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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kittykoo

  1. We have a lot in common even though our circumstances may be quite different. My band is at capacity so I am pretty limited in the variety of food I can eat. Unfortunately, that in itself really doesn't help me because of my food choices. Anything that is good for weight loss, I don't like!

    I think that one of the main reasons I lost focus is because I do not attend my surgeon's monthly support group meetings-but the reason why would be a topic for another day...........

    I guess the main reason I am having trouble getting control of my weight again is that I can't get past my mantra: I didn't pay $18,000.00 to have to exercise every day"!

    Now that we know that we are not the only one dealing with this issue, (and I suspect there are others like us), maybe we can figure something out. I think a good starting point for me is to apply the method to myself that I use at work: As long as I do what I did, I'll get what I got! If you have any motivational suggestions, please pass them along.

    I hope today is a good day for you and that tomorrow will be even better....................

  2. Hey........

    It has been a while since you posted this message, but if you are still there, I know exactly what you are talking about. I was banded in 2005 and lost 120+ pounds and have gradually stopped monitoring my weight and as a result, I have gained also. I hope that if you get this message, you will let me know how you are doing. I am trying really hard to convince myself to "get with the program" again and start over. (It must be working-I'm grazing on a salad for lunch!)


  3. I had my band put on in July of 2005. Did very well that first year, and lost 93 lbs...The next 2 yrs, I stayed the same, but the last 2 yrs I have started to gain again..... I found out my fill is fine, but my pouch has stretched out to twice its normal size, and can hold 2 cups now without pain or fullness feeling at all..

    Dr. unfilled the band, and put me on 2 weeks of lig diet, so pouch would get smaller before refilling... I am still hungery after eating and never feel full, but when I eat certain foods, I will still slime and have PB's.... Any one else haveing this problem???? I have regained a little over 20 lbs and really need help!!!!

  4. Thank you all so very much. I so need these words of encouragement. I have always managed to be strong when I HAD to be and managed to do what I HAD to do, but somehow since my life has totally changed, I have just lost my fighting spirit. Maybe there is hope for me yet. I hope that by coming here each day, I will regain my resolve to win this battle. My insurance would not pay for my surgery and I just paid off the bank loan that made this possible last month. I would be an idiot to just give up and regain my weight after paying $500.00 a month for so long. Y'all keep posting and I'll keep reading...You are the best motivators I could hope for. Again, thanks to you all. My very best wishes to each of you. connie

  5. Hello, Everyone.

    I had surgery 3 years ago and have lost about 115 lbs but still need to lose about 30 more. I was doing fine until the death of my husband last year and since that time, I have lost all motivation. The fact that I have come back to this site and am asking for your help must mean that I am finally deciding to get back on track. Have any of you sort of lost your way but managed to re-start your weight loss? If so, I would appreciate any and all suggestions. I have let myself gain back 10 lbs and I know that I must change my head and my heart or my health problems will return and then I will really be in trouble.


  6. You know, Lisa, when reading our posts to each other, it sounds like Dr. W. is really cold, but I have always given him the "benefit of doubt" and felt that, in his own way, he is trying to motivate us. I do feel that he is an excellent Dr. and that is what is most important to me. However, I just am not interested in going for an office visit when I know that he will be so disapproving of me. I wish I could get motivated again, but I realize that his office doesn't offer any support except for the "stop whining and deal with it" system. Well, I AM dealing with my life and I don't whine because it doesn't help, but that takes about all the will and resolve I have. I really wish that there was a support group that dealt with our kind of issues. You know, we don't have much in common with the "newbies" that are enjoying learning the wonderful benefits of this life-changing surgery. I think we would benefit from a group discussion with others who are learning to live "long-term" with the band. Didn't mean to go on so long........I hope all goes well for you today and I am really happy for both of us that we are dealing with our weight issues in our own way. connie

  7. Hey, Mzmom...don't feel so bad, you are not alone. I am sure that Dr W counts me as one of his failures also, but I don't! AND I know what you mean about some of his comments also. I went for an office visit after my husband died unexpectedly, and hadn't lost any weight, and when he questioned me, I explained that I had been going through a tough time. He told me (not sarcastically, just matter-of-factly) that my husband's death had nothing to do with my weight-loss program. Technically, he was correct, but realistically, he has no idea and may he never come to understand. I haven't been back to see him since that time. I haven't lost any more weight and know that he would be really unhappy since I still need to lose about 30 lbs to reach the goal he set for me (I would be happy with 20). I have since changed jobs and can't attend the support meetings, so I have sort of lost my motivation. Since I have lost about 120 lbs, I don't consider myself a failure, and YOU can take all the time you want. You won't be a failure until YOU decide you are! Best wishes to you. connie

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I have been banded for three years, and although I consider my weight loss successful, I sort of lost my focus when my husband unexpectedly died and still would like to loose about 20 more pounds. I had lost 125 lbs. but have allowed myself to regain about 10 lbs in the past year.

    Has anyone else had a similiar experience, and if so, how did you get back on track? It seems that it is much more difficult to get the scale to move than it was when I first was banded. I really don't know if we must make adjustments after being banded for a while. It sort of seems that lately I can gain weight no matter how little I eat. Anyone else had this problem?

    connie :thumbup:

  9. OT -- No loss to report-- Just want to take this opportunity to tell all of you how much encouragement I find when reading your success stories. (Well, maybe in OUR case, they are "chapters" in your success stories). Whatever we call them, by sharing your journey, it is easier for me to remember that I have been, and will again, be on the same journey.

