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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by formykids2

  1. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I am currently in my preop room! Kinda scared, but ready for the losers bench so no turning back now. Will update you after!
  2. I am driving myself to the hospital because my hubby needs to be here to get my children off to school, but he will meet me there as soon as they are on the bus. I was told now way will they let me leave on my own.
  3. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I am going in tomorrow too! Have to be there at 730 am. I was wondering if anyone did before pics and measurements? I wish I had when I started the preop diet as I have lost 20 lbs on it so far, but I did my measurements a little over a week ago and again today and already see inches lost!
  4. formykids2

    protein help

    I really like the premier protein drinks from Sams club! I hear Costco also carries them. I get 30g protein and only 5 carbs I believe. I have tried a LOT of different ones and some are horrible and others are ok, but this kind I actually like. I also like myoplex light, but it has too many carbs for me.
  5. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    Mark, mine is Thursday am and I am feeling the same way. Didnt sleep much last night and hoping that I will actually sleep tonight. I dont think I have been so nervous before, even when going into labor!
  6. formykids2

    Too Many Frustrated Lapbanders!

    I can say that I chose to be banded before ever coming to these forums. I chose this because my sister was banded a year ago and I have seen her journey (good and bad) and I know that if she can do it, so can I! I talked to a neighbot about it and she confided that she also had it and we talked a lot too. I also have an aunt who had rny and I saw her before and after as a HUGE red flag to NEVER go that route. She did lose weight, but she looked like someone from the Stephen Kings "Thinner" story. I know that it takes work, and I know that sometimes a fill wont get you where you want or that you may be too full and need some taken out, but the thing that I like the most about all of that is it is MY body, My journey, and I get to be a part of it instead of a bystander. I know that if I need more help with fills, I can get it. If I am too tight, I can have fluid taken out. If i stay fat, I can not chase my kidlets, I can not do the family activities and have fun, and I may never make it long enough to love on any grandbabies! If I had gone on another diet, it may work this time.... or I may end up even heavier. If I had another type of surgery, it could work too, but i would not be the one working it but rather I would be at the mercies of just how my body dealt with it and the nutritional mess as time went on was NOT on my I can live with list. I dont know if that helps at all, but that is how I came about my choice. There really and truely are very successful banders out there and I hope you can hear from some to help lift up your impression of banding! :-)
  7. formykids2

    Too Many Frustrated Lapbanders!

    I get banded Thurs so I cant say from that side, but I can say that a general theme when others have asked that question is that most of the people who are on boards are looking for help and not neccissarily the successful banders. (Not that there arent plenty of "losers" here, but more with ??'s and looking for support).
  8. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    Good morning everyone! I had my upper gi yesterday and my stomache HURTS today! anyone else have that going on?? I dont know if it is from having so little for so long and then having to drink such heavy stuff and so much of it but boy do i hurt!( I keep telling myself it is my bodys way of building me up to surgery) UGH... Anyway, I was up all night reading all of the posts on the surgery day board and now I am half scared out of my whits and half relieved. I dont think I have this many emotions in such a short time when I am pmsing or pregnant! Are there other people going in thurs? How are you fairing emotionally?
  9. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I just finished my last 2 things on my checklist (upper GI and nasal swab for mrsa) and have an appt with my surgeon this afternoon and having surgery Thurs am! When I started this in June it felt like it was going to take forever and now it is almost here! Only 2 more days to get things done at home and then I will cross over to lapbandland!
  10. formykids2

    Newbie from San Diego, CA

    I just sent you a message with my process so far. Hope it helps!
  11. formykids2

    Newbie from San Diego, CA

    We do not have a bariatric program here so I am going to a civilian. I have heard of people not going to mtf though if there is a wait list. The thing to do I would think is just try and if they deny, fight it then. Make sure you have a documented trial with your doctor (new requirement), and I was required to have an h pylori and either pulmonology or cardiac clearance. Everything was sent in and it was missing the h pylori results and that made my approval take longer so make sure you have everything ready when they send it out. Have you already gotten your consult with the civilian provider? If they were willing to give you the consult to begin with I cant see any reason that they would turn you down for them.
  12. formykids2

    Newbie from San Diego, CA

    I have tricare prime and was just approved with a bmi lower than 40. I did have a bmi over 35 and comorbidities and i had no issues at all getting approved. Because of the new change some people are a bit confused as to what qualifies now. I did a post on this in the insurance section and posted the link to the tricare manual and the section that outlines the new rules. Please feel free to pm me if you have questions!
  13. formykids2

    What do you count? Calories/protein/carbs?

