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All Sleeved Up

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by All Sleeved Up

  1. Thank you for your advice will contact my surgeon on monday thank you again

    best wishes xx

    It's possible you have an irritation in your esophagus from all the reflux. I would make an appt with you surgeon.

    Mine got pretty bad so they did an endoscopy and discovered I had developed an ulcer from the reflux. If that's what it is, it's easily treatable.

    In the meantime, it's good idea to journal your food intake in case you can find a pattern of it happening more when you eat certain foods.

  2. Hi all,

    I was sleeved 24/6/11, I have been okay suffering alot of acid reflux but its dealable. But i have been having some weird pain just under my boobs right in the middle it happens like a ball of something is trying to escape, VERY DIFFERENT TO GAS PAIN THOUGH! It hurts it is hard to explain though. It happens almost all day but in small parts.

    Sorry im not very clear, Some advice if any one knows what this means.'


  3. Hi there,

    I was sleeved on the 24-6-11, My tummy is constantly growling at me lol, Also I have been a little nauseous today and sore its funny how the body works! I am on the liquid diet and seem to be doing OK just a bit scared of drinking to much so only take very tiny sips. I would love to know what experiences you are having! Also gotta love reflux/Heartburn and Gas pain! NOT>>> Lol well i hope you have a great recovery best wishes Amanda

    Hello I was sleeved 6-27-11 and my stomach has alot to say about it. My stomach grumbles so loudly did anyone else experience a very vocal tummy with lots of noices?

    Thx for any stories

  4. Hi there,

    How are you? Well i am in brisbane australia and i had my surgery on fri 24th june i only got released from hosp on wed 29th so i stayed 5 nights and over here that is how it works 3-5 night as i had no complications except a lot of gas pain and nausea i was very suprised to see that most people in other countries go home the same day, on day 4 i started 30ml an hour of clear fluids and had to do that for 24hr my dr told me when i asked to go home that if you leave to early you risk a leak and a leak then leads to icu. So i was happy enough to stay! I hope you get the answers you need just thought i would let you know how it happens over here in the aussie land lol.

    Take care and best wishes! xx

    so, i keep reading about how people spend 2 or 3 days in the hospital- if you had laprascopic vsg outpatient surgery, please chime in! i have to go in the next morning for fluids, and there is a hospital very close by if there are complications, which i'm not worried about- guess i'm more worried about pain management... no nurse at my beck and call...would appreciate your experience!:unsure:

  5. Hi Lyndy,

    Well how are you feeling? Its day 3 for us how did you go? I have suffered alot of gas pain and vomiting and that thought in my head where i think "Why did i do this?" But today being day 3 i am feeling alot better im up and about and stopped throwing up blood! as far as the surgery my surgeoen is having me do a dye swallow today to see how my stomach is working and then i will finally be able to sip fluids as i have been nbm for 4 days now, As for hunger its only wen i smell other patients food it makes me feel like im missing something.

    I really cant wait to hear from you so excited to know how you went my thoughts are with you for a fast recovery, Soon to be thin my girl! "Take care my sleeve sista" Talk soon xx :)

    Sooooo Manz only 1 sleep left until the big day. I got to work this morning and wrote down the date and my stomach just dropped when I looked at it and realized this time tomorrow I will be getting ready for surgery :unsure: . Oh my heck!!! Yesterday afternoon I was really nervous and saying to myself that maybe this is too drastic of a step but today I am excited and can't wait to begin my transformation. I will be thinking of you tomorrow sleeve sister :D . Have a great day.

  6. Hi Chef Neil,

    So great to hear you are on your way to a healthier you! thank you for an insight of what it has been like for you, My surgery is tommorow, I wish you the best of luck on your journey and would love to hear how it all goes over the next 12 months for you. Take care and feeel great. xoxo

    I'm one week out... and just walked two miles this morning, less than what I was doing pre-op

    but it felt good!

    scared? why? perhaps writing your fears?

    are you afraid of change?

    are you afraid of the hospital/nurses/staff?

    are you on the fence about it?

    I had all this going on in my head- over the 13 week class I attended and each week a fear fell to the wayside and was just that.

    FEAR- (False Evidence Appearing Real)

    my biggest obstacles were getting Water in and food- nausea was not kind to me.

    once they took me off the dilotin, because I am allergic to morphine, switched me to Ty/Codeine things became much better.

    the pain was minimal after surgery, although GAS pains were not fun.

    I was down 3 days... I have had flu's worst than that!...

    I actually think I could go back to work, but I won't... this vacation feels real good!

    On my walk today, my wife asked what I was grinning about...

    reply; The people going to work... they looked like zombies...

    I'm gonna enjoy each day- last monday -6/13- I was reborn!!!

  7. Hi Lyndynojo,

    Thank you so much for making me feel like their is some one else out there feeling the same! you brought tears to my eyes knowing im not alone, So it is one more sleep untill the big day! I think we will do great, I will also have you in my prayers and i would love to hear and exchange how the process goes for each of us. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery, Speak very soon. Take care and big hugs from a stranger who feels the same..xoxox

    Hi Manz, My surgery is friday too. I feel the exact same way. Scared/excited. My 3 boys are 25, 20 and 17 but I am thinking the exact same things. I want to be there to see my grandchildren grow up and I haven't been thin in so long what will I look like. will I look alot older? will I even recognize myself? what if something happens and I chose to do this? I think this is all normal from what I've read on here. We are gonna be Awesome, thin and healthy. I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck to us!!:rolleyes:

  8. Ok i am new to the forum so hi all,

    I am having my sleeve on fri and am sooo nervous i went out today with my 3 kids and their dad for a walk in the park, It made me think im actually scared inside thinking of what could happen and i want to be around to see my girls grow up! ok so thats probably just my mind and nerves playing games! I then have a part of me that cant imagine being thin! I also am excited to think its my turn to be able to be thin and healthy! So is any one else feeling this way or have felt this way! Please some one some advice would be great im trying to just think positive and know its all gooing to be ok! I think im just scared lol.

  9. Hi all, So finally found a place where ppl are doing the same as me, Well a short version of my story is i am a 23 yr old mum of 3 baby girls, I am 96.5 kg pre op. I have finally after a 5 year wait been booked for my surgery on the 24th june 11, I am having the sleeve due to my health problems and i am hoping it benifits me like it has so many others! I am so nervous i had given up smoking as soon as i knew my surgery was being booked and found that hard in its self. Now i was meant to do opti fast shakes for 2 wks pre op but i have found they make me sick i suffer severe head aches constantly and get a rash from them! argghhhh not a great start! so as my sleeve is public and i did not want to let this once in a life time oppurtunity go past i decided i would start a lo cal program. With the help of a shake in the morn, salad at lunch and wok vegies and chicken at night im eating around 400-650 cal a day, the first few days were tough especially having to cook for my girls and not nibble on their food lol. Well i think im doing ok now but gee i miss my chocolate lol, i would love to hear how you guys feel im doing and any pre or post tips would be great! Thanks Guys Amanda xox

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