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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jenjaw

  1. jenjaw

    Post-Op Itchies!

    That happened to me to, it looked like I had poison ivy, LOL!!! I used Cortizone cream.
  2. I was sick for a few days with bad vomiting and diarreah. I called my surgeon on day 2 of it. I went into the office and they took 1cc out of my band. Well, the vomiting stopped on Wednesday. I still do not feel right, I have no appetite and I am forcing down small, I mean really small amounts of food,one cracker, a few bites of farina, half of a protein shake. I also now am feeling heartburn. I called the office yesterday and the PA told me to wait it out that I am just healing from the vomiting but I really am worried. I'm not sure what to do but I feel miserable! Should I ask them to see me in the morning, take more fluid out and check for a slip? I feel abandoned
  3. I was at 5cc's and due to a stomach bug had to get a complete unfill this weekend, I think we'll be fine!!! I really haven't felt any hungrier and I didn't eat for 6 solid days with that bug. Keep measuring out your food so as not to overeat and don't snack"just beacuse you know it'll go down" I'm not getting a fill until the 24th. Good luckand be strong let's not mess up how far we've already come!!!
  4. Thanks all, I'm feeling great again today!! I'm going to take a few days before I go back to the gym, maybe Thursday or Friday since I go at 4am, lol. LOVE my Dr. who came into the office on Saturday and checked me out and unfilled me. Having a great dr. is priceless!!! Thank you Dr. Ewing of NJ
  5. jenjaw

    Did my band slip?

    I had an awful stomach bug which I puked for 3 days HARD!! I too was really worried about having slipped the band. My dr removed my fluid beacuse everything was so irritated and now things seem to be getting back to normal. He said that I would not be able to hold anything at all down if I had a slip. I'm just taking it easy now and hoping that it all goes back to normal soon. I hope you feel better soon too!
  6. Thank you! My doctor unfilled my band and he feels that should do the trick. He said I wouldn't be keeping anything down if I slipped BUT if this doesn't help I have to go to the hospital for some tests. He wants me to drink, drink, drink. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this helps. I ate about 2oz of grilled chicken and a bite or two of salad for dinner.
  7. Waiting for the dr to call me so that I can meet him at the office. He said he is going to totally unfill me, at this point I don't care I feel so crappy. I've lost 7 lbs since Tuesday, but it's not the way I want to be loosing. I'm discouraged, everything was going so well up until now
  8. I must say that I am not a snacker anymore. It was the reason I was so fat to begin with LOL BUT I think cheese sticks are good to snack on, hummus on pretzel chips, maybe a dole fruit cup or sugar free applesauce. I would look to pick high protein snack so that you could sneak alittle extra in.
  9. I'm a teacher and had my surgery right after school let out for the summer, so I was off for 8 weeks lol but really, I think I would have needed 7-10 days before I could have worked. After that I felt like my old self!
  10. OK, first of all , let me say it scared the crap out of me because I was so afraid of slipping my band and it was not pretty, ugh!!!! I called my surgeon and I asked him just yesterday to open me up alittle as I have had trouble since my last fill. Well, within hours I was SICK!!! Vomiting, diarrea, and the chills. Called his service and he said definately a virus due to the chills and diarrea. Well, it's been a few hourssince the last time I got sick but I still don't feel great, what should I try to get into my body to rehydrate and renurish? I'm going into the office this am for alittle unfill but I really feel weak now.
  11. jenjaw

    workout question

    I started the elliptical(with no arms), treadmill and bike 1 week post op. At 6 weeks, my dr cleared me for the entire gym, tomorrow will be 3 months since my surgery and I just added abs into my workout.
  12. jenjaw


