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Short and Chunky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Short and Chunky

  1. Short and Chunky

    New To Lap Band Talk

    Change 704 - Congratulations on your decision to have lapband July is just around the corner. Start getting YOUR mind in the right spot - don't worry about anyone BUT YOU. This is your decision and it is your body and it is your health. I too am short and chunky (thereby my screen name) I am 5'2" and weighed 268. That was almost 1 yr ago (banded 7/7/11). I am still only 5'2" (the band didn't change that).but I now weight 173 lbs. Wow, what a difference. Have I had some problems? Yes, but they were of my own doing (ate too fast, too big or drank too soon). Have a regreted having the surgery - absolutely NOT ! I am healthier today than I have been in years. Hang in there. You will do great and for those who are not in your corner yet - poo on them. You go girl. Good Luck and keep us posted. Melinda in Florida
  2. Short and Chunky

    Coconut Yummmm

    dianalopez = sure, go ahead and give it a spin. I got the receipe from my doctor's office.
  3. Short and Chunky

    Coconut Yummmm

    pollyanna - You have found a goldmine in that Almond Breeze Unsweetened Milk. I recently tried it and added it to my unjury Classic chocolate Protein drinks and then 1/4 tsp of coconut extract - YUMMY - with a few ice chips and a blender - Almond Joy MILKSHAKE !!! I have also tried it with a tsp of Peanut Butter and with Vanilla extract...wow, I can now handle a Protein Drink without gagging. Melinda in Florida
  4. Allik07 - yep, that stuff tastes like dirt. Ensure and Boost has too many carbs and my doctor says to stay away from them. I use unjury Classic chocolate. I put 1 scoop powder in my blender, 1 cup of unsweetened Almond Breeze vanilla Flavored milk, a few ice chips and then I add 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract or 1/4 tsp of coconut extract and whip it up. Tastes like a milk shake - cold and creamy. The one with coconut takes like an Almond Joy. A couple of times I have added 1 tsp of Peanut Butter (tastes like a Reeses cup). I have not tried the vanilla Unjury yet but it should be OK. I cannot stand that stuff mixed with Water so the Almond Breeze was a big help. (40 cal and almost no carbs). I use these about once a week and just after a fill for a couple of days. Find a good powder (like Unjury) and then play with extracts and if your doctor allows it - fruit (mine does not). I was banded 10 months ago - down 95 pounds. Good luck and hope this helps you out. I know how hard it is to find one you can handle. I spent a fortune trying to find one that I didn't gag on. Melinda in Florida
  5. Short and Chunky

    So How Honest Were You....

    Riker990: I told my co-workers and family. I was off work 4 days and I am never out so I knew they would miss me and wonder what happened..then there is that pre-op diet and the liquid diet..everyone is going to find out eventually. When you get to the point that you eat morsals of food and don't have the cakes etc at office get togethers they will know, plus when you start dropping weight like a rock they might ask if you have cancer or something. I am down 95 pounds in 10 months - this isn't something you can hide. Also, by telling, most encouraged me and we very supportive. Melinda in Florida
  6. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Kah1213 - Lucky !!! have a great vacation. OK, here is what you do..eat smart, no junk, avoid snacking and when you tummy says "I'm done", then back away from the table. Be sure to get in your water and be sure to have a great time. You will do great ! Melinda in Florida
  7. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Shy2012 - thanks for your kind words and your encouragement. My doctor is a lap band patient..he has had his band about 4 years and lost 90 pounds..hey, he is a man and you know how fast they loose weight. That is why is went into doing that type of surgery. He used to be a general surgeon. Anyway, I am so tight I eat out of thimble (just kidding of course) but my dog eats more than I do and she only weighs 10 pounds. The scale is moving and so am I. No PB, or slime tonight - I guess I am finally "getting it". Have a good evening.. Melinda in Florida
  8. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Hang in there Carolina we are with you. I too had terrible left shoulder pain (like it was broke pain) and the side of my neck - that is some goofy muscle in your abdomen that is pushing on a nerve that runs up to that shoulder and neck. Google shoulder pain after lap band surgery and it explains it. It does go away in a couple of week. Heating pad became my best friend when that was going on. Sorry about the upset tummy. that could be from the anethesia or medicines they gave you. hang in girlie.. Lady Scorpio - thanks for the kind words and the swift kick. I needed both. I am back in gear - super tight (maybe too tight) and have lost 5 pounds in 5 days...can't eat anything without it coming back up - yuck. may have to back off a bit on the band. Otherwise doing good. take care.. Melinda in "rainy" Florida
  9. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Bamabander: you are doing soooo good. That is terrific weight loss. Glad to hear you post-op went so good too. Yes, plication has advantages - it reduces the chance of slippage too. As for me I got a fill on Friday of last week and he told me he was cranking it tight - UNDERSTATEMENT ! I have not eaten a meal yet that has not ended in pain, PB, slime and eventually throwing it up. Last night - 1 oz meat, 2 lima beans and 1/4 c salad...gone after 2 1/2 hours of agony. Protein shakes today guys ! I have dropped 5 pounds since Friday but part of that is water weight...I take about 3 hours to drink 1 bottle of water. Looks like I will be going back to doctor on Friday to have some removed...can't go on this way for long without having serious issues. Hey, I feel good though and my attitude in back in gear - thanks to all for their support. Have a great week everyone. Melinda in Florida
  10. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Pandoracat: You are doing great. Keep up the good work. The heating pad was my friend too (much better than the Oxycodone they gave me). Don't let the pad get too far away. The first sticking episode you will need it again - trust me on that one. Keep doing good... Melinda in Florida
  11. Short and Chunky


