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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kekerene

  1. When I had the band I did it on a Friday and went back on Tuesday. For the sleeve I took 5 days off and went back to work on day 6. I think I could have gone back sooner if I really needed. I have a desk job so I sit all day. I didn't find much of a difference between the band surgery and this one as far as pain and recovery time. I did have the band removed and the sleeve done all in 1 surgery. Everyone is different though so it all depends on the person. Good luck!!!

  2. I had a partial slip in april and i just had major acid reflex then it just went down hill from there im thinking it fully slipped in june and then i started putting on weight then at the end of august thats when i had the emergency surgery and it ended up my stomach folded in half and i got a obstruction in there i am to glad to to have it out and start my new journey with the sleeve when i get it in november !

    You are going to LOVE your sleeve in comparison to the band!!!

  3. Well I had a partial slip. My doc said that if it were to slip completely that would require emergency surgery. Being that mine slipped partially it did not cause pain when I ate. I just threw up everything I ate. But, even before the band slipped I still threw up everything I ate so I had no clue that it had slipped. The only difference was, I was gaining weight instead of losing it and we could not understand why. That is when my doc did an upper GI x-ray to check the band and noticed that it had slipped. Within a month I had booked a flight to Mexico and had it removed and had the revision to the sleeve. I was lucky. If it had slipped completely I am sure I would have experienced much worse symptoms and pain. Just glad to have that piece of junk out of my body.

  4. I am 15 months out and lost 85-88 lbs and had 15 more to lose to reach my 100 loss. Just like you I don't eat much bread, no fried foods, and no sodas. I have managed to stick to a healthy diet without much cheating. In the first 8-9 months post op I did exercise a lot but I must admit now that I lost the bulk of the weight I have been slacking on the exercise lately. I typically only go to the gym 1-2 days a week now versus 5-6 days as I was doing in the beginning. I had been stuck at a stand still for about 2 months now and had not really lost anything. I was getting very frustrated so I decided to start the Medifast diet. I started it Saturday and woke up and weighed in Sunday and lost 3 lbs in the first day. I was shocked being that my scale had not moved in almost 2 months. I weighed in again today and lost another 1/2 pound. You get to eat 6 times a day on this diet and it's high Protein which is good for us sleeve patients. I posted the link below if you want to check out the foods they have. Also, if you have any questions at all feel free to ask. I'll send you my email address. Best of luck to ya!


  5. I had the band for 5 miserable years. My advise is to talk with people that have had the band for at least 3-4 years. Not the people in the "honeymoon phase". I lived off of milkshakes for 4 years with the band because it was too tight. When the doc would loosen the band then I would gain weight. I lived a very poor quality of life with the band. I was always tired and sluggish due to the fact that all I could keep down was shakes. Then after 5 years the band slipped on me. I have now had a revision to the sleeve and wish I had done it a lot sooner. I can finally eat and have lost way more weight with the sleeve than the band. If you look at my before pics, I actually had the band in those pics. The after pics are the success I have had since I had the band removed and the sleeve performed :)

  6. I was banded in 2006 and had all the same issues you are having. Lost 60 lbs, threw up all my food, heartburn, tired and sluggish all the time. Then I gained it all back plus some when the band slipped out of place on me. The worst 5 years of my life to say the least. I was also cash pay. I paid $17,000 for the band. After it slipped I had a revision to the sleeve on 06/23/11. Best decision ever. I am down 87 pounds and still losing. I do not throw up my food anymore and I feel so healthy and vibrant. I was self pay again for the sleeve and the revision cost me $11,500 in Mexico with Dr. Aceves. It was worth every single penny. I could not be happier :)

  7. Dr. Aceves is fantastic. He was just featured in Newsweek Magazine as one of the nations leaders in bariatric surgery and he was chosen by Johnston & Johnston to be a proctor teaching the VSG surgery. He is a little more expensive and I was a cash paying patient so I know the importance of saving as much as possible but I also wanted to make sure I was in good hands and chose the doctor who I felt had the most experience. He has performed over 5,000 procedures. I hope you ladies can both have your surgeries soon and best of luck to you both. It's life changing and well worth every penny :)

