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Short and Chunky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Short and Chunky

  1. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Kah1213 - I had my LB w/plication done on a Monday. I went back to work on Wed (only 1 hr), Thurs (only 1 hr), Fri -back full time. The biggest thing you will have to deal with is being tired - no necessarily sore, just tired (you haven't been getting too much from a nutrician stand point. I agree with the others - take Friday off too and go back to work on Monday. For me, I felt awful day 2 - better on 3 and by day 5 I didn't even know I had been through surgery - I felt fantastic. Good luck with your surgery and please keep us posted. Melinda in Florida Starting weight - 258 Surgery date - 7/7/11 Current weight - 166
  2. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Good luck today Carolann55. You will do just fine. The worst is over - the liquid diet prior to surgery..the liquid diet after surgery isn't near as rough. We all wish you the best. I am 9 mos post op and doing great...down 93 pounds..lost a bit of my "mojo" but working on getting it back and loosing once again. Hang in there and follow the doctor's orders - you will be glad you did. Melinda in Florida
  3. Short and Chunky

    Need A Lap Band Buddy For Support

    Hi, I'm in Florida and could use some support myself. I was banded in 7/2011 and have done great - 93 pounds down then BAM ! I stopped being good, starting eating around the band (eating junk stuff) and loosing the will power that had me doing so good. I was walking 2-3 miles everyday and working out some twice a week - now nothing. I just am worn out and have NO MOTIVATION. I love what has happened so far, much smaller clothes, better health etc but I still have 50 more pounds to go and I am just not doing it. My doctor has NO bedside manner therefore he is no help. Fills aren't going to do it either. I was too tight and everything PBd on me so they took .5 out two weeks ago..no more PB and now I can really eat like a little piggy. YEP, I need a buddy too. I know the LB was the best move for me as I have fought my weight forever, but I need to find that "inner me" that had me doing so well just a few short months ago...HELP Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you... Melinda in Florida
  4. Short and Chunky


    WOO HOO Congratulations...don't you just love moments like that? Look out 14 here you come !!!! Melinda in Florida
  5. Short and Chunky


    I know this sounds like a dumb answer but you are starving because you are hungry. A fill does not take away hunger - that took me a long time to figure out. It does make you feel satisfied quicker. I don't know what your doctor says you can have at this point, but try drinking some favored sparkling water or a small cup of skim milk with just a touch of protien powder., That should solve the hunger until you can have mushies..It is only a few days and then back to eating again. Hang in there...you can do this. Melinda in Florida
  6. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Kah1213: Hey, enjoy the rest and the attention. I would have stayed overnight but I was up dressed and ready to go. Sleepy and a bit sore, but ready to hit the road. Lets us know how you are doing... Good luck Melinda in Florida
  7. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Shy2012: I would love to share my "tips" but I really don't have any. I try to follow my doctors directions - very low carbs, no sweets, no fruits..bunches of water and decaf tea, lots of protien (he likes beef products as it makes you feel fuller) and the big one - 30 minutes everyday of some sort of exercise. I chose to walk. I was heavy and 60 yrs old so some forms of exercise were not in play. I have done 4 - 5K walks. I try to walk every day but that being said - I am tired of walking and I am sagging in spots now so I have joined a gym near my house and I am doing some other things - weight resistant stuff and things to tighten belly, upper arms etc. I feel great and know that I can do this now. I have eaten someof the bad stuff lately and for that I have paid a price (PB) but I am hanging in there and I come to this website for encouragement and venting. I work full time so I have to work hard at fitting in my exercise, but it is worth it. Good luck to you and stay in touch. Melinda in Florida
  8. Short and Chunky

    Where are all the seniors?

    Ladybug: You are doing great..keep up the good work. Things do slow down a bit as you move on but you expect that. I am currently trying to get myself moving and exercising more to jump start my loss. But hey, I haven't started going back up and that is a good thing. Have a great summer and here's hoping you are feeling as great as you are starting to look. Melinda in Florida
  9. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    bamasleever: I had lapband with Plication. I went in the hospital at 6:30am and was home by 4-4:30 pm that same day. FYI - I am no spring chicken (60) but in excellent health so I was not required to stay. I felt too good to stay anyway. Melinda in Florida
  10. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Hey Sandrie - so excited for you...Glad it is behind you and you are doing so well...You should be able to sleep on your side sometime this weekend. I am a side sleeper and I know how much you hate being on your back. Use a pillow to hug and lay on your side - that seems to help. You aren't going to hurt anything and it might help you with the gas that always builds up after the surgery...don't forget to walk and drink lots of Water..Crazy I know but it does help with the gas and nausea or pain you will have. zip me a message and let me know how you are doing on Monday ! I bet you will feel 100% by then..Have a great weekend and recovery my new friend ! Melinda in Florida
  11. Short and Chunky

