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Papa Jack

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Papa Jack

  1. Wife & I have been on this whole plant food over a year now. She is off 90% of her meds. ( Back problems )

    My weight is 153. Hers is 125.

    Her last check up her doctor there was something wrong because she had lost so much weight. She couldn't understand the whole plant base food.

    There is a cardiologist in town that teaches & offers this to her patients. She's tells them you can take these pills & see me for the rest your life or eat this way & never see me again. We will be seeing her soon.

    Several friends have reversed there heart problems.

    3 have cured there diabetes & off meds.

    This is the easiest way to eat after a year. We don not count calories or worry about gaining weight any longer.

    By eating this way everything else takes care of itself.

    If you way of eating stops & reverses heart disease good for you.

    The family believes if we had not found this way of eating I would of been a widower. This is why I come across so strong about this. This works. And it is sad that folks die & get sick because this information is not getting out, or it is challenged with fake information. The Tobacco company use to do this. Mix up the message to fool the public. Like the meat & dairy folks do to day. There is to much money in pills, to allow us to eat plants. $500 thousand is made off each cancer patient. Think about why diets are so confusing?

    Bless all of you guys & Ladies.

  2. You can look at my other post on here. Was sleeved 5 years ago. Was 300, lowest I got was 175. In Feb 2016 was at 205 & having nightmares about gaining my weight back.

    In Feb my wife had a health scare & we were asked to watch Forks over Knives. Since that day we have been eating 100% healthy food. My wife's health problems went away & she was taken off all her meds except one. I am down to 160 & feeling great.

  3. I was sleeved 5 years ago & gained back pounds recently. My lowest was 173, but was 203 in Feb 2016. I was scared & having nightmares about getting back up to 300 pounds again. I was eating the same stuff I always did. meat & potato guy. Then the wife got sicker. ( Her health had been failing slowly for a few years. )

    Look for my story on this site. We watched Fork over Knives & other documentaries about food. We learned how to eat for our health, not for weight. Since Feb, I am down to 160. I am wearing 32 inch waist pants. ( Been forty years ). My wife's health has recovered 99%. I have her back. I tear up thinking about how close I came to losing her. You can do this. When you eat for your health you do not have to count calories. You can eat as much & often as you like. I wish you the best.

    Just read this: http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0416p30.shtml

  4. plant Protein will not cause cancer

    Major claim needs major proof. Many people bought into the idea of shark cartridge to stave off cancer because "sharks don't get cancer." Well that was proven not to be true, sharks get the big C too.

    I don't object to a vegie diet...(it's not because of my love of animals, I just can't stand plants)...I prefer really good, organic non-processed food and as many plants as I can eat. But that is my preference, not because of a belief that it will do anything good or bad.

    I agree with you. The proof for this has been well documented since 1930's Look up The Rice House for example. Just have to want to look for it. YouTube, Netflix & internet are wonderful tools. Good health to you.

  5. @@Papa Jack

    Great news on your wife. Powerful results.

    You've peeked an interest with me. I have been reading and dusting up a bit on this. Interesting.

    I'm gonna try a 28 day challenge soon. I will be employing the use of some type blender/juicer/mixer as I don't see how I have enough stomach capacity to eat the amounts this diet suggests......but I could drink them in concentrated form.

    Great idea on the blending. My daughter had my wife by a vitamix. ( Sam's club was the cheapest one around here. They cost a lot. ) We use that for juicing, and you can make hot soup! & ICE CREAM. ( just by putting in frozen fruit only ) It's like magic. Let us know your progress. If it works for you, then you can pass on your story. Getting folks healthy one story at a time.

    Myself I am below my lowest weight with the sleeve. I figured I carried about 10 pounds of extra skin from my fat days. It looks like it is going away. My lowest, I had a 34 inch waist. I am now 32 inch waist.

    Watch on Netflix "Conspiracy". Just finished watching it. It is mind blowing the stuff that we do not know.

    Here's to your health


  6. This lifestlye is not about being a vegan or not. From Dr. Ornish, To Dr Campbell & Dr McDougall & others, they have been reversing heart disease, stopping & healing Cancers, reversing diabetes, etc for 40 years. Dr. Ornish methods has been approved by the government to be covered by insurance. A local hospital has his clinic at there location. He's in a lot of locations. What is a shame is we do not know about this way of eating.

    We are on this site because or eating problems. Just because something is different from our belief system does not make it wrong. Turns out what you put in your body does count. BUT if you put the right stuff in your body, it fixes itself. It's that simple. Your body will get to it's natural size while eating & no calorie counting & eating as much as you want. If you look at my other post you will see my wife's story. Now for a update on my wife.

    Wife saw her family Dr for a follow-up from her check up in Feb when her cholesterol was found to be 345. The Dr was very pleased she was on the Plant Based food and very pleased with her results of since Feb. The Dr stated our diet has a lot to do with our illnesses.
    Nancy's body weight is now in the normal range and cholesterol keeps falling. The Dr told her to stay off the statin drug. She doesn't need it. This lifestyle has saved her life. Also her Tachycardia is gone. She's been taking med's for it since age 13.

    Her body fixed it.

    Watch these Doctors on YouTube. Find something you can do try for just one month, then decide.

    Here's to your health.

  7. Sorry if I get carried away & upset some people. If you want to know if this is for you or not just try in for one month. That's all. There are no side affects. IF you diabetic & on meds you HAVE to have your doctor involved. Your diabetes will improve greatly in the first couple of weeks, so it is dangerous to not have your meds adjusted properly. Two of my friends were taken off there meds.

