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Stacey H

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Stacey H

  1. Hey :) My timeline is really similar to yours.. I was banded 7/6, and I'm feeling pretty good lately. I had trouble getting in all my Water until about three days ago, and since then I've been forcing myself to drink it all.. so I'm having some symptoms of dehydration, like dizziness.. but it's nothing I can't handle. I lost 20 lbs in the meantime, but the scale refuses to budge anymore, haha. I'm definitely entering the gates to 'bandster hell'... I feel like I could eat a horse at times. Just forcing myself to stick to the three small meals. My first fill is going to be on 8/11.. be sure to let us know how yours goes! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time, lol.

  2. Hey.. I have the same Constipation problem you do.. I was banded 7/6. My program coordinator told me to drink Miralax, and I plan to tonight. I don't have the lower belly pain, but I noticed when I turn a weird way or stretch, I get pain midway between the port incision and the one on my left side. Not sure if you've had that but I heard it was nothing to worry about. Good luck with belly problems :(

  3. Hey.. congrats on your surgery! :D I was getting hungry probably 4-5 days after mine, but I asked someone I met on this site and they told me that I'm probably not drinking enough Water if I was already getting hungry. She said she noticed when she skimped on liquids she would be, but when she got it all in, the hunger didn't happen. That's definitely what the problem was for me.. but even now I'm supposed to get in 72 oz a day and I'm probably only reaching 50 :x it's so hard, it's almost ridiculous lol. Hope that helps :) If not.. just try and push through til mushies!

  4. Personally, I didn't like the muscle milk.. but that's probably because I only tried the premade kind. I also haaated the EAS premade from Walmart. I was on those for a week before I realized there were better options in life, haha. My favorite brand is "Oh Yeah!" and whether the shakes are premade or powder, they're both delicious. My favorite kind is Cookies & Creme, but I also tried the premade Strawberries & Creme, and banana. Those were both good as well. I bought a case of the premade (cookies), 32 bottles for like $39.99 at The Vitamin Shoppe near me, then when I ran out, bought the big tub of powder for around $36.99. If you can try an Oh Yeah shake you totally should.. I wish I knew about them before I did, and actually another bandster recommended them to me. I actually have the tub of powder in front of me right now.. some of the nutrition facts: serving size: "1 rounded scoop" (which is HUGE), servings per container: 21. calories: 210. total fat: 6g. sugars: 2g. carbs: 8g. protein: 32g. Hope that helps! :)

  5. Hey everyone :) Just checking in.. tomorrow is one week since surgery, and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still not having as much liquids as i'm supposed to (maybe half.. if that..) but things seem to be going well. My only complaint is my port incision is killer. It almost feels like it's ripping open at times. I put a big bandaid over it because the glue they used to close me up started to crack, and it was catching on my shirt. Feeling better now that the glue isn't catching, but in the shower this morning I must have bent wrong because it caused some serious pain. Still didn't take the lortab, but really considered it. There's only a little left, and I can't get Tylenol until Thursday so I've got to make it last. I did weigh myself yesterday morning at 266, and the morning of surgery I was 272... so that's cool. Hope everyone else is having a great recovery :)

  6. Welcome back Stacy! I was banded 7/6 in the am as well. No where near close to my 64 oz of liquids for the first two days but already better today. I had Jello, half a Protein Shake and quite a bit of Water, one day at a time right?

    my mom offered to keep the boys a few more days ( we were going to get them back tomorrow). I miss them like crazy but they are 2 & 5 and very active, so I think it's wise to give it another three days before I dive fully into the usual madness that is my life (which I love). I can't wait to see them and hug them! I can't wait to feel more like myself too and resume my daily activities, just a little longer now.

    Thanks, & welcome to the other side of bandland :) Haha. Its tough for me to realize at times (like now.. darn shoulder pain started up), but it's cool to see the grass really is greener over here! Lol :D That's good that you can rest for a few more days.. I know I could definitely use it, so I'm sure you could too.. it's tough enough for me to deal with a heartbroken cat (because he's not allowed to climb on me), but I can't imagine active children! Hahah. I'm counting down the days with you..hopefully some normalcy comes quick! :)

