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chef neil

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chef neil

  1. Hi- I am drinking... at least 64 oz. today I stood up from my chair and nearly fainted- once I am up and over the dizziness -things are ok... this happened on Monday as well- 3 times. Yesterday I saw a surgeon, and he said more water... today I am sure I have had water... Now I am thinking maybe more food? anyone else share this great feeling? next time I get this, my wife will stick my finger and see what my blood sugar is- thinking it may be too low? My Bp yesterday was 123/73- unassisted by drugs. I am not taking anything but vitamins... and my food intake is exactly what stage II says except today I ate 3 crackers with 1 slice of turkey and 1 slice of cheese for my lunch. Breakfast was a shake.
  2. chef neil

    Dizziness help

    drink powerade zero- Thanks good info!
  3. chef neil

    Dizziness help

    Also when u are gonna start working out this will totally vanish:) hope this helps and wish u get better soon:) did a 2 mile walk tonight- and so far I am feeling better, did dishes and played with dog... no sign- water going in... dinner was good- looking forward to tomorrows adventures...
  4. Dargar- I was advanced to stage III todays Breakfast was Protein shake, lunch was yogurt and 1 slice of cheese/1 slice turkey and 3 crackers. dinner was 1/3 of a turkey patty, 1/4 baked potato and 4 green beans- dinner was too much- I also went and walked 2 miles today, and have bypassed my Water levels-
  5. chef neil

    Peanutbutter balls

    sounds great- thanx for posting... Now how are you eating them? a meal replacer or a snack- or with a yogurt??
  6. Hi- That test was horrid! I could barely stand, and to think about drinking... Thankful they laid the table back- I was near fainting... as for SSF. staff- I was never treated better, even on a vacation... the nurses were great, the Dr. was awesome! I had a followup with Dr. Le. he was great in answering questions. now to get over the hump... I get very dizzy when I stand up, nearly fainted this morning... I am drinking, I also added Protein Water in this morn to see if that helps...
  7. chef neil

    How long did you wait to have sex

    still counting...
  8. Thanks- I do eat fast... although I use a baby spoon and work on stretching it out - takes about 10 minutes to eat 1/2 cup soup or yogurt... The Dr. said to advance slowly... BUT continue with shake every morning...
  9. Hi- I have been on a 3 day trip for an orientation at my daughters college - so far the food I brought has been the best. - yogurt and cottage cheese. the free continental breakfast was nothing but sugar and starch... lunch at school, I had some taco chicken and refrybeans- maybe 3 oz. dinner was a shrimp cocktail- 1 oz,... it is real hard to eat... and today it was harder to drink water... like I am going backwards... Tomorrow we travel home... gonna look for a scrambled egg, lunch will be greek yogurt.... dinner at home. I sure hope the feeling as if I am gonna be sick right after eating, goes away...
  10. consider yourself lucky... unless it is warm or room temp- I can hardly drink... I have been sipping all day, and still a bit dehydrated...
  11. Hi- My wife had RnY and I am sleeved. two people seeking a better life- two different avenues- same destination... she is very happy and well adjusted 6 months out, I am not, 11 days out. I have had a hard time eating and drinking... Support him! In the end you both will be eating the same diet.
  12. chef neil

    On vacation and can't eat

    I am not able to eat a Grilled cheese- I was hoping something soft, other than soup would go down, and keep the queasy stomach happy. I have an appointment tomorrow with the surgeon, and maybe the dietician too... As a chef- and in the customer service business, I am shocked at the restaurants that we visited, uneasiness to help a person with diet concerns. I don't necessarily think they should discount, however- a bowl of soup for $5.99 when they don't sell anything smaller is appalling to me. Seriously- soup at pennies per ounce... My diet concerns are minimal compared to the many I see at work, that need gluten free, vegan etc. no wonder many people like where I work, to eat... gives me a better perspective, opens my eyes.
  13. chef neil

