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Sleevie WonderLand

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sleevie WonderLand

  1. Man, I feel for you, this is a tough one. Why didn't your coordinator find out the requirements before they began working with you? STuff like that really ticks me off.

    I know the lap band hasn't been getting the greatest reviews lately, but there are several success stories related to the lap band. I believe there is a lapbandtalk.com site that is also related to VST, maybe you can get some insight from there.

    If you have serious co-morbidities, maybe you can appeal and fight but you may not wanna go there and waste more time with that, especially since your coordinator doesn't seem to have it together.

    I wish you the best of luck in your decision. Be encouraged...

  2. I slept on it and realized that again, my mind is playing tricks on me. I made some chicken Soup last night with spinach and okra and ate everything except the small piece of chicken that I put in the bowl. I just couldn't eat it!

    I've decided that I'm going to make a little seafood stew tonight with some shrimp and fish and start from there. I just have to take my time and all should be well. Thank you ladies...I don't know what i'd do without my VST family!

  3. Right after surgery your doctors and nutritionist will most likely encourage you to stay hydrated and not focus so much on Protein in the first couple of days. You will also probably be taking an acid reducer which you will have to learn how to get down in between the little sips you'll be getting accustomed to. As the days go on, you'll increase your intake and try to find the best foods to help incorporate Protein into your diet (I suggest unflavored protein powders). Celebrate sells chewable bariatric supplements that don't taste too bad. I've been trying to take them as prescribed for VSG patients. Getting them all in through out the course of the day isn't too hard, well it isn't for me because Ive created about 5 different alarms on my phone to remind me. lol

    Dont stress your self out too much in the beginning. Concentrate on swallowing smaller amounts and chewing your food into a pulp before swallowing. Staying hydrated is extremely important.

  4. I was having a hard time when I was first sleeved because I really wanted to eat some real food in the beginning and was throwing a major tantrum. Here I am, going into my fourth week...got an excellent progress report from my surgeon today at my follow up visit; he actually wants me to go on regular food now especially since I'm refusing to drink Protein Shakes (they still make me gag) but I dont want to. I'm AFRAID that I will eff it all up by eating regular food and stretching my pouch and not lose anymore weight.

    Logically, I know that no matter what I will lose some weight because I cant take much food in. But the coo-coo crazy part of my brain is telling me that like all the other weight loss attempts Ive made, I will sabotage and inevitably screw up my weight loss.

    Since my pre-op diet on October 4th to now, I've lost 29 pounds. I started at 252 and now weigh 223 pounds. I've never lost so much weight at one time in my life. It feels freaking awesome.

    I promised my surgeon that I would start on flaky fish and seafood (which I'm ok with), but I think it'll be a long while before I eat any chicken or other dense food. Is there anyone else out there who went through this? Am I crazy?

    enlighten me.

  5. Lali,

    Congratulations on your weight loss, i'm sure there's lots more to lose!

    Have you discussed this with your nutritionist or surgeon? It could be from the types of food you're eating or maybe you need an acid reducer type med to take before your meals. Have you been logging your food intake? It might help you to look back and take note of the foods you are eating. Maybe you need to switch things up a bit...I don't have a direct answer because I'm new at this too! I think the best thing to do is contact your doctor's office so they can help you figure it all out.

    Keep us posted!

  6. I'm with the majority so far. They put it in when I was out, when I woke up I had it, didn't take it out until the next day. They measured the amount of pee that was coming out each time they emptied the bag. They took it out the next day and yes, it was a weird feeling coming out, but not painful. I kinda lost some sensation down there so when I was finished peeing I would get up and still have a little leak happening. Nothing a few Kegel exercises didn't take care of.

    I've gotten a UTI before from a cath after a c-section but the trick is to catch it early. You'll notice the foul smelling urine and have those cramp like bladder pains. The minute you suspect something, call your doc!

  7. Some of you may wag your finger at me for this one, but I wish I had that "one last favorite meal" before surgery because after getting sleeved i resented having to give up food for two weeks prior to my surgery and feeling like it would be several months before I would eat a non pureed or liquified meal again. Of course it's been 3 weeks now, so that resentment has subsided now that I'm beginning to understand my sleeve, but I was PISSED when I wanted a piece of fried chicken and just couldnt have it.

    I did have a bit of ice cream the night before my surgery, but it was such a small amount that I kick myself for not firing up a juicy steak instead.

    OMG did I overpack. The only thing I used outta my bag was some clean underwear. The robe, night gown, heating pad, laptop, toothbrush/toothpaste didnt even come outta the bag while I was there. I used everything the hospital provided. It was just easier, and besides they charge for every piece of gauze that's used on you, so you might as well get your money's worth!

    Good luck with your surgery! And pack a small, firm pillow...it definitely helps to support your stomach when you get up out of the bed or chair.

