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Everything posted by DisneyAddict

  1. DisneyAddict

    Baja Bob anyone?

    Get ya some of the tiny key limes. They normally have them at HEB for what 10-20 for $1? That's what we use in cubas. If you have any rocks glasses, add your ice, squeeze your lime over the ice..add a shot of dark rum and fill the rest with coke. Throw in your used up limes on top of that. My husband always wipes the glass rims with the lime too because I really like mine extra limey & pulpy Let me know how you like it. I can't believe you've never had a cuba before! I'm in the valley so we're a few hours south of ya. I don't have my next appointment until May (good grief! and today is my 1 month sleeve birthday! That's a LONG time lol) so hopefully I'll be cleared by then. He really is a strict dr though argh! Worst case, I'm figuring not getting cleared until mid summer but even then... that's not too bad.
  2. DisneyAddict

    Baja Bob anyone?

    Ok It's 85 outside.. it was in the 90s yesterday.. I'm feeling summer mode creeping up on me. I was looking at drink mixers for summer of course (along with shorts & tank tops... YIKES!!!!). I know, I'm going to wait until I'm cleared for alcohol but a girl can dream in the meantime can't she? I came across a brand of mixers called Baja Bob's. They're all low to no carb/0 cal etc etc. They're Hungry Girl approved as well. Has anyone tried them? I've VERY curious how they are before I spend the money because I love me some tropical rum drinks in tiki glasses on the deck in our backyard with the dh & our herd of dogs. The website is BajaBob.com if anyone is interested. LOL The legend of Bob is kind of a funny story too. I had a mental image of my husband and his friends all admitting to each other (in very dejected tones) "Ya we're on a low carb diet too".
  3. DisneyAddict

    Baja Bob anyone?

    Me too dude. I LOVE Bacardi Anejo with regular coke & LOTS of lime & lime pulp (mmmm cubas!!). After I posted this a friend of mine called. She said her husband (who's normally a beer man) LOVED the margarita mixes and she said they were really good too. I think I'm going to go on and order some of these since we're going to start getting the bar & deck summer ready. Speaking of summer & drinking & all... when do we usually get cleared for things like steak....fajitas..... typical bbq food at least in Tx? Thin you're in SAT arent you?
  4. DisneyAddict


    I'm thinking I should probably start slow walking on the treadmill a few days after I come home? Does that sound about right? I know I can't do any sort of weights/lifting for 6 weeks per what the dr gave me. How about yoga/pilates as long as it's not strenuous on my tummy? When would yall think I could start doing that?
  5. DisneyAddict

    Super frustrated!!

    Bleh! LOL I haaate avocado! My husband will stand in the kitchen and eat them right out of the skin with a fork. I haven't tried salmon yet but I may over the weekend just to see. I know the tuna from last week settled well with me as did the flounder from this past weekend. I've never been a huge seafood person but I may just have to start experimenting. Faith, I'm trying like heck to get the calories up there. I think I'm going to have to make it a real point to just do it. It just seems like SO much food. My brain is gawking at "normal portions" compared to my tiny bits. Man this would be so much easier if I wasn't on purees. There's just not much that's.... appetizing AND covers all the major requirements that can be pureed.
  6. DisneyAddict

    Super frustrated!!

    Good luck Daisy! Diva thanks for that list. That's a damn shame you can't do salmon. I'm not much into seafood but salmon is one that I really like. I wonder when I can manage nuts? At least regular nuts... I've started Peanut Butter in the last few days and I have been using some olive oil when I've been cooking.. and picking out bits to puree for myself so I must be getting some extra in there. BTW Thanks for the help You're a real diva doll
  7. DisneyAddict

    Super frustrated!!

    haha you know, I know 26 pounds is nothing to gripe about but I just feel like I can handle a stall better once I've had some real time and weight loss under my (much looser!) belt. I'm trying to find my sweet spot as far as what works for me but jeez this sucks. I'll try upping my liquid first and seeing about getting some good fat up. Any recommendations for good fat?
  8. DisneyAddict

    Super frustrated!!

    Hey pretty lady My carbs aren't nearly at 30.. they're more like hovering in the 40s and really trying to toe themselves up to 50. And that's just natural stuff. My fat grams are averaging between 20 & 30. Is that too low you think? I'm already getting to where I have a spoonful of Peanut Butter at night as a snack to help get things up. I'm not getting anywhere near 80 ounces of water a day but I'm constantly drinking something. Ack!
  9. DisneyAddict

    Super frustrated!!

    Thanks guys. I think I just needed to hear that it's normal. When you're not sleeved, nearly 3 weeks of not losing weight usually means you're not doing something you should be or something ya know? My brain just keeps going back there and second guessing me. Daisy, my clothes were getting a little looser and measurements have dropped from preop but not since. I'm literally sitting my butt right here LOL. When's your sleeve date? Dansha, my next appointment isn't until May!! I had my first appointment with him 2 weeks post surgery. We were having those crazy rolling black outs because of that super freeze that hit even us way down here. He cleared me for exercise and EVERYTHING then because I was "tough" (his words!) jay, lol I know I need to stop again. DH & I literally had an hour long discussion weighing the "to buy or not to buy" smokes. I told him last night once this pack is done, I'm done. Is it really my body getting used to my new stomach? I never thought that was possible because like... I guess in my brain (in conversation with my stomach) I'm like "ok i'm feeding you less... deal with it.. stfu already" LOL My husband told me last night out of how many people have done this are you seriously thinking you're going to be the 1 lone person that it doesn't work on?? My answer? Yes!!!!
  10. DisneyAddict