    To Tell Or Not To Tell

    I am not good at keeping secrets and I did tell - before and after. I work at a University and work with many young people, they noticed my crazy pre-op diet and asked what gives. I told them and now they are my biggest support group. I dropped weight very fast (I had plication too) so I knew there would be many questions like - "Are you sick?" "Do you have Cancer?" Shoot, it was just easier to spill the Beans and tell I had WLS. I don't see any reason to be ashamed or not to tell. I have had many people ask questions about how it is done and what I can eat etc - these are people who really need to or want to have the surgery themselves or just be supportive of ME. It is an individual decision but for me, telling was the easiest and best. FYI - 93 pounds since my surgery 7/7/11..Kind of hard to keep that a secret. I have gone from a 22W in slacks to a very loose 14 (12 is on the way any day now). I would like to lose about 40-50 more but now the real work begins ! Have banding everyone and keep up the good work. Melinda in Florida (formally known as Short and Chunky)
  12. Short and Chunky

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    Well, you guys make me feel like an "old timer". I had the band with Plication on 7/7/11. I am down 93 pounds and feel fantastic. I will not lie - the first few days I was really doubting my decision to have this done. I had PAIN - mostly gas related pain (I also had hernia repair). I was in the hospital 9 hours. I was off work 4 days and then like magic - the clouds lifted and I felt great - as though no sugery = although much lighter. I did have some nausea but found that the nausea meds made my pain better - the pain medicine did nothing and tasted gross. My weight loss has begun to slow a bit lately, but that is because I have been breaking the rules and returning to some of my old ways. I keep coming to this site and get inspired and am now back in the saddle with only gaining back 1/2 lb. I can handle that ! My only advise is to be sure you follow your doctor's orders (no matter how crazy). He/she is telling you that for a reason and before you know it, you will be back up and eating and exercising and feeling like a new person. Congratulations to all of you who are on this journey. Melinda in Florida (Formally known as Short and Chunky !)
  13. Short and Chunky

    I Am A Newbie

    To the two newbies: Welcome aboard the bandwagon....I was banded 9 months ago and it's not too bad. Yes, I do still crave carbs and yes, I do give in for time to time but I am down 92 pounds and if I can do it anyone can. Follow the pre-op diet (whichever one you are given) it makes your recovery easier (mine was only 3-4 days then back to work full time). It also jump starts the weight loss. Yes, you stomach will feel as though your throat has been cut..well, too bad..hang in there. The surgery is worth it and worth a few days of discomfort. You want your liver to be smaller and calm when you have the surgery....Good luck guys and hope you enjoy this web site. It has really helped me out.. Melinda in Florida a/k/a short and chunky
  14. Short and Chunky

    No Restrtiction Yet And I Have 8Cc In A 14Cc Band

    I have 8cc in a 10 cc band. I felt restriction but I also felt PB and slimming. I went to the doctor today and I have gained 1/2 lb. I know not much but this is my first gain in the 9 months since I was banded, I know why, I have been eating "crap". You know, Cookies, oatmeal, donuts, pizza. They would go down..good food would get stuck and I would end up in pain and throwing it up. Crap was easier plus I MISSED THIS BAD STUFF. Well, after a lecture (of stuff I already knew) he removed .5cc from the band (under Floroscope) and told me to come back in 2 weeks and we would talk again. I really feel like a failure right now. I just joined a gym (up until now I just was walking a bunch) so I expect this to take a turn soon. I am down over 90 pounds but this past month has been a real disappointment in myself! Thanks for letting me vent. I just needed to get this out to someone who would understand. My husband still thinks I was crazy to do this in the first place and he would be ready to say "I told you it wouldn't work either". I really need to prove that it will work for me. I am the one who did all the research and all the stuff required to get this done. I can't turn back now... Melinda in Florida
  15. Short and Chunky

    Getting Stuck?

    Loniel: I am not sure what happened to you - it could be to cold liquid made you band feel tighter and/or the stress. As I write this, I am stuck. I have been PBing for 45 minutes - sliming etc. Scrambled eggs - they hate me and my band. The chest pains, difficult to breathe and burping up slime- now the hiccups! Dog gone it ! i GUESS I did not chew enough or too big..anyway, when you are truly STUCK, you won't be asking, If You Are Stuck ? You will know for sure. Hope you are feeling better today and and sorry to hear about the job change. Hope it all works out for the best. Melinda in Florida
  16. Short and Chunky


    Good luck to both of you. I will be praying for you today. Congratulations on your decision and keep us informed on your progress. Melinda in Florida
  17. Short and Chunky

