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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JudyM

  1. JudyM

    New here

    Agree with others... In France, the gastric band is not often done any more (except on young people), and has fallen out of favour as the surgery of choice, it seems. You will get on well with the sleeve - and no worried about anything slipping!
  2. 167lbs is a low starting weight, but depends on your BMI. I have just got back from a (working) long weekend in Burgundy, and following excelent advice from Jane J on here, I ate a bit more than usual... I have lost a kilo in the last week. I'm going to stop leaping on the scales as much, and up the exercise, and up the calories a bit. If I can lose around 5kgs per month... that is another 20kgs by the end of the year! :thumbup:
  3. JudyM

    One month out today

    Well done on that 24lbs - what a brilliant start! Don't worry about the 'stall' - we all go through it. I've just come out of one, and I had some excellent support - apparently, I wasn't eating enough! I did eat more, and it worked, the scales moved again... My surgeon told me 5kgs a month will be my average weight loss, and he will be pleased with that - so will I :thumbup:
  4. I live in France, where food is not so much sustenance, as a way of life! I worried about lifestyle afterwards... Then I look at all the thin French women and realised that they enjoy food too - just in a different way! They choose quality over quantity, eat properly at the table (they would rather die than have a TV dinner!), take their time, and have regular meals rather than grazing... Which is what I'm trying to do! I can't pretend I haven't drooled at the memory of a Big Girl's Stuff Your Face Dinner.... but I would prefer to be healthy and thin! I'm one of the 99.9% who would do it all over again!
  5. JudyM

    NSV shout outs

    Yes, we can get it on 'listen again' have downloaded it to listen tomorrow... Thanks for the heads up x
  6. JudyM

    I'm back in the groove!

    Maybe I'm not eating enough..... I will re-look at my eating diary. Thanks ladies for the sound advice!
  7. I remember that feeling on the eve of my operation... but just think - this time tomorrow, you will have a teeny tummy, and ready to be a skinny minx in no time at all! I lay planning my new wardrobe to keep my mind occupied - from underwear out, for all seasons! Look forward to hearing how it all went for you! :sad0:
  8. JudyM

    NSV shout outs

    Well done Jane - that must have felt fantastic! JudyM xx
  9. JudyM

    How bad are your scar's?

    I only have 4 scars (no drain). 1 at the top is tiny and difficult to see, and then 3 in a row over my stomach area (well above the belly button!). The largest one is on the left, where they removed the stomach portion. The scars are all clean and neat, and not too noticeable at all. I'm also using Bio Oil.
  10. A friend of mine had her sleeve done about 16 months before me, and as her weight dropped off, it made me more determined to get mine done - she was my inspiration! She will be fine, she probably felt a little guilty that she could help herself to a Big Girl's dinner at the buffet!


    On the internet, we are all near-neighbours! I've had no protein supplements, but am trying to get it all from food, as advised by my doctor. Canned tuna with a drop of light mayo is good, and I had carpaccio for dinner last night, which must have given me a few grams! If I have had a 'bad day' when I can't eat, I have a SlimFast drink mid-afternoon. I am convinced my scales are broken, as I've stalled again!!

  12. And for me, please... judym@orange.fr
  13. JudyM

    Coping with solids

    Good morning from a warm and sunny Normandy... We have had visitors all week, so spent much time cooking for everyone, and trying out new foods for my new stomach! I have had some lovely salmon with a little ratatouille, and last night..... I had a tbspn of chilli con carne, with a splodge of guacamole and a splash of creme fraiche! I had a difficult day last week. I went to the UK by overnight ferry, and went to get some breakfast, but the overpowering smell of fried food made me want to gag, so I thought I would get something on the train from Portsmouth to London... Managed to get a cup of hot chocolate only :sad0: Got to my meeting in London, and was there from 1030 until 3pm - no-one went for lunch :lol0: Arrived at hotel 4.15pm, having had nothing to eat... They didn't do food :lol0::scared0: Directed me to a mini supermarket - which was Polish, so didn't understand any of the packets (recognised pickled herrings, sauerkraut and various sausages!). I found a sandwich, so threw away the bread and ate the egg and bacon filling (which was sparse and horrible ). Went out in the evening to see Rod Stewart at the 02 Arena :thumbup: Was dancing all night, drank a small bottle of water. Still no food :crying: Incredibly thirsty when I got back to hotel. Bought a cold can of Coke Zero with ice - worried about bubbles, but it stayed down, and was delicious! I'm pleased to be on 'normal food' albeit in tiny bite portions. Most things I have tried have been fine. Must make an appointment to see the endocrinologist for blood tests to check my levels of vitamins, enzymes etc. Trouble is, this is France in Jul/Aug. Everything shuts down till they get back from their holibobs their hols in September :thumbup:
  14. JudyM

    Drainage Tube

    I didn't have a drain - and am very glad about it! But for those who have, it seems most people cope very well.
  15. JudyM

    Pre-op diet, WHY?