  7. Hey everyone! I was banded on the 6th at 7:45AM.. bright and early! I'm guessing my surgeon had his morning coffee, because he told my mom that the surgery couldn't have gone better (with a big smile on his face). So today is day 3, and I'm feeling muuuuch better. The first two days were questionable.. I had an alarm set to go off every 4 hours for medicine time, and this morning is the first that I've gotten up not feeling like I need it. (I have to say, sorry if the grammar/rationality of this post isn't quite up to par... maybe there's more liquid lortab in my system than I think :P ). Following my post-op instructions, today I'm supposed to start Vitamins (still munching on the chewy one.. that'll take awhile), and can try full liquids... which I'm super excited about. I think the best news is I can shower today... I don't think I've ever felt so disgusting, haha. Can't wait to have clean hair! Anywho, gas for me has been horrible.. Had my mom buy gas-x the evening of day 1 and I'm assuming it's helping, which is a scary thought since it's still so bad. Semi-unrelated gas pains (shoulder) have been a little better.. I just chase them around with the heating pad and that seems to do the trick, at least to make them bearable. I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten close to the 64 oz of liquids for days 1 and 2, which I'm nervous about.. but today's a new day and I'm trying again. I noticed the incisions are itchy today... I'm taking that as a good sign that they're healing, and just ignoring them as much as I can. Okay, I'm gonna go try some banana pudding now! Will be on again later :)


  8. Aaaaah... I'm being banded same day as you, tomorrow, and I also have tricare standard. I haven't heard of this either, yet.. but in a few hours I have pre-op with my surgeon, then at the hospital. I'll be sure to ask :) Sooooo nervous... it's crazy to think this time tomorrow, we'll be bandsters!

  9. I'm glad I found this post.. I'm starting to get nervous that I'm doing it wrong. My pre-op instructions tell me that I can have 4 Protein Shakes (OR bars) and one lean cuisine each day. I've stuck to this completely since day 1, although my program coordinator said I could make a chicken breast if I had extra calories left over (my limit is 1200, and at least 65 grams of protein). Again.. I've done this all totally right. I've only lost 5 lbs, and I just feel like it isn't working right. My surgery is on the 6th, and the diet started the 22nd.. so today is day 10. It would be nice to be able to see my liver and check if it's shrinking! Golly. I guess I'm just worried that my body is screwed up compared to everyone else's.. it's probably just me being paranoid, because 5 lbs is a heck of a lot more than I've lost in a long time. I'm worried about so much right now I'm not sure what to even do with myself though, lol. :(

  10. Try adding the flavored packets to your Water. They also have these new flavored liquid called Mio. It doesn't taste bad. I can't stand drinking all that Water either. But they really help. I am 9 months post op. And I hate drinking water also. Good luck to water drinking.

    Thank you! I was actually talking to my dad about it today and he mentioned MiO.. I'm headign to Walmart in a bit for more shakes so I'll definitely try it. Have you had the peach mango one? That looks like it might be good. That and the sweet tea, lol. Congrats @ 9 months post-op! Good luck to you too :)

  11. I am in the same boat day 2 and not drinking. I found if I chug it helps lol

    Haha, thanks! I'm glad to know I'm not crazy here. My mom keeps yelling at me ("Plug your nose and chug!") but it's tough to even do that, lol. I did realize that when I eat dinner in the evening I can drink a lot more (last night I had 2 big glasses of crystal light in one sitting) and I think that's just a behavioral habit I'm going to have to break. Ahhh the little things you notice! Lol. Good luck to you! Surgery on July 6th?

  12. Hi everybody :) I was just curious if anyone else has the same problem I do. I'm on day 2 (of 14) of the liver shrinking diet, and I get 4 shakes and 1 lean cuisine a day. I'm hungry but whatever, I'm not tempted to cheat or anything. My problem is that I can't convince myself to drink enough liquids! I was told to make sure I get 7-8 glasses of Water or crystal light (or something similar) a day, and now day 2 is almost over.. I've probably had 2 bottles of water. I'm actually slightly sick too, with a sore throat and some allergy issues. The thought of drinking is actually grossing me out.. I try to just chug a bit of water or crystal light but I swear it's worse than taking NyQuil (ew!). So I was just curious if anyone else has/had this issue, and what you did to overcome it? Other than forcing myself I just don't see it happening. Thanks! :)

  13. Hello everybody! My name is Stacey, and I'm 19 years old attending FSU. About a week ago I got the all-clear for surgery and it's scheduled for the 6th!! That means today is day one of the liver shrinking diet (1200 calories and 65 grams of protein/day) and I have to say my stomach is not too thrilled thus far. Mentally I'm good to go though, and I'm so ready for this change. Anyway, I just thought I would introduce myself before I go sifting through the infinite posts on the site :) Hope you all have a lovely day!

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