    On vacation and can't eat

    I feel your pains... I just spent 3 days away- continental breakfasts now mean nothing... even the word free... sugar and starch... YUK! went to many restaurants and asked for small portion, special deals- like a side of mashed potato- or cottage cheese? amazing how unhelpful these places were. last night I finally got a 1/2 bowl of soup- still charged me the full $5.99... they don;t sell cups... I asked for a shrimp appetizer, they only had prawns, $9.99... the waiter got the cook to make one- it came with 2 oz. of bay shrimp and not even a garnish or a sauce.. and they charged me full price... yes- I am a scrooge- noticeably smaller tip. and was also turned down when I asked for a kids grilled cheese sandwich. I long for the day when my wife and I can buy an appetizer and split it, and our bill is less than $10.
  14. chef neil

    Embarrassing, nasty man probelm

    idunno- but having sex 3 times- deserves a WOOT!
  15. HI- I have been off my coffee too. it is hit and miss, M-T_W I was back to 2 cups aday, then I seem to toss more than I was drinking.' I switched from lattes to cappuccino's- getting more coffee flavor... I am having a harder time this weekend drinking water than all week.
  16. yes- cold in hosp. was bad... warm is perfect- I do add ice to my shake but only a few cubes. I still pull water from refrigerator and let it sit on counter to warm. it feels as if thing will be back to normal soon.
  17. chef neil

    The Kellz' Mushy Food Tips

    thanks for the tips - I'm a week away from mushies...(dream land)
  18. chef neil

    How long did you wait to have sex

    9 days out...
  19. chef neil

    Day 8 so so tired

    hi- each day gets better- although today I have tried to work on pool, I think I sit more than I work... I get dizzy, mainly from bending over and standing up... the heat doesn't help-but it's cooler today than last 3 days... Ok- now that the long awaited surgery has come and gone, kinda eating... we are in the rest/recoup stage... yea we feel great want to do something but in reality, the body is still going through turmoil. I'm so going crazy for things to MUNCH, crackers, cookie something.... my cottage cheese and yog for lunch was filling yet, no crunch... I just want something.... ready to borrow my dogs chew toy...
  20. chef neil

    Weak or Dizzy

    Hi- I am 9 days out, today so far has been my best. weak? I get tired, this morning I had a shake and had to go do an errand- I was not my bubbly self, it took strength to drive into town, and back... this is why I guess they give you 3 weeks off, surgery + recovery time... My wife, took longer to recover, around week 3 she was like a cyclone...
  21. chef neil


    not sure if it is appropriate here, It's a wine blog, about how I make wine and the recipes complete with pics. check it out.
  22. Tanya- the only one the spouse is not able to come to is the Psyc. eval. You always need an advocate when dealing with an H M O First meal my wife was given, they had regular jello- and the apple sauce had sugar too... I was on them quickly... Hello- NO SUGAR! also had a PM nurse offer to bring my wife a candy bar around midnight... Bariatric surgery and a good case of the dumps... ALWAYS have an advocate there for you!!! two heads better than one...
  23. chef neil

    Constipation is over

    I could be on my dying bed before I have another glass of gatorade or a sip of miralax... TYVM! to get through the process, I was required a Colonoscopy... 'nuf said... well constipation ain't my problem... not sure if anyone else has had this- I blow the tidy bowl guy away, I mean one big diarrhea and that's it... I am only a week out and eating, well gumming, jello/pudding/soups/applesauce... so I guess it comes out like it goes in???
  24. chef neil

    New Guy in Town

    Hi- Welcome... I'm 8 days post op - did a 2 mile walk today, feels good. sit back and don't be afraid to ask...
  25. I'm one week out... and just walked two miles this morning, less than what I was doing pre-op but it felt good! scared? why? perhaps writing your fears? are you afraid of change? are you afraid of the hospital/nurses/staff? are you on the fence about it? I had all this going on in my head- over the 13 week class I attended and each week a fear fell to the wayside and was just that. FEAR- (False Evidence Appearing Real) my biggest obstacles were getting Water in and food- nausea was not kind to me. once they took me off the dilotin, because I am allergic to morphine, switched me to Ty/Codeine things became much better. the pain was minimal after surgery, although GAS pains were not fun. I was down 3 days... I have had flu's worst than that!... I actually think I could go back to work, but I won't... this vacation feels real good! On my walk today, my wife asked what I was grinning about... reply; The people going to work... they looked like zombies... I'm gonna enjoy each day- last monday -6/13- I was reborn!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