    I do like the myfitnesspal site. Right now I am having a very hard time because I am doing the preop shakes and veggies, but I am not hungry. I did 4 shakes a day and lots of veggies to start, and now i harldy get 2 shakes in and very little to no veggies. I know I need the protein and I know i need a certain amount of cals a day, but I am not hungry and have to force myself to do the shakes. (Not that I dont like them either, I really do enjoy them!) My tummy is grumbly, but it is not a "feed me now" kind of thing. Oh well, that is ok anyway, surgery is in 4 days!!
  14. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I am on day 12 (i started a few days early too) and I am actually having what seems to be the opposite of others in the way of problems w/ the shake diet. I started out with 4 shakes and plenty of fresh veggies, now I am not hungry enought to do more than 2 shakes and I am eating very little if any veggies. I am simply not hungry. I know I need to get in the protein, and I actually do like the shakes I have, but wow there is no urge to eat at all. Anyone else have this?
  15. formykids2

    What do you count? Calories/protein/carbs?

    Thanks! Lisa, I looked up your post and read what everyone said. I feel better now about not having been told this from my nut since she cant really say eat x cals, x carbs and x protein because it is different for everyone. I have used the my fitness pal thing and my dietitian that I saw before my surgeons nut both say I dont eat enough calories. That kinda worries me if I dont eat enough cals now, what is going to happen when I am banded? I guess I need to start picking foods that are higher in healthy fat like avocados and nuts. Thanks again for the advice ladies!
  16. formykids2

    Finally told them...

    lol.... see who gets skinny faster! LOVE IT
  17. I totally think it is better to do it while I am already there and open. My doc is having me take antibiotics before hand to make sure there is less chance of infection since it is a "dirty" surgery compared to the band too. I would rather have a little more pain for a few days than ever have another gallbladder attack!
  18. I am having my gallbladder removed at the same time that my lap band is placed I have seen on here that some people had them as separate surgeries and said that the gallbladder removal was more painful than the lap band. Has anyone had their gallbladder taken out at the same time as their lap band surgery? If you did, how was your recovery?
  19. Oh, yeah,. we are nesting right? we are bringing home a new little "bundle of joy" but it is ours only and we dont have to share it! :-)
  20. Lots of movies and if there is a possibility of maybe a new interesting toy? That is how I survived births when my hubby was deployed. I had a huge basket of books right in the family room to have "snuggle" time and read that helped keep them from being rowdy when they were next to me, and I bought a couple of special toys that they only got when I really needed them to be focused on something other than me. Most kiddos get a sense that mommy isnt feeling all that well and may be willing to tone it down for a couple of days. Could you possibly tell a couple of friend that you had a minor procedure done that you would rather not talk about but that you would appreciate if they may be able to help? They dont need to know details. I have heard a lot of people say they are feeling more like themselves around day 5 so hopefully things will be better around the time your husband has to go back to work. Feel free to email me or message me if you want to chat more!
  21. I have 5 kiddos and have a lot of the same worries. I am going to have a lot of quick make foods on hand so that feeding kiddos will be easier and making sure that everything that needs to be done is done the day before I go in so that it hopefully will be a bit easier keeping up with housework after. I am hoping that my husband will take care of things like vacuuming and such when he gets home on the days it needs done so that I can just deal with the light housekeeping. Do you have a church or friends in the area that may be willing to drop in and help out a little?
  22. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I am scheduled for Thurs am and I am nervous too. I just keep looking at that scale when i weigh and keep telling myself how great it feels to see the numbers go down and this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Keep telling yourself what you are doing it for and that as nervous as we get, it would be a lot harder to lose the weight on our own and keep it off! I think I would be more nervous about trying to lose and failing again.
  23. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I have a question for those recently banded... I am trying to arrange people to help out with my children, but how long should I have someone here? I have 5 kids and the younger ones still need help with bathing and such (and of course that makes for a TON of laundry and groceries). My husband can be home for a short while, but should I have someone else here for a few days when he goes back to work? How long did you take you to be able to do things like laundry and housework for a large family? Thanks in advance for any input!
  24. I just found out that I am going to have to stay the night in the hospital after my surgery and that is a bit of a disappointment. Can anyone give me positive thoughts on staying versus going home the same day? I Hate hospitals and being woken up all night and nurses bothering sleep and all of that. Please help me feel better about them making me stay :-(
  25. formykids2

    Hospital stay vs outpatient

    a book to read... hadnt thought of that! I was thinking of bringing crochet to at least pass the time, and then I remembered that the last time I took a percocet that it was interesting to just lift my hand so I figured I may end up with a seriously crazy looking project because of the drugs. The thought of controlling the remote is definately a plus too! I have not been away from my kids in 4 years and then was only for a death so the idea of staying away over night is kind of foreign territory too. I think I am at peace with it now and just have to deal with my daily nervous questions until surgery! Thanks everyone!

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