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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by formykids2

  1. Damander.... if your Dr did documentation on your conventional dieting, get those records! That is what they are looking for. You don't need to talk to your doc to get them either.
  2. You don't have to do one of the programs, but they will accept them as your attempt IF you see your pcm for monthly weigh ins. You can use southbeach, taking, a Dietitian recommended diet or whatever, just have it documented what you are doing and make sure your pcm is documenting it and your weigh ins.
  3. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    Yay! You will be a Halloween bandit! Glad you finally get to cross over into bandland!
  4. This whole tricare thing is very frustrating, but... there is NO supervised diet time requirement listed in the tricare policy manual. The requirements have changed recently and they are no longer the 100lbs over or 200% over, but bmi 35-39.9 with comorbids and 40+ without. The HUGE change other than that is they now require proof that you have tried and not been successful with other weight loss endeavors. That being said... there is not set time frame but you have to have documentation of being followed by your pcm. If you have a dietitian at medical or anywhere else that suggests a certain diet, get a copy of it and see your pcm for a couple of months for documentation of weigh ins. You can even do jenny craig or weight watchers or whatever, they dont care what you do, but that you are actually doing something to try and that your dr is following you and keeping track of how much you do or do not lose. I can say all of this because I just had my surgery based on the new policy and that is what the people at Tricare Management Activity stated. You also can not just have a dr throw you on weight loss pills, they will not accept that. You can take their meds, but you must document a diet that you are trying too. For my approval I sent in the paper from the nutritionist at our base, had monthly weigh ins with my dr and even though I was required to lose 10% of my excess for my surgeon and was successful with that loss, they were able to state that I was NOT successful at adequate loss for my bmi and comorbidities to be helped. I know it seems like a pain, but tricare really is one of the easier insurance companies to get this covered. The new policy is on the tricare. mil site under tma and policy. It is in the surgery section and I believe policy 13.2 for morbid obesity. Please let me know if you have any questions about my experience and I will be happy to help!!
  5. formykids2

    Post ops day three question

    I am day 6 and still have that problem. I am lucky if I eat 1/4 cup of anything 2-3 times a day (and of course by eat, I mean drink) and I maybe get 1-2 water bottles in a day. My drs nurse called to check in yesterday and I told her and she said that the guidelines they give us are goals, but that if we get in 1/2 of it we are doing good! Phew!!! I try to only pour half a cup of something when I decide I want like juice or gatorade so that I dont feel there is SO MUCH to drink
  6. formykids2

    Post op at home help

    I had to have help for the first 3 days with everything! I still cant do too much, but can do things for myself, but not taking care of my kiddos and family type things. Everyone is different so hope for the easy recovery, but be prepared just in case you need a few days of hands on help.
  7. I was just wondering after reading another post... How many people can actually see their port?
  8. I have 5. Sounds like you got to have the single incision (which yes for most turns out as 2 so they can use the liver retractor).
  9. formykids2

    can u see your port?

    I wasn't asking for vanity concerns, just curious how many could. My sister also has the band and I can feel hers when I put my hand over it, but can't see it or feel it like with a hug or anything. I warned hubby it is a possibility especially w the way I carry weight and he is cool with it because he knows it is to help me. I think I can feel mine now that some swelling has gone down but will ask my Dr at my postop appt if that is what I am feeling.
  10. formykids2

    Tricare Prime

    Tricare requires 35-39.9 bmi with signifigant comorbidities or 40+ bmi without. You also have to prove that you have tried other weight loss with your dr but have failed. New requirements for tricare.... http://manuals.trica...ame=TP02toc.pdf it is under surgery and then 13.2 I believe (surgery for morbid obesity)
  11. I knew going into this that there is pain in surgery especially when they sew something to your muscles, but wow! In the hospital I was on dilauded that really helped with the pain and I could go to the restroom by myself and not be in an extreme amount of pain. Now that I am home though, I am having trouble even walking. My husband has to help me get up, walk, sit back down... and everytime I am up for longer than just a couple of minutes I get really nauseous and lightheaded. When I breathe in deep or cough or anything with sudden movement like that I feel a searing pain in my side that takes about 20 min to settle down with an icepack on it.I did have my gallbladder out at the same time that they put in the band, but the pain that I feel in the right side is totally doable, the pain that is getting me down is the left side where the port is.) Is all of this normal? Am I doing something wrong? (Oh, and the hospital gave me a binder that does help some with the feeling that my guts are spilling out everytime I stand up, but it is totally not tight enough so I find that I have to hold myself together to manage to move)
  12. I cant say if they will cancel surgery, but I can say if I had a cough I would wait because coughing after surgery is quite painful.
  13. I have had to come on here and ask about my pain because it is much more than I expected, but I had lap band and gall bladder out at the same time so i am sure that added to what I feel. My surgery was Thurs (the 13th) and I am not taking the narcotic pain meds, just tylenol, but I still do hurt quite a bit. And as with everything in life, it is all relative!
  14. formykids2

