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Everything posted by wondering1

  1. Big Joe, Congratulations on all the weight loss pre-surgery! You seem to be progressing beautifully! Today is my last day of the 800 calorie liquid / bar diet. Saturday and Sunday it is clear liquids ONLY. Ugh. really not looking forward to that. My surgery was moved up to Monday so I am really excited though. I'll be thinking about you on the 16th.
  2. Is there anyway to turn them off? This is incredibly annoying.
  3. wondering1

    6 month supervised diet... really???

    I'm not an insurance expert but you're 6 months of weight loss and nutrition should count for this time as well. You should not have to do it again. Check with your insurance company. Most only require 6 months of a documented program in the last 2 years. If I were you, I would contact my insurance company and make sure I knew the details of the requirements. Good luck!
  4. wondering1

    6 month supervised diet... really???

    I feel your frustration. It seems as though the only way to get out of it is to change insurances or become a self pay. All I can say is go ahead and sign up for the six month program. I know it seems crappy but it's really not that bad. Before you know it, your surgery date will be here! Just go for it! You can do this!
  5. HI everyone. I know there is a thread somewhere that addresses this but I can't find it. So far on my list are: Gas-X, lip balm and my CPAP machine. Can anyone add to my list and tell me what they're planning to take or took? Thanks for your input.
  6. wondering1


    Before I decided to get the sleeve a co-worker went throught the whole process and was denied by our insurance. Then she would eat large meals for dinner: cheesesteaks, mac and cheese, etc and then lay down and watch tv and go to bed. Within a month she had the BMI she needed. I'm not suggesting you do this. I'm just telling you what happened to her. Good luck whatever you decide
  7. Kimberlina, What did they not tell you to do? Something easy to reconcile or not? If it was something like your pre-op diet or a test just get it done. Your doctor's office is making a great deal of money off of you so there is no reason for them to treat you horribly. Let me know how things turn out.
  8. wondering1

    What to take to the hospital

    My stay is supposed to be 2 nights also. I'm worried I'll be bored on Wednesday because I have to be there all day with nothing to do. My scheduled release is Thursday afternoon. I also went to Walmart and bought a heating pad yesterday following the advice on here. I'll take that too. Good idea to bring your own protein.
  9. wondering1

    Am I being a brat?

    Also, can you be a "self pay" for that one class? That way they don't have to wait for insurance approval. I did that so that I could start my nutrition classes sooner. It cost me $159.00 but it was worth it to me. Let me know what happens.
  10. wondering1

    Am I being a brat?

    CultLogic, Usually when I ask "am I being a brat?" I am. But in this case I think you're being reasonable. I would call and ask to speak to the office manager. Tell him/her your concerns about the 4-6 weeks to take this one class. Tell them that you feel you're being put off because you missed that one class. Ask what your options are. Then write another post and let us know what happened. Sorry you're going through this, but I think you can get it resolved. Best of luck!
  11. wondering1

    caffeine withdrawal??

    Forensikchic - I'm going throught the same thing and this is DAY 3. My headache is still bad and I think it has to do with lack of caffeine and lack of calories. I am only allowed to have 4 shakes and one Protein bar per day. Today I cheated and had a slice of low salt bacon. I know I shouldn't have but shrinking the liver has to do with the restriction of carbs and sugar. I didn't have any of that.... and I was soooo hungry. Anyway, I know we can both get through this successfully and make it to surgery I plan on buying some SF popsicles today.
  12. Suez, I know all Aetna plans can be different by my Aetna *** has been pretty good about what they will accept. Working out at home has been fine for me. Also, I don't think they need detailed notes from your pcp, just documentation that you are trying and they are recording your weight. Aetna didn't even require me to lose any weight before approval. I am surprised you had to do 6 months though. My Aetna *** only required 3 months. And usually, the surgeon's office has someone there that deals with the insurance companies. These individuals know exactly how to get everything approved so the surgery can go forward. If you have specific questions though, call Aetna and speak to a representative about your plan. Hope this helps and good luck!
  13. I"m not talking about the pop ups. I'm referring to the ads that appear inside people's posts. Such as the one right inside my first post. Maybe I'm doing something wrong if I'm the only one who can see this???
  14. wondering1

    Day 8 of pre-op diet..

