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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by keepaloozen

  1. Hi There,

    If you weren't freaking out, I would think that there is something wrong with you. We all freaked out. After all, you are having surgery, and then afterwards, your relationship with food will forever be changed. THAT IS A GOOD THING. I am a little over 2 most post op, and I am so glad I had this done. If you wish, write the letter. Of course, you will tear it up when you get back home and know that you are doing fine, but for the time being, if that helps, do it. Good luck. By the way, I enjoyed a nice glass of wine today as well.

  2. Hi There,

    At 6 days out I thougnt I was starving all the time. Someone recommended that I begin using an acid reducer such as Prilosec because this acid gas can mirror hunger. Well, I was skeptical, but I tried it, and sure enough, it helped! The hunger toned down alot. Also, when you are on liquids you are never really full. I was lucky enough to be permitted to eat yogurt, and cottage cheese, which helped. Try an acid reducer, and see if this helps at all. Good luck.

  3. I know that we all lose at different rates, but I'm almost 2 mos. post op, and this last month I have lost a total of 6 pounds! ): I have never lost weight quickly, but I was hoping for a bit more than this. I know that I shouldn't be whining, and 6 lbs. is better than nothing. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this slow weight loss, and did it speed up later on? I guess on the positive side, I never had a problem with any food. I seem to be able to tolerate just about anything that I've tried. (I haven't tried bread though) Just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for listening. Linda

  4. Hi, I had a drain for a week after surgery. I had to measure the output and keep a log. There was no pain involved. It is a tube with an egg shaped bulb at the end that collects the Fluid. The doctor gave me a gizmo to wear around my neck that I could attach the bulb part to. I wore that for awhile, and then I began just sticking the bulb part in my bra cup. It was easier. When I went into the hospital, I brought a large safety pin with me so that I could pin the drain to my hospital gown. Someone on this link had recommended it. I'm so glad that I did. I used it.

  5. You know, its funny, but you and I are almost at the exact same stage post op. I am 6 weeks out, and I have been at a stall for about 3 weeks. I am not as diligent about counting calories as you, but I watch what I eat. The more I read, the more I see that there are alot of people like you and me. This stall thing is obviously very common, although no less frustrating. I also am having a hard time with exercise, but in my case its because of my bad knees.

    You seem to be doing everything right. I think that I am too. I know my body, and it doesn't like to give up anything, including fat. Sooner or later its got to happen. Truly, we can't be eating this way and not lose weight, right?

    It's good to know that you aren't alone in this journey. Sometimes when I read what others have lost, it makes me dizzy. You and I are probably going to lose at a slower pace, but we will lose.

    Just keep doing what you are doing. I will too. Let's hope we break this stall together.

  6. Hi, I'm new here. Had my band for 5 years before removal 2 weeks ago. Lost 50lbs at first, then nothing. I'm hungry all the time.... Fullness was never achieved with the band. A couple bites of healthy food didn't give a full sensation, just pain or vomiting if I tried to eat more. It did not take me long to figure out how to 'graze' to satisfy my hunger. After a diagnosis of severe reflux, the band filler was removed and I gained back all the weight. Now I'm looking to have the sleeve but I'm terrified of making another mistake.... Will this 'tool' really help me with appetite/hunger?

  7. Hi Gloria,

    Well, I never equated having reflux and mucus with the band, but thinking back on it, maybe it did play a part. Sorry that I can't be more help to you about that. All I know is that I am glad to have the band out of me. Nothing worse than the pain when food got stuck. I did alot of vomiting with it.

    As far as the head hunger, I was plagued with it the first few weeks after I had the sleeve done. I was always hungry. Then someone suggested that it could be gas pains, that my brain interpreted as hunger. I began taking previcid, and sure enough the constant hunger went away. Now it is much easier to control the hunger. Sure you get hungry sometimes. I'm happy about it because I enjoy looking forward to my meal. However, I get full much, much faster, on much less food. You will too.

    When I had the band, food got stuck all the time, and so I never really ate well. I was always hungry, and would eat junk food which went down nice and easily. Do I still get cravings for chips, cheetos, etc? If I think about them long enough I do. But not like before. The hunger doesn't back up the cravings. It's easier to substitute something more healthy.