    My Texas Sleevers

    RGV here
  11. DisneyAddict


    Love that line Diva! I think I may get the Power 90 before I jump into the P90x. I did take a look at the website and I gotta say the Brazilian Butt set looks promising too LOL Has anyone tried that one/
  12. DisneyAddict


    Would yall think the precurser "Power 90" program would be good if we're just starting out and still extra Pooh-sized? I want to get started on something like this but it sounds like the P90x would chew me up and spit me out LOL.
  13. Same here. I have to seriously force myself to slow the eff down. When DH is at work, I eat here at my desk so I'll take a bite and cruise around online or whatever. It helps if I'm looking at "skinny clothes" When DH is home and we're having dinner or whatever... I try to just slow it down and talk to him...put my fork down. Sometimes I'll even look at catalogs too. You know, once I even got up mid meal and walked around LOL. What I hate about the "slow down thing" and the such small portions thing is by the time I'm about halfway through, everything is already getting cold!!
  14. DisneyAddict

    Bowel Prep

    Eesh may the force be with you Ozzy. I had to do that crap the day before my surgery. OMG It was the worst. I stood there at the island in my kitchen and stared at it for at least 30 mins willing myself to get it over with. I put it in a giant cup w/ ice and a straw. I ended up having to stand over the sink and suck it back alternating drinks of Water in between. I was literally tapping out about 3/4 of the way in. Sorry doll but I know how ya feel LOL. It's awful.
  15. DisneyAddict

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Ok my first one... ACK! SN.......................Starting Wt.........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal DisneyAddict...........288.....................288..........258.............30 Too lofty of a goal?? I haven't been below 260 since before my wedding and that was... 10 years this coming December.
  16. DisneyAddict

    Are there any SIZE Goal sleevers out there?

    Ya it sucks sizes aren't standard anymore. I've picked one store's size chart as my "guide" and that's what I'm comparing myself against. I've chosen Old Navy. Gap is sized a size smaller than Old Navy. Speaking of Old Navy sizes, when I got sleeved I was in between a 26/28 and I'm finally down to a 24! I haven't been a 24 in quite a few years!!!
  17. DisneyAddict

    Appliance Recommendations

    http://www.amazon.com/Waring-PBB212-Professional-Blender-Retro/dp/B00004S8F3/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1297652165&sr=8-4 This is my blender and I LOVE it!! It cleans up amazingly...dishwasher or handwash. ADORE it! I want a 2nd one for our bar lol. My food processor is an old 12 cup job that was my husband's grandmothers so it's a 1970s/80s model.
  18. DisneyAddict

    January sleevers how are you doing?

    Doing well. Finally moved to purees. I saw my dr on Wednesday and he cleared me for exercise and declared me tough LOL I didn't have a loss between this past Thursday and yesterday but I think we've kicked things loose again. The only thing I am struggling with is continuing to not smoke. My dr made me stop for 3 months before he'd touch me and I'm finding it hard to stay away now that I've had it. I guess it's a mental refocusing away from food thing.
  19. DisneyAddict

    Going under the knife Monday morning

    Good luck! I got done last Tuesday. It's gonna be a crazy ride that's gonna be SO worth it in the end!
  20. I'm still very tired & dopey feeling so if this makes no sense I apologize in advance. I was released last night. Doing well. Moving around better. How long before the "bubbly insides" go away? The thought of broth is turning my stomach too. When dp I feel kind of normal-ish again?
  21. DisneyAddict

    Family Photos

    Well if I can survive the day (cursing my dr everytime I go potty) LOL I'll definitely see yall on the "dark side" (aka skinny side!) LOL
  22. DisneyAddict

    Family Photos

    Ya.. I just managed to choke down my Satan's Spit (magensium citrate). You should've seen how long it took me and the side eye I was giving it. I finally had to go stand at the sink and make myself down it all alternating w/ shots of Water. I was SORELY tempted to say to hell with it and eat the slice of pizza in the ffridge!!! What's hilarious is I kept mentally playing these pics in my head and thinking of the fishing poles we looked at on Sunday.. and the tank tops this summer... LOL
  23. DisneyAddict

    Family Photos

    Tiffany, this is exactly the sort of thing I needed to see today. Thank you for posting them.
  24. Tomorrow I go for my preop blood work at the hospital and I guess get checked in for my surgery on Tuesday. I'm really ready for this. I'm so nervous about having given up pretty well all my vices and I've been stripped completely nekkies of my security blankets but I can do this... it's time to poop or get off the pot... there's no option other than TO do it. I've never gone w/o training wheels like this before. I'm SO SO SO freaking ready for this. I can't wait to see my body again... to not sound like a winded rhino when I just go up the stairs to our bedroom (I'm not even gonna begin to get into actual bedroom activity!!!)... This is the first hurdle for all the great things in my life FINALLY coming to fruition. Please fates, let me be successful and find my inner skinny bitch. I'm dying to wear tank tops, go fishing and getting a tan again... things I haven't willingly done since 2000!
  25. You know, the last time I was in the hospital (aside from visiting) for any length of time was back in 1978..when I was born! LOL This is such a new experience. I think I'm more nervous about the actual hospital stay than the surgery!!! Do you know I'm mentally calling the surgery my "Factory Reset". That's what it feels like to me... resetting my stomach and reprogramming my brain for healthy eating. I will definitely post again about my own experiences. I think I'm totally prepared for this. I feel like I'm armed & ready.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
