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Sleevie WonderLand

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sleevie WonderLand

  1. For food ideas, might I suggest that you log on to myfitnesspal.com (there are a lot of VSTers on there) and you can get a glimpse of everyone's intake there. It has helped me with ideas on what to eat because you actually see the nutrition values (including protein) on their logs. The great thing about myfitnesspal is that they have a phone app so you have no excuses on why you can't keep your food log up to date.

    Good luck! BTW my handle is sleeviewonder on MFP if you decide to sign up....Friend me!

  2. BellaBBR,

    Sorry you're feeling that way. i kinda felt that way in the beginning stages too.

    Buyer's remorse after getting the sleeve is more real than is talked about. I too was angry that I lost control - meaning I lost the option to just gorge on food aimlessly at any time of the day. Being sleeved is about restriction, and as you get accustomed to this new life and new eating habits, it WILL please you. You will come to grips with the fact that over eating is what got you here and you'll be grateful that you can't do that to yourself so easily anymore.

    Try some not so bland foods, some Tums, and look for WLS friendly recipes on "the world according to egg face" blog.

    Re-visit this post in another month or two, I'm sure you'll probably have a change of heart.

  3. You know that's a great idea about the trainer. I never knew how much they cost, so I always assumed that they were really expensive.

    I'll also check youtube, that's usually my first go to research spot anyways.

    Oh, I've already been to the Man's Room. This sleeve thing shrinks all the right places for you men huh? Completely the opposite for us women. Just ask my boobs, if you can find em. smh :biggrin:

  4. I have really big calves. I've been working on the treadmill in hopes of toning up my legs in addition to using some of the other leg related strength training machines at the gym. there is one particular machine that is geared toward the calves - I'm afraid to use it because I don't want my calves to get any bigger. Will using the machine help me to decrease my calf size and tone up the muscle or will the muscle I already have just get bigger?

    Also, I have HUGE knees. I don't know that they'll shrink much, but is there something I can do to help tone down my secoya tree trunk legs at all?

    I'm not an exerciser. I've only been playing one on tv since I got sleeved, and i've been doing my own thing pretty much. It would be nice to have a little guidance, but I have no money for a personal trainer. :-(

  5. I would have had a real food funeral. I only had about 2 oz of chocolate weight watchers ice cream the night before my surgery and wish now that I opted for a juicy steak instead. *still thinking with my greedy brain*

    I also was lost when it came to the mushy food stage. I suppose I wouldn't have known how to prepare for it anyway because I was so turned off by lots of foods anyway. It still would have helped me to research my options and different recipes that could have gotten me through (the world according to egg face blog/website is the bomb!). That mushy/soft stage was tough!

  6. I dont do anything sugar free. That includes Stevia. I just purchased a bottle of agave nectar, will try it to sweeten my tea at the recommendation of a friend.

    I don't like the taste of sugar free products (I used to tolerate Coke Zero before being sleeved), and when I think about the toll it takes on our bodies (those chemicals can't be doing us any good) it repulses me even more. I try to keep an eye on my sugar intake, but i keep an even bigger eye open to make sure i'm not ingesting aspartame or sucralose, or whatever the rest of that stuff is.

  7. Im on Empire BCBS but under the EPO plan. I was not required to do the 6 month medically supervised diet, but i did have a barrage of tests and doctor's appointments to go through to qualify for the surgery. I'm happy to announce that I started my vsg pursuit at the end of June, and was sleeved on October 18th.

    Go to the Empire BCBS website and look for the information concerning bariatric surgery. It's all listed there in black and white, the requirements and qualifications you'll need to be approved.

    I don't know if there is much of a difference in the PPO and EPO plan other than price, but I can tell you that Empire BCBS was fast with their approval after my paperwork was submitted. I got my approval response from them in less than a week's time.

    Good luck!

  8. MoonSiren, it hasn't lead me to any eating disorders. It was just a quick way to soothe a craving during the early stages of being sleeved. Now that I can eat more foods and not just mushies or liquids anymore, I don't have those same urges. Thanks for your concern, but I don't think this thread is going to lead anyone down any eating disorder paths.

    Happy Holidays!

  9. Pdx is right on point. You'll be baffled at how little you eat and how full you feel after only consuming 2 or 3 spoonfuls. It's very hard to grasp especially if you were accustomed to eating massive amounts of food before being sleeved like I was. It's really a mind screw! My advice is to only heat up small amounts of Soup at a time and store the rest in the refrigerator. Invest in lots of tupperware, because it'll take you days just to finish one can of soup. Oh yeah, it's also a good idea to invest in one of those mug heaters because you'll find that your food gets cold before you can even finish eating it!

  10. I hate that you're having buyer's remorse, but I promise you it does get better. It's still early in the game, I had some soreness in my tummy up until about a week ago and Im at 6 weeks. What you're describing does sound like gas, and of course a CT scan won't detect that, but I urge you to give it some time. The first 4 weeks are definitely the hardest, it begins to get so much easier once you and your sleeve are in tune with each other.

  11. My sleeve HATES Protein shakes. She lets me know it as soon as I open the container with the powder.

    My sleeve HATES broccoli. Sad thing because I LOVE broccoli.

    My sleeve caught a serious attitude when I tried to give her some salad recently. She's so mean!

    My sleeve is high maintenance - She let me eat an entire lobster tail for my birthday, and never b*****s when I give her shrimp or any kind of seafood for that matter. She loves sushi - I thought my grocery bill would go down a little since I wouldn't be eating as much food as I used to, but Ms. Sleeve is definitely keeping my food bill up there with her expensive taste. smh

    Oh, and she makes me peel grapes for her before I eat them. If my sleeve were a person, she'd probably be like the chick from "the Devil Wears Prada". smh

  12. This post is the story of my life. I forget to eat at times because I'm not hungry and am always busy running around at work. My appetite comes and goes as well, sometimes I'm actually turned off by the smell of food, so I'm really struggling to get my counts up. I even tried to use a timer on my phone, but that hasnt worked either. I guess I just gotta put more effort forth in getting my food in.

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