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Posts posted by Sammi25

  1. i also was worried about this but my doctor said it went by initial bmi, and the diet was just to show that you are willing to stick with the diet and to show that you are commited to changing and to help lower risk during the surgery.

  2. Just looking to see if anyone on here is documenting their journey on intagram? I would love to find some people to follow for ideas and motivation and all the "hashtags" for VSG, WLS, etc are fairly small. If anyone is on there and would like to gain followers and find other VSG-ers maybe we could list our usernames below? Thanks guys!

  3. if you arent eating enough Protein and calories u will not lose. u MUST get in your protein especially when you're exercising. everyone stalls and thinks it will last forever and it doesn't, but if you are starving your body it will hold onto the fat and thats why you have to be getting in that protein and calories. i am 13 months post op and down 120 pounds and i also wanted to be farther along by now, but its not up to me its up to my body and i have to be patient and know i am doing all that i can. bump up that protein!!

  4. I am larger on the top than on the bottom, right now im in a size 6 jeans but a large/xl top, i have PCOS so i tend to hold all my weight in my stomach. My chest went from a full double d down to a c, and my stomach has lost about 14 inches around. i have lost 120 pounds so far and my shape isnt changing im just balancing out more now i guess

  5. So good to know I'm not the only one in their early twenties having surgery. I'm 24 and having surgery on aug 21st. Do you guys ever get asked by other wls patients "arnt you too young to have surgery"??

    usually i was told that i made a great decision by not waiting until i am older, which i agree with! if anyone gives you a hard time just remember they dont have to live inside your body!

  6. i had not one, but TWO guys i dated tell me they liked me better heavier. that my 120 pound weight loss made me LESS attractive to them, and that ALSO makes me resent them. what, was i just a fat girl fetish? we all go through resenting someone at some point but the best thing u can do is not let him upset you. i know it's hard but if he is being malicious, it might be time to let him go and focus on yourself. there will be plenty of new guys who will appreciate your body as is, and in the future.

  7. I also have really bad pcos and suffered and still suffer from some bad stalls but that seems to happen with non pcos-ers too. my stalls were 3 weeks out, 3 months out, 6 months out and a year out. all varied in length but i was so frustrated. the biggest thing for me was thinking i was never going to lose again but you will. your body has to take a break and digest the weight loss and it will start to come back off again. right now just stick with what your surgeon suggested and try mixing up your workout routine that always helped me. im a little over a year out and lost 120 pounds and i still am working on losing in my gut that seems to be my biggest problem area, but it does come off and it will come off for you too!

  8. i also have a hard time with this, but i learned that it doesnt go away so you have to embrace it. i always just respond with thank you so much! i still have a long way to go but I'm trying! this kind of cuts off the awkward feeling i get of thinking that i am too big to be complimented and kind of diverts people from asking too many questions. i work in a big building and find people come up to me daily, who i dont ever remember seeing before, to tell me i look great. sometimes it is uncomfortable but you really just have to learn that it is just people genuinely being happy for you, and you should be happy too. Just because you arent a goal weight doesn't mean you cant Celebrate how far you have come!

  9. we all drive ourselves crazy at one point obsessing over what everyone elses numbers are versus our own. i am a little over a year out and i am not at goal and i see people who are at 8,9 months and i think, "im failing." but i also have lost 120 pounds! and i have to remind myself that while others may be at goal of losing 80 pounds, i had to lose much more. so try not to obsess because your journey, body and numbers are different from everyone elses. we all hit the dreaded stalls and the best thing to do is switch up your carb intake and work outs. the longer post op we are, the harder it is to lose weight. at a year out i lose super slow compared to the first 6 months. and thats okay! i have never been into gatorade just because of the carbs, i would also dilute it if i were you like other people have mentioned. just be mindful and try to switch things up it sounds like you are being hard on yourself, which we all do!

  10. I chose to tell a group of close friends and family, and everyone else I do not tell. Usually if a group of us gets together at least one person in the group knows of my surgery and will "share" my lunch with me or distract others from noticing im barely eating. It is difficult though. Recently I was taken to a buffet, against my will, and was embarassed when a friend made fun of me for only eating a salad. But I respond with things like I am on a diet, etc etc. I really have only had a few occasions where its been an issue, but I did have to tell people I see often. And I explained to them all the pre op work you have to do to get approved and once they heard what I had to say, they all have been nothing but supportive. Hopefully if you decide to share your decision, your father and step mother will be supportive too :)

  11. i also am a rider and i feel like my horse is also loving the 120lb weight loss! i never wanted to ride when i was heavier because i felt so awful and felt bad for him, even though he is abelgian draft horse lol were both enjoying our time together a lot more now!

  12. Hi! I have Aetna and I was approved on the first try a year ago. I had to do 2 sleep studies a psych visit nutrition appointments and a few other things but it was worth it to get approved right away! i had a high bmi, and co-morbidities (pre diabetes and sleep apnea) and they told me the more things wrong with me, the easier it is to approve the surgery. I am a year out and still have yet to receive any kind of bill. Good luck to you all!

  13. you are definitely not done! i also had a stall about 3 months out that lasted a few weeks before the weight started to slip off again. it sounds like you are doing exactly what you need to be doing! The best advice I got was to pump up my weights and mix up my cardio routine. that helped me a lot! And congrats on the awesome weight loss so far, don't be discouraged we ALL go through it and think it is the end of our weight loss, and it never is! :)

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