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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tangerine

  1. Ask your doctor again about how long to wait to drink after eating. I think 2 hours is quite a long time to wait! I usually wait about 45 minutes to an hour after eating to start drinking again. Once I can drink again, I drink nothing but Water. Occasionally I'll have a sip of something with flavor and sugar, just to satisfy the urge, but other than that, it's Water only. I gave up sodas and sugary drinks a few years ago, and it took me quite a while to get used to.

    Not drinking with meals didn't take me long. I find that if I drink while I eat, it backs up on top of the food, making me uncomfortably full and unable to get in the food that I need. I do have one small sip after I'm done eating though, just to kind of wash out my mouth. I don't even pour myself a drink while eating, so not having it there helps a lot. I promise you, you will get used to it!

  2. Originally posted by Alexandra

    But I have no intention of avoiding anything, especially chocolate! :P

    Mmmm...chocolate. *drools*

    I have to say that my chocolate comsumption is much less than it used to be. Before banding, I used to go for days eating nothing but chocolate. If I didn't have any in the house, I'd panic. Middle of the night runs to Wawa were very common. lol

    But I think that then...chocolate was "bad". So chocolate was something I HAD to have. Now that I'm finally losing that diet mentality of bad foods and good foods, I don't get panicky if chocolate isn't in the house. It seems that I naturally gravitate to foods that are healthier for my body now. My focus is shifting from food as emotional comfort to food as fuel for my body. There's nothing wrong with Protein first..I do try to live that for the most part, but I really do try to save room for all of the other macronutrients as well.

    I think that my biggest point is to listen to your body. What makes your body feel good? And I think it's also important to not forget what this journey is all about. It's not only abut weight loss. I tend to take the holistic approach and say that it's about growing emotionally as well. The band forces you to battle those food demons, and hopefully, deal with them in a healthy way. To restore normalcy when it comes to food. For me, normal isn't being on a diet.

    Anyway, I was really responding to the whole thread in general, but your quotes, Alexandra, were the ones that I enjoyed the most, so I used them! I wasn't picking on ya, I swear. :( Really, this is all "to each his/her own" or "whatever works for you"...just wanted to throw my views on banding and dieting out there.

    :Bunny (I do so love this wubbit)

  3. Originally posted by Alexandra

    I don't think you'll find anyone saying that high Protein, low carb is a bad way to eat. Whatever you call it, that's the Bandster way.

    Hmm..then I must not be a Bandster. :(

    I eat a variety of foods from a variety of food groups. I *usually* eat my Protein first, but not always. Just depends on my mood. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, I eat pizza, bread, Pasta, potatoes. Just about a 1/3 of the portions I used to eat of these things. Following a diet after banding is not going to help me. My binge eating prior to surgery is deeply rooted in diets. As soon as I even think the word "diet", I feel the urge to binge.

    I had the band to feel like a normal person. I don't count calories, I don't follow a diet plan...I simply eat what I feel like my body needs. Usually it's a normal sized portion of meat, veggies, starch and some chocolate for dessert. :P I feel totally normal, and my relationship with food is getting better all of the time. The band for me isn't only about weight loss, but it's also about changing my whole lifestyle. I actually eat healthier now than I ever did on any diet.

    Ah, and I've lost 61lbs in about 5 months with no fill this way. :Bunny

  4. Originally posted by Alexandra

    Maybe we should carry little information brochures to hand out when we're asked and don't have a half-hour to explain. :(

    You know, I have seriously thought about doing this! I did finally start carrying around a picture of a banded stomach after I used my purse for the 85th time to show someone placement of the band. :P

  5. Originally posted by wednesday

    So now 2 years out, I do tell more people, but not everyone. If it is someone asking who is really and truly interested in knowing I will tell them the truth. If it is some naturally thin person who really is just asking to make conversation, I tell them diet and exercise.

    This is exactly what I was trying to say with my tired run on sentences. lol I can't keep the truth from someone I think needs to hear about the band, *if* my weight loss is brought up.


  6. Jersey person here, but not a patient of Drs. Abkin or Bertha! I have heard that they are wonderful though. I'm from south Jersey and at the time I started looking into banding, no doctors near me were performing the surgery (Dr. Borao in Monmouth County is doing it now), so it was easier for me to get to NYC than it was for me to get to Morristown.

    Are you close enough to their office to pop into one of their support groups? You should be able to find some local bandsters that way!

  7. I don't know about the gallbladder thing, but I know that by 5 weeks out, I couldn't even tell that I had a band. Definitely call your doctor about this.

    Could be that since you had your gallbladder out the day of surgery, that you're just still healing. Maybe two traumas to the body on the same day just caused some extra pain. Still call the doctor though!

  8. Alexandra, what you're feeling is perfectly normal!

    I had a few little panic attacks before my surgery too. I would start thinking about what they would be doing to me while I was unconscious and freak. lol

    I would have to start doing something else to take my mind off of it, or if it was while I was trying to sleep, I'd focus on some deep breathing and relaxation. I'll tell you though, I went from all of that anxiety to elation once I found out in the recovery room that I did indeed have a band. I was thrilled! Then I burped! :(

    As far as the gas thing goes, I didn't have horrible gas pains like some people describe. In fact, I didn't have any at all. Maybe you'll get lucky like I did.

    Getting the band was the absolute best thing I have ever done for myself. Ever. And you'll realize that too once the weight starts coming off. But I do agree that the last few weeks before surgery can be rough. Hang in there, deeeeep breathe, you'll be okay!

  9. Since I work as a bartender/restaurant manager, I'm in the public eye all of the time, with a lot of regular customers. Some I'm close to, some I know enough to know their names and what they drink but not much else. Lately *everyone* has been commenting on my weight loss, so I do explain the surgery to those I'm close to, but I say "eating less, exercising more" to the ones who I don't really want to take the time to explain to.

    Wow, big run on sentences, but I think you get the idea. Like Robin said, I am totally jazzed about my band...but I also think that the whole world doesn't need to know. Eating less and exercising more is basically the truth, I've just had surgical help with the eating less part. :(


  10. Thanks for the info Joann!

    Full liquids are generally anything you can suck through a straw. I ate a lot of pureed bean Soups, pureed split pea Soup, pureed cream of potato/mushroom/celery, etc. Just thin them with some milk and blend them smooth. They'll stop the growly belly and make you feel like you actually ate something!

    Peanut Butter and ice blended with chocolate carnation instant Breakfast is yummy and filling too! You'll make it through...it won't be too much longer!

  11. Trust me, no one knows the hip bones are there except for me! It's only when I lay down and the loose skin/fat mushes around that they become annoying! :(

    A Dr. Ren patient! I had originally made my appointment with her, until she stopped taking my insurance. Janeen (jla78) was banded by Dr. Ren, I hear she's wonderful.

  12. Rab, I feel for you!

    Now, let me stress, seems that all doctors' post-op diets are very different! I went immediately to full liquids and mushies the day after surgery per my doctor's orders. But some people are on Clear Liquids for a week, mushies for a week...etc. What post-op diet instructions did your doctor send you home with?

    Post with more information about what your doctor requires post-op and maybe we can give you some ideas!

  13. Guys, we're up to 59 members already! How cool is that? I'm going to go dig up the link to Tonia's FAQ page and post it, maybe Alex can make it a sticky topic for us. That way we wouldn't have to bump it for new members. Wheee...this is fun, I love new things to play with! :(

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