    Iband With Gastric Sleeve Plication

    You will do fine...What type of pre-op diet are you on? Different docs use different ones. Mine wa no carbs, no sweets - 2 weeks, followed by 3 days clear liquids. The clear liquids almost killed me because I was at work and all thought about was food. He did let me eat plain celery (with some salt) but limited on that. I understand why you have to do it and it makes a big difference but it is still hard. Hang in there and drink constantly (that helps) and do the sugar free jello or popsicles (after awhile those just won't do it anymore but for a bit they help). Just stay focused on your surgery date and those smaller sizes you will soon be wearing. e-mail direct if you need any encouragement or you have any questions -mgallup003@aol.com Have a great day Melinda
  18. Short and Chunky

    July Bandsters

    Hey Byrd: I'm doing great and I hope you are too. Weather in Florida is beautiful although starting to feel like summer. I am still walking every day but looking into joining a gym. We have a pool but the nights are quite warm enough yet so the Water is still too cold for me. Maybe next month. I am now down 92 pounds but leveled off a bit - I have back slid and gone back to eating the wrong stuff (the stuff that slides and tastes good !). Anyway, trying to get focused and doing as I should The doctor has me pretty tight and I PB a bunch - even when eating the right stuff. I chew and chew and cut small bites but still have soe issues. I think of this as my "doggie training zapper"..This band zaps me everytime I do something wrong. I am glad it is this way - maybe my brains will get the idea soon and I will be loosing once again. Take care and good to hear from you kiddo !! Melinda in Florida
  19. Short and Chunky

    Iband With Gastric Sleeve Plication

    Sandrie: You will NOT feel like your old self again...You Will Feel BETTER !!!! I can breathe, I can walk up and down stairs. I can get on the floor and play with my grandchildren. I feel 20 years younger (I am 60) I understand your hesitation, but once I made my mind up, there was no turning back. I am so glad I did this. I didn't want to die old and fat - just older !.. Take care and let me know how you do on the pre-op diet - by far the WORST PART of this whole thing - you will think you are starving to death, but it is worth it..it makes your surgery and recovery so much easier. Have a great week. Melinda
  20. Short and Chunky

    Iband With Gastric Sleeve Plication

    Sandrie - OK, I have lost 92 pounds and have around 30 more to go. I love massages too. I had one the week of my sugery (helped me relax) and I had one about 6 wereks post op. No problems. I have had 2 since, done four 5K walks and I do water aerobics. Other than the weight loss and the occasional PB or sticking issues, you would never know I had anything done. I do eat far less, but anyone we go out with or I do lunch with knows so that is not a problem either..In fact, they are very supportive and will slow me down is I eat too fast. Melinda in Florida
  21. Short and Chunky

    Iband With Gastric Sleeve Plication

    Sandre - I was in and out in about 5 1/2 hours..I didn't want to wake up..Hey, I was sleeping good..don't mess with me. I was up and arounf that night and back to work - full time 3 days later. I am 9 months out now and feel great with no problems at all... Melinda in Florida
  22. johnphx ..thank you for sharing your story..I am 9 months with the band and sometimes I get so discouraged and then I do the wrong things and stop exercising and then stand on the scale - woo hoo..didn't loose a pound - what happened? Well, I happened...You are so blessed to have a doctor that is understanding and spent the time to counsel you. Mine just fusses. He is a great surgeon but his bedside manor was checked at the door. You should be very proud of yourself and I hope you are still having success..hang in there and I look forward to following your progress...Go get 'em John !!! Melinda in Florida
  23. Short and Chunky

    Lapband With Plication?

    I had lapband with Plication on 7/7/11 and I am down 92 pounds. I would do it again in a heart beat. Mine was done in Jacksonville Florida. There aren't many doctors doing this yet and I understand that it is still in the testing stage but I feel great, look even better and I have had no issues with it at all...Good luck on whatever you decide.. Melinda in Florida
  24. Short and Chunky

    Where are all the seniors?

    Hey guys...Haven't been here in awhile - doing great in Florida. 60 years old and down 92 pounds - surgery was 7/7/11. I feel great. I got "restriction" in March - real restriction - and I am slowly dealing with it. You would think at my age, I could follow directions and not PB everytime I eat. If you eat too fast, too big or don't chew enough - that will be the results and I know it. Boy, am I stubborn. As I write this I am slightly stuck and waiting to see if it goes on down - if not - bathroom, here I come again. That aside, I feel great - look 100% better than before the surgery and I don't regret this one bit - not even when I am in the bathroom....I am so glad that I took that first bold step and had this surgery. I love WW but after 6 tries - it was just not enough (I am still going to WW though). I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying life ! Take care my friends... Melinda in Florida
  25. Short and Chunky

    Surgery Day

    Christine - I was just so excited to get this thing started I was good (I am a nervous Nelly too). After you complete the pre-op diet (your stomach will think your throat has been cut) you will be glad to get the surgery behind you. It was very easy on me and I am old (60)...I went home 4 hours after the surgery and felt great. Hang in there and don't worry too much. Come to the site often - it is such a help. I am 9 months post op and down 92 pounds..you can do this..... Melinda in Florida

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