    my band hurts

    i cant say if i hurt when its cold because I still hurt from surgery (10.13) but I wanted to say Im in northern Chicago suburbs!
  15. formykids2

    Raisin cereal

    Are lapbanders allowed to have raisin cereals like Raisin medley honey bunches of oats? I know that the raisins may be a problem, that is why I ask.
  16. formykids2

    where is my port area?

    I was just banded the 13th and I can not see mine and as of right now I can not feel it with the swelling from surgery. I know that it is under my largest incision though. (by under I mean just below, not directly under)
  17. formykids2

    Walking after surgery?

    I was told walking to the bathroom was good for the blood clot issues. I went out to day to a couple of stores, took it very slow but was hoping to help the gas and I WAY overdid it.Not only did it not help the gas, I am exhausted and feel horrible. Normally I could go hrs walking in stores but not today. (my surgery was Thurs the 13th so today is day 3 postop)
  18. formykids2

    On your mark, get set, GO!!!

    I am sure things will be good for you. If they approved me I am totally confident you will have no issues!
  19. formykids2


    i bought the sublingual b12 at walmart and they have many other vitamins sublingual called dots at a health food store near me.
  20. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    I went walking at a couple of stores today with hubby and tried to get some fresh air and walk away some of the gas but I think i totally overdid it. I am still very uncomfortable and getting frustrated, but everyday is a little better so i will just look forward to tomorrow. I think I have tried everything that I have read on here to help the gas and would LOVE to shock my hubby with some great burps or toots but it just doesnt want to leave! I kinda feel like i have a full term pregnancy and a baby on crack inside of me! Is it tomorrow yet????
  21. my surgery was the 13th. i am still majorly bloated too. liquid tylenol not pills. i was told i can take pills, but it is much harder for them to do their job when tummy has to work to degrade them. heating pad and had massagers on my back are helping me some. i weighed 5 lbs more after ( I knew I would weigh more, but wanted to see how much), and today I am 2 lbs heavier than when I weighted in. I am WAY more interested in the inches change since I measured the day before surgery and now I feel about 5 months pregnant.
  22. formykids2

    Is my postop pain normal??

    I would LOVE a hot bath (that is my usual go to instead of medications for any ailment) but my Dr said no baths and I am scared of trying to get out. I know I can keep my incisions dry, but do you have trouble getting out? I am feeling a little better today thank goodness. I am still having a horrid kill me now amount of pain though if I cough or sneeze. I did try the holding a pillow against my tummy, but it comes w the clenching of my ab muscles. I have to use an icepack for a long time after before I can move again. How long till that feels better?? Thanks for all who have written back to! I was feeling like a post op failure seeing all of these people who were up and going the next day and back at work so soon. Even though it doesn't fix the pain, I feel better knowing I am not all that odd with having pain.
  23. formykids2

    Is my postop pain normal??

    I am on full liquids but having a very hard time getting much mire than water and juice down. I am in lortab but it just takes an edge off when I am resting but as soon as I move forget it. It is really hard to get a deep breath too. I really hope this eases up soon.
  24. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    Ok everyone. I was banded yesterday and boy I wish I could say things are ok,but they arent.. I am in a LOT of pain. I stayed overnight in the hospital and the medication they gave me there helped keep the pain under control,but now I am home and the loritab is not really cutting it. It is hard to move, to go to the bathroom since I have not handicapped handles to use to ease myself up and down. I am not hungry, and I am not regretting my decision as I know exactly why I chose to do this, but I am wondering why I left the hospital and what I should do now. I am sitting with an icepack on my port area, a heating pad on my shoulder, and praying for some relief. ( I did have my gallbladder out at the same time and I dont know if that is why my pain is more than I anticipated.) Any advice?
  25. formykids2

    October Bandsters!!!

    Well guys, I am on the losers bench. I feel more like I'm on the a quarterback just broke my left side bench, but as long as the meds keep coming I will survive

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