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Donna B.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Donna B.

  1. I had lapband surgery a year ago. I have been very successful with it losing 43.5 pounds in a year. 5 days ago I started having port pain. It's very minimal, nothing unbearable. It hurts more when I cough, sneeze, or laugh. I have no other symptoms - no fever, no vomiting, no swelling, no redness. Yesterday I went in to see the nurse at my lapband doctor's office. She poked around on my port site and asked me a bunch of questions. She says that because I have lost so much weight, the port is probably shifting within the muscle wall and causing pain - kind of like a pulled muscle. I also have less cushion in there, which means I could have easily hit on something, pinched it or my 3 year old son could have hit it while picking him up or holding him. She said if it were an infection, I would have shown some sing of it (i.e. fever, redness, swelling, vomiting). She told me to take anti-inflammatory meds and call her back in 4 weeks. So I felt better when I left the doctor's office yesterday. But today, I think the pain is a little worse. But still no other symptoms. Is this normal? Has anyone else had symptoms like this? Should I be freaking out - because I am. I'm worried that I really do have an infection and my band will have to removed!!! HELP!

  2. Let me start by saying, I am very happy for those of you that this procedure worked for!

    It could be that I had a low BMI and needed to lose only 40-50 pounds which doesn't seem like a lot to some of you but I seriously have battled with my weight the same way as you. Was called fat in grammer school, and by my sister growing up. I am an emotional eater or just say an eater. If I can get it down the pipe I am going to consume more than I need to.

    The only way this band worked for me is by getting it filled tight enough so nothing but liquid could get down and I would vomit every time I would eat. I tried the proper tightness but like I mentioned above If I can get it down I will eat till the cows come home!

    After my band was in and I started to get my fills and I would go back with no success, my doctor would say to me, well are you eating the right food and exercising? I thought to myself, you moran if I could do that I wouldn't need the band now would I?

    So what I am trying to say is this band was NOT a success for me and they should have a forum on that however most of the unsuccessful people are eating right now and don't really care about this forum.

    Again, the only way I was succcessful with the band was to get it filled to the degree only liquid would stay down (and that took a lot of fills to get it just right) and if I did eat I would vomit it back up! Going out on a date was always a disaster, "oh will you excuse me I have a problem with my esphogus" and I would leave the table to go puke. Lukily, I never got to thin where they would suspect bulimia.

    Thank you for reading and I am happy for the ones that are successful!!! My next procedure will probably be the sleeve???? That will be when I can get save up enough money to do it being that I probably spent almost 20K in surgery and fills, etc.

    I would love to hear from anyone that has had the same experience as I have. I do know one thing when I told my doctor I wanted the sleeve he said, I've been hearing that alot!! So be sure this is the right procedure for you.

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