  8. For me, the hardest part about this surgery is having to come face to face with my lifelong addiction to eating for no reason. With the sleeve you can't just eat for the heck of it; you surely can't over eat or drink just because something tastes good. You're forced to pay attention to how you eat, what you eat, and how much you're eating. To be honest, I really resented getting sleeved at first. I was pissed that I had to follow the sleeve rules. But when I came to my senses and realized that the only way I would ever lose this weight and become successful is thru this restrictive procedure, I conceded. The weight is coming off slowly but surely and me and my sleeve are becoming the best of friends.

    Wishing you a successful surgery, pleasant hospital stay, and speedy recovery. Remember, no matter how hard or bad it seems at first, it does get better with time.

  9. I had a hard time with the shakes until I found nectar Syntrax chocolate Truffle. I ordered a sample pack of shakes from mybariatricpantry.com and when I tasted the chocolate truffle and the strawberry mousse, I put in an order right away! For me they were the best Protein shakes I had ever tasted. I made my shakes with skim milk, and at times added in some ice and low fat cool whip just to get a thicker, more frozen yogurt type consistency so I could eat it with a spoon.

    There is also powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.com where you can get chicken broth that is loaded with Protein. It might be a good idea to invest in it as you may also use it after surgery.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

  10. I was hoping to have the surgery in Mexico as well, but when it came down to it, I just couldnt afford it, so I opted to jump through the hoops required of my insurance company.

    However, I would be very weary and careful of having the surgery done internationally especially since you cant find any one with a testimony or two about surgery in Costa Rica or DR.

    Good luck to you! I hope that you find a safe and trustworthy place to get sleeved. I was recently sleeved and feel like its the best thing Ive ever done for Me!

  11. I'm sure I'm not the only sleever who's ever done this, but I'm going to come clean and fess up to what I did tonight....

    So I had some chicken thighs in the refrigerator seasoned with rosemary, fresh minced garlic, onions, Badia complete seasoning, a dash of cayenne, a smidge of paprika, and a lil EVOO sittin in a ziploc bag since Monday night. I decided to bake it tonight with some biscuits and bacon wrapped asparagus for my family, while I would dine on some chicken broth made from one of the thighs. I ended up dropping some frozen okra in my broth to end it off and pureed it to enjoy for dinner. Delish!

    So I fed everyone, and then proceeded to the kitchen to tidy up. The dishes didnt take long because I use paper plates alot, especially since I dont have a dishwasher and there are 7 of us in my home. So I get to the stove and its' time to put the leftovers away. When I'm done, I notice there's some hunks of ckn stuck to the bottom of the pyrex dish...you know, along with all the other delicious bits that are left that you could use to turn in to gravy? Yeah, the good stuff! So I'm in a dilemma at that moment...the carnivore in me is DYING to devour those scant pieces of well seasoned, crispy bits of ckn, while the sleeved part of me is saying, Ha! you aint ready to eat that yet! (I'm still in the pureed stage)....angel on one shoulder, devil on the other coaxin me to put the ckn in my mouth....and I did! I chewed and savored and chewed and savored that delicious ckn scrap like it was filet mignon...then I got to the point where it was either spit, or swallow...and after weighin out the chances that I might really regret it, I spit that sucker out (besides, I had gotten all the good flavor from it anyway!). Craving satisfied. No harm done! So the greedy devil in me decided to scrape the rest of those goody bits in the pyrex dish and continue my chew/dont swallow/spit game. I feel kinda bad about it, but at the same time, I was really happy to taste the chicken and remember how much I enjoy eating real food.< /span>

    Anybody else able to relate? I KNOW someone else out there has played the chew/dont swallow/spit game!

  12. Just keep in mind that you have to take everything in in smaller and slower quantities. It helped me to use a baby spoon to feed myself liquids in the beginning. I also used the little medicine cups, I asked for a bunch of them in the hospital. Helps you to pace yourself.

    It really does get better over time. Remain positive and keep reminding yourself of the rewards in the end - health, less weight, and a new lease on life!

    Oh yeah, I found that my sleeve loves when I drink warm liquids much better than cold ones!

  13. I started my Journey on June 24, 2011 at an info seminar. My insurance co didn't require a 6 month supervised diet like many other people have to go through, so I began to make all the appointments necessary for EKG, gallbladder sonogram, endoscopy, sleep apnea, cardiologist clearance, etc.

    I was sleeved on October 18th, so my process took a little over 3 months from start to finish. Not bad, even though it felt like it took longer than that!

    Good luck, I hope you decide to do it....its one of the best decisions I've ever made for ME. Everything I do on a daily basis is for everyone else in my life - my boss, my hubby, my kids...this sleeve was all about ME, and I only wish I had researched it years ago!

  14. I haven't been logging my meals the past few days, I keep saying that I'll do it at the end of the day and that just isn't working. I always have my phone with me, and life would be so much easier if I could at least jot it down somewhere in my phone.

    My girlfriend who is a calorie counter suggested that I snap a pic of what I'm eating with my phone so that if I don't log it right then and there, at least I still have a record of it for later. Thought that was a cute tip to share!

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