    Shell77 - I am right there with you. I'm on DAY 3 today and it totally sucks. To make matters worse, my doc has me on a specific brand called Optifast. It is so disgusting and hard to get down. I plan on calling them today and asking if I can substitute anything else. They mentioned Carnation Instant Breakfast but I want to make sure. What plan are you on?
  15. wondering1


  16. Today is only DAY 1! How am I ever going to get through this? I think I'm going to go to bed just to stop thinking about how hungry I am. Anybody else going crazy on their pre-op?
  17. wondering1

    PRE OP DIET :)

    Thanks everyone for your replies and encouragement. This is DAY 2 and it is better. I am one of the people who is not allowed to have lean meat or non-starchy veggies while doing this. Forensikchic - my caffeine headache lasted all day today but now I'm getting better. MeMeMEE - I think you're having surgery Monday, right? I love this forum. If I didn't have all of you to talk to I'd be going crazy!! Thanks everyone!
  18. wondering1

    Info from the beginning

    Hi Eric, Welcome! So glad you decided to look into the sleeve. I am being sleeved in 9 days so I can only speak to you about the pre-op process. Depending on your specific insurance it can be a little different. I met with my primary care doc and told him I decided I really wanted to have WLS. He referred me to a bariatric surgeon and I attended a seminar in my area. That was around 4/28. At the seminar I learned more about each surgery and was really interested in the sleeve. My next appointment was with the surgeon. We discussed all options and I decided on the sleeve. The surgeon said I would need a cardiac clearance and a pulmonology clearance and that I would have to get those on my own. For the cardiac clearance I had to do an EKG, a nuclear stress test and an echocardiogram. All of these were pretty painless but took about 3 weeks to complete. The only one I can really complain about was the stress test because it was a pain in the arse. I was put on a treadmill set with a steep incline and had to walk really fast on it for about 8 minutes. My heart rate went up to 180 and I thought I was going to pass out and fall off that dumb treadmill. For the pulmonology clearance, I had to do a breathing test and get this.... 2 sleep STUDIES!! I was really kinda pissed about the second sleep study because these things are horrible. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and had to get a CPAP machine to sleep with. I don't use it, but I will take it with me for surgery. Apparently everybody that's 100lbs overweight is "diagnosed" with sleep apnea. I think It's just a crock and a money making thing for the providers of these horrible machines (sorry, just my opinion). Next, I had to get a 2 year weight history from my primary care doc and send it to my surgeon. No big deal. Now for the nutrition part. I had to attend 6 Nutrition and Life Skills classes to learn how to eat properly before and after my sleeve. And I had to weigh in at every class. My insurance did not require me to lose any weight during this process but I know there are some that do require a certain amount of weight be lost. The biggest thing they stress at these classes is drinking your Water everyday and getting enough Proteins and Vitamins. Most of us will have to take vitamins the rest of our lives after surgery. They also stress that the sleeve is just a tool and will only work as hard as we work. I am now on my pre-op diet preparing for surgery next Tuesday. I'm hungry and I have a headache (probably since I haven't had any caffeine today, not allowed). This will probably be one of the hardest parts of the whole process for me. Not looking forward to the next 8 days. Again, welcome! I hope some of this information helps
  19. Hi everyone! I've had great success with the powdered protein drinks that you mix with milk, etc. Does anyone know of some clear protein drinks that are tasty? Thanks
  20. wondering1

    Little to some, BIG DEAL to me

    Bryn, So happy for you!!!! Glad to hear you're rockin that sleeve!
  21. I have 45 minutes to eat regular food. Tomorrow I start my all shakes liquid pre-op diet. Then I know after surgery I won't be eating regular foods for a while. I promised myself that midnight tonight would be the start of thus new me. So I have 45 minutes to eat something yummy and bad for me what would you have?
  22. So I start my pre-op liquid Optifast diet on Monday and today I'm eating everything in sight. I've had ice cream and lots of Little Debbie's. I think I'm afraid of missing out on something once Monday gets here. Is this "last supper" syndrome? Ugh! I need to just stop!!
  23. Hi Shell, I'm a teacher too and plan on sleeping through my 7 days of the pre op diet. The less I'm awake, the less tempted I'll be. Lol. My date is August 9th. What state are you in?
  24. It's not so bad. Really. I actually switched to Aetna half way through because they only require 3 months. Surgery in 12 days
  25. August 9th for me I went to Rent A Center today and rented a double recliner for a month. it's a love seat with a console between the two chairs. My hubby said he would sleep in it with me during my recovery. I'm really excited! 12 days! I can't wait!

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