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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AlyAnne

  1. ok. first reply. its somewhere in between full and stuck. i only had 3 tbls and it takes much more than that to make me full. thats just what it feels like. like a minor stuck. 2nd reply. no foods have bothered me yet. i have tried pretty much everything except steak, and ive had Peanut Butter more than once. but it was a different brand. more natural and therefor more sticky. might be what happened. 3rd reply. it wasnt on bread. it will be a long time away if i ever eat bread again. :)

    so basically i called my dr and he said the Peanut Butter was prolly partially blocking everything. he told me to drink some hot liquid to loosen everything and disolve the butter. so been doing that all night. still feel really full but i can tell its helping. thx for responding guys. hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

  2. hey. thx for all the comments. im still not sure what it was/is, but its going away. i was pretty sure it wasnt kidneys and or gall bladder because it was higher up that that. its possible its partly Constipation. its hard to tell since im not going to go the same amount i did before just from the food volume diiference. lol. might be my body trying to get used to the change. idk. but its going away i think. :)

  3. ok. so im about 2 weeks post op and last night i started getting weird pains in my back/rib/organ area. its like a weird aching. i thought it was gas so i took a gas x, but when i got up this morning it was still there. i dont even know if this is lapband related but it really hurts. have you guys heard of anything like this? all my other pains from lap band are pretty much gone since 1st week.

  4. Don't give up! Your doctor should have sent the past wl attempts the first time around, I don't know why he's slacking. Plenty of people appeal, and win. I am just now starting the process myself and I have a bmi of 40.8, just went to a seminar last weekend and am going for my consult/psychiatric exam/dietician apptmt next week. I don't plan on getting denied because UHC covers lap bands, but for you I would definitely encourage you to APPEAL. See if the doctors office has a patient advocate. And if you don't feel like the doctors office is giving you 100% then go to a new surgeon, new doctor. You need people on your side and fighting for you.

    What is your BMI? What have you tried in the past? Have you done the psych exam etc?

    my bmi is well over 40. (cant remember exactly), but im about 280lbs and 5'4.5'' . i did a full physch test along with 3 sessions. did the nutritionist and paper work is being filled out now. again idk why my dr office didnt have me do that the first time. mostly past weight loss attempts have been calorie counting and working out, but i have also done weight watchers. i really do love my dr. he really seems to care, and know what hes doing. he has great success rates. i just hate the idiots that work in his office. i should prolly just go down there and have a meeting with them face to face.

  5. well guys. they denied me after everyone i talked with said i would be approved. i dont understand. i fit the requirements. its a real cluster f**k. anything that could slow the process down has happened or will. now they are saying my dr didnt include the past weight loss attempts. so we have to re submit. but if they dont except it then ive wasted all this time and should have just been forming a new 6 month diet log. but everyones saying not to do that. idk. my mom has offered to self pay for me, and she has the money, but i would still feel guilty. i have a hard time spending my own money and i hate watching other ppl do it. i know im just whining, but im really fed up with the whole process. me and my mom have had to play the middle man between the insurance and my drs office since apparently they cant handle that themselves. im not giving up, im just fed up. not sure what the next step is.


  6. Hi:

    I am 38 years old and 222 pounds and have a 17 year old daughter that is 250 pounds. I am in the process of collecting as much information as I can on the procedure. If our individual insurance covers us, we would both want to do it. If it would have to be self pay, then I would take our savings to do the procedure for my daughter first. We have tried every diet in the book and have been struggling with our weight our entire lives. Does anyone have any knowledge of any teens who have done the procedure? And what their experiences have been? We have our appointments next week to meet with our primary physicians and then at the end of the week with the lap band doctor. I'm nervous but hopeful, mostly for her as I want her to have every opportunity to live a normal healthy life without the weight and health issues that will eventually follow at her current size. Any feedback I could receive would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    hey! i am 19 and my mom is 49 and we are doing the lapband together. waiting for a call from insurance but we think we're approved. super excited. glad im doing this young. if you want more info i would start floating around the weight loss community on youtube.

  7. I was banded August of 2010 and I'm only down 36 lbs and I feel like a huge failure....I got this band to help me and feel like I'm abusing the gift I was given. Everyone tells me I look great but I feel like I should be doing so much better than I am

    1st off, your NOT a failure. everybodys going to have ups and downs in this journey. but if you feel like you should be further then GO further. only your head is holding you back! take a look at what your really doing. are you eating exactly what you should be? are you excersing enough? if you are then you will go far! give your body time. sometimes you have to wait for your body to catch up. but just remember, if you make a bad choice, is doesnt mean its over. we beat ourselves up when its really so easy to forgive, forget, and get back on track.


  8. haha, I know...I know... I was with a friend that wanted to go through McDonalds drive thru, so while he was scarfing down his meal he offered me a nugget. I tried a bite of one....and let me tell you...what a mistake that was! felt like a golf ball in my throat and hurt bad!