    I was banded July 1 and I still measure out my food, I only eat a half cup at each meal. I also do not snack in between meals. I go to the gym 5 days a week. 3 days cardio and the other two 15mnts of cardio and 15 mnts of weights(like a curves circut). I drink my wayer everday, take my supplements and do not drink 30mnts before, during or 30mnts after eating. I went for fill # 2 a week and a half ago and now finally feel restriction. I have lost 52lbs. I think 20, 30 , 40 , 50, anything is great, we wouldn't have done it withour our bands . Everybody is different!!!Keep on working the band and the results will come, slow or fast, you're still skinnier than you were in July!!!
  13. I love not having to move sideways inorder to buckle my seat belt in my car. I love that my daughter can wrap her arms all the way around me. I love exercising and I love the way my curves are looking!
  14. I stick to the 1/2 cup portion, I was banded July 1st. I can eat anything I want but I always start with my protein(at least 2 ozs) and then either a little fruit or veggie. I don't count calories at all, I mostly count protein, but I do only eat wholesome foods. I also start my morning, every morning with a protein shake. I found that it became easier to do with each meal and now I don't even think about it anymore....don't worry, you'll adjust!!
  15. Like everyone else has said, you are at the worst part of the surgery!! I LOVE my band and do not regret my decision to be banded one bit! I've been banded for 2 months (July 1) and I've lost 43lbs!!!!! Just wait until you are eating again, don't worry it will be soon, LOL and you can actually control yourself!! It in ampowering!!!!
  16. jenjaw

    A question for the ladys

    After my surgery, I was late about 2 weeks........and prior to surgery I was never late. I had my first fill appt. and was going to ask my dr. and that morning it showed up. I'm due to get it again tomorrow and I'm wondering if it will be on time. I do think it's ok to be a little screwy after the surgery. Now for more fun, I think my hair is starting to come out
  17. jenjaw

    Liquid Tylenol?

    I bought it at Rite Aid
  18. Maybe chilli if you're going for fast food like Wendy's or a meatball in sauce if you're going Italian or to a pizza place. Scrambled eggs, fish with a side of mashed pots? Dine's are usually good because there is so much to choose from . I just started eating out again, I will be 6 weeks this Friday. Just take it easy chewing and watch your portions. I share a meal with my 7 year old and I'm still bringing food home LOL!!!! Enjoy it, going out again really made me feel like this is sooo doable and I can enjoy things like a regular person!!
  19. jenjaw

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Just alittle check in here. I was banded on July1. My only problem was that I took an allergic reaction to the tape over the incisions so after it was removed it was red and itchy for about 2 weeks. Other than that, everything went well. I felt awful for 1 week but since then, I've felt great!! I lost 18lbs in the first two weeks and then the scale stopped moving since I added in mushies and then soft foods. Now that my body has adjusted I am steadily loosing!!! I joined the gym and I'm doing cardio 5x's a week. Today I get my first fill and hopefully clearance to use all of the other things at the gym. As of this morning, I'm down 30lbs!!!! I'm so glad to see everyone's progress and support here, eventhough I don't post alot!! Have a great Monday everyone!!!
  20. jenjaw


    I take the Vita Band ones also but I take the Watermelon flavor, they're ok. I also tried the lemon
  21. I was banded on July 1. I'm down anywhere from 19-23lbs. The scale hops around each day, yes, I'm bad, I'm a daily weigher!! I've also been stuck here since I was on clear liquids. Now I'm on Phase 3 of my dr.'s plan and I'm eating soft foods, I'm hoping that once my body adjusts to this the scale will start moving down again. I also do the treadmill and stationary bike for a total of 45 mnts 5 days a week at the gym.
  22. I was banded on July 1. I'm down anywhere from 19-23lbs. The scale hops around each day, yes, I'm bad, I'm a daily weigher!! I've also been stuck here since I was on clear liquids. Now I'm on Phase 3 of my dr.'s plan and I'm eating soft foods, I'm hoping that once my body adjusts to this the scale will start moving down again. I also do the treadmill and stationary bike for a total of 45 mnts 5 days a week at the gym.
  23. jenjaw

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    If it hurts to breath I would call your surgeon. It's always best to ask the doctor. I'm so excited.......today I move onto soft foods!!!!!! Fish, egg salad, ground beef!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! Starting phase 3!!! I was so excited to eat something with alittle more chew and then I wound up having my protein shake for breakfast, LOL, I love getting 30g of protein first thing. BUT I've asked my husband to make meatballs for dinner tonight YUM!!!
  24. I'm one week post op................my breath is sooooooo bad. I'm brushing and rinsing all the time but PU!!! I bought the Listerine breah strips but i dont feel like they really help. ANy thing I can do about it? Does it get better when we eat food, I'm still on liquids!!!
  25. jenjaw

    Ground Beef

    My Dr. says ground turkey and ground beef at 3 weeks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
