirely pliable) and OMg, I loved it before - and now--- I don't leave home without it. The brand is ResMed and I am very happy with the new machine and hose/mask. Another comment about traveling - if you get one of the new "hard side" 4 wheels rolling suitcases from costco (Riviera) I think -- you can unzip the side and fit the entire CPAP (in a padded case) inside this suitcase and travel safely with it. It was wonderful not having to pack themachine with me on theplane because TSA always makes a big deal about opening the Water chamber and testing the droplets left...geez!

    Anyway - I love ResMed and Pappy goes where I go. Keep trying with the mask - it doesn't take long to get used to it.

  14. Amen to all of the Above! If someone doesn't accept the decision we've made to gain back our LIFE - then heck with them. I'm 56 and wish this had been available 20 years ago. I've wasted a lot of my life hiding indoors, home at 5:05 pm and in my "favorite dress" my nightgown (you know the kind - Lane Bryant or Women Within - really big and comfy). Sit on the couch read a book, crochet, play computer games, watch tv or a DVD....notice all of these are single person activities. I told myself how "happy" I was - how much I enjoyed my quiet time. BULL!!! The fact is - I've felt too obese to go places, visit family, play with the grandkids on the grass, get on my knees, and be anywhere in a situation that someone might look at me and say "what a fat cow".

    After being married for 20 years and divorced for 17, I've allowed myself to think I am not worthy of a fella - and so I told myself I CHOOSE to remain single and not let anyone tell me what to do. The fact is - I long for a good friend to share VST with - to share the "I'm ok'you're ok" side of whatever skin you are wearing.

    I abhor the term obese...but I have to lose 30 pounds just to qualify. So let me reaffirm that in the 3 weeks or so that I have been attached to this site - I have met more wonderful, encouraging people than I have met my entire life up to this point. YOU are part of the reason I need to get on VST 4 or five times a day. To reassure myself that I am not alone in this endeavor. So if your friends dumped you - get some new ones... we're only a keystroke away.

    CHeers to all of you. I can hardly wait for sleevedom!!

    Reb (Gardendiva3)

  15. I have not had the surgery yet but I am scheduled for Sep 2. I too have started one Protein Shake a day and will transition to two a day two weeks before surgery. The doctors say the reason it is good to lose a little before the surgery is because the liver shrinks a bit and can be "laid back" and would be out of the way when the sleeve is performed. I am 57 and this is the best thing I've done about my weight for the past 35 years. Think about the future and what a LIFE you will have when you start feeling better about yourself and more comfortable in your skin. Best Wishes!

  16. I just wanted everybody to introduce themselves! Where are you from, when were you sleeved and how much have you lost?

    I am from Boise and I was sleeved April 13th by Dr. Vallentine at St Lukes Boise. I am down 55 pounds now :)

    Hi Everyone! I joined today and I'm from Lewiston. My surgery isn't until September 2 but I am excited and looking forward to LIFE for the first time in a long while. I haven't figured out how to move around too well on this site or add my photo yet but I will work on it tomorrow. I'm hoping to learn a lot before the surgery. Cheers and congratulations Gayle.

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