  8. I had a band to sleeve revision with Dr. Aceves on 6/23/11. Everything from the doctors, staff, facility could not have been better. Just make sure that if you have surgery in Mexico that you do your research on the doctor you select. I chose Dr. Aceves because he is the best, not because of the price. They do have other doctors in Mexico that are cheaper, don't let that be your deciding factor. You also want to make sure that you are recovering in a hospital and not a hotel or recovery house like some Mexico doctors do. I guess some people are fine with that but I was not. I wanted to make sure I was in a fully equipped hospital with a full staff in the event that an emergency takes place. I also think that Mexicali where Dr. Aceves is located is a little safer than some of the other locations in Mexico. The hospital is about 1 mile across the border. Just make sure you do your research on the doctor first is my only recommendation. Best of luck to you!

  9. Well I can say this. I was a band to sleeve revision myself. The band gave me nothing but problems from day 1. I never got close to my goal weight and my band slipped partially out of place after 5 years and was useless to me as well. I was in a similar situation as you are right now. If you look at my before pic in the pink shirt I had the Lap Band in that picture. That picture was taken 2 weeks before I had the revision to the sleeve. Look at my picture today. With the sleeve I have lost 85 lbs since surgery and still losing. I have had none of the issues with the sleeve that I experienced with the band. It's very easy for people to say that if all you have is 40 lbs to lose then don't go the surgery route but we all know that once you have that band removed you will gain the weight back unless you live a very strict lifestyle with food and exercise. This is one of the reasons we all had surgery to begin with, because we failed at that for so many years. If you think you can lose the 40 lbs yourself and keep it off that is great. I know me and my habits and I wasn't going to struggle for the rest of my life. I am super glad that I did this at a young age and not when I was 60. Having the revision to the sleeve was the absolute best decision I have ever made. I am sure you will make a decision based off of what you think is the best thing for you and your body. Just make sure if you decide to have a revision that you pick a surgeon that is VERY experienced in band to sleeve revisions. The band leaves behind a lot of scar tissue and you want to make sure you have an experienced surgeon. Also, my recommendation is to do it all in one surgery. Who wants to go have the band removed and then 6 months later go back in for another surgery. Especially if you are a cash paying patient like I was. If you have insurance and it covers it then maybe but regardless best of luck to you! :)

  10. I am 4 weeks out of surgery...and I have also hit a stall. At three weeks out of surgery, I had lost 29 pounds...and now nothing, for about a week. It actually has me very worried, that I'm not doing something correctly. I'm sorry to hear of all of you having a stall also, but it really helps me knowing that I am not alone in this. For the people that have had stalls before...how long did your stall usually last? Just curious. This is a great forum.

    29 lbs is fantastic. I am 13 months out and I hit many many stalls along the way. Trust me they are very discouraging and no fun. I hit my first one at the 3-4 weeks post op mark and it probably lasted about 2 weeks. This is very normal so don't get worried. I have hit stalls that lasted 2 months already where I swore that I wasn't going to lose another pound. Trust me when I say you have to keep doing what your doctor told you to do and it will come off. I have even had times where I gained a couple pounds. Then the next week I would lose the couple pounds I gained plus lose a couple more. Our bodies are all different but majority of us all hit stalls and they are completely normal and and frustrating as well. Hang in there you are off to a great start!

  11. Hi: I am sorry about your diagnosis of breast cancer. I am a surviovor myself. I had a mastectomy 10 years ago and am doing great. And so will you!!

    I was sleeved on April 2012 and I like to read what people write. I find myself these days wondering if he really did sleeve me - I have never thrown up I can eat everything I have tried and that scares me. I have lost 40 lbs including the pre-op. I thought I would have lost more weight by now. I am afraid that I am starting to go back to my old habits and no matter how many times I self talk myself I find myself reaching for that candy or looking for something to eat. I have never really experienced no hunger. I am so confused by what people say on here, some say eat no more the 600-800 calories and my doctor says 1200 - I know I am still new, but I read your post and thing she is normal. - sounds like you tested your sleeve but still lost. Did you lost most of your weight in the first 6 months? and kept it off?

    Do you feel that after two years it would be hard to gain the weight back? - that confuses me too, if I can't eat what I normally ate how could I gain the weight back.