  8. MY STORY: ​

    I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

    You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

    My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

    We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

    RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

    Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

    If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

    Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

    This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

    ​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

    So enjoy your journey towards health.

    I watched the Forks Over Knives movie yesterday.....and then watched the Engine2 movie....both on Netflix.

    Very compelling stuff.

    I'd like to learn more about it and how I can meet my Protein goals with this. I'm getting the Engine2 book and will read it. Once I'm done....I'm thinking that I may try the Engine2 28 day challenge. What have I got to lose, right ?

    My concerns are will the diet be sleeve friendly and will I get enough Protein. I'm certain that I'll learn more in the time ahead. I'm intrigued by this. That is a big deal, too, by the way.....as I've been a tremendous fan of grilled meats for as long as I can remember. I'm not saying that I'll totally give up the meats.......but then again who knows. I think I may even go see my PCP and have bloodwork done prior to any diet change and then if I do the 28 day challenge and stay on it....I'll go back and have it checked again.

    Nothing to lose, right ?

    Look up how much protein is in Plants. It is a lot more than meat & milk, plus plant protein will not cause cancer. Remember where do animal's get protein? Yep PLANTS! The protein is not a problem. Ever meet anyone sick from not enough protein. They marketed this to get us to eat meat & milk. It worked. Somehow the rest of the world get there protein with no issues.


  9. Dub that's a great plan. Google whole plant base doctor's in your area or vegetarian. I have two in my area. Since Doctors do not get any nutrician training in med school, most do not know about this. When you tell them you can fix something by diet, you will get a smirk sometimes. While you are at it look at other Doctors on YouTube. Look up milk & cheese. Those two were my biggest surprise. Good health to you.

  10. The white stuff in milk is PUS. It is from infections the cow's have because how they are kept.

    I have never heard of anything so ignorant in my entire life. You should have left that part out if you wanted anyone to take anything you said seriously. Just makes you look like an idiot.

    This was all a surprise to me too.


    This about PUS


    What turns on cancer from milk.



    My note: Casein is in milk.

    Aside from chemicals initiating or promoting cancer, other agents such as cosmic rays (energetic particles) from the sun or from the outer reaches of space may impact our genes to cause them to change (i.e., mutate) so that they could give rise to cancer 'seeds'. The most important point to consider is that we cannot do much about preventing initiation but we can do a lot about preventing promotion. The initiating idea is fatalistic and outside of our control but the promotion idea is hopeful because we can change our exposure to promoting agents and reverse the cancer process, thus is within our control.

    KF: What exactly is so bad about animal Protein?

    TCC: I don't choose the word "exactly" because it suggests something very specific. Rather, casein causes a broad spectrum of adverse effects.

    Among other fundamental effects, it makes the body more acidic, alters the mix of hormones and modifies important enzyme activities, each of which can cause a broad array of more specific effects. One of these effects is its ability to promote cancer growth (by operating on key enzyme systems, by increasing hormone growth factors and by modifying the tissue acidity). Another is its ability to increase blood cholesterol (by modifying enzyme activities) and to enhance atherogenesis, which is the early stage of cardiovascular disease.

    And finally, although these are casein-specific effects, it should be noted that other animal-based Proteins are likely to have the same effect as casein.

  11. I've been tracking my food in MyFitnessPal, and noticed that my sugar intake is much higher than I expected every single day. It comes down to milk. I drink a lot of it. When I don't drink it, my femurs ache. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Anyway, between the sugar and the overall calories, I'm starting to accept that I should drink a lot less of it. This article is pretty convincing: How Drinking Milk Can Help a Hardgainer Get Bigger!

    Has anyone else out there dropped milk for weight loss?

    ​Look at what milk does. Milk WILL kill you. Lots of studies show link to cancer & other problem's.

    Why are we drinking another mammals milk?

    All animals are weaned from there mothers milk for a reason. Why do you think we need to keep drinking another animals milk?

    The cow's milk is made to double the weight to 600 pounds of it's baby.

    Studies show the countries with the most milk drinkers have the most bone breakage.

    The good stuff about milk is from the milk companies. Most of the world do not drink milk.

    The white stuff in milk is PUS. It is from infections the cow's have because how they are kept. Milk is loaded with pesticides & other nasty stuff.

    This is just the tip of the problem.

  12. Study how people gain weight back.


    Remember the processed food is MADE to get you to keep eating. Fat, Sugar & Salt.

    If you gain weight on the Whole food Base Diet you need to look and see what you are doing wrong. It can be only one item that is sneaking into your food. Look up book by Dr John McDougall, or Ornish, or a hand full of books out there.

    Dr. McDougall is one of my favorites.

  13. The food is made to get you hooked. Our tasted & pleasure section of the brain has been hijacked by "Fat, Salt & Sugar".

    It is not our fault. The gave rats sugar & cocaine. Saw both light up the same section of the brain. Then gave them a choice & each time they picked sugar. Sugar is in 95% of the food in our stores.

    Here is my story: I have posted it in a other sections;

    I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

    You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

    My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

    We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

    RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

    Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

    If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

    Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

    This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

    ​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

  14. I had posted this in the Lap band section. This is my story.

    I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. ( started out 298 pounds) I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

    You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

    My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

    We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

    RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

    Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

    If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

    Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

    This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

    ​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

  15. MY STORY: ​

    I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

    You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

    My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

    We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

    RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

    Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

    If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

    Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

    This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

    ​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

    So enjoy your journey towards health.

  16. I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

    You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

    My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

    We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

    RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

    Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

    If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

    Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

    This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

    ​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

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