    I also apologize to all who have so kindly responded to my requests for assistance. I have been very remiss in not replying in a timely manner. I know that I seem to be most ungrateful, but I truly am not. Your messages of encouragement made me realize that most of my loss of motivation stems from the fact that I am coming to terms with the sudden death (six months ago), of my husband of 45 years. Your kind replies have helped me to realize that I haven't lost interest in my weight loss journey....it has just been put on hold until I get my life back in order. (In the movie The Brave One, Jodie Foster is asked

    to explain how one recovers from a tragic event. She answers that you become a different person.) I have found this to be not only true, but necessary.

    Maybe this post is one of my first baby steps to whatever life has in store for me............

    Again, thanks to all.


  10. Congratulations.......and keep up the good work. It seems that shedding these last 20 lbs is going to be as difficult as losing the first 120! I think that part of it is the fact that I am enjoying being almost "normal" size again, and am not dedicating myself to reaching my goal of 140 pounds. And factor in that my friends are telling me how nice my clothes look and that I don't need to lose any more weight. Wish I could re-program myself with the will and determination that I had when I was first banded. Any suggestions?

    Best wishes..........kittykoo

  11. Good Morning, Lee

    I am sure that you are aware of the many flavors of Protein powder that are available on the internet. You may be okay with the chocolate and vanilla one that are sold locally, but I quickly tired of them and went in search of some that I liked better. Another solution was to purchase the Da Vinci flavorings.

    I am desperately battling my last 20 lbs. and as a result, cannot tolerate many foods so it is imperative that I continue to enjoy the Protein drinks. Frankly, they have been a life-saver for me.

    And, since I am so lazy that I will NOT exercise, I admire you for your committment to an exercise program. (The fact that I am so lazy is why I am having such a hard time with these last 20 lbs.) ............still don't care, got gonna do it!!!

    Best wishes to you, connie

  12. I am happy for you, Lee. I hope you continue to improve each day. Just continue to take care of yourself and have patience and you will be as happy with your journey as I have been.

    A lot has happened in my life since my last message to you. My husband passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago, and I have had to constantly remind myself that I must not use food as a "diversion" during this uncertain time. I am trying to develop a solitary lifestyle that does not include food because I realize how easily I can slip back into old habits if I am not careful.

    By all means, be sure to include adequate Protein each day, I think this is one of the most important things we must do to be successful.

    Best of luck to you..........connie

  13. Wonderful!!! I am so happy for you. Dr. Madan is a very skilled surgeon. One of my acquaintances with many health issues that would have impacted her wls was referred to Dr. Madan by Dr. Woodman's office. I am not familiar with his post-op care, but I am sure that he and his staff will provide any support that you need during your weight loss journey.

    Best wishes to you.....connie

  14. Good Morning, Lee

    I like your attitude-"Whatever comes up-I am still part of this board....". As long as you keep that mind-set, you will be able to overcome any stumbling blocks that life plants in your path. And the fact that you have accepted the sole responsibility of raising your sons, speaks volumes about you. I think that it is wonderful that after doing so much for others in your life, you are able to do this for yourself.

    Congratulations! These 40 days will pass before you know it. Have you begun shopping for your "after surgery foods" yet? I usually put together a "care package" for my friends when they are banded. I include samples of all my favorite liquids, sugar free and low fat foods so they can decide what they like before they but.

    Have a wonderful day....connie

  15. Hey, Susie......

    I hate it each time I hear that insurance will not cover weight-loss surgery; seems odd to me that providers are willing to pay for the meds and treatments for our co-morbidities, but not for the surgery that restores our health. Have you heard that some insurance companies deny coverage to bandsters? I don't personally know anyone who has had this problem, but have heard that it does happen.

    I am very happy that I chose to do this even though I am having to pay for it AND my BC/BS monthly premium. I hope you have the same measure of success that I have had with this tool. Just remember that it is not a "magic fix", but that if you do your part, it will help you reach the goal that you set for yourself. Also remember that many of us are available if you have any questions during your journey.

    Wishing you all the best.........connie :nervous

  16. HOW WONDERFUL!!! I am so happy for you. It just makes me happy to hear that insurance sometimes pays for this life-changing surgery. I went into this knowing that it would take me 3-1/2 years to pay off my bank loan (and not having any extra money), and I do not regret it. I am sorry that you have an on-the-job injury, but thankfully, you will benefit greatly from the insurance coverage.

    Best of luck to you, and remember, your friends on this board will be here cheering you on as you begin your wls journey.

    Have a wonderful day..........connie

  17. Good Morning, Lee

    Nice to hear from you. Good luck to you as you prepare for your life-changing surgery. I don't discuss my weight-loss journey unless questions are asked. I think this is a very personal decision and although I feel that all who are obese would benefit greatly from it, I don't offer details unless asked. If someone asks, I am happy to answer any qustions, explain the procedure, and even accompany them to a siminar. (I have been to so many of Dr. Woodman's meetings, I could host one myself.) I researched lap-band for a year before beginning the process. I, of course, am self-pay (Boo......... Blue Cross, Blue Shield of MS) but it is the best $667.00 per month that I have ever spent.

    Who is your surgeon? I had planned to have mine in Oxford, but at the time, they only did open lap-band and quoted me a price of $44,000, so I had mine at Baptist East with Dr. Woodman, and I couldn't be happier.

    Keep me informed and if I can help you in any way, just let me know.

    Have a wonderful day,

  18. Just want to say hello to everyone...I am excited to have found this site. I had lap band surgery in 2005 and have lost a little over 100 lbs. Although I am happy with the results, I still need to loose about 35 pounds more and the scale has just frozen. Has anyone else experienced a slow-down after a couple of years, or is it just me? If you have any advice, please share it with me. Thanks

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