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Everything posted by italianlady13

  1. italianlady13

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I was a self pay so I didn't have to wait for anything. I think you just have to be really patient and avoid over eating because you know your time to eat less is coming so you trying to get it all in now (I guess they call it having a food funeral)....it will just screw you up psychologically after I know this because I did it and a few of my friends have as well.
  2. italianlady13

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I graduated from Valley Forge
  3. italianlady13

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I was raised in Parma but I'm over seas now will come to visit soon....
  4. I still look in the mirror and see a fat woman. This has been going on about a week now where I look in the mirror and quickly have to jump on the scale to make sure I have not gained weight. I go up and down about a kg or so....but other than that no weight gain (knock on wood). I'm down to a size 2 I feel good, I have lost a lot of hair but I cut it all off into a cute style and have had it dyed so on that front I'm ok....
  5. I'm 9 months out and feeling great have lost 84 pounds and am so happy I did the surgery but last night I went to sleep early and woke up with my heart racing, sweating like a demon, dizzy with my mind fuzzy and all I wanted to do was eat. I reached into the fridge and started devouring a piece of chicken....I think I had low blood surgar and this has not happened to me ever in the past. I feel absolutely terrible this morning and just want to sleep. My entire body aches!!!! OMG!
  6. italianlady13

    Horrible Thing Happened Last Night

    I had pre diabetic disposition before the surgery so I think it might be hypoglycemia setting in....thanks for the info about the glucose tablets...we don't have a walmart here (I live in Dubai) but I will see if they are available in the pharmacy. It was scary and I still feel terrible it's like I have a hangover. I definately need to visit the doctor and have my levels checked.
  7. They say you have to wait like a year or more to see the change in your skin. I'm fairly young yet so my skin did perk up quickly, like the skin on my tummy is nice and firm but i'm still waiting on the skin on my thighs to perk up. The boobs are perking up slowly but surely....but I have had some other friends who have had to get lifts but are a bit older so it depends on your age and the elasticity of your skin....
  8. Mine look like two tubes socks. i just got myself some good supportive push up bras and voila! Presto chango some nice ta tas
  9. italianlady13

    To Be Or Not To Be? That Is The Question! Cogito Ergo Sum.

    Kathy you are a positive and lovely person. Love you fluffy momma see you on friday....at the cafe:) Mwah
  10. italianlady13

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    great job on your accomplishent and I hope you will be able to solve your skin problem soon:)
  11. italianlady13

    Crab And Shrimp Stuffed Musroom Caps

    Ingredients: 1 pack of mushrooms, stemmed and washed 1/2 cup of soft cream cheese 1 can of drained crab meat 1 can of drained shrimp 1/2 cup of chopped green onion 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 1/2 cup of parm cheese Mix together cream cheese, shrimp, crab, green onion, and parm cheese. Blend in a processor. Fill mushrooms with the filling top with extra parm cheese and bread crumbs. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Awesome high Protein appetizer.
  12. italianlady13

    Fears And Consultations...in The Desert.

    sandfluffy MOMMMA! Love yu girl and am so glad I met you. That blond hair of yours is beeeuuutiful!
  13. italianlady13

    Pasta Fix In The Mushie Phase?

    ok I'm an italiana here and gnocchi are the bomb you can skip the potato as well and make them with ricotta to akme them less carby and more proteiny. You use 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 2 cups ricotta pinch of salt mix up until dough like roll into long strips cut off scrunch up boil until floating and top with favourite sauce....mmmmm good
  14. take your pain meds and walk walk walk! Drink your fluids also
  15. italianlady13

    weight face 2

    beautiful progression! Congrats girly!
  16. italianlady13

    With nothing to lose and the world to gain....

    good luck there is no obstical that you can't over come even lack of pizza!!!!!!!!!! It will be the best thing you ever ever did for yourself.
  17. italianlady13

    Let's Talk About Sex

    I think you are suffering from post surgery depression....and it's common. Since surgery and my weight loss I experience a very very high sex drive. It's almost crazy how much I want sex these days....I would tell you to go on an anti depressant but that would probably decrease your sex drive even more. I suggest more excercise. the excercise will increase your endorphine levels making the depression decrease and hopefully your sex drive increase.....I hope that helps.
  18. italianlady13


    I have no trouble with any foods...I love my sleeve so much
  19. italianlady13

    Holidays And Food!

    Well, after reading this stream I got a bit paranoid and after having a not so good eating day I kept thinking I stretched my sleeve, even had a nightmare about it so i'm doing the 5 day pouch test and am just finishing day one which was not as hard as I thought.... This is how christmas went for me. I grazed and munched on the appetizers and I kept thinking omg where am I putting all of this, most days I can eat five bites and i"m done. For dinner I had two small slices of ham, a huge helping of asparagus and a tsp of greenbean casserole (the really fattening one with the mushroom Soup and fried onion) Then after dinner I ate a piece (yes one whole piece ) of tiramisu (that I made home made) which has like 1000 calories per slice and slipped right down, probably coud have eaten more but I stopped myself. I felt so guilty and i swear I went home, went to sleep and had a horrible nightmare that I stretched my sleeve and in the dream I kept sayiing "omg I wasted 12000 dollars" it was horrible.
  20. italianlady13

    No Coal For Me This Christmas!

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Claps for you!!!
  21. I hope you mean 47 grams of protein...lol! I am five months out and I STILL get the dizzies when I stand up too quickly. I have lost almost 70 pounds and my blood pressure goes seriously low and so when I stand up I get dizzy. My surgeon told me that I should expect to feel dizzy for the first month, but my dizzies still keep coming. I get dizzy and then I feel shortness of breath and feel like momentarily I will faint...yeah:)
  22. italianlady13

    Holidays And Food!

    sliders are foods that slide right on through your sleeve. Everyone has their own sliders. Mine are goldfish crackers or any carbs...so I know those are the foods I can eat alot of and therefore get empty calories so I stay away....and to stretch your tummy you have to be really over doing it. I don't think you have over done it in one shot, so don't get upset. I think it's when you repeatidly over eat to the point of feeling sick and vomiting that you can stretch it, and I don't mean the vomiting you did in the begining when getting used to your new sleeve. I mean like really over eating. tomorrow is a new day...just don't do it again. I ate a cookie tonight and felt super guilty.....
  23. italianlady13

    Crab And Shrimp Stuffed Musroom Caps

    I forgot...spray with non calorie oil spray (i can't believe it's not butter spray, pam, whatever you like) and at the very end broil until tops are golden...
  24. Yayyyy Merry Christmas! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. italianlady13

    Sex & Body Image Issues

    I dunno, I see your picture and it is showing me a stunning woman! My goodness who has a perfect body anyway? Non any one person unless they are some kind of model (and most of them are airbrushed, btw) He very probably has his own insecurities as well! If this guy really likes you he will not care if you have a bit of loose skin, he will probably think to himself "hot damn I got a stunner of a lady, I am one lucky stud".....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
