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Everything posted by wondering1

  1. wondering1

    Does anyone know??

    So I had looked online for like 25 minutes and of course right after posting this question I found the answer. The 4C Half and Half drink mix contains approximately 10mg of caffeine. I'm still going to drink it but not every day. Thanks all!
  2. wondering1

    Ok ya'll. I'm an idiot.

    Thanks Bryn! You're the best!
  3. So lately I've been posting about how I've been on the week 2 stall for like 10 days. Well now that the scale is acutally moving... Yes, it moved! I lost 5 pounds since Monday! I want to reflect this on my ticker but I don't know how. I don't want to create a whole new ticker either. I tried making the change in the "edit my signature" section of this website but that doesn't work. Can someone please tell me how to add my new weight loss? Thanks so much.
  4. HI there. Sorry you're feeling so rough. I also had a very difficult recovery for like the first 10 days! I promise you will start to feel better but skip the Isopure for now. You're main focus is to get fluid in. You cannot let yourself get dehydrated! You will not get protein difficient in 10 days. Just try to focus on your water. I didn't start getting all my protein until day 12 and my surgeon said that was perfectly fine. Water/liquid first. And I promise it gets better. Hang in there!
  5. wondering1

    Hi sleevers, Im 37 days in.

    Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. And don't worry, your body is stll getting slimmer and tone, even if the scale doesn't show it right now. It WILL start to move again. Promise.
  6. wondering1

    Missing work??

    I'm a teacher so I really didn't have a choice as to when to go back to work. I started work this Monday, which was day 13 post op for me. I'm really tired at the end of the day and when I have to walk the building a lot but I'm ok. I do come home and take a short nap after work. And my pain tolerance is VERY low but I was actually feeling much better on day 10. Hope this helps.
  7. wondering1

    Sleeved August 8th

    Swizzly, Are you still losing eating that much?
  8. wondering1

    Sleeved August 8th

    I track everything on myfitnesspal.com. I will try lowering my calorie intake and see if that helps.
  9. Heather, I feel your pain. I was sleeved Aug 8th and lost weight great the first week. 7 pounds. Then almost nothing. I lost one pound last week. I've been the same exact weight since Tuesday, August 13th. I'm so sad about it. Here I am in week 3 and I don't seem to be losing any this week either. I do track foods on myfitnesspal.com and I make sure I get my protein and fluids. This totally sucks. I did not go through all the hoops of getting insurance approval and all the pain of surgery to lose this tiny amount of weight. Kinda pissed.
  10. 15 days out and on purees. I cooked 6 chicken legs and some instant mashed potatoes with gravy. When the chicken came out of the oven I was so overwhelmingly hungry. I ate a whole leg without pureeing it first. I pulled the meat off the leg and dipped each bite in potatoes and gravy. I chewed very well. Now I feel horrible (really full) and guilty because I didn't follow the rules. Have I done damage? Should I call my doc?
  11. :lol: VERY VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!! and a little jealous. I was sleeved the same time as you and I've only lost a few pounds. Been stalled for over a week. So whatever you're doing... keep it up! :D
  12. wondering1

    Did I just blow it??

    Thanks guys. I'm not in any pain. I was just really worried. It was a few hours ago and I feel fine now. Time to keep drinking. Thank you so much for posting so quickly. You all are the BEST!!!
  13. wondering1

    Can we take vicodine?

    I was on liquid vicodin post op because I don't handle codeine well. I took it for about 4 days and was fine. I would still call and check with your doc though. That's what the on-call number is for.
  14. wondering1

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I am Prinxessdeb! It's a great app. I love it.
  15. I know exactly how you feel Sara. I cried in the hospital when they were scrubbing my stomach for surgery. I was so afraid. I came through just fine. AND SO WILL YOU. Post when you can and until then I'll be praying for you!
  16. Hi MeMeMee - How are you doing this week? I'm having trouble getting all of my protein in. I can't go to bed until like 10pm because I have to stay up and drink some Unjury Chicken soup broth for the rest of my protein for today. Vitamins are sucking too. I'm only getting in 3 of the 5 I'm supposed to be taking. Let me know how you are doing so I don't feel so friggin alone.

  17. wondering1

    What SIZE are you???

    Pre surgery: pants 22W, tops 2x-3x, panties XL, bra 42DD, ring 7.5, shoe 11W AND I'M STILL WEARING THE SAME DAMN CLOTHES!!!!!!!!! :angry: I went shopping at our Lane Bryant yesterday because I had a coupon that was use or lose. My husband encouraged me to try on different size pants. I was able to wear size 20W's ok but he suggested I try 18W's. The 18W's were definately tight but I could get them up and zipped. I bought one pair of tan pants for work and one pair of trouser jeans in the 18W. I am hoping one day to fit into them. But this is Post Op Week 2 for me and I haven't lost any weight this week. Still kinda pissed.
  18. Thank you. My scale hasn't moved in days so it was helpful to read this.
  19. Today is post op day 11 for me. In the first week after surgery I lost 9lbs. I haven't changed anything that I'm doing except increased my walking. Haven't lost a pound since last Monday. WTF??? Kinda pissed!
  20. wondering1

    scared to death

    Glad to hear you made it to the other side and are doing well! We knew you would! Thanks for the update and take it easy for a while but keep walking. You are awesome!
  21. wondering1

    Post Op Day 11

    I HOPE we are going to lose all this weight! I did not go through all this pain and anguish for nothing. I'll try upping my protein intake starting tomorrow.
  22. wondering1

    Surgery Date August 30!!!

    Congratulations! It's definitely a wild ride!
  23. Sleeved on Monday, home on Wednesday, been sleeping in my recliner ever since. Can't even stretch out in bed it hurts too much. I can honestly say I had no idea what I was getting into as far as pain. I still would have done it, but oh my goodness. When should I start feeling better? I read on here that some people are going back to work on Day 6. There's no way I could do that! I still have some prescription pain meds left but they're probably not going to last until tomorrow. And I want back in my bed. I am so stiff and crimped up sleeping on this darn recliner. Is this normal? When should the pain go away? Thanks all.
  24. wondering1

    I met my first goal today

    Congratulations! That's freaking awesome!
  25. So I feel much better today and I'm done whining about the pain from surgery. Wow. It was something. I even slept in my bed last night for a couple of hours. So I think I'm doing pretty good in the recovery department. My problem is, I'm not getting in much Protein daily. I've been getting 25-30 grams a day and that's all. I can't eat or drink very much so I don't know how I'm supposed to get all this down. My normal routine is applesauce in the morning with my PPI mixed in, then a few hours later I eat 1/2 of a greek yogurt, then finish the yogurt at lunchtime. In the afternoon I try to drink a Protein Drink but can only get down about 1/2 of it. For dinner I've had pureed chicken and tomato Soup. For those of you recently sleeved, how much protein are you getting in each day? For those of you who are veterans.... do you remember how long it took you to get your recommended protein? Thanks for listening.

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