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Everything posted by wondering1

  1. wondering1

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    Hey MeMeMEE, I'll be praying for you tomorrow. I know it's scary to go back into surgery. I'm praying that this is the end of feeling tired and run down and unable eat for you. You deserve the best this little sleeve can give. Just know we're all thinking of you and sending prayers up for you.
  2. wondering1

    Thanksgiving Challenge....

    OH, I guess I should add that I want to lose 11 pounds and weigh 219 on that day. Wish me luck!
  3. wondering1

    October 16 check in

    Ok so some of us are doing good and some of us are hitting a temporary stall. Let's see how we do this Saturday. Congratulations BroadwayBaby, treequeen, Forensichik, KristinaRN and ShellBear!! You guys showed a loss this week and that's something to celebrate! Just think, next week (or at least in the next 2 weeks), we won't weigh as much as we do now!!!
  4. wondering1

    Just got my date -- now the surgery fears...

    OMG I've been there. I was an absolute wreck the last few days before my surgery. On the day of surgery I cried when the nurse put in my IV and the dude was cleaning my stomach prepping me for the procedure. YOU WILL COME THROUGH THIS. When I woke up I was in excruciating pain but glad to be awake. You will be too. Send me a message any time you need a pep talk. YOU WILL BE FINE. Promise
  5. Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm soooo excited for you about your 67 pound loss and your new size and energy I hope I do as well when I am 7 months out.
  6. wondering1

    Things I can't wait to do!

    :lol:I can't wait to buy regular clothes instead of plus size clothes. And the other day I caught myself crossing my legs... I'm not sure when that started but it was pretty comfortable. I can't wait to feel comfortable on an airplane again instead of worrying how people are looking at me and hoping they don't have to sit next to the fat lady who is "spilling over" into their seat. I want to wear sexy nighies for my hubby. I want to go to a party where I'm not the fattest person there. **** summer Water sports **** And everything everyone else said
  7. wondering1

    Sleep Apnea Cured

    Thomas, I'm soooo happy for you! I absolutely hate my cpap. I hate everything about it. I've only lost 42 pounds though and my hubby says I still wake up a lot at night. How much weight did you have to lose before you didn't need it anymore? I'm hoping if I lose another 20 I can throw it in the TRASH!, or return it, whatever. Let me know.
  8. wondering1

    who did you tell?

    I told my husband and daughter and one close friend. AND THAT IS ALL AND I LOVE IT THIS WAY!!! No one at church knows, my parents don't know, my siblings don't know and no one at work knows. People say "hey, are you losing weight? You look great" and I say "yes, and I'm working really hard at it, thanks for noticing". I wouldn't have it any other way. People are too judgemental and don't know how to keep their comments and bs to themselves. Just sayin.
  9. wondering1

    Oct 8th check in

    Hi everyone! I'm checking in REALLY late but I was down 6 pounds this week!!!! what the heck??? I don't know what I did differently but I'm really stoked about it. Hope everyone has a great week. Thinking about it though.... I don't think I did anything different. I keep track of everything on MyFitnessPal and this week looks the same as all the others. Go figure.
  10. wondering1

    Maintenance problems

    I haven't been sleeved long but I don't think it's your age. You said the weight is coming off very slowly, but it's still coming off right? So keep up the good work. I'm sure you'll get it off.
  11. The only protein drink I have been able to tolerate is the Unjury chicken broth. My chocolate and French vanilla mixes can just go in the trash. And I'm 2 months out!! Good luck.
  12. wondering1

    First milestone!

    Hey Jimmy! Congratulations! You must feel terrific. Since I've been taking my weight off I actually look forward to getting up in the morning. It's like a game to see how much protein I can get in that day and how many calories I can burn exercising. I know how you feel because I am very thankful for my sleeve too!
  13. I jumped through all the hoops quickly to get sleeved. Started in April and was sleeved 8/8/11. Spent 2 days in the hospital in horrible pain. I actually thought I was having a heart attack. Day 3 the pain subsided some. I went home on day 3. Days 4-8 were kind of a blurr. Pain meds every 4 hours kept me sleeping a lot. Days 9-12 I was feeling much better. Started putting Vitamins in no sugar added applesauce so I could get some nutrition. Days 13-15 started adding Soups, greek yogurt, soft scrambled eggs, salsa, pureed chicken, mashed potatos and soft finely shredded cheese. According to my doc's rules, I was to start pureed foods on Day 6. So I thought I was doing great as far as eating. Then I read what others are eating. Some people who are 15 days out like me are only eating 200-400 calories per day. Say what? In the past few days I have eaten on average 900 calories per day. I am getting over 70 grams of Protein per day too. Am I eating too much? Is this why I have stalled for over a week? I'm really discouraged with my progress. What do I need to do to get the scale moving again? Is it crazy that I'm able to eat this much? Did the sleeve fail for me? I was actually able to eat KFC today. I had a grilled chicken leg and a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. I admit, I was a little over full after that but I wasn't stuffed like I used to get before surgery. I'm feeling very discouraged because I see people on here losing all this weight in like month one or month two. It's not happening like that for me and I'm able to eat far more than anyone else. Maybe I need to attend a support group meeting.
  14. wondering1