    Hope this helped. Good luck.

  8. i was between 600-800...last week i was told to up it to 1000, which is honestly hard to do, in between drinking Water etc

    the highest I have been able to do is 900 and something. and still no movement.

    Just trying to figure out how to up my calories and still eat healthy food, and stay low carb...honestly this is annoying :rolleyes:

    I'm with you. I've lost a total of 1 lb. in 2 weeks. This is disgusting for sure. I really don't count calories. I just try to eat the right stuff. I have to keep remembering that this is a common occurance, and this too shall pass. (it better) I'm going to try to exercise more even though my knees are killing me. I really need to break this stall.

  9. Wow, just received my hospital bill and I almost fell over! I have insurance, but I knew that I would have to pay a percentage. My hospital bill, (everything includ. surgery room, etc.) was $66,000 ! That's right! It is so hard to believe. I was in the hospital overnight, and left the next afternoon. I realize that it is an expensive propostion, but really? I think that I will owe less than $4,000, but I wonder how the insurance companies will continue to ok this type of procedure, when the cost is so high. Am I just naive, or is this rediculously high?

  10. Hi, I would agree that you are stalled. So am I at this time. I lost for 3 weeks, and then the fourth week, nothing. I am not weighing myself for a few more days, so I can't tell you if it is broken. This is very common. Some people stall for a few weeks. I hope neither you or I have that problem. As far as the second question, I was very much like you. I felt what I thought was terrible hunger pangs in between meals. I began taking an antacid. (pepcid) and it helped dramatically. Those hunger pangs can actually be acid. That acid reflux can also stop you from getting all of your liquids in. Try taking something for the acid. Hang in there, and so will I. Bottom line is, with a stomach this small, we will lose the weight. Some of us sooner, than others, but we will get there.

  11. Hi, Well, yesterday was my 30 days post op, and I celebrated by eating meatloaf. So you won't be on liquids forever. I still take my Protein Shakes religiously, buy I also eat real food. You will too. We have to take it slowly, because our tummys are healing. I am healed on the outside, but my stomach is still healing. The shakes will be with me for a while, but that's ok. When I feel like a snack I take a little piece of Laughing Cow soft swiss cheese, or a yogurt. It makes me feel normal. I had the band before this, so I'm accustomed to stages of eating. Before I was sleeved, I worried about everything. It's very normal. I too, have 100 lbs. to lose. I'm on my way! Good luck!

  12. I'm 4 weeks postop, and I hit the stall. Didn't lose an ounce since last week. Gratefully, I expected it, because I have read about everyone else. So I'm not going to freak. I start my mushy foods this week, and I find it a bit harder to determine what to eat. If anyone has some ideas, I'd appreciate it. Also, could someone tell me when my hair will begin to thin, so I can try to prepare myself mentally. This really freaks me out. Thanks my friends.

  13. Fear can make us do illogical things. I am almost one month post op. I can remember the week before surgery walking around numb. It was surreal. I could and then again couldn't believe I was going to go through with this. What am I, nuts? I am going to allow someome to cut the majority of my stomach away? The worst was the day of surgery as I was getting my preop done in the hospital. I felt dizzy, I swear. Well you know what? It's never as bad as the anticipation. Take a deep breath, and review all the reasons that you want to go through with it. Have faith in your doctor and yourself. I have to tell you, that I felt pretty good as soon as I got home from the hospital. My surgery was more involved, because I had the band removed, and then the sleeve done. I had all these visions of terrible pain and nausea, which never occurred. I am having no trouble eating, and if anything, I think that I eat too much. So far I have lost, (counting my 1 week preop diet) 22 lbs. Not bad, right? Know that you are absolutely normal, and we all have been there. In a few weeks, you'll be writing someone to help calm their nerves. Good luck!

  14. Don't feel bad HUG There is a HUGE l Learning curve going on. It takes time to figure things out. The ONLY reason I knew to eat every three hours was because of a failed diet from 5yrs ago that explained that if you're not eating at least every 3 hours while consuming such small portions your metabalism will go on hiatus. As long as you are feeding your body every few hours (regardless of how little you may be eating!) your body will work to burn off fat.


    Thanks for the tidbit about eating every 3 hours. I didn't know that. I

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