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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by KMO22

  1. STRUGGLING! Lost 85lbs my first year after surgery, 4/25/12 marks my year. Since then I have gained 15 and cannot get motivated to get going again!!!!!!!! IDEAS to get back on track??Right before Christmas 2011 I was working out hardcore and with a group of people.. well my husband and I stopped working out with them because my friend's husband, who was the guy working us out 4-5 times a week, developed feeling for me and got very uncomfortable. Since parting our ways with them i am just not motivated anymore to work out, hate working out alone. Blah so frustrating!

  2. Only my family and a few selected coworkers know about my surgery. Not that I don't want people to know I just figure if they ask if I had surgery I would tell them. As soon as I was able I got into a REALLY demanding workout routine and getting the "right" things, so people who didnt know I had the surgery knew I totally was changing my lifestyle, they just assumed that is why I dropped that weight. Now it really wasnt noticed until I dropped about 50lb. Then people were always asking how I did it. I am almost a year out and still only a handful of people know. I kind of feel like if I come out and tell people now they will judge me.... i dont know! Just something we go through I guess! Keep up the hard work! I love my band!

  3. I really really wanted to get to my goal of losing 100 in a year.. My anniversary date is April 25th... so 15 days.. I have lost 85. These last 15-20lbs are killing me. I went a period right after Christmas where I stopped working out as hard..it was really affecting my marriage and time with the family, I really became OBSESSED with working out. I have gainned about 5lbs and I just cannot get motivated to hit it again. Just need to get that drive back.. Any pointers or advice??

  4. For sure the first place I noticed was my face. Dont be scared of that lol. I worried about it too and that if my face got too thin I would have huge eyes. All those things go away when you start seeing yourself change. Lower abs are hard! Try flutter kicks, good videos on youtube.com they are crazy good for lower abs, we do them EVERYDAY! I had 2 kids c-section and I never thought I would get that little pudge to go away.. I LOVE FLUTTER KICKS lol.

  5. Everyone is right, the emotion takes over that first week. I was banded 4-25-2011 and I thought, "what the heck did I just do??!!!" that first week but I am 75lbs lighter and feel GREAT. It does take time and you will be feeling amazing SOON! I do admit I do have a day here and there where I just want to be lazy and veg and eat a hamburger but I chose a different life when I was banded and I have to remind myself and get up and eat some protein... yum lol. Chin up you are on the path to a better more beautiful you!!!!!!!

  6. Everyone is right, the emotion takes over that first week. I was banded 4-25-2011 and I thought, "what the heck did I just do??!!!" that first week but I am 75lbs lighter and feel GREAT. It does take time and you will be feeling amazing SOON! I do admit I do have a day here and there where I just want to be lazy and veg and eat a hamburger but I chose a different life when I was banded and I have to remind myself and get up and eat some protein... yum lol. Chin up you are on the path to a better more beautiful you!!!!!!!

  7. I have my days with the band, I love it but sometimes I would really love to eat something I def can not eat since being banded. I have had 3 fills and I think I am where I need to be. It is hard to not want to eat certain things especially after eating whatever I wanted before. My. new favorite quote, "Eat to live, not live to eat." So very true. I still struggle when it comes to how fast to eat or smaller bites, sometimes it is hard but I pay for it and it makes me sick to my stomach. I am still learning and I hear it takes time. I believe temptation will always linger there for me cuz I have always loved food, I am getting there and getting a stronger will power than I ever thought possible. I did find it fairly easy to lose having the band. I workout like a crazy person doing kettlebells and crossfit. I did notice that the weeks i consumed more Protein, mostly shakes, the more weight that week I would lose.

  8. 1Thank you all so much. My doctor said at the beginning that I should be 130-135lbs considering my height.. I have never been that weight before so why not try and get there right? My last appointment he asked me where I thought I would be happy, I told him 150. He said that I would be good at 150.. my thinking is the same as you guys.. people only know me as a heavier person.. so I want to try and lose as much as I can to fit nicely in a size 8. right now I am in a 12. Thank you all again and good luck with your journeys! I know this was the best choice for me and I absolutely love my lap band!

  9. Banded April 25, 2011

    Starting weight: 250lbs.

    Current weight: 175lbs. Down 75lbs.

    Although I have lost 75lbs. and I def am in smaller clothes, I dont ever really feel like I look "thin." Don't get me wrong, I know I have lost alot and I def look like I have but people say I look skinny skinny and believe me I dont. I guess this is the mental block some bansters go through. I currently weigh 175.. my personal goal would be 150. I tell people I have about 25-30 to go and they look and tell me I am crazy.... should I listen to them and stop and just maintain or should I keep going and actually be the skinny person I have never been?? My husband said I shouldnt lose anymore and just focus on toning up. We workout hardcore so I am very athletic built. I am just confused what I should do.

  10. It took me a good week to week and 1/2 to feel "normal" The pain from them blowing up our abdoman was the worst feeling and pain I had, the actual incision sight was not painful. I am glad they informed me over and over again that I was feel dicomfort from the trapped air. BOY DID I, in the chest and left shoulder. you recover pretty quickly from this procedure and i would do it over and over again, best chocie I ever made. 1 1/2 months post op and down 26lbs. Listen to your body and take the time you need to heal. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

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