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Posts posted by hibblesmom

  1. I'm in the middle of a 2 week pre-op diet, on my surgeon's plan. He requires a full-liquid diet, which means I can eat anything that is in liquid or semi-liquid form (i.e. pudding). The specifications are that it be low-fat and high-Protein. He recommends Protein shakes made with Water or skim milk (i actually use unsweetened almond milk), Soups, SF pudding, popsicles and Jello, crystal lite, etc. It's not easy, I won't' lie. He didn't specify anything about carbs or calories, so I am self imposing low-carb and trying to keep my calories at or below 1000. I've already dropped about 6lbs (I expect most of that is water).

    If you're doing clears, I'm no expert but I think it has to be all broth or Water based foods, drinks. So Jello and SF popsicles would be ok, but SF pudding or cream based Soup wouldn't be.

    Good luck!!

  2. Thanks for all the good suggestions! I've done a lot better using unsweetened almond milk over the last couple of days. Definitely staying away from the milk though.

    2 days into the full liquid diet. I haven't cheated, but am floundering on how many calories, carbs, etc I should be shooting for. My surgeon's plan doesn't specify, just says to eat full liquids that are low fat and high Protein. I am just trying to stick to around 1000 calories and under 80 carbs. I'm tracking EVERYTHING (including my vitamins) on myfitnesspal.com. I don't know if I am going to lose any weight before surgery though. You would think that with so little calories, it would be inevitable, but I am just full of doubts. Well, if I could have done this successfully in the past, I would be gearing up for VSG now, would I?

    Anyway, thanks again for all of your advice :biggrin5:

  3. Hello all

    I am scheduled for surgery on Nov. 16, and I start my 2 week, full liquid, pre-op diet on the 2nd. Over the weekend I bought supplies (broth, SF Jello, SF popsicles, etc) and a few samples of Protein Powder to try them out. I bought the Syntrax Nectar chocolate Truffle and a few sample packs of Jay Robb. I've tried each now (I am trying to perfect my shake making technique BEFORE the pre-op diet) and while they go down fine, I'm noticing some...shall we say...digestive challenges. And by challenges I mean cramps in my tummy and some loose stool issues (sorry, TMI). I suspect I have some lactose intolerance, so I switched to unsweetened almond milk and still had the issues. Could it be the Protein powder? If so, I'm screwed! Does anyone have any advice on protein powder for lactose intolerant folks?

    Also - switching gears, my Dr.'s pre-op diet is a little light on details. He says "any food that is liquid or semi liquid and is low is sugar or sugar free and low fat" OK....so do you think yogurt is ok? Greek yogurt that is. I put it in the shake to up the protein content.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.

  4. Forensik -

    This may be some OT advice, but I work in college admissions and we see things like this all the time. Students are required to disclose this kind of thing on their college applications. As soon as this all gets resolved for your son, see what you can do about getting it expunged from his record. Sorry this has happened to him and to you, sending good vibes your way!


  5. Ereneeh -

    No allergies here, but just wanted to post to say I'm glad you caught this in the nick of time! Also, thanks for posting your experiences. I'm preparing for my own surgery, and every story is helpful. I had a question for you - you mentioned being a side-sleeper. So am I, and I have been a little worried hearing stories about folks here sleeping upright in recliners for weeks after surgery because of pain. Are you able to side-sleep at home now, post-op? I am one of those incredibly fussy sleepers, and unless I'm on my side, sleep ain't gonna happen.

    Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you sorted out the milk Protein issue!

    Every day gets better, but I had a scare last night and have not read anything about it on the site.

    I have severe outdoor allergies and get 4 allergy shots a month. Trees, grass and weeds. I have been taking allergy shots for 10 years now and it definitely makes a difference in my quality of life.

    Well, I had ordered the sample pack from nectar Protein drinks and decided to try my first one last nite (Cappuccino). I made 20 oz. and was sip, sip, sipping and my throat started itching. I started coughing and could feel my throat closing. Because of my years of allergy shots, I knew what was coming. I was having an allergic reaction to something. I immediately took my allergy pill (Xyzal) and stopped drinking my Protein drink. I had drank about 15 oz. Because it was 9:30pm, there's no one to really call so I just rode it out. It finally subsized after about 1 1/2 hours.

    I called my allergist this morning to check my chart and let them know what happened. The office called me back and said they checked my chart from when I was tested 10 years ago and sure enough I have elevated allergens to milk and eggs. I guess because my allergy to grasses and trees was so huge, (4 times worse than the milk and eggs) they just addressed the big things. Well, Whey Protein Isolate (the main ingredient in nectar Protein drink) is concentrated milk protein. I guess my new problem is I am highly allergic to milk and whey. And, allergic means anaphylactic shock, not just diarrhea and stomach issues.

