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Everything posted by italianlady13

  1. Excellent progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay you! Keep up the good work woot woot!
  2. italianlady13


    It's from not enough fluid and your anesthesia. I felt thirsty for about a week after surgery it will pass. Make sure you ask about that 4 oz limit....you NEED to be hydrated it super super important. Make sure you get your 2 litres a day otherwise you will feel terrible.
  3. italianlady13

    My day is tomorrow!

    Good luck, the first day will be your hardest but after that it's smooth sailing. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and I wish you the very best of luck.
  4. Tiffy do you use soy protein then? I'm having the same difficulty with whey...,.
  5. I don't know if my sleeve is defective or what? I hear about people having such a difficult time even drinking water, but from day one I have had no problem at all. Then, people say it's difficult to even eat half a cup of soup, but I have NO problem. Now, I'm not begging for a problem here but i'm wondering if I my sleeve does not work properly. Also it does not take me an hour or even half an hour to eat half a cup of soup or half a cup of milk....AND I'm noticing i"m not losing as fast as others. I'm at 2 weeks out and have only lost 12 pounds and am already in my first stall. What is up! Am I paranoid or should I call my surgeon?
  6. you mean the annoying flashing popup adds? Welll....I guess they keep this forum free for us eh? So while they are annoying I don't want to complain
  7. italianlady13

    Pre-op diet anxiety

    the night before my surgery I was convinced my surgeon was not a real surgeon. I stayed up all night researching his name and trying to find info on him and when I couldn't I flipped out. I didn't want to do it, I was super nervous....I can understand your hesitation and all I can say is that I'm 2 weeks out and feel it's the best decision i have made and I don't really feel hungry. When I feel hungry it's the kind of hungry you can work with or ignore and alot of time the hunger is gas. As for your dad with the chinese.....it's just something you have to learn to deal with, and it seems you did the right thing. Once you have the surgery, you will like the smell of food but you can stop yourself from eating it. Before when I smelled food it was an automatic hunger response but now I smell it and I feel like "wow that smells good, can't have it right now but maybe later...." Remember that being without the foods you love is temporary....eventually you will be able to eat, only in smaller quantities. Hang in there!!!
  8. italianlady13

    WooHoo! I made it! BMI < 30

    Yayyyyy congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  9. italianlady13


    Thanks so much everyone. I really appreciate the support. I notice that the sugar free fat free ice creams and mashed potato slip right down, but when I tried to eat eggplant or lentils it's not so easy. I really love my instant mashed potatos and fat free cheddar cheese! I get to start eating meat next week so we will see.....I hope my tummy is nice and small and I didnt even think to look at it during the leak test...I think that would have helped me to put things into perspective....thanks for everything everyone!
  10. italianlady13

    My hair is falling out...anything I can do?

    I am only out two weeks and I can see a change in my hair. I had to go and get it cut because it's limp and lifeless. I have not lost any yet but I'm waiting....I'm half bald already I'm really scared at the prospect of losing even more hair! YIKES!!!
  11. italianlady13


    How do I find dee dee's profile? I got my vsg done to do IVF as well and am looking for more information regarding the topic.
  12. italianlady13

    Protein packed pureed lentil soup

    Mine turned out rather thick and I had like maybe 1/2 a cup and was stuffed. I can get in alot of Soups like pureed veg soup but this one was a bit more difficult as it was much thicker. Turkey sounds good to add or maybe even some ground beef?
  13. italianlady13

    Protein packed pureed lentil soup

    excellent point, never thought of it! Now I don't feel so guilty eating my lentils....
  14. Ramadan Kareem for our muslim friends! Muslim sleevers I wish you luck with this very long fast while sleeved might pose most difficult!

  15. italianlady13

    Question for MEN ONLY!

    I live in the middle east so that means we have the holes in the ground instead of western style toilets. I'm a teacher and was forced to wear one of those kind of potato sack dresses everyday to school to keep "culturally appropriate". In order to use the washroom I had to remove my sandal, slip my right leg through my panty, hold the panty and potato sack hicked up around my neck, to the left and squat. Over the fence seems nice and simple to me...sometimes I wished for the easier plumbing.....
  16. oh no he was not my regular doc...i will only skip my skinny butt past him to fart, that's about it.... my regular doc was awesome about this. he encouraged me and even put me through all necessary blood tests and made sure I had no ulcers and liver function was great before I had the surgery. It was the weekend and this dude was the stand in. The nurses were supportive because they don't make money on meds. Doctors do. The fatter we are the more money they make on medications for us....
  17. italianlady13

    Mine fits too

    Excellent work!
  18. italianlady13

    Protein packed pureed lentil soup

    Protein is 18 grams....carbs (take a deep breath) 40 grams. Keep in mind this is for the puree stage for those of us who are not able to eat much at all.....the carbs will give some energy for those who feel like they are half dead. Of course after puree stage is over then it's low carb time:)
  19. italianlady13

    im seriously regretting this

    Oh honey! It gets so much better than this!!! I was regretting it the first few days as well, but once I was able to get some broth down (which was extremely healing for me) you will feel so much better. Once you get home, have a nice hot shower, sip some broth, put your own pajamas on and get into your own bed you will feel worlds better. Six months later when you look in the mirror and you feel so much better you will tell everyone of your friends who has struggled with their weight to do it too!
  20. Thanks for the tip when I go home I will definately look for it. Currently I'm living in The Middle East (ABU DHABI, think sex and the city two) and they don't have the same Vitamins we have back home. that man would definately not be my regular doctor. He was a total ass. When i told him that the vsg surgery works well he said "weight loss surgerys are all the same" IDIOT
  21. EXCELLENT POINT!!! wish I had thought of it at the time, I was too busy looking at the remanants of his lunch hanging from his lower lip
  22. italianlady13

    Getting the Sweats

    I'm getting night sweats. I wake up drenched! My husband just had kidney surgery and he's going through the same thing....I think it's the anesthetic as well!
  23. italianlady13

    The Easy Way Out

    Is it stupid people against wls day???? I had a similar situation today with a doctor here who told me I didn't really need the surgery and could try to reduce my weight with a diet and that wls doesn't really work, that everyone ends up regaining the weight...when i told him that weight loss can be maintained if doc's and nut's instructions are followed he told me "just wait you will see" ........grrrrr
  24. Yeah well today (middle east time) is a weekend (friday sabbath) and my regular doctor was gone...he was so for the surgery (he's american of course). When I told him that i was doing it he was so positive and told me I'm so happy you are making this decision now and are taking control of your health. I can't wait to see my regular doctor and make a complaint!

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