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Posts posted by italianlady13

  1. I'm just giving my opinion and it's pretty much backed up by science. That crud is horrible for you. Did you even read the post or did you skip over the fact that it was worded as opinion? Did I ever tell her no? I said that I would not. I'll stand by the fact that we as obese and formerly obese SHOULD probably not get back into the junk food habit especially in the weight loss stage.

    We're all adults here. Do what you want. Have at the Cheetos. What I wanted was to offer an opinion. I just re-read my post and I don't know what you saw as judging and beating up unless examples of what I do and do not do are simply horrifying.

    To me, empty encouragement without substance or guidance is useless. IN MY OPINION, it's would be irresponsible of me to tell a new WLS patient that Hot Cheetos and Doritos are okay. In maintenance maybe you could safely toss back a few, but even at this stage the thought of that makes me slightly ill. My tastes have changed and that is what this time is for. We are training ourselves on how to eat properly.

    I'm on my way to a master's degree in applied psychology. I would like to use this toward counseling people with food addictions/eating disorders. I'm thinking of this from a psychological aspect. I don't believe that setting yourself up for perfection is psychologically healthy, nor is encouraging anyone else to. In my experience the more you tell someone not to do something they will do it (Bobby, the stove is hot don't touch...what does bobby do? He touches the stove!)

    I don't think a cheeto now and again is going to kill you, especially when you take in far nastier "crud" just by breathing in deeply. I didn't tell her to eat the stuff, I reassure her that her life is not going to change unless she wants to make that change. It is all up to us, what we want to do, how we want to manage. The first few months are the toughest, most challenging time both physiologically and psychologically, the worst thing to tell someone is that they can't do this or they can't do that and they should eat this or they shouldn't eat that. The most important aspect of this surgery is to have a healthy attitude toward food. I agree that taking in good things is very important from a healthy perspective; however you also have to allow room for being human, making mistakes, having a treat now and then and not beating the hell out of yourself for doing so. Food is not our enemy; it can be our friend if we allow it to be. So, instead of lecturing people on chemicals and garbage and what not it's better to encourage people with positivity (not empty positivity) but actual positivity to where they are able to be in a positive frame of mind, therefore when they become emotional food is no longer their go to, which is where the problem stems, not eating a few cheetos once a month. However, thanks for your feedback it was enlightening.

  2. Girl you have got to stop beating yourself up! First of all we all fall off the wagon even after the surgery, but you have to remember new day new start. Put it behind you and next time before you reach for those ice cream lovelies just STOP, think and take a walk...get those endorphins flowing and then AFTER the walk see how you feel. Now when I get that feeling I reach for a cup of coffee....which is my new addiction. Before surgery i could not drink the stuff nor stand it and now i like it....go fig! Anyway, before you have the surgery see if you can book a couple of sessions with a therapist. Get some counseing for food addiction and your stress eating. Journal your thoughts, keep a blog vent frustrations without food....I know these are all suggestions you have heard a million times but I can honestly tell you you have to view food as your friend. Not your friend you indulge in but your friend you see in a healthy way. Don't have unreal expectaions about your relationship with food. For example am I going to tell you "dont you ever put that ice cream into your mouth again!!!!!!" No way, you like it you are going to eating again in your life, hands down. However, are you going to have three servings? NO! You're going to have one small helping and feel satisfied in the end that you have had enough to just hit the spot. Am I going to tell you that you are never going to have a day where you stress eat after surgery....no I'm not going to tell you that because you are human. Whatever you do if you have those days, don't beat yourself up, just remember that every new day brings a new beginning:) And don't forget to smile and be HAPPY!

  3. Maybe he's scared about the surgery itself....sounds like he wants you to try it the good old fashioned way, but doesn't understand how difficult it is for you. Men have a different conception as to what and how we lose weight and just how difficult it is....my husband (and yes we are divorced now) told me he didn't want me to have the surgery because he was afraid of complications he suggested I "just follow the diet you follow post surgery" AS IF that would be possible without feeling like you are starving to death with all they ghrelin running around my stomach.....anyway good luck:) Do the surgery (don't worry about the divorce rates) my divorce was not because of my surgery, it was because my husband was a tool:)

  4. not much at this point hun. I know you want to just chew on something....sugar free Jello is good, sugar free fudge pops. depending on your doctors instructions. At that point the only thing that gave me relief was low sodium broth....the cream Soups didn't do well for me at all. then once I could eat mushies I had ALOT of instant mashed potato....instant because they were much soupier than the real ones. I ate loads of yougurt, refriend Beans, hummus....it was a bad time for eating.....I think I walked around the grocery store and cried a few times....they have those single serving cottage cheese with fruit topping I could eat 1/3 of one of those.....I never did the Protein Shakes because they made me throw up....I hope that helps:)

  5. I personally will never have those things again. The closest I have come is a few Trader's Joe's unsalted baked blue corn chips, but mostly I will dip meat into homemade guacamole or spread it on deli turkey and roll it up.

    Cheetos and Doritos are nutritional zeros and are full of fat and salt and weird chemicals. When I splurge I do things like have whole wheat Pasta or a small slice of homemade bread (my friend makes the best whole wheat bread and adds oats sometimes of flax seeds). Splurge means a SF Fudgsicle.

    When solids are okay have some carne asada with avocado, Beans, lettuce, salsa and cheese. shake on more Tapitio. Skip the tortillas. Try scrambled eggs, hot sauce and Beans. Just skip the masa, tortillas, bread and rice.