    I didn't have a pre-op diet either. But maybe my liver wasn't too big and my surgeon could cope with it!
  16. I too appreciate the clear explanation of what ghrelin is and what it does. I had no idea about the pressure receptors. Thanks!
  17. Jane J is absolutely right. I had a couple of down days (a "what have I done" moment or two!), and got very tired, but now, I think I am getting my mojo back! When you buy food, buy the best. Treat yourself to some gorgeous body lotion. Or have a manicure and pedicure done. Buy a glossy magazine... You deserve it, and it does make you feel better :001_smile:
  18. Hi LessFluffyZ


    Sorry - I found a posting asking me a question! I have had mega IT problems, no phone or internet for a few days, so there is a chunk of forum stuff I haven't seen yet... Yes, happy to share experiences with you - we don't have the same MD, as mine is here in France! He was adamant I didn't need to go on the liquid, thick liquid, mushy etc route, as he says his staple line is perfect, and within 7 - 10 days they have become part of the flesh anyway. So far, all has been well, and although I had a bit of a stall for 10 days, my weight loss is continuing; I have had no pain or vomiting, so guess he knows what he is talking about! xx

  19. JudyM

    3 Week Stall

    I got so mad with my scales!! I'm exactly the same - 3 week stall, then a measly 1 kilo (2.2lbs) in a whole week! I hope it kickstarts again soooon! I will resist the scales until next month.
  20. JudyM


    I was sleeved the same day as Mary... and this weekend, I was banjaxed! I had to go and lie on the bed, and slept for 3 hours! I thought it might be that my body is working hard, burning off all that extra fat! We have had visitors, so I have been cooking, cleaning, being the gracious hostess, so maybe I just have overdone it a bit... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:mellow:
  21. Thanks Jane! Yes, I am going to try yogurt and fromage blanc type stuff.. I am pouring myself a teeny glass of milk just to 'scratch the itch', and not drinking any more than that once a day. I am not craving milk as much now that I am on solids (chopped fine, and chewed to death), so maybe I am now getting whatever it is I thought I needed from milk... Yes, the different regimes are interesting, as are the pre-op requirements. I did none of the milk drinking marathons, and my op was - apparently - classic. Very straightforward, and have had no pain to speak of, no vomiting (yet!)...
  22. JudyM

    4 weeks already!

    I went for my 4 week post-op check yesterday. I am feeling fab, no complications, have not been sick, no pain. My scars (3 tiny ones, and one of about 2.5cm) are almost invisible now. I am off my blood pressure meds, and my BP is now normal and I am delighted about that. Also, I had water retention - swollen ankles were the norm for me - that has completely disappeared. People are starting to notice I look better, and that is probably because I am smiling such a lot too! I have been cleared for 'normal food' cut up small. No protein powders; Dr Boullenois wants me to get all my nutrients from my food intake. He reminded me no drinking 30 mins before or after a meal. He warned esp not to drink fluids when eating rice or grains such as couscous or quinoa, as that will swell the grain further and cause severe stomach pain. My stomach, when I asked him the size etc, is about the size of a (longer) Smartie tube! Dr B said my weight loss will be 5kgs per month on average, I'm so happy! :tongue_smilie:
  23. JudyM

    I cried tonight ...

    That is FAB! I know I felt great last week when I bought a top 2 sizes smaller than usual, so to fit in size 8 must be mindblowing! WELL DONE! x
  24. I tried a couple of Protein shakes - ewwwww - like fishy wallpaper paste, in consistency and in taste - I gagged it all down the sink, I'm afraid! Interestingly, my surgeon told me yesterday to go on to chopped up normal food (I'm 4 weeks out). I mentioned Protein Shakes and additives, and he said he would rather I got my protein from food rather than additives. He also told me I was drinking too much milk. I have such a craving for it at the moment, and suggested to him my body needed it... he said it was a 'head craving' and to cut down! He is going to a Bariatric conference in California in September, so it will be interesting to chat with him when he gets back... the French/European approach is sooo different from that of our US friends.
  25. I had my month check with my surgeon yesterday. He said my weight loss (12 kgs) is what he expected to see and perfectly normal. I have stalled for about 4 days now. It drives you mad :001_rolleyes: , I think because we have waited for this for sooo long. But do the measuring as well, because whilst the scales may say nothing's happening, your clothes will tell you a different story! Dr Boullenois also said that average weight loss will settle at around 5kgs per month. Which is fine by me! :001_rolleyes:

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