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Posts posted by june13sleever

  1. My thighs are the worst so I just don't look at them :) I have been going to consultations for a butt fat transfer and thigh lift, but another surgery...well really the cost of another surgery is just too much. Next month I will pay off the surgery...taking on another debt might not be worth it.

  2. Eat more calorie dense foods to stop the weight loss and maintain.

    You can't in the first six months. I couldn't eat more than 400 to 500 calories the first couple of months then I could go to 700...maybe 800. I lost 85 pounds in six months. People with not that much weight to lose can't just eat more in the first six months. Some people can...but I sure as hell couldn't. I couldn't eat more until last month and that was 14 months in.

  3. I have never been able to get pregnant then all of a sudden I find out I am pregnant one month before my surgery...then I had a miscarriage a d rescheduled my surgery right away! That pregnant was a miracle to me...I was 34. So anyhoo I don't have 34 more years to wait to get pregnant and who knows what my problem is, but is IVF really $12,000!!!! My insurance win't cover it like somes states.

  4. Too many carbs cause your sugar to spike...then when you crash you get the shakes. I had Too much sugar (carbs turn to sugar) on an empty stomach. I just broke out in a sweat, started shaking, feeling light headed and just overall yucky. I ate a little bit of sugar to balance me and then protien to make sure I didn't crash again. It is not fun.

  5. I finally think I have it figured out. Today I ate sushi and then ate a couple of fries. I mean I ate a small fry. It was one of those days when I was so hungry I just took what I could get. NEVER AGAIN!!! EVER EVER EVER! Basically I ate WAY TOO MANY CARBS...This is not dumping. I thought it was caffeine a few months back...but it isn't. So yeah...I will never eat a carb heavy meal again!

    Reactive hypoglycemia occurs in people who do not have diabetes. It's a different type of hypoglycemia than the one that affects people who have diabetes. Although the causes are unrelated, the symptoms of both kinds of hypoglycemia are the same.

    Symptoms of hypoglycemia:

    • Trembling or weakness
    • Lack of coordination
    • Drowsiness or confusion
    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Double vision
    • Convulsions or unconsciousness

    What is the cause of reactive hypoglycemia?

    The exact cause of reactive hypoglycemia is still unknown, but there are several hypothesis that might explain why it can happen.

    • Sensitivity to epinephrine, a hormone that is released in the body during times of stress.
    • Insufficient glucagon production. Glucagon is also a hormone which has the opposite effect of insulin. It raises blood glucose levels.
    • Gastric surgeries can also cause reactive hypoglycemia because food may pass too quickly through the digestive system.
    • Enzyme deficiencies can also cause reactive hypoglycemia, but these are rare and occur during infancy.

    How to manage reactive hypoglycemia

    • Limit foods with a high sugar content, especially on an empty stomach. For example, eating a doughnut first thing in the morning can trigger a hypoglycemic episode.
    • Eat small, frequent meals and Snacks.
    • Eat a varied, high Fiber diet, with adequate servings of Protein, whole grain carbs and vegetables, fruits, and dairy foods
    • Carry pieces of hard candy with you, for those times when you feel your blood sugar dropping.

    What to do if you are having a hypoglycemic episode.

    • Eat or drink something that is a fast sugar source, such as orange juice, regular soda, a few pieces of hard candy, or sugar cubes. This should relieve the symptoms within 15 minutes.
    • Avoid choosing chocolate as a sugar source. The fat in chocolate makes it absorb more slowly and it won't raise your blood sugar up as quickly as you need it too.
    • Make sure to eat a small balanced meal after the symptoms are gone. This will prevent another blood sugar spike and consequent drop.

  6. Im 14 months today from my VSG and have been at goal for a month. I actually lost another pound this weekend. I dont know if it will stay off or not but I am 2 pounds under goal now. I have just been eating whatever I wanted since maintenance just to see what happens. I still eat my Protein, muscle milk, cheese, etc. but I have had some Cookies at night with milk, a few deserts, etc. I am still losing apparently but its much slower now. I want to keep losing really slowly another 5-8 pounds so that when I get the bounce back, I will still weigh 135 pounds. I am having plastics in 6 weeks so I dont want anymore drastic loss and I dont think I will have that happen. I have only lost about 5 pounds in two months now. I feel I am pretty stable.. its keeping it off that I am worried about because i have a helluva sweet tooth!

    What surgery are you having done. I am so scared to do it. I will probably do it eventually, but the timing and $ have to be right. Your job is right up my alley sort of. I oversee the education department at my museum. I am currently having them put together our firearms and ballistics workshop. What cool interactive demonstrations could you do with the public? We are doing the barcode number identification if it has been scratched off. i have 1/2 of a stereo scope so I have been calling crime labs all over to find the other parts or get a donation of an old (still functional) stereo scope.

  7. This is a cool thread! My name is Susan, and I am going to be 36 in November. I adore documentaries and reality TV shows. I am filling out my application for a documentary film school certificate program that starts in January. I had a severely messed up childhood, but managed to stay away from drugs and actually graduate from college in 2000. I am very outgoing so being in sales and marketing comes naturally to me, but what I realize now is that I always had a passion for film at a young age that was never nurtured. I had to raise myself and started in the work force at 14...been working ever since. When you work and go to school or work all day there really is no room left for you at the end of the day. I have been saving $400 a week, living in a terrible apartment and not spending any money because in one year I am quitting working for someone else and going to blaze a trail through life doing something other than being a corporate zombie. We should not be working 40 hours a week only to have 2 weeks of vacation - it is sickening. No wonder we are all fat and stressed. Thanks for letting me share!

  8. I can really eat now. I actually feel like I am on a diet. I really have to count my calories. Nights are the worst. I have finally been maintaining my weight at 1 year and 4 months out...actually gained a pound this week. I finally feel I have a tool and it is my choice if I don't want to gain. Not a lot People come back to the board after a year out so we don't really know the long term success. I feel like this forum should be packed. I am hungry a lot more too. Pretty scary! I just hope I do not gain.

  9. I love the way I look! I still can't see myself as skinny. I probably never will. But I am wearing a size 6...at my height that is pretty thin. I weigh 160. Which again at my height is thin. I watch TV and see women who are thin and think to myself...I don't feel like them. I think I still carry some shame and insecurity, but that is my issue... People treat me normal now so I am not afraid, but I am not sure I will ever be normal. Maybe if my hair grows back...

  10. I am going for a steak tonight! Yummy protein! I eat all meat! While a couple bites of salad is nice unless it is my version of a salad...beans, edamame, chicken, chick peas, eggs, a little avacado and lettuce...a garden salad seems like a waste of space! But a yummy grilled ribeye!!! Can't go wrong with that. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it could be a year before you get there. You will be so focused on weight loss and clothes and working out and watching yourself shrink for the first year you won't miss much!

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