    I think everyone tests the waters at somepoint, and that was my first "what did I just do" moment.

    lmao. i bet. hopefully i stay clear of drive thrus. :P

  9. That is awesome for both of you! I may self pay, so keep in touch with me on your progress. Also, still appealing, do not think its fair to be on a diet and get weighed lower 4 yrs ago...??? Oh well, I decided to do this so I am going too!!! Let me know how it all turns out!

    i know, it isnt. i will keep in touch with you. hopefully u get there. :)

  10. Yes..that's very true! I've seen people say they had to pay about 3k.. I am very grateful for my insurance! I have my seminar next week.. I'm very fresh to this but, very well informed.. I can't wait to get started on the process! Hopefully, once I meet with the surgeon things will flow pretty quickly from there.

    All the best on your journey! :rolleyes:

    you as well! :D

  11. I have UHC through my job. I called them after I decided this is the right option for me. I have and always do get the best plan, so I pay out more but they told me they would cover 100% after my $200.00 deductible and all I need to qualify is a diagnosis of morbid obesity from my doctor. I was so shocked that that's all it took..she told me it's different for each plan but because I have the best that's all they need from me. I don't know if that will change or remain the same once I actually start the process..but I'm seriously hoping it remains the same.

    All the best! :rolleyes:

    wow, thats awesome. my mom has a pretty good plan too. not as good as yours though. the approval so far is going better than i expected for me though. and i was reading on our benefits that they dont charge any one person more than $1000 on approved surgery. its a lot but also less then some people have to pay. :)

  12. Just an FYI, I was denied, my weight 4 years ago fell below 35, I am in the appeals process. Good luck in your endeavor! I will still be around, planning on self pay and appeal, if I win, I will submit the bill.

    aww im sry! good luck with appeals. i wish you all the luck. i had my eval the other day and i need to finish 3 other counseling sessions and hopefully we will be approved. (me and my mom)

  13. thx guys for the input! me and my mom are trying to get to the bottom of it right now. yesterday i called the drs office and they said my insurance required 3 months on their diet plan but we have been calling today and everything points toward approval. we're trying to figure out whats going on.

  14. thx! i hope so! my drs office sent in a letter i think. idk. they said they would handle it but im kinda wishing i asked more before they sent it. i havent had the evals yet and hopefully insurance knows i will get that through my dr. idk. i will call them tomorrow. im worring a ton.

  15. Also, wanted to add that they do require a psych eval and sometimes a nutritional evaluation and physical before submitting.

    i think we have the choice plan. they said i needed history of over 40 bmi for 5 years or 35 with at least 2 co-morbidities. also needed previous history of weight loss attemps under dr. supervision. i will need evaluations as well but that will go through my dr office as soon as we get the go ahead. basically im scared they will say i dont have enough documentation. i did curves 3 days a week for 6 months on 1600 cals but im scared i didnt get it documented enough. and on my 5 year history i've been over 40 every year except the first. i was at 33.6 bmi, but i was also only 15. i dont know how they will view that. idk. before i started this i thought i would be covered for sure but im not too sure now. thx for responding. i wish you the best of luck!

  16. Let's look at my pre-band daily menu and see why I am fat!


    Chickfil a chicken biscuit with hashbrown and ketchup and a large coke.


    McDonald's Big Mac meal supersized with a coke and apple pie


    Mexican restaurant with chips and hot sauce, then huge plate of beef nachos and about 4 cokes then sophapillas for dessert!

    Never one minute of exercise and I sit at a desk all day in front of a computer.

    I have eaten this way my entire life. I am from the south so my mother only cooked deep fried southern meals as I grew up and I loved every bit of them.

    I do have an obsession with food. I think about it constantly. I love to watch cooking shows and our friends make fun of me and my husband because we will get in a conversation about the best Chicken fried steak meal in our area or which restaraunt has the best fried pickles. When I am stressed I want to eat, when I am excited I want to eat, when I am sad I want to eat, When I am alone I want to eat and so on and so on. If I am going out to lunch with a friend at work now I have to find out where we are going and sit down at that place's website and figure up a meal in my calorie range. I do this for hours at a time planning just one meal. If I were to go in and not planned I will order my usual bre-banded meals still! Obsession with food is something I am seriously thinking of going to a shrink for. I don't know what started it, but I know it is nothing I can kick on my own.

    The reason my band works for me is not because of the little bit of restriction I feel on occasion, but because I told everyone I was having this surgery and now that I have had it I will be the biggest loser ever if I don't lose the weight. All of my friends feel it is so drastic so I feel I would let them down if it didn't work, so see even with the band I am still losing weight for other people and not myself. I don't have excuses anymore for my portions when I have a band. That right there is why I love my band...It no longer lets me make excuses to myself and when you constantly have people asking how you are doing it makes all the differece in the world to not want to look like a loser to them and keep the weight on. Obsession is a biatch!

    wow. sounds like me. :P

  17. im also 19 and im looking to get banded soon. the skin is something i worry about for sure. i have like 130 pounds to lose and ive been fat since about age 8. i can only work hard and hope i guess. i do know that a boob job is in my future though since i have breast asymmetry really bad. aparently thats a precurser to breast cancer and my mom had breast cancer... just my luck. *sigh.

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