    Sarah, I sure get it. I am 10 months post op. Down 89 pounds BUT it was 93 until I started eating junk again. I just got home from the doctor and my band has been tightened a bit (a lot in fact). I have not been exercising - I prefer to walk - and I haven't been following all the rules. I understand how you feel..The candy and donuts that I have been "sneeking" these past few weeks have come back to haunt me and no one is to blame but ME...the band will let you eat crap if you chew it enough and the band does not take away cravings,,,,only you can do that. I am glad you posted what you did, I needed to hear that someone else is in my boat ! Have a great weekend and hang in there. Melinda in Florida
  12. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Just got home from the doctor..Yep, I gained weight 4 stinking pounds in one stinking month !!!!Well, no one's fault but my own - I ate my way to those 4 pounds by eating the really bad stuff - not much of it - but I still ate it. I also noticed that last night I ate more dinner than usual and even then could have (and wanted to) eaten more. SOOOO, I got a fill. To quote Dr. Cywes, a big one, one that will let me know that I have eaten too much and I can expect to PB or slime when I do. He knows this won't last but a few weeks so he has me coming back in 3 weeks for a possible unfill of some. I could kick my self, I knew what was happening and I could not stop. The reason I am sharing all of this is becuase so many of you have asked me how I lost 93 pounds in 9 months...well on month 10 it is +4. It happens to all of us and I guess it was my turn. I knew when I got home I had to confess to all of you because your support means so much to me. That being said, have a great weekend everyone and don't do like me, follow the directions and let the band do what the band is supposed to do. Melinda in Florida
  13. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Lady Scorpio - you asked what is PB - that is not Peanut Butter - although that sounds good right about now..PB is Productive Burping - in short - what you ate did not go through the band and is coming back up..you will slime (that is so gross) and you will feel as though you are having a heat attack and then (God willing) you will throw up what you ate. Now, why did you PB? You ate too big, too fast or too much (or all of the above). You will PB and you will say "never again" haha, like that is not going to happen. I did not have this problem until about my 3-4 month (after a couple of fills) when that band starts getting tighter the hole is smaller (don't forget to chew). I try to cut everything small in the beginning so I don't have to chew forever, I eat too fast and that is what usually causes mine. Trust me, when you PB/slime the first time you will know it is happening and you won't like it. Keep some papertowels handy ! Have a good day my friend and hang in there..this is just one of those bad side effects but you can and will deal with it and work through it. I am getting better in dealing with it and haven't had one in several weeks now. Melinda
  14. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    LadyScoprio: OK, I know how you feel - "Did I make the right decision?" Only time is going to answer that question for you and only you will be able to answer that question. I can honestly tell you I have asked myself the same question..And privately I asked that question - as my Husband thinks I was nuts to have this done..that being said. I am down 90 pounds (yep, I have gained 3 pounds back) in 11 months. That is the size of a big kid..90 pounds..try picking up 90 pounds ! I could not have done it without this band and all the "stuff" that goes with it. I would say 90% of the time I eat exactly like I am supposed to. I eat meat, vegies and don't drink while eating (or on either side of eating). During the day, I drink Water, sparkling flavored water (ICE), 1 diet cola per day, decaf iced tea..Yep, I snack from time to time - that is where the 3 pounds gain has come from. When I snack I grab a string cheese (low fat), 1/2 apple, pork rind chips, wheat pretzels (5) and sometimes a few nuts..I find I have to eat some of this stuff (bad according to my doctor) in order to keep my bowels working as they should (I am 60 yrs old). Am I loosing weight like HE would like for me to..Nope..but I am loosing and I am happy and I can live with this plan and for me THAT is what matters. I walk a bunch but I am finding that it is getting pretty hot here in Florida so I will be joining a gym next month (I just had foot surgery so I can't do anything yet). Walking or excerising will let you get away with adding some of your favorites back and some snacking - the doctor will say NO, but lets get real..you like to eat or you wouldn't have need this surgery and you aren't going to be happy or nice to others if you feel like you are miserable. Try not to dwell on what you can't have an play games with what you can eat..Just know that I and others are here to support you, kick your butt when you need it and cheer for you when you do good...hang in there Scorpio - it is not in your nature to quit ! Melinda in Jacksonville, Fla (Virgo)