    Cheetos and Doritos are gross anyway. If you start eating good, fresh food, you won't even like that crud anymore. It's not unrealistic to never have a fake nacho cheese incrusted Dorito again in your life. I haven't had fast food in 7 months. I don't miss it either.

    good for you....but you are not everyone....and I won't criticise anyone for choices they make to put things they chose into their body, it's THEIR body and no one can judge....put good job on the encouragement *applause*. I don't feel it necessary to beat anyone up for a food choice.....instead let's encourage each other to take it a day at a time....

  6. 1 lb of ground turkey

    half red sweet pepper minced

    half green pepper minced

    half package of mushrooms minced

    1 onion minced

    three cloves of garlic minced

    1/2 cup asiago cheese shredded

    1/2 cup mozzerella cheese shredded

    1/2 cup provolone cheese shredded

    1/2 cup parm cheese shredded

    2 eggs beaten

    salt and pepper to tast

    Mix all above ingredients in a large bowl. Transfer to a baking pan and bake on high in oven @ 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until done....yummy and good way to get veg during the firm Protein stage ......serve with a side of lentils and it's Protein packed! Heck add some lentils into it for extra texture.....(after they have been cooked of course)

  7. I am a few days from surgery and have the same worries.

    I love good food. I have eaten countless meals in exotic places in every corner of the world and hope to do it all again (in small bites). I could be a producer for Anthony Bourdain.

    If it wasnt' for the sleeve procedure I wouldn't have considered bariatric surgery. My wife had a bypass 10 years ago and I would not have opted for that will all the dumping and such.

    I am banking on the idea that this surgery will get me to a better place and help me maintain a new balance for the rest of my life. As for my preceding existance....It was a Hell of a ride. Every pound has a story. Time to turn the page.

    We are going to be OK

    You, my friend, are a true foodie! :D We love our food and don't want to give it up that's why the sleeve is perfect for us. It's just a matter of having a healthy relationship with food. Loving it, caressing it but not smoothering it to death with kisses and hugs ;)

  8. my doctor told me that the sleeve can be resleeved and he has done it. In the event it's stretched it can be resleeved however you can never stretch it out to it's normal size again....does this answer you? Also, he performs sleeve on people who have regained with the gastric bypass....

  9. Spicy food is one thing, but stay away from Doritos and Cheetos.

    There is no good reason to go through what you have gone through just to eat that stuff again.

    Keep your eye on the prize.

    I don't agree with this comment AT ALL. You can still eat those things but moderately. If those are your treats then those are your TREATS. You can't stay away from food that you love for the rest of your life, it's just not possible and an unrealistic expectation. You can still have Doritos, spicy cheetos etc just not every day and not in large quantity. I would say once a month for a treat is a good expectation. I can't really handle spicy cheetos to be honest and you will be surprised how much your taste buds change after your out for a bit longer. Those foods you used to love you will find you don't love anymore and those foods that you found you didn't like before you might like now....it's very strange. I began craving greek salad with grilled chicken and sliced avocado for like six months after surgery....but never craved my normal go tos and still don't....

  10. yep and my doctor told me to eat chocolate to maintain....who knows! I know that I eat peanut M&M's like their goin' out of style.....I figure that they have Protein and a bit of sugar and chocolate so their better than like a snickers or twix but i still get that chocolate fix.....five day pouch test has helped me to kick my daily habit (and i"m not joking it was a daily habit...)

  11. first of all I hope you have opted for vertical sleeve and not band....

    second, with vst you are NOT leaving your food behind you which is why so many people are happy with this surgery. You can honestly eat whatever you want just in smaller quantities and over the course of time (after your tummy heals and what not). Now, that doesn't mean you can go crazy and eat ANYTHING your lil heart desires BUT you can still enjoy the things you love from time to time. The thing you have to be careful of is understanding "why am I eating right now" and stop yourself. It's a psychological thing. If you are reaching for food when you are sad, stressed, happy whatever whatever and find that you are reaching for food when your emotions are running high then this is unhealthy and the reason you are over eating, but if you are a "foodie" and genuinely love to eat and taste things then you can continue this. If you are an emotional eater then you have to grab a hold of that habit and try to understand why you are doing what you are doing and correct the behaviour by replacing it with something else....like blogging, swimming, running, having a cup of joe whatever as long as it's not over eating. You have to grab a hold of this before you have any surgery otherwise it's not going to work for you, you will find a way to eat through your wls....I have told many of my friends to have a couple sessions of counseling with a therapist before the surgery just to have a good handle on the emotional side of things:)

  12. Well, my doc told me to START EATING PRONTO! LOL. he saw me and was super super pleased with my progress but told me ok Maria now it's time to stop losing and begin maintaining so start uping your calorie intake (he even told me to eat chocolate!). He told me any more weight loss and I will look sick. So I think you definately can get too low and as for the body knowing where to stop.....I'm not so sure I believe that because if that were the case then frankly people would not have anorexia or become overweight:) Your body would just "know" when to stop.....I wish we had an internal computer that just told us stop! that would make our life easier and this surgery non existant! I think that as long as your calorie intake is low enough you will continue to lose. Of course your body does get comfortable at a certain weight and once you get to that level of comfort your body will simply slow down but it will continue to lose if your calorie intake and exertion level is high enough....

  13. I decided when i had the surgery that i would not be doing any drinking ever again. My dad was an alchoholic so why tempt fate? I did start biting my nails since the surgery but have since quit....I have to sit back and really think before I do anything. I also became slightly addicted to chocolate but have kicked that bad habit. I was eating peanut M & M's like they were goin' outta style!

  14. I'm 11 months out and I had regrets only the first two days like OMG what the hell did I do to myself. But now i'm so happy that I did it there is no regret in my mind that would ever have me question this surgery. I know that now when you are not eating regular foods its really really frustrating but eventually you will be eating again and say to yourself "I'm so grateful and thankful that I did this so that I won't die from obesity related problems" and that my friend is a FACT!

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