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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tracy46545

  1. [quoteThose of you who are after surgery - what do you think? Thanks! I'm pre-surgery myself, but my gf had the surgery last January in Mexico, traveled home to San Francisco area on day 4, and then flew to New York on day 11 post surgery. Her main complaint was that she tired easily. Pain was manageable and she relied on Muscle Milk Light for her Protein and calories. She was in New York for five days and then returned home to pack up her house and begin her move to Texas. I think you'll be fine 7 weeks out from surgery unless there are any complications and as long as you can maintain protein and liquid intakes. Tracy
  2. Tracy46545

    post op 11 hrs ago yippee

    Enjoy your morphine and your rest Delite! Tracy
  3. I don't have ANY health insurance. My surgery is self pay and the medications will have to be entirely self pay. Since Walmart offers the following generics for $10 for a 3 month supply I wondered if anyone knows if any of these gastrointestinal medications would be an adequate replacement for Nexium mups? (yes, I know the mups are dissolveable and they aren't available in the U.S.) 30-day QTY 90-day QTY Belladonna Alkaloid/PB tab 60 180 Cimetidine 800mg tab* 30 90 Cytra2 solution 180ml 540ml Dicyclomine 10mg cap 90 270 Dicyclomine 20mg tab 60 180 Famotidine 20mg tab 60 180 Hyoscyamine drops* 15ml 45ml Lactulose syrup 237ml 711ml Metoclopramide 10mg tab 60 180 Metoclopramide syrup 60ml 180ml Promethazine 25mg tab* 12 36 Promethazine plain syrup* 180ml 540ml Ranitidine 150mg tab 60 180 Ranitidine 300mg tab 30 90 $4 $10 thank you! Tracy
  4. Tracy46545


    I was married 18 yrs....two gifts stick out to me in all that time. One was an absolutely stunning set of wind chimes. It was totally unexpected and not for any particular reason ...(although I try not to wonder about that now...lol). They are fantastic deep mellow tones...nothing tinny, brassy or tinklly sounding. I told him in no uncertain terms that I would be taking those in the divorce. The only other meaningful gift I ever remember getting from him was Stella D'Ora Daylilies for our 15th anniversary. funny part is....they were deeply discounted at the garden store because it was long past blooming time. I think they were marked 75% off. However, as perenials, he knew they would bloom again. If I remember right I think he got 15 plants...one for each year. The bulk of those came with me in the divorce although I did leave a few at the house for him to remember me by! lol I've never been fortunate to be with a man that believed in "spoiling" his woman with jewelry or gifts of any kind. Tracy
  5. Tracy46545

    Microwave Pumpkin Custard

    I'll hang on to this one...pumpkin ANYTHING works for me! (side benefit is that it also keeps me "regular") Tracy
  6. Tracy46545

    Made the big 100

    Great success Bob! Tracy
  7. I'm late to the party on this subject but wanted to add my "cure" for constipation. After trying all sorts of Fiber supplements, M-0-M, and other laxatives...I find I get the most reliable and natural results by drinking apple cider. I realize it's high in carbs because it's a fruit juice...but 6 oz of apple cider every other day will keep me regular without having to add a medication or supplement. Tracy
  8. This was very informative and helpful! Tracy
  9. Tracy46545

    Pills and Vitamins

    I think they have to be chewable, dissolveable, or liquid at first.....after you are on chewable foods I can't see why you couldn't just swallow them. I'm sure the post-surgical sleevers will respond...I'm pre-op so not much help. lol Tracy
  10. Tracy46545

    Is this normal?