    Sleeved August 8th

    Swizzly - thanks for letting me in on the details of how you're doing. So you've lost over 70 pounds right? That's phenomenal!!! Forensichik - sorry to hear you're still struggling with calories but at least you're losing weight and body fat thanks for your encouragement too. Went to the dr. today for my (almost) 2 month check up and weighed 232 on their scale so I've officially lost 40 pounds! Soooo happy with that!
  15. wondering1

    Protein Counting?

    Myfitnesspal is fabulous! My username on there is Prinxessdeb. Friend request me!
  16. wondering1

    So HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! Please help

    I'm dealing with the same issue at 2 months out. I had the Sleeve and I'm hungry all the time, and always thinking about what I'm going to eat. It's very hard for me to eat below 1200 calories per day so my weight loss is very slow. I'm afraid I'm eventually going to fail at this and not lose anymore weight. I also try to walk at least 30 minutes a day and that does help some. Are you exercising?
  17. wondering1

    Sleeved August 8th

    So the past 2 days I have eaten almost 1200 calories per day. UGH. I don't know why I feel like I am hungry. I know some people don't feel hunger at all. The other thing is, I'm eating the wrong things. Today I had a Protein bar that had 23 grams of protein in it but it was 300 calories. That's a lot of calories. I probably won't make that choice again. Anyway, I still feel like I'm losing slow and at 2lbs per week I'm not going to get to goal in 7 months. I'm going to try stepping up my exercise. Oh, and I have NO idea what happened to my ticker.
  18. wondering1

    October 1st check in

    I am down 2.0 pounds this week. My weight is now 236.0. I think I'm losing kind of slow compared to others. Some people hit goal weight at 7 months. I'm not sure that's going to happen. I'm losing an average of 2-3 pounds per week. Now I'm worried I'm not going to hit my goal. Hmmm. Not sure what I should do because I don't seem to do well on less than 1000 calories per day. Maybe increasing my exercise is what I need. I'm happy with my weight loss so far, but I'm afraid that as it slows down, I won't get to goal. Anyone else feel this way??
  19. wondering1

    Just curious to Know

    I'm only 2 months out and eat 1000-1200 calories a day. I'm still losing 1.5-2 pounds per week. My doc is very happy with my nutrition and my weight loss. I exercise regularly and eat protein dense foods. Good luck to you
  20. Hi happy. I was sleeved 8/8/11 and have lost 34 pounds. And I DO exercise regularly. Since my sleeve date, I've had 2 pretty good stalls. They usually happened around my TOM. I think our bodies just have to adjust. Think of it this way, there's no way this cannot work. We eat less, drink more water, and move more (even if you're not working out). This is the recipe for success we just have to be patient and trust the process. Each time I stalled I upped my protein, upped my water, and upped my exercise. It's worked both times. You may think that 34 pounds is small potatoes compared to the weight loss success of others but hey, I'm losing and I'm happy to be getting healthier. You CAN do this. Trust the process and keep me posted.
  21. wondering1

    New guy here

    Welcome Mark! I know you'll find this forum helpful, I sure have. I'll save a spot for you on the losers bench.
  22. wondering1

    What was I thinking?????

    I've been there. The pre-op diet was hard. But you CAN do this! Good for you that you started early. That means could go that much smoother. I'm pulling for ya!
  23. I've been sleeved one month now and I can eat pretty well. I'm getting 800-1100 calories per day. Sometimes I feel this is a lot! Please tell me how many calories you eat per day and how long you've been sleeved. Thanks everyone!
  24. wondering1


    Has anyone ever eaten so fast that they literally HURT??? I just inhaled 1/2 am egg salad sandwich and I hurt so bad. I want to throw up. Any advice?
  25. wondering1


    You got that right guys! I will focus on chewing sllloooooooowwwwllly. I felt awful for almost an hour. And I was in the car driving home from WVU with my husband so it's not like I could go lay down or something. Dear God, please do not let me ever experience that again.

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