    I have never noticed any problem with milk before except for the standard stomach issues such as bloating, cramps, but they attribute that to the high fat content. My Dr. called again this afternoon and I now have to carry an epi-pen at all times and avoid whey and milk products. Anyone else have this problem? Leave it to me to be special. I now have to go buy protein made with soy, since I am not allergic to soy. I would appreciate any information that may have experience anything like this.

  6. Arggghhh....it's been 7 days and I haven't heard anything! I've called my surgical coordinator and the RN Case manager who was assigned to me through UHC, and no calls back yet. This waiting is killing me! I want to start planning, buy a food scale, measuring cups, little bowls and spoons and start stocking up on sugar free Popsicles and chicken broth (can you tell I've been reading the boards?). I don't want to do any of that until I get the official YES and a surgery date because I will be devestated if I do all this planning for nothing. Don't get me wrong, if they deny, I will appeal until my appeals are exhausted, then look at saving for self pay, but I am just so IMPATIENT. In my head and in my heart I am ready for this. If you can spare them, please keep sending those good thoughts my way. Shea - any news on your approval yet? I'm keeping you in my thoughts!


  7. Hello all -

    I don't post often, but am on this board every day. I've been working on fulfilling my insurance requirements (6 months Dr. supervised diet/exercise, psych consult, nutritionist meeting, letter of medical necessity...) Well, I finally finished and my surgeon's office told me today that the paperwork has been submitted to UHC for approval! I am incredibly nervous, even though I've been told I meet the criteria (BMI over 35, with co-morbitdities). I've just become so mentally, physically and emotionally invested in having this surgery that I will be so devestated if I don't get approved. If you could send some positive energy my way I would be grateful and I will let you know as soon as I hear something!!


  8. Thanks again, all. Your comments are so helpful. I guess if there is a silver lining here, it's that I DIDN'T turn to ice cream as my fix-all, and this really has not ruined my day like it might have before. Yes, it hurt and I was embarrassed, but I think the knowledge that surgery and success are in my near future has really kept me from that cycle of self-pity and emotional eating. So...yay me!

  9. I am really struggling right now, trying to fight back tears. I work in a small office, all of my co-workers and I are very friendly and chatty. Today, someone came into our office to pick up a document and, in front of all my coworkers, asked me how many months pregnant I was. I answered "I'M NOT." Her response was to pull a face, and say "oops, sorry". God bless my co-workers, they pretended not to have heard anything until I finally made a joke about it and everyone had a big laugh. So that was my defense, to counter her comment with humor. She's not wrong though, I have PCOS, and I carry most of my excess weight in my stomach. Most of the time I stay very aware of "sucking it in" but when I relax, I guess I do look preggo.

    What upsets me/scares me the most about this is 1. I'm upset, but not hysterical, because I know how I must appear to others and 2. My first thought was "this is nothing that ice cream can't fix!". I am more sure than ever that I need this surgery. I need all the help I can get in terms of restricting my intake and being an invaluable tool in fighting my emotional eating. My sleeve won't be able to fix my head, but it can help me on the right track to success.

    Thanks for letting me vent :)

    Sarah from Miami.

  10. Thank you to everyone who responded. It's been really interesting to read how you compared the two surgeries. I do realize that they are totally different surgeries, and recovery from each is going to be very different, but it's helpful to get me into the "if I got through the c-section, I can get through this!" mentality. I'm also going to do a lot of work getting myself ready mentally for the change in lifestyle, which I think it going to be the toughest thing for me, long term. Thank you all again, I appreciate your input!


  11. Hello!

    This is my first post, but I have been reading this board for months as I prepare for surgery (hopefully in Sept. or Oct.). I want to be as prepared for all the the best-case and worst-case scenarios, so I don't get too freaked out after I come out of surgery. It helps me to know that the first 4-6 weeks will be rough but that it gets better. It also helps me to read stories of folks that had quick recoveries as well as tough recoveries.

    So my question is: for anyone that's had a c-section (sorry gentlemen) how did the recovery from that surgery compare with the recovery from VSG? I had one of those crazy pregnancies where I was vomiting for 9 months and had a rough time with recovery after the c-section, so I'm hoping that if I got through that, I can get through this!

    Don't be afraid to tell me the ugly truth. I am not going to change my mind about having the surgery, I just want to mentally prepare myself.

    Also - did anyone go on any kind of anti-depressent or anti-anxiety medication after the surgery? If so (and if you want to share) how did that work out for you?

    Thank you in advance for anyone who answers - you all are amazing sources of motivation, support and information and I am already so grateful to all of you who post here!

    Sarah in Miami :)

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