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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by 5McK

  1. Yeah baby! Bought size 8 pants today!! Single digits!! Woot! Woot!

  2. 169 lbs this morning! Lowest my weight has been in 14 years!! Plus, I've now lost 61 pounds! Woot! Woot! :)

  3. NSV--my daughter's boyfriend didn't recognize me and thought I must have been a TEENAGE COUSIN visiting!!! What?!? It's only been a couple weeks since I saw him last!

  4. Oh VST...how I've missed you for several days!

  5. Need prayers for a rough patch our family is going through right now. Thank you.

  6. After an 8 day stall, I'm back on the Loser's Bench!

  7. Enjoyed the holidays too much! I've gained a pound! Hahaha! Last year I gained like 10 pounds! Time to hit it hard tomorrow!

  8. Going shopping! Need smaller pants again! Yay!!!

  9. Met my Christmas goal this morning!!! I've lost HALF of my excess weight!!! :) Merry Christmas to me!!!

  10. Had my first gallbladder attack on friday...second was today. Not fun. :(

  11. I weight less than my husband now!!! Yay!!!!

  12. Feeling in the groove!! :)

  13. 2.5 pounds more to lose before I weigh less than my hubby and 6.5 before I hit my Christmas goal!!! PLEASE NO STALLS NOW!!!

  14. Had my 2 month check-up today. Weight loss was great, but my blood pressure was WAY up today.....could be the stress of a big board meeting, firing an employee, finding that employee sabotaged some things before she left, now having to cover her hours during the holidays,...yep, not surprised my BP is up.

  15. Amazing what stress does to a body! I was up 2.5 pounds before a big board meeting. Handled everything and I've dropped 1.5 in 24 hours.

  16. Went Christmas shopping with my three teen daughters yesterday and kept finding cute clothes for ME!!! Loving my sleeve!!!

  17. 40 pounds gone! Another 10 pounds and it will be the lightest I've been in 15 years!!!

  18. Had to buy new jeans today! I was starting to look like those silly boys I see with their undies hanging out! ;)

  19. My husband ASKED me to please go shopping and buy myself some bras and underwear that fit!!! I'm pretty sure he's never asked me to go shopping for myself before! You better believe I'm taking advantage of this. Coming your way VS!!!

  20. Goodbye 30's! I'm a 40-year-old woman today! :)

  21. 2nd 11 day stall and finally this morning the scale dropped 1.5 pounds!!! Whew. I was starting to worry.

  22. I have been feeling blue due to a second stall just 6 days after I broke the first one...then I pulled out a pair of jeans I couldn't fit in a month ago and they were baggy in the butt and have plenty of room in the waist. May not be losing lbs, but I'm definitely losing inches! :)

  23. Got into a pair of jeans that I wore when my daughter was in kindergarten....she's in 8th grade now! Whoohoooooo! Of course, they are high waist old style "granny jeans" as my daughter called them.....but I can wear them!!!!

  24. Got into a new size of jeans today! And I put them on, zipped them and they weren't too tight! :)

  25. A 12 day stall...followed by a six pound loss....followed by another stall?!? Agh!!!!

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