    I guess I'm curious what exactly you would be cleared to be "eating bites of" that soon after surgery??? Most doctors recommend clear fluids for 10 days post op, followed by 7-10 days of "full" liquids, (usually meaning anything that could be sucked through a straw).....all of that BEFORE moving onto solids that would have to be chewed. It's strongly advised to take a PPI type antacid for 4-6 months after surgery as it takes time for the body to realize the amount of acids it produces to break down foods can be reduced due to the smaller stomach. Tracy
  11. Tracy46545

    butternut squash souffle

    I found another squash at the store today.. It's called a Buttercup squash and it's about the size of a large orange or small grapefruit. It seems that you prepare it much the same way you do a Butternut squash, but it's in a much more manageable portion for a sleever. I plan to cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, mix together 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 1/4 cup Brown sugar splenda and a little agave nectar plus a pinch of cinnamon. ...and bake it in the oven at 350 for 45 minutes. If you microwave it, you should cook just the squash for about 8-10 minutes on high, then scoop out the flesh and mix with the above extra ingredients and heat through. check out recipes for them and other vegetables at www.superior-sales.com and then click on recipes. Enjoy! (I'll let you know how it turns out!) Tracy
  12. Tracy46545

    Speak now PLEASE

    Heating pad...helps to ease the pain from the gases trying to exit your body through the shoulders. Broth: you will get sick of "sweet" things on the clear and full liquids stages. 2 oz cups to remind you to never drink more than 2 oz every 15 minutes at first. good list! Tracy
  13. Tracy46545

    New To VST

    Hey Linda! Welcome to VST ...it's a great group of people here..most in the U.S. so they're celebrating Thanksgiving Day today....i'm sure there will be MANY postings tomorrow (if they aren't all out shopping!). I currently have the lapband and it's not agreeing with me at all. December 14th I'm having it removed and having VSG revision. I'm self pay so it's been a tough decision and lots of number crunching. I don't have insurance so no waiting on lists to have someone else tell me if I could or couldn't do it. It's my body, my decision. Welcome to the site! Tracy
  14. Tracy46545

    Hello :)

    Welcome Internet Angel, I'm so happy that I don't get my VSG until AFTER thanksgiving...lol. Like you said though, the grieving of the food is just as hard as the physical hunger. Tracy
  15. that stage is when the unjury chicken broth will come in for me. I know I will tire of "sweet" drinks very fast when that's all I have. The Unjury chicken broth flavor will still have all the Protein but will be a nice warm savory addition. Do try the egg drop soup. Also, fruit juices contain a bit more sugar and can be beneficial if you're having low blood sugar issues. (You can even mix those foul tasting protein "shots" into fruit juice to help mask the taste of the whey protein). tough it out....mushies are coming! Tracy
  16. Tracy46545

    pre-op diet... all liquids?

    Mountain Lover, pineapple and Bananas are both VERY high in carbs. During pre-op we're tightly limiting carbs in order to shrink and firm up the liver so it can easily be moved during surgery. That's why the emphasis is on high Protein, low carb during pre-op. Double check with your surgeon...but I would avoid the use of fruits so high in natural sugars. Tracy
  17. I was mistaken about the extra cost if there is erosion...that was only if the band was being removed as an exclusive surgery...not if done with the sleeve added. Tracy
  18. My surgery date is Dec 14th. I understand there is triple the risk for complications during a revision surgery. I'm taking a certified check for the cost of the surgery. Gaby told me it would be an extra $500 if there was erosion that needed to be fixed. Should I carry an extra $500 in cash? (If I put that on a credit card there's a 3% charge from the hospital plus 16.9% interest) They will not take a personal check. Have any of you had this problem? Tracy
  19. Susie, Try to remember that it's the day before Thanksgiving and you are not experiencing an emergency. People will respond as they get time to be on the computer after running errands, traveling ...whatever. Tracy
  20. Tracy46545

    man food

    Since having the lapband the only steak I can handle is filet mignon....what a curse! (wink wink) Tracy
  21. Very VERY good and sound advice Carolyn.. I hadn't even thought of Traveler's Checks. Thanks! Tracy
  22. I knew I liked butternut squash for a good reason! Thanks!
  23. Tracy46545

    I am starving

    Mashed potato and Cereal with milk are not low carb choices.. and neither contain Protein of any significant amount. These are both considered "trigger" foods that will give you some very short term energy followed by a blood sugar crash which then leaves you feeling hungrier than before you ate.
  24. Tracy46545

    Newbie story

    Welcome JeepChick! Where are you having your surgery? Tracy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