  15. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Kah - my first fill was 4 weeks after surgery - 1cc and then every month until recently. sometimes .5 sometimes 1cc. I have two unfills when they put too much in at one time. I don't know about Bandster Hell. I guess I feel like that now. I get hungry and I don't know if I have enough fill or not. When they do give me a fill I PB and reflux...some of my problems right now is me. I want to eat the wrong stuff. I think I am a bit confused. I don't regret the surgery I have lost a lot of weight and for that I am thankful. I get angry at myself for wanting the bad stuff and not being able to follow the plan as I should sometimes. Have a good weekend and hang in there... Melinda
  16. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Some of that 'full feeling" after a 1/2 cup of soup or a pinch of fish will go away. You still have swelling. Hey, enjoy it. Your appetite will return and you will hold more. Example. Last night for dinner..3 ozs grilled chicken breast, 1/4 cup green beans, 1 slice of tomato (home grown !). I took 25 min to eat and got a bit hungry 3 hours later. I feel I could have added either more vegies or more chicken but my doctor says to stop eating after 20 min. I measure and weigh my food in the kitchen and try not to go back for 2nds of anything. I really dislike protein shakes. The one I have tastes ok (unjury Classic Chocolate) but I need to hear a crunch of feel real food in my mouth and this fake milkshake isn't it. As you can see, I am still learning and may even be experiencing a bit of bandster Hell...I really enjoy eating - that is how I got in this chunky shape. \ Kah, Caroline and Scorpio - so glad to hear you ladies are doing so good. You can relax now and enjoy the ride a bit. I am a worrier so I worried about everything. I look back now and see that was silly. Drink your fluids and just follow the docs directions - you will do just great. That scale is going to drop like a rock over the next month ! ENJOY As for that first fill - that is a bit scarey, you don't know what to expect..It is not bad, goofy (getting stabbed in the belly with a needle) but it does not hurt. I go back next Friday for a fill and I think one is needed. I am eating the wrong foods again and that is no one's fault but my own. Craving junk ! the fill won't stop the craving, but it will make me think a bit longer before I indulge. Have a great weekend and keep us up to date on your progress... Melinda in Florida
  17. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Devine_swoman: I had both done and I was on full liquids for 2 weeks and then mushies for 2 weeks. You should be fine. Just be sure you don't overeat - that causes more harm than what you eat. The salad was probably a bit rough, but I doubt you did any hard to your stitches...if you did, you would already know it. Take care and get back to your doctors orders. Glad to hear you are doing so well... Keep us up to date on your progress. Melinda in Florida
  18. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    OK, made it through TS Beryl with just some limbs down..lights did not go out. Now we have the buckets of rain (which we need) 10-12 inches expected. Wow, those winds were strong. Tamg - I understand SE Ga is going to get pounded for a few days too..be safe. Bought all the right foods so I dont think I will find the chip bag. Will have to workout in front of the TV for a few days but all is well. For those of you having surgery next week, good luck and be sure to follow the doctors instructions. Carolina and Shy hang in there..thinking about you both ! It won't be long now.. Melinda in "wet" Jacksonville, Fla.
  19. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Lapband family - It is raining and wind a blowing outside. TS Beryl due to hit here tonight with 70+ MPH winds. May be off line for a few hours/days depending on damage. We live 10 miles from the Atlantic Ocean so we will the full benefit of this storm. Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend. For those of you who are veterans - Thank You for your service. We owe our freedom to you... Take care my LB friends ! See you after the storm passes... Melinda in Jacksonville, Florida !