    I am sorry to bombard you with questions, I just feel I am not doing this right. Any suggesstions would be so appreciated. Thanks

    You just had surgery in April and you have lost 40 lbs. That is great. I only lost 22 lbs in my first month. Be patient, it will come off. Best of luck to you!

  12. I am not sleeved yet but I do like my diet coke so I was interested to hear about the pop :) I currently have a band that has caused nothing but trouble. It is completely unfilled and I am in the procces of going through all the insurance stuff.. Etc to have a conversion. Thanks for all the advice!! :) I am soaking up as much information as I can.


    Congrats. I am a band to sleever and life with the sleeve is a breeze in comparison to the band. You will love your sleeve!!!

  13. surgery June 2010

    starting weight 298, current weight 150

    Have been up to 165 but had surgery 6 weeks ago and back to 150

    Diagnosed with breast cancer april 2011, early stage so great outlook, think the weight loss surgery saved me. I don't think I would have felt the lump had I still been overweight.

    double masectomy June 2011

    diagnosed Mutated BCR1 gene (greater chance of cancer) because of this decided to have hysterectomy and ovaries removed 6 weeks ago.

    due to surgery forced into instant menopause (yikes!)

    What I can and can't eat

    I am not one of the lucky ones who can eat anything but in small portions, a lot of food makes me sick and causes me to vomit

    foods I can't eat

    most bread


    Pasta (except mac and cheese for some reason)





    anything acidic

    Tomato sauce

    pizza (sometimes can eat thin crust with white sauce)

    red meat

    Mushrooms (used to love them now they make me throw up)

    I am sure there are more but this is what I can think of at the moment

    foods I can eat a lot of but should not


    candy bars


    potato chips



    ice cream

    diet soda (does not stretch the stomach at least not mine)

    french fries


    mashed potatoes

    I throw up at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes I throw up all day long

    some is my fault because I eat too much, but mostly is because I get nauseous and can't keep something down

    My stomach might be ok with a food one day and not ok the next

    would I have the surgery again... yes.. but I do wish I could have done it on my own I do miss being able to eat like normal

    this post is not meant to discurage... just wanted to share my experience and help others to make a well thought out decision.

    best of luck to everyone.. and if anyone has a personal question please feel free to contact me..

    Sherri :)B)


    Was it the VSG surgery that you had or the Lap Band?

  14. I had a band to sleeve revision with Dr. Aceves in June 2011. I do not regret my decision one bit. Weeks before surgery I had an upper GI done here in the states in which I emailed all this to Dr. Aceves prior to surgery. The day before surgery Dr. Aceves did another one to check out my band and they made sure my bad was completely deflated. I was warned in advance that in most cases they can do the revision in 1 surgery but if Dr. Aceves feels that the band has done to much damage he will not move forward and do the sleeve. I know someone personally that this happened to. Leaks can happen with any doctor. Leaks are more common in revision patients too since the scar tissue is not strong in the area where the band was removed. The band leaves a mess behind since this device has pretty much become a part of your stomach. These are the risks that you take going into surgery, and there are risks involoved with any surgery. I could have gone to a doc here in the states. I chose Dr. A because of his experience and very low complication rate. I knew that with the band I was more at risk for leaks so I wanted to make sure that I chose the most skilled surgeon there was. In the event that you would get a leaks weeks after surgery, why don't you ask Nina at Dr. Aceves office if there are any doctors in your area that Dr. Aceves would recommend that would agree to care for you post op. Otherwise if you don't feel comfortable with that, then I would suggest just going with the doc in your hometown. Either way, you really have to go with your gut feeling and do what you believe is the best option for you. Best of luck to you either way!

  15. OH YA!!! UH HUH!! OH YA!!! 17 day stall broken!!! I didn't do anything different than I had been doing since the beginning, and today the scale had moved AAAAANNNNDDDD I'm now in Two-WhateverLand!!!! I've been at 300 all this time, and lo and behold!! I'm at 296!! YES!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD...... I zipped and buttoned a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in years, and two weeks ago they did not fit. I got smaller during the stall, so have heart all you fellow stalled out people! Keep doing what you're doing and it will happen. Here's a couple pics from the beginning to now. 44 lbs later...Do you think there's a difference? (They stacked in the wrong order :/)

    You look awesome and you can really see a big difference, especially in your face. Keep it up!

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