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Sleevie WonderLand

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sleevie WonderLand

  1. I'm still not tolerating ANY Protein Shakes or "unflavored" (that's bull in my opinion) Protein powders. I keep attempting to use them, and always come very close to puking when I do. I've been graduated to the mushy/pureed stage and have enjoyed some soft scrambled eggs, and some cottage cheese (that was kinda hard). I am going to the supermarket after work and plan to pick up some creamed spinach, black Beans, broth, and various Soups that I can put in my blender.

    Anyone have any other high protein mushy food staples I should invest in? I'm sure this isn't the first time someone's requested this info, it was just easier to ask you guys for it again versus sifting through the site while at work. :-)

    Help a sleeved sista out!

  2. I so agree with what theshwa said. I didn't cry every night, but I did have a breakdown when I got home from the hospital. I was really angry that I decided to do this and got even more angry when I realized that there was no turning back. You are doing the right thing - looking for help and support through this rough time. As cliche as it sounds, it WILL get better and THERE IS light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sorry that you're experiencing pain - your doctor's office should be willing to prescribe some liquid medication that will be easier for you to ingest. Hang in there, Please!

  3. www.sleeveguide.com/new-post-op.html



    I was hoping to find some more suggestions for my liquid diet, because frankly I'm dying of boredom with this Soup and Jello crap, so I googled "what to eat after VSG" and this link came up. At the end of the article (which had great info for pre-op candidates too) there were two links for some resources guides which I thought were pretty good, and I wanted to share them with my VSG family.



  4. OMG. You are so in my head right now! I had a meltdown a few days ago and am finally coming to grips with the fact that it will get better, because it actually is as the days go by.

    What my hubby told me was that I need to stop thinking in the now and keep imagining how great I'm going to feel as the pounds come off in addition to the food restrictions. He reminded me that nothing comes easy but when you work hard and work through the little things, the big pay off in the end is more than worth it.

    I guess I'm the tough love type, because I cant stop imagining how great I'm going to look and feel at next year's school reunion!

  5. I had a bit of discomfort when walking initially and I realized that it was because the weight of my stomach was too much for my incision sites. My husband gave me his weight lifting support belt thingy that I was able to use to clasp and support my stomach from below, essentially removing all off the weight that was pulling my tummy down. I used it for the first week and it helped me tremendously.

  6. Ladies, dont worry about the size of the tables. They are well equipped to lift or move you if they need to. When I went in for my surgery they sedated me right before I got into the operating room, so I have no idea if or how they moved me. Dont be self-conscious, the surgeons and hospital staff know that they are dealing with "healthier" patients, so they are prepared.

    Let go, and dont worry about the small stuff like that. You'll be fine once you wake up in your room all comfy and hopefully with access to a morphine pump or some other great pain relieving method!

  7. I have the unjury unflavored AND the chicken broth. I was sleeved on Oct 18th and try to use both as much as i can to get my Protein in. The broth is ok, it's just that you cant make the Water for the broth too hot because it doesnt do well in hot hot Water, and I like my Soup hot. Trying to drink Soup slowly makes it get cold quickly and then it's no longer appetizing to me, so I only make it in ridiculously small batches.

    The unflavored has a distinct taste to me. My tastebuds seem super sensitive since being sleeved as well as my sense of smell, so to me it's gross, but kinda tolerable. It gives food a creamy like texture, almost like non-dairy Creamer. I added some to my tea this morning, and was still able to detect that it's in there. The taste isnt that bad, but I find that it alters the flavor of food that Im eating, but again, I'm super sensitive right now and hope that my tastebuds will chill out as the days go on.

    Someone suggested a product called bipro to me and she claims that it's the best unflavored Protein out there. I'm not ready to purchase yet, but maybe you can look it up online and decide if you wanna take the plunge.

    Good luck!

  8. This thread was great. I was experiencing the same sensations after being sleeved on 10/18 and am still learning how to read my sleeve as well. I think I'm sipping too quickly as I'm so concentrated on not becoming dehydrated and want to get in as much Fluid as I can. I thought that if I were going too fast that I would throw up, and since I havent thrown up then I must not be going too fast, but I understand now that that isnt the case.

    I have to go back and rethink the way I've been taking my fluids in. Thanks for all the great tips!

  9. I'm still feeling pain and discomfort in my incision site (the main one) and am flabbergasted when I read posts from people who are newly sleeved mentioning that they're already up and walking for exercise.

    I was able to walk slow laps in the hospital, but I find that I cant remain on my feet for more than 5 to 7 minutes at a time because its painful. When did you start your walking regimen? I guess I'm just a slower healer than some...

  10. Warm tea huh? do you open the capsule and dissolve them in the tea?

    Take it with some warm tea.. the warm liquids seems to ease my pain and help me take my pills.. I was just sleeved on the 17th.. not even a week out.. I hear you on those spasms.. they suck.. keep your head up.. when you start seeing those major results rolling in the next few weeks you will be glad you did it. Today I made cupcakes with homemade butter cream frosting for my family.. and I almost.. almost just licked the frosting right off the top of one.. ugh.. would have been sooooo gooood.. but I would have suffered a looooong time :) Keep it up and keep up with this forum.. helps me stay motivated!

  11. I had a really uneventful surgery and hospital stay. Now that I'm home my sleeve is kickin my ass big time.

    I feel like i'm hungry at times, so I sip on some Soup or a little of my Protein Shake. I feel ok at first, then i begin to get these horrible hiccup-like spasms that hurt like hell.

    I'm at my wits end because the emotional side of me keeps chiming in, telling me that I shouldnt have had the surgery. I'm trying very hard to remain on the positive and "it'll get better soon" side, but I feel like if I hear that one more time I may go postal.

    My nutritionist told me to concentrate on staying hydrated for now. 60 to 80 grams of Protein should be my goal each day, but she doesnt want me to focus on that too much just yet, just try to get and keep as much Fluid down as I can. I've been trying to drink Water, my shakes, and soup, but i dont feel like I'm getting that much in. I was sooo not ready for this part of the game.

    They want me to take Omeperazole (prilosec) once a day, but that just aint happenin. Am I sabotaging myself by not taking it? I tried once in a little applesauce as recommended by the doc, and almost threw up which was enough for me to realize that I just can tolerate it right now.

    Why didnt yall tell me about this part? OMG, I just want to run to Popeye's right now and get a 4 piece (dark meat) and bury my troubles in the box. Of course I know that cant happen, but it's really how Im feeling after dealing with this discomfort.

  12. Sorry that I'm respondin so late, I just happened to see your reply. Hopefully you've gotten your answer, but in case you havent, I'll still respond.

    After speaking with my coordinator i received a call about 2 days from the insurance company. they called to verify who I was and confirm my surgery date and type of surgery I was having.


    Thats great news for you. I have a question for you, which you may or may not be able to answer. I also have empire bcbs and my paperwork has been submitted for approval. On Friday 9-30-11 my wife recieved a phone call from the insurance company looking for me. I work nights so I was at home sleeping and when I woke up and got the message it was to late for me to call them back. They would not give her any information. My question for you is once your paperwork was submitted did you ever recieve a call from your insurace seeking any additional information? I'm hoping they will tell me that I am approved like they told you but I have a sick feeling that is not the case. Good luck with your operation.


  13. from other posts that I've read here on VST, some surgeons prefer that your nails be clean and clear so that they can detect discoloration in your nails which can be a sign that something may be wrong. I've also seen that it's for sanitary/infection control purposes as surgery is supposed to be done in a sterile environment on a clean patient.

    Not sure of the validity of either reason.

    Why no nailpoish?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