  20. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Carolina and Shy glad to hear you both are doing so good. Yep, the preop diet is the pits but 3-4 days after sugrery when you stand on that scale you are going to look around to show it off..You will drop weight like a rock ! Enjoy. I know it is tough and you know why the liquid diet. My doctor did let me eat a stalk of celery once a day but it is hard - the absolute worst part. It is so nice to see you supporting each other..Try to stay busy, it does help the time go by quicker and gets your mind of your tummy and how hungry it is.... Melinda in Florida - waiting for Tropical Storm Beryl due here tomorrow !!!! WOO HOO
  21. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Kah and Carolina girl..wow, guys, it is getting close. be sure you behave over this holiday weekend. Mine was just after 4th of July weekend,so I feel your pain. Hey, relax and enjoy the weekend you both will do just fine. You are getting ready to begin a new adventure and we are all in the same boat with you. Pop us a line when you get to feeling up to it and as you fall asleep think about how healthy you are going to get and all the cool smaller clothes you will be able to wear real soon ! Love and best wishes to you both.. Melinda in Florida
  22. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Shy2012: Thanks for that update and glad things are once again "moving right along". Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone... Melinda in Florida
  23. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    LadyScorpio: I get your doubt. On day 2 or 3 after surgery I felt that way and from time to time I still do (9 months post op now). I have hit a wall and am no longer dropping weight..in fact I am up 2-3 pounds and can't seem to control my hunger and desire for the bad stuff. I am happy with my weight loss so far (90 + lbs), but why this wall and why now??? Then I get constipated and feel even worse. I see my doctor every 30 days and last month he even did a .5 unfill thinking I was too full..Shoot, I don't know and I don't think he knows either...I just can't find my exercise drive anymore nor can I find that drive that kept the sweets and carbs out of my hands..I guess I deprived myself right into a feeding frenzy. I see the doctor on 6/8 and I am sure I will get a re-fill of that .5 then I can slime and PB at every meal again, oh, yay. You know some parts of this whole thing just flat stink. Sorry, I started writing this to make you feel better and instead I probably made you and anyone else who reads this feel worse but that is why I come to this website - to vent and gather strength from others. Scorpio..we are all in this boat together and it looks like the sucker may have a few holes in it so we have to keep bailing - together !!!! Hope you are doing better today and have a great Memorial Day weekend ! Melinda in Florida
  24. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Shy2012 - Unfortunately constipation is the bad side effect of the whole thing. I find myself going from one extreme to the other and that had never been a problem for me in the past. I have to have some type of fiber and I am not into the artifical kind (like medamucil - although that is a possible solution). I will eat an apple (with peanut butter) from time to time. But, for you you are still on the liquids and are pretty much stuck (no pun intended) so you may have to use a stool softener or artificial fiber. The gas is also something that was no fun for me..It was like magic when it finally went away about 2 -3 weeks after surgery. Just keep drinking fulids and walking - it is the only thing that really works. You sound like you are doing great..just hang in there a bit longer and things will start returning to the "new normal". Melinda in Florida
  25. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Carolinagirl2012: What good is plication..You asked about over eating or drinking high calorie stuff and getting sick from it - Well, YEP ! That is why I have plication - I am stubborn and I need to be kicked in the teeth every so often and reminded what is in my stomach! I have eaten too much and too many sweets - oh, not at first but as time went on..the cravings came back with a vengance..I gave in, ate them and promptly got miserably sick. PB, spitting up, slimming, the entire lovely mess - can't breathe too good either. Well, note to self: Don't do that again..and that what good the plication is. Plus with all that drama, my band did not slip because of the plication. I am 9 mos post op and doing great. Down 93 pounds and feeling real good. Do I still want the bad stuff? You bet I do and every now and then I have some, get sick and then get over it. This whole deal is going to keep the weight from coming back on me. I have two tools and they work well together (for me). Have a good week.